A story of a boy who lost his father mysterious.His father’s benevolent heart lead him to his early grave.The young teenager decided to write this story to express his own perspective.He father had a best friend who they both lost their parents at a tender age.They both decided to build a brotherly bond in order to make their parents proud.As early as they was they learned how to cater for themselves.Life offered them nothing only pain,hardship and disgrace were before them.They beg for money from people everyday just to eat.This continue for long until they both decided to go and steal one day.Both wasn’t certain of that act but had no other choice.During their operation they were caught and nearly killed them,a young man came to their recuse. When it felt as if all hopes were lost,mother of earth brought the man to their way.This young ,kind gentle man sponsored them through schooling but unfortunately he died few weeks they were going to be graduated. Life indeed showed them a lot.The both wept bitterly on the lost of their beloved helper who was more like a father.After their graduation, the teens father had a great job in a big company and his best friend was not yet employed. Years want by like days.Hatred full is best friend heart seeing the progress of his friend.The teens dad decided to send his best friend abroad after his first two salaries. His departure was to go there and make his dreams a reality but it want the order way round. After so many year the teens dad said finally your dreams will become a reality soon.Before his departed they both had fun as brothers. It came so soon and it was time to go.Both pay farewell to each and hoped to see soon. I am now at peace said the teens father. Month and years went pass by late like days. Not hearing from his best friend who was away left him worried(teens father).It seems like earth knows what was going on, the next month he arrived from abroad and called to come pick him up.On his arrived, he saw that his friend had changed so well (teens father).The Both celebrated his achievements and success not knowing fully well that his has nothing to show forth he sent all those years achieving nothing. His motive was to steal his friend property. After he was offered a big post in his friends office.(teens dad). On one faithful day he brought a document to be signed by his friend(teens dad) without glancing through, he signed the document of a transfer of all his properties. Indeed no one is worth to be trusted.It came that the owner of the company felt really sick (teens dad) and needed huge sum of money to treat his sickness. But it turned out that he had no money. He was told that his properties is now in the possession of his best friend.He was shocked but thought through and called his best friend and asked him to send the money, he refused and told him the bond they shared was just friendship and nothing else due to that he died out of an heart attack.After so many things he did for his friend..he was the one who killed him. He denied his family (teens dad)of the properties.Twelve years later,he is now living a luxurious life with three wayward children.The
Wealth he accumulated from his best friend made him very rich and made his children mannerless.indeed karma said what goes around will finally come back around. His first son was a disgrace, he drop out of school, engage in all kinds of criminal activities and impregnated three different girls.His daughter was another way to describe shame. His children was actually like a big curse. He son has been arrested so many times based on drugs in imported to sell for gangsters.The last one was one his son sold his properties and was defrauded afterwards.This made his father really sick and was rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment.Guess what no money to even pay for his medical bill.The sickness has gotten the worst of him. He then lost his life. His children were arrested and sentence twelve years in jail,hard
Came to cross my way could be my very end.But before my father died,he said beware of those you choose as friends.The know you and the can destroy you.At that time He did not understand until....it finally happened to him.