The story begins with 26 year old Rafeal colson who was a self made billionaire he and his mother lives in Toronto Canada, Raf like his mother always calls him was a very nice person he care about everyone around him even his employees at his company RAF INC: but despite being sweet on the outside he was suffering on the inside because the only person he had in life his mother passes away and he's devastated and sad,
Few years ago
15 year old Raf came home running to the bedroom him and his mother share and he was excited because he had sold all the bottles he picked around their community but he stuck in his tricks when he saw his mother on the floor he screamed and ran out to call their neighbors and they came and helped him take his mother to the local hospital there his mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they needed to pay 50,000 dollars before she could be treated the young boy begged all the doctors and nurses to help him but no one did, and he was kicked out of the hospital with his dying mother, at home his mother told him not to worry that everything will be okay and he believe his mom not knowing is the last conversation he will ever have with his mother the next morning he got up and went to make tea for his mother only to find out she was unconscious and this time she was cold to the touch and he knew right there and then that his only family was gone and he was left to suffer alone in this cold world but he made a promise to his mother that he will one day get very rich and powerful and nobody will ever die on his watch due to poverty...
Present day
Raf was standing in front of his company RAF INC: just about to leave for his hospital were they treated poor people for free and give them the best treatment possible his hospital was named after his mother Ophelia colson hospital and of all his properties the hospital was his most proud achievements... on his way to the hospital his phone rang and why he was distracted he knacked someone over and he was shocked to find who it was.....
Stay tuned for part 2