Chereads / Battle For The Crown / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

King Cyrus sat at the royal courtyard alone. His pale blue eyes glanced at nothing in particular. His golden crown was a bit lopsided on his hair. The royal robe was folded on the bench beside him and his legs were crossed. He was waiting for someone.

Since the day he saw Sebastian at the Kingdom square, he hadn't been able to take his mind off the boy. Apart from the fact that the young man reminded him so much of his lost love Evaleen, he also sensed something strange in him. A kind of strange power. As a high ranking demon that he was, he was able to sense his kind. And the power he felt from that young man wasn't ordinary. He had tried to forget about him but something kept nagging him about the boy. When he couldn't bear it again, he decided on his next action.

"You sent for me Your Majesty",a man arrived and bowed before Cyrus. He was a large muscled man with thick arms and legs. He was bald and had an eye patch over one eye while a jagged scare marred the corner of his other eye. His moustache was bushy and it almost covered his mouth. He had piercing grey eyes hidden underneath busy eyebrows and a crooked nose. His entire appearance was rugged and fearsome. He was one of King Cyrus' trusted men.

"Ghunta",King Cyrus called the man.

"Yes Your Majesty",Ghunta said and bowed again.

"I have a very important assignment for you",Cyrus said.

"I am ready to please my King, Your Majesty".

And Cyrus described Sebastian just as he had seen him in the Kingdom square.

"Follow him secretly",Cyrus said. "Find out where he lives. And who his parents are, if they're alive. Make sure you never take your eyes off of him".

"I live to serve you Your Majesty",Ghunta said, almost bashing his head to the ground as he bowed.

"One more thing",Cyrus said. "Find out if he has the demon blood running through him. There's something strange about this boy that I can't seem to figure out. Report your entire findings to me and no one else. You shall be paid handsomely".

"Yes Your Majesty",Ghunta said. "Long shall be your reign on the throne".

King Cyrus waved a hand towards him and Ghunta got up and left the courtyard. There was a strange gleam in Cyrus' eyes. If truly his suspicions were correct, and the boy was a high ranking demon like him, then it would be perfect. It was time to raise a demon army and prepare for the invasion of the creatures of hell.

And maybe this strange young man had a connection to his Evaleen. Just maybe.

He grabbed the royal robe beside him and walked out of the courtyard. The guards stationed at the four corners of the courtyard bowed as Cyrus walked passed them.

And he failed to notice the presence of someone that had been listening to his conversation with Ghunta.


"The King is getting suspicious",Prince Stephan said to the figure that sat in the shadows of the secret room. He had been walking straight towards this exact room when he saw his father with the bounty hunter in the courtyard. He had hidden behind one of the pillars to eavesdrop and he literally heard everything that was said.

"What do you mean suspicious?",the person in the room asked.

"I saw him with the bounty hunter at the royal courtyard",Stephan said. "He's getting suspicious about the hybrid demon. He has ordered the bounty hunter to keep an eye on him and find out where he lives".

"NO",the person said sharply. "My plans can't be ruined. If the King finds out about his former mistress, he will discover that the hybrid demon is his son. And it will tear down everything we've built".

"What can we do?",Stephan asked. "We can't stop the bounty hunter. The King will get suspicious about it".

"We can't stop the bounty hunter",the person agreed. "But we can buy him over to our side. If I pay him triple the amount he's going to be paid, he is bound to do what we say".

"That could work",Stephan said with a thoughtful look. "But he can't know why we don't want him to report his findings to the King. We can't trust anyone".

"I know that",the person said. "Send out two of the spies to go after him. I need him back here before nightfall".

"Yes Master",Stephan said and left the secret room quickly.

The person quickly took the secret passage and left the secret room.

Stephan was heading towards his chambers when he saw his mother walking towards him with two maids behind her. A quick emotion flashed passed his eyes and disappeared instantly.

"Where have you been Stephan?",Queen Diana asked. "I rarely ever see you. Are you so busy that you can't spend a little time with your mother?".

A small smile played in the corner of Stephan's lips as he bent and kissed his mothers cheek.

"Forgive me mother",he said. Then he stood back and examined her with a smile. "You look absolutely wonderful today".

Diana laughed softly and swatted his arm playfully.

"You always say the sweetest things darling",she said.

Queen Annabelle approached them from the far end of the corridor and Stephan frowned. The hatred he had for her was so extreme that he found it hard to hide it. It was obvious in his eyes. He turned back to his mother and gave a stiff bow.

"I'll be on my way mother",he said.

"Don't tell me you're in so much hurry to go because of me",Queen Annabelle said as she got to where they stood. There was a pompous smile on her face but her eyes were vicious as she stared down at Stephan.

"Of course not Queen Annabelle",Stephan said, pasting a fake smile on his face. His eyes were hard and filled with venom as he stared back at Annabelle.

"Then where were you off to in such a hurry?",Annabelle asked with feigned interest.

"I believe you're not my mother where you would want to know my whereabouts Queen Annabelle",Stephan said with a sweet smile on his face. "I have the liberty to go wherever I want, and I don't need your or anyone else's permission". Diana coughed softly to disguise the laughter that threatened to break out of her.

Queen Annabelle's smile turned cold but she struggled to keep it on her face. The words Stephan threw at her were both innocent and insulting. And she could do nothing about it. She was about to open her mouth and give a snarky retort when Stephan looked away from her and turned to his mother.

"I'll see you at lunch mother",he said and kissed her cheek. With a short nod towards Annabelle that was both offensive and polite, he walked away from them. He had more important things to do than to stand and chat with women.

Queen Annabelle turned her fury towards Diana.

"Such a spoilt brat",she spat viciously. "It's no surprise that he doesn't have a single respect for anyone, knowing he was raised by you".

"Whatever do you mean Lady Annabelle?", Queen Diana asked innocently. "Stephan didn't disrespect you. He merely told you what you should have known already".

Queen Annabelle looked Diana over with contempt in her eyes. She scoffed.

"I'm not surprised",she said. "I can see where he got his rotten attitude from. It's no wonder why the King never notices you. You're just as worthless as your son".

"Just because you pride yourself as the King's favourite, doesn't mean you can get away with anything",Queen Diana said simply. "Watch the way you address me Lady Annabelle. I'm still one of the Queens of this Kingdom and it would do you better to remember that. Else I would report this nasty behaviour of yours to the King".

Queen Annabelle sneered at Diana. She arched a brow and stepped closer to her.

"Go on, little lap dog",she said viciously. "Run along and report me to the King like the little pest that you are. It will just be your words against mine".

Queen Diana merely stared at Annabelle, not minding the insult she threw at her. Her harsh words didn't even faze her.

When she made no move to leave, Queen Annabelle smiled smugly.

"Just as I thought",she said. "Worthless! Spineless. Not fit to be a Queen beside the great King of Duville. And I promise you Diana, when my son becomes King, you all will be thrown out of this castle. And banished from the Kingdom!".

Queen Diana smiled harmlessly.

"Don't be so sure of yourself Lady Annabelle",she said softly. "The King hasn't chosen his successor. And the Kingly trial hasn't begun. You might find yourself disappointed in the end".

"I have no idea why I bother with the likes of you",Queen Annabelle said annoyingly and brushed violently past her. Diana lost her footing and almost fell but the maids behind her held her quickly.

"My Lady",one said. "Are you alright?".

Queen Diana nodded but said nothing. Her eyes followed Queen Annabelle as she walked away and disappeared from sight.

Things were going to change in the castle. And it was going to start from that self-indulgent Queen called Annabelle.