Chereads / Battle For The Crown / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

The caves were dark and cold as King Cyrus entered. Dark signs were engraved on the walls and ancient drawings were lined side by side. He picked his way carefully over the dead twigs and grasses that littered the floor and he was stunned into immobility as a mighty voice thundered out.

"Who dares to come before the presence of the old gods?".

King Cyrus visibly trembled and he fell to his knees, bowing deeply. His voice shook as he answered. "It is I my Lords. Cyrus, loyal servant of the old gods".

There was utter silence as King Cyrus waited for a sign. He dared not raise his head because it would have been seen as challenging the rulers of the underworld.

"Proceed",the god said and King Cyrus sighed in relief. He picked himself from the ground and continued into the cave. Soon he came out in an open space where there was a roaring fire. The fire burned high and reached the ceiling of the cave but it didn't scorch the grasses around it. This fire was a symbol of the old gods. Three mighty statues were built in the cave and the voices of the old gods sounded from them.

"Kneel before the keepers of the underworld",another voice echoed in the cave. It was the voice of a goddess. King Cyrus fell to his knees immediately and bowed his head.

"Why have you come here, descendant of Odin?",the first gods asks. The fire burned brightly as Cyrus lifted his head up to speak.

"My Lords",he says. "Your humble servant is at your mercy. My throne is threatened by my inability to plant a seed in my wives. I have come, to humbly ask for your help. Take this shame of impotency from me, and I will reverence you forever".

There is complete silence for a while. King Cyrus waits as the old gods consider his requests.

"Very well",the first god says. "You shall be blessed with three sons, one each. And they shall take reproach away from you. But beware, a fourth son shall arise and he shall destroy everything you have worked for".

"May the old gods be reverenced forever",King Cyrus said and bowed again. He didn't dwell much on the warning of the gods about a fourth son because he knew he would never take a fourth wife.

"Take an ox and sacrifice it at the stroke of midnight",the female god says. "Let the blood be buried in the earth and the meat given to your wives for three days".

"I shall do as you say my Lords",King Cyrus says. All his trouble were finally coming to an end.

"Now be gone",the first god says.

King Cyrus is on his feet instantly and he slowly backs away. He doesn't turn his back on the cave because it would be seen as challenging the gods. He moves backward until he his at the entrance of the cave. Only then did he turn away and hurried out.

The journey back home was uneventful. They didn't come across a single creature and they arrived at the castle as night fell upon the kingdom like a dark blanket.

"Prepare the fattest and healthiest ox from the stable",King Cyrus says to his guards. "I must make the sacrifice at midnight".

The guards bowed and hurried away to do the King's bidding. The fattest of all the oxen was selected and carried to King Cyrus's temple, where he prayed to the gods of the kingdom.

At a few minutes to midnight, King Cyrus exited his chambers and walked towards his temple. He was dressed in a black robe and he held the sacred dagger in his hands. The guards all stood behind as he walked towards where the ox was tied.

As the clock struck midnight, King Cyrus walked up the temple and raised his hands high above him. "Accept this sacrifice my Lords, and bless me with your promises",he said in a loud voice. He held the dagger in both hands and stabbed it into the heart of the ox. The ox lowed, its body shuddering with pain. Dark red blood spilled out and a guard rushed over with a pail and collected the blood.

"Take the body to the different kitchens and instruct them to serve the Queens with this for three days",he says to the guards standing before him.

"Yes your Majesty",the guards bowed and King Cyrus exited the temple. He took the pail of the ox blood towards the front of the castle and started pouring it into the earth. The guards on patrol spotted him but looked away instantly. They didn't need to know why the King was out there at midnight.

That night King Cyrus lay with his first Queen in her chambers and a child was conceived in her womb. The same went for his other Queens and just as the old gods spoke, King Cyrus was able to plant a seed in each of them. For three days, the Queens ate nothing but the cooked meat of the ox and didn't question why the King instructed it.

A year later, King Cyrus called for a grand celebration for the birth of his new born sons born to him by his three Queens. It went on for days and the entire kingdom was in a festive mood.

The only person who wasn't happy with the news was Evaleen. She had hoped King Cyrus would be childless for the rest of his life as a punishment for abandoning her and her son. Now that he had three heirs to succeed his throne, she felt bitter. Her son was the rightful heir to the throne of Duville. But it was too late for her to do anything about it. She began to regret her decision about hiding her son from the King. She stared at Sebastian who was asleep in her arms. Maybe there was hope. Maybe one day, she would tell him about King Cyrus being his father.


Years ago, before the reign of King Cyrus

Evaleen sat enthralled as Mother Angelic told her the story of her own mother. Her mother, Serenity had been intrigued by the outside world. The world that lay beyond the Garden of Paraden. And she was curious about the humans that lived there. And then one day, Serenity couldn't take it anymore. She left the Garden of Paraden and visited the human world.

"What happened to her?",Evaleen asked wide eyed. She never knew her mother had gone to the outside world. It sounded so magical to her.

"She fell in love with a human",Mother Angelic said. "And they were married. And a few months later, Serenity had a child".

"Me",Evaleen said.

"Yes sweet child",Mother Angelic said. "She had you. And she was so happy. But then, demons attacked the human world and took over it. They killed the humans and in the battle that occured, the man who birthed you lost his life. To keep you safe, Serenity had to bring you back here, where you would be safe. I begged her to stay. You were so tiny, the sweetest angel to be born. But she had to return. She thought she could stop the demons and avenge the death of her human lover. And in the battle with them, she died".

Evaleen looked down sadly. No wonder she had been having this longing to leave. She wasn't just an Angel, she was half human. It all made sense now.

"Why are you telling me this now?", she asked Mother Angelic.

"Because I fear one day, you might want to leave too. Just like your mother did", Mother Angelic said.

"I will never leave Paraden Mother Angelic",Evaleen said. "This is my home. I never knew my mother, and I wish she never left. But you're my mother now. And I will never leave you".

"I hope so child",Mother Angelica said and caressed Evaleen's hair. "I hope you never leave".

But Evaleen did leave Paraden, just like her mother did. And when she arrived at the human realm, her memories as an Angel was erased and she never knew who she was.