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Star Wars: Terren

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The clone wars are about to begin and Earth finds itself in the mist of a war far greater then anything yet seen.

Chapter 1 - Entering The Wormhole

If Jake Asherman could list one thing he hated most about Unification Day it would have to be the noise. The sound of the large capital ships as they entered the atmosphere of Earth. The sound of tens of millions of drunk Terran citizens yelling at the mere sight of the ships as they flew over their heads. But at the moment he was seriously considering bumping up being a babysitter for this new prototype android that the higher-ups had dumped on him an hour before. An hour of non-stop conversation from the talkative android.

"God will you just fuck off with all this talking. You're giving me a migraine with all that noise". Jake yelled as he sped up in his walking in the astronomically small chance the annoying android behind him would leave him alone for even a few precious seconds of silence. He, however, had no such luck in that endeavor.

"I can't as you say: fuck off: I have been ordered to escort you to landing platform seven". The android replied in his cold computerized voice. His two optic lenses moved forwards and backward as they made their way through the crowd of people. Jake had always hated that part about androids. The fact that it looked so much like a human and yet at the same time wasn't. But what could he do after all it had become mandatory to have at least one of them on board every ship only a year before. The war with the SDF (Settlement Defense Front) had ended only a decade before and while the integration of their worlds had been painful, to say the least, it had been, at least, somewhat successful. The last remnants would soon be hunted down and removed. Still, that was but a small consolation seeing as the android wouldn't stop trying to talk to him. Thankfully his suffering would soon come to an end as the landing platform came into view with a transport ship already waiting atop it. Just as soon as Jake was about to open the door it moved aside to reveal a dark-skinned man with short graying hair and hazel-colored eyes.

"Oh good, I see you have already met our newest addition to the crew. How are you? AR-10 is it"? The captain of the Endurance asked in a kind tone. One that the android acknowledged with but a slight nod before replying to the question still left unanswered.

"That is correct, Captain he has. As for how we are...we are fine, sir, however, one of us seems to be a bit...grumpy today". AR-10 replied as he took a seat near the rear of the ship making Jake grit his teeth in anger at the damnable thing. He wasn't quite sure if it was actively going out of its way to piss him off or if it was doing so by accident but either way, he disliked it all the same.

"That's good to hear. Alright, take us up". No sooner had the order been given the ship lifted off from the landing platform and slowly ascended through the clouds. The blue of the planet's atmosphere soon giving way to the blackness of space.

"We are around two minutes out. Feel free to take a look outside". The pilot said as he turned the ship so as to face the blue-green world he and billions of others all called home. That being none other than Earth. The mere sight of his home planet had always made him glad that he had joined the Terran Navy right out of high school.

"Hard to believe only ten years ago we had just signed the Unification Treaty with the Settlement Defense Front. The pilot said as he slowly turned the ship back so to face the rest of the fleet once again. Jake being one to talk struck up a conversation with the man.

"What's your name"? Jake asked in a light tone of voice.

"John Austell if you really must know". The pilot replied as he worked the controls moving the small vessel so as to miss the much larger ships that were all around them.

"How long have you been a pilot? You're clearly very gifted". Jake asked amazed at the man's skills. He himself was a fighter pilot but flying a fighter was far easier than flying a troop transport. That much he knew. It had been what he had originally signed up for. However, it had quickly become apparent that his skills were better suited to that of a fighter craft than flying what was dubbed by many as a space bus.

"Ten years more or less. Joined in 2138. Worked most of that time moving people like you off-world to Terran Station. John said as he landed the ship on the station and they disembarked soon disappearing into the mass of humanity.


Meanwhile, on the edge of Sol, a ship had entered and was currently scanning the system for any forms of intelligent life. It didn't take long for the ship's systems to give its report. Nearly 15 billion lifeforms existed and if the scans were to be believed it was rich in resources. This unexpected discovery would go far in the upcoming war with the Galactic Republic and so the order to make first contact was made.


Meanwhile, on Pluto, a technician picked up the unknown contact.

"Sir, we have something near Terminus. A technician reported soon getting the attention of one of the station's administrators.

"Do we have anything scheduled for today"? A somewhat pudgy man asked as he eyed the console as the younger man typed upon his keyboard.

"No, sir, we don't. We should have nothing near us for another seven hours and that is only a supply drop". The technician said as he turned to face the older man who looked increasingly more worried.

"You're sure? The older man asked his voice laced with growing concern.

"Yes, sir I am". The technician replied before a call came in. It was from Terminus. However, something was wrong. The call was audio-only. That alone sent red flags as it was standard to have video. To only use audio meant they didn't have the power to send the additional information over the comm network or the shield was up.

"What does it say"? The administrator asked impatiently.

"Unknown ship...Send word to the fleet". The message said before it ended.


Word had soon reached every ship in the fleet and at once the sounds of fighters being crewed and orders being given filled the air. Jake himself already had a foot in his fighter when the captain stopped him. The two men sharing a knowing look.

"I know old man I'll be safe". Jake said as he lowered himself into his seat as the canopy locked itself into place with an audible hiss. Once he had run through all of his safety checks he gave the captain a small grin before blasting off into space and into the unknown.


It wasn't long before every fighter squadron had been launched from the Endurance. As for the others they could either be seen ascending through the atmosphere of the planet with all possible speed or were turning to face this as of yet unknown contact. The ones who had already turned to face the contact were now busy launching their own fighters such as the Resolute and the Retribution-B. Jake's wingman was busy looking over what little information Terminus Station was able to send over the network before the call had ended.

"What the hell are we dealing with"? Jake asked as he waited for the younger man's response.

"It's unclear sir. It's big whatever it is. Like really big. I'm reading 825 meters possibly more". The younger man said amazed at the size of the thing on his screen.

Just as his wingman had said that the sizeable ship appeared before them from behind the moon and true to his word it was massive. It was easily the largest starship he or really anyone else in the fleet had ever seen.

"Dear god look at the size of its guns. It could cut our ships in half in one shot". Jake said before patching himself into the network. "This is Jake Asherman don't fire unless fired upon. I say again don't fire unless fired upon.


Meanwhile, the unknown ship's crew eyed the small fleet that was slowly forming around the blue/green planet.

"Sir maybe we should call for aid". One of the drones said before a blue colored blade cut through him like a hot knife through butter. The blade than retreated back to its hilt as the yellow eyes of a cyborg lifeform moved forward. The sound of his heavy steps echoed throughout the room.

"No. I have a better idea link us into their network". The towering cyborg ordered. At once the many drones began to work on doing just that.

"We are inside the network sir". A drone said before the towering cyborg began to read what was on the screen. From what he could tell this planet was enjoying something called: Unification Day: what that was he had no idea nor did he care to find out. Rising to his full height he than ordered to be linked into their comm network. In seconds he was and at once he began to relay his message.

"Hello, I'm General Grievous. I have come representing the Confederacy Of Independent Systems. You may if you wish to call us the CIS". Grievous said before a long fit of intensive coughing interrupted his speech. His last outing with the Jedi had been a close one but in the end, he had escaped their clutches. The fleet before him had since launched all of their fighters but for now, they remained fixed in place. Likely word was being sent to whoever was in command of the planet. Minutes passed with no reply but Grievous had his orders. Gain useful allies for the upcoming war and this world would be that. That is of course if they joined them. Otherwise, their world would be little more than a burning ball of earth.

"Hello, General Grievous. I'm Alexander Ostrovsky 5th elected president of Earth. I and my protection detail will soon dock with your ship momentarily. Do not move any closer or we will open fire on you". Alexander Ostrovsky said before the call was ended. Minutes later a small transport ship lifted off the planet and flew to the CIS ship. Landing safely inside the president and his protection detail soon disembarked. General Grievous alongside around a dozen or so drone stood awaited them. Once the pleasantries had been done the two groups made their way to a conference room. What would result from this meeting would be truely historic. Earth and to a lesser extent the Settlement Defense Front had just taken their first steps onto a much wider stage.


As soon as the president of Earth and the rest of his protection entered the conference room and took their seats Grievous walked in. The loud footfalls made a few of the men flinch every time he took a step around the dull gray room.

"So tell me about this planet"? Grievous asked as his yellow-colored eyes bore into them all with such intensity that the thought they could be set alit seemed almost possible.

"Will, sir we are a united, democratic, and industrial planet. We have colonies on Luna...that's what we call our moon, Mars, and some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn". The president answered before the mechanical monstrosity crossed the room in two steps.

"How did you detect our ship"? Grievous asked.

"Detection nets. We have them on all the planets in case the SDF forces try to renew the war". Alexander Ostrovsky replied before Grievous entered into a long series of coughs.

"We could fix that...for you...if you want of course". Alexander said making the towering android robot thing eye him closely. With but a slight nod an older man stood up and walked around.

"You have some damage here. It looks to be hindering your ability to breathe. Sir if we could land I could ease his suffering. I will, of course, need to run a few tests no way in hell will I allow this opportunity to study a bonafide extraterrestrial pass me by". The man said with what almost sounded like glee. The man was a scientist through and through. Any new discovery or any new advancement he was nose deep into it. It did at times make him wonder about the man but he was a brilliant scientist regardless so he overlooked the man's unusual behavior.

"You're not going to run any tests without his permission. Am I clear"? Alexander said with authority.

"Of course, sir I was just...". The man began but a raised hand from the president saw an end to that. Before another word could be said a drone entered the room and handed Grievous a datapad. His yellow eyes skimmed across its text and the more he read the more intrigued he became.

"What's project Skyforge"? Grievous asked eyeing the collection of humans now nervously eyeing each other.

"I'm afraid that's top-secret you don't have the needed clearance". Alexander said before the room was filled with drones all of whom had their guns pointed at them.

"Now I do. Now tell me what it is". Grievous said with a laugh.


Meanwhile in a galaxy far far away the Jedi order was in the middle of a heated debate. Yoda, of course, had the whole council's attention as he spoke and what he said made all in the room very, very nervous. A wormhole had been found, one that led to a part of the universe entirely unknown to them. Obi-Wan Kenobi was the next to speak.

"We know Grievous entered it. We mustn't delay in sending somebody into the wormhole as well". He said before crossing his arms. His mind was racing with several dark thoughts. Thoughts he did his utmost to dismiss. Had he only been a second faster the cybernetic general would have been dead and the worsening situation with the CIS would likely cool down. As it was it was only growing worse with every passing day.

"Dangerous is it that you propose...careful steps we must take". Yoda said as he watched as the others voiced the same.

"But who to send? We need to send somebody capable of this task". Another said and a new round of arguments ensued. A round that would last for nearly an hour.

"What about Poik. He's capable I trained him myself". Said one of the few Jedi Masters of the relatively unknown race known as Kriess.

"No, Poik is away on mission another must we send". Yoda said as he massaged his temples. This meeting was going nowhere and he could feel the force pull him to another. Focusing his mind entirely inward the name soon became clear. That being none other than that of Anakin Skywalker.

"I propose we send Anakin Skywalker. Good, this will be". Yoda said as Obi-Wan shot forward as he knew he would. The man cared for the boy like one would a brother. Such attachment was becoming detrimental to the boy's growth as a Jedi. This mission would do him good of that the wise old master knew.

"He's not ready, master". Obi-Wan said Yoda only nodded his head in understanding.

"Were you ready when you took the test"? Yoda asked already knowing the answer.

"No, master I wasn't". Obi-Wan said before retaking his seat. It would be the last time he spoke in the meeting. His mind now filled with thoughts of his friend cut down by the cybernetic general known to the galaxy as General Grievous. But the orders were clear and like it or not his brother would soon enter the wormhole and into the unknown. He could only trust in the force to keep him safe.


By the time the meeting had finally ended Anakin Skywalker was at his wit's end. Padme had long since returned to her room for the night leaving him all alone awaiting his master's departure from the tower. He could honestly say he was bored. Oh, sure he knew the rapidly deteriorating situation with the Trade Federation was reason enough to have a meeting last for nearly the whole day but still, he wanted something to do besides sitting and pacing back and forth. When the sound of the door opening entered his ears he turned in time to see his master walk out with a look of great worry. The kind of look he had only ever seen when the man was deep in contemplation or worry.

"Master, what's the matter"? Anakin asked as he fell into line matching the older man step for step.

"A mission my dear friend. You are to enter the wormhole and report what you find". Obi-Wan said as he brushed his hand through his long locks of hair. He had been growing it out for the past few months and if he had anything to say on the matter he liked it. It suited him. But It was clear to him his master was upset but for the life of him, he knew not what it could be. But as the two walked he could feel an unmistakable pull as if the force was urging him down a path with no end in sight. As a former slave, the feeling gave him a jolt of excitement he couldn't help but display. Obi-Wan despite himself couldn't help but smile. Maybe this was for the best. Maybe it was time he finally be allowed to prove that he was truly ready for the rank of master. He was skilled enough to have such a rank after all. That fact was made clear with their last fight. If only he had been faster. If only he had been closer. Returning his mind to the here and now however he turned to face his friend and said.

"Anakin be ever mindful you have a tendency to go a bit overboard. Remember last time". Obi-Wan said with a small smile on his face making the younger of the two to turn away and pout.

"Master please it happened one time". He replied not facing the man but he could feel the man smile. That and he could see the man's reflection in the glass that helped to.

"One time too many my dear friend. Your blade isn't to be taken so lightly. Do try not to lose this one". Obi-Wan said before the two resumed their walk down the hallway to the docking bay.


Meanwhile, senator Palpatine could be seen talking to a holographic projection of a member of the Trade Federation."You said our mining rights were secured and yet I have no less than two Jedi Knights looking around. You need to right this now or else I'll be out of a job". The man said as the hologram flickered and distorted before the stabilizers corrected the distortions. When it did he replied hotly.

"Don't you dare blame me for your incompetence. You superseded your mandate. The Jedi were bound to notice that sooner or later and investigate. Best you clear your data-tapes I can't aid you this time the Jedi are watching me more than before". Palpatine said before ending the call and sighing. If he didn't play this just right all his planning would be for naught. The war was just on the horizon all he needed was one last push and he would have his war and with it the eventual fall of the Jedi. Oh, yes everything was falling into place just as he had foreseen. It would only be a few more days before the attack that would spark the conflict.


The docking bay was as always a mass of noise and movement as ships came and gone seeming every few seconds. Crews rushed over to either load or unload the droids, clean them, or repair them in one of the many mechanic shops found on the lower levels. R2D2 had already been loaded into his fighter all that was left to do was climb onboard himself and run through the launching procedures.

"Anakin...may the force be with you". Obi-Wan said with his arms crossed. A look of unease still on his face. But he did his best to hide it from his padawan though he doubted very much he was succeeding in that task.

"With you as well, master". Anakin replied before he climbed inside and closed the canopy.

"You ready R2"? He asked the droid before the beeping told him that he was indeed ready. As a slave, he was forced to learn a number of languages one of which was of course astrometric. The language of droids. As his ship lifted off Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel something was wrong. As if a cloud had blocked the light of the sun and had cast the world in darkness but just as soon as it had come it was gone. Such feelings had been growing ever more constant in the past few weeks. Maybe it was time he go and meet with the age-old master Yoda for his opinions on this matter. But he knew Yoda would likely have no answers. The force it seemed was becoming harder to understand these days. Such was the way of the force in times of strife.


As Obi-Wan made his way to the wise old master's room he couldn't help but feel something was off. It was as if the force was encircling something that wasn't yet clear enough to see. But try as he may he couldn't figure out what that could be or even when this feeling started to surface. But as soon as the door to the master's room came into view his mind returned to the here and now. He could only hope Yoda had the answers to his many questions.


Meanwhile, Senator Palpatine paced from one side of his sizeable room to the other. The clueless idiot had nearly ruined everything he had worked so hard for all his life, but he knew that having him assassinated just wasn't possible the Jedi would only place ever more eyes upon him than before. No, he had to find another way to deal with the problem. As he recked his brain for a possible solution to the problem one of his most loyal servants entered into the room and bowed.

"My lord a man going by the name of, Pollito Violett awaits you downstairs, sir. The man said as Palpatine eyed the man long and hard making the man worry the news had somehow upset his lord. Such a thing meant only one thing, death. He had seen the red blade only once in his life as a small child but once was enough to instill in him a great fear. But as the seconds ticked by that fear only grew until it was becoming torturous.

"Good now rise my friend. Ensure he is taken care of this meeting mustn't fail or all my plans were for naught ". Palpatine said at long last making the man sigh. Rising to his feet the man exited the room to see to the man's needs as ordered.


As Obi-Wan entered the darkened room he could just make out the form of master Yoda.

"Master"? Obi-Wan asked as he sat before the master.

"Obi-Wan you have come at last". Yoda said. His eyes still closed.

"Master I have come to ask about a feeling. I have felt it for weeks and was hoping...". Obi-Wan was soon cut off by the green hand of the master.

"Worry you are...focus you must". Yoda said as Obi-Wan closed his eyes and looked inward. Seeking out the unknown feeling. In time a vision came into view. Anakin's blue lightsaber classed with General Grievous's own red and green and blue sabers. The battle was quick and fierce. A group of humans could be seen in the distance with a group of droids holding them at gunpoint. Then the vision moved outward onto a fleet of ships unknown to him. A blue/green world sat behind it with spider webs of light. By the time Obi-Wan opened his eyes he had his answers, though not the ones he was after.

"Master I don't understand...what does this mean"? He asked. Yoda, in turn, said nothing as his hand stroke his chin in contemplation.

"Unclear". Yoda said after a minute of silence. "Meditate on this you must...answers you seek there you will find". The pint-sized master said before he made his way over to the door but before he departed the room fully he added. "Be mindful the force shows us only what can be not what will be. Search your feelings for the truth...there it will be found". He said before the door closed and the room was again engulfed in darkness.


Meanwhile, in the depths of space Anakin was approaching the wormhole. But as he did so R2D2 began beeping incessantly.

"R2 what's the matter"? Anakin asked the droid who he had known most of his life. It took some doing but after nearly a minute of incoherent gibberish, he was able to piece it together. It seemed R2 had picked up an unknown energy emitting from inside the wormhole and he was afraid.

"It's ok R2 I'm with you. We are in this together. I'll keep you safe". Anakin said before the ship entered the wormhole and into the unknown. Outside he could see the darkness of space become a milky-white color just before his ship was rocked to and fro.

"R2 stabilizers"! He yelled but it seemed they did little to right the ship as it was tossed every which way. As if that wasn't bad enough a warning soon started to flash.

"Shit hull integrity is down to 72%. R2 reroute power to the shields"! Anakin yelled as the droid began to do whatever it could to slow down the damage to the ship. But just as it seemed the ship would be torn apart by the wormhole the ship exited the wormhole and re-entered normal space.

"R2 scan for any habitable planets". Anakin asked happy to not be dead. But one thing was certain his ship would never make it a second time through the wormhole not without significant repairs and refits. Luckily it seemed one such planet existed, however, the name was unknown to him. Pluto.