When I was able to return back to my family I was discovering that I was hearing the voices of my beloved Nina begging me not to leave her again in the spirit realm she looked like she was being tortured at the time because she was in hell for what she has done in the orthodox ci if he commit suicide you committed great sin. And that is that and I remember reading in school as a young kid before the bolsheviks took over and I was there soon czarist family that I was going around reading Dantes inferno and stuff even though I was atheist I'll try not to tell anyone because the orthodox priest would have my head practically. I believe more in science than I did anything else no one was going to tell me how to live or die or whatever. I always my time. But then I didn't know what to make of the voices of my beloved Nina begging me not to leave her in the spirit realm where she was trapped.
I can see you here whispers of her voice telling her that she love me dearly that she wish she didn't have to do this that gave me the idea that maybe I should reanimate her but I didn't know if she wanted that. I was going mad just thinking of her voices in my head as I sleep at night never more I wanted nothing more to be with her never more to be in love with her again. This was disheartening to hear the torture voices of my beloved who is in the seventh or ninth circle of hell. The violent waster as well she would be there for the rest of her eternal days. She was a tree that was going to only be talking when it bleeds it was very disturbing search is not a beautiful darling flower like her. Who enjoyed my kisses enjoyed my classes as well. I was certain that she was going to go and I have to be torn apart just to talk to me I couldn't stand it anymore I had to get her back in the first round through the only way I can watch it was through science. I was sad Buy my loss from my beloved my parents thought I was going insane as I said I was not through and a spinster now I was a spinster again. Believed to be on Maria bowl at the time I couldn't be able to marry someone either man or woman I was screwed over my face because of my beloved yes. One she died and I was so saddened but then I was able to try to go on but then the voices came. "The ghost nevermore I love you more. Call Sluggo's never more than I have ever loved you what are the sounds of her shrieking hauntings voices and still sound like a sweet voice angelic almost but it was almost disturbing enough to scare me in new thinking that she was actually in my room with me. Soon I ended up having dreams of her. She was in her white cold and other circular outfit that she wore for work we were in a foggy mess I wanted to call up my fathers powers to get her out of hell but ended up getting nowhere it was getting to the point where I was screaming Nina Nina at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night in my parents mansion. I kept screaming Nina until I ended up having to go to as soon asylum as soon as I went there I nearly lost my job. And had to divulge my love for Nina who is dad. It wasn't any better that the psychiatrist was hearing that I was in love with a dead girl now who was living at one point. It was very disturbing for anyone to hear that I was in love with my true love even though she was dead. I was going to be rehabilitated until I decide one soprano night I was going to go and dig up her grave and take her body back to the morgue where I was going to try to find a way to get her back to life back and do this realm. When I told the psychiatrist of my plan he was baffled and thought I was a criminal at first and had me send to prison I spent three years in Siberia. In a Gulag were people who are either criminals or not or put in. I was Starks being in the Gulag and then I was deemed rehabilitated by communist standards. But it didn't stop me there I was going to dig up her grave and bring her back to life. Is it mad of me to play God why there is no going to be playing with us. I think it is important that we should bring back the love ones that have been lost I couldn't even go to a funeral at the time but I do know that she had a very good embalming job done on her course so I was glad when I was going to excavate her from her dirt tomb her dirt prison practically, as if the free her from all that will bring horror and sadness to her I wanted her to be back with me so badly.
When I came with my new assistant my new intern I ended up telling him or her it was not her at the time but I was not very interested in her. But I told her listen I have to dig up this body for a medical experiment. When I did on earth the body of my loved one my Nina my beloved I was not shocked or scared she looked like guys or she was still at Hell's and still as if she was sleeping practically. She look like she was sleeping peacefully and she didn't look like she decayed one bitch so she smelled horrible musty smell. I wanted to be with her so badly that it was going to hurt me to the point where I had to put organs in door from other dead people. When I was going to insert your veins in the anatomical and put them assemble them in their anatomical order and position I was excited that I was going to have her back in my life again. It was just a matter of time when I got the serum ready to reanimator My undead assistant and lover. However I reach the limit of madness I'll never know. Never more