Chereads / Magica Falls / Chapter 3 - To the City of The Villas Queen.

Chapter 3 - To the City of The Villas Queen.

The village was made purely of sandstone which from a distance was impossible to see, being outside of the city walls any small town, village or hamlet must be able to defend themselves against any attack, most villages or settlements resorted to using protection barriers or enchanted weapons, those in the desert had an advantage over those out in fields, forests or by the coasts. They use the naturally formed sandstone and carved their homes, shops and pantries into it, these rudimentary buildings did not necessarily take of the traditional design of a home or store, instead their shapes helped camouflage the village protecting it from any beast, bandit or dark force lurking nearby.

The Kanar residents are known for their Physical Manifestation Magica; the ability to create solid objects or creatures out of the surrounding sand, it was said that during the Dragonfire War they carried a small pouch of sand at all times because many had never left the desert and were unable to use other substances to create anything useful, should they lose their pouch they had to avoid being killed long enough to get back to the edge of the desert and craft a new pouch, because of this fact after the war when the new babes where born the Queen instructed them to be taught alternative Magica along with their Physical Manifestation Magica.

Kendra dragged her feet along, her reddened skin burning under the light of the sun, quickly finding an inn as Tatiana became enamoured with the blacksmithing forge burning away at the top of the village, "Hello, could I have a room please?" The lady behind the stone desk stared blankly up at her, "um, hello?" Kendra waved her hand slowly across the old lady's face.

"She does not speak your language, Red..." a young voice carried out from the entryway, turning from her place in front of the desk, Kendra saw a man with green hair stepping in from the light.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think about that, erm… Nofri? Heil ok Sæl? Silim?"

"No, I meant she doesn't speak, like at all!" he laughed, "I'm Malik, and you traveller?"

"Oh, that makes sense. I'm Kendra, I'm travelling with my friend Tatiana." Kendra introduced herself, moving away from the desk towards the young man.

"Is that the woman flitting all over the forge? Forge Master Held isn't one for letting anyone near his fire, let alone touch everything in his shop," Malik grimaced, extending his hand he signalled for Kendra to join him at the desk as he searched for the book of records.

"Yeah, that sounds like her. I'm sorry, we've never ventured outside of our guild."

"Ah, you must be from the Acmelia Guild."

"Well, it's not called the Acmelia Guild, it is just The Guild..." Kendra smiled awkwardly.

He chuckled, raising his eyebrows he offered her the large open book, a couple of names sparsely jotted on the blank pages, taking hold of the blue and red phoenix feather quill Kendra quickly added their names, "perfect!" he beamed, "go straight upstairs first door on your left. Oh and by the way, contrary to what you might believe… most people have their clothes on when they arrive!" He laughed, Kendra's face turned an even darker shade of red under her sunburn.

"Well… you don't have to point it out, jerk!" she blustered, crossing her arms over her chest she hurriedly made her way upstairs to their new room, ignoring the sound of Malik's laughter coming from down the stairs.

Tatiana was flitting all over the forge, touching everything as she examined each piece, her sounds of excited squealing growing louder, a burley, towering man with a bald head, thick eyebrows which seemed to hide his eyes and an even thicker handlebar moustache bent low to enter from a back room, his eyebrows settling on the intruder who was handling one of his recently crafted swords, "I do not permit people to be in my shop without my express permission," a gruff voice filled the small shop.

Tatiana spun of her heels, jumping at the sudden appearance of the blacksmith, "oh, I…I'm sorry" she stammered backing away into the precariously balanced swords, jumping again at the sound on clanging metal she moved to a different part of the shop, as the swords fell, they crash into shields and spears causing a domino effect of fallen weaponry across the shop floor, Tatiana stood in place daring not to move an inch, waiting wide eyed for the man's reaction.

The blacksmith's eyebrows raised to reveal wide angry brown eyes. "Get. Out."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I can help…"

"GET OUT!" he yelled, his voice echoed across the village, onlookers pausing in their tracks looking at the darkened building of the forge, Tatiana ran out of the door, fleeing as quickly as she could away from the scary blacksmith.

Tatiana rushed into the room, hurriedly shutting the door behind her. Gasping for air she doubled over hands on her knees, dropping her own bags to the floor, "we're not staying here long are we?" panting, she pushed away from the door looking around the room, grimacing it was nothing like her room back home, this room was very basic, only a double bed with a table and cactus plant taking up the small space.

"I figured we could stay the night at least. Barter for some new clothes, food and check out some of the magical item shops tomorrow before heading to the city," Kendra called out from the small bathroom, "although... this room is quite small for two people," she stated bluntly.

The rooms at The Guild were spacious and ornately decorated matching the personal tastes and Magica of each person not to mention warm, the room the two women found themselves was almost freezing, "why is it so cold?" Tatiana asked flopping onto the bed, "that was a mistake!" groaning she pulls back the thin cover to reveal an even thinner, sand and dust covered mattress resting over the top of a solid block of sandstone.

"Well… I can see why they don't have many guests," Kendra dejectedly pointed out, she had been hoping for something with a little more comfort to remove some of the stiffness of her joints from sleeping on the ground. The pair opted to stay in their dismal room for the remains of the day, each lapsing into quiet contemplation over their embarrassing arrival into the village.

Dawn eventually broke through the window, highlighting the pair, only Kendra laid awake stretching her aching body against the stone slab, she had failed to find any form of peaceful sleep instead opting to wash the dirt and blood from their clothes in the rudimentary bath, they dried overnight resting in the window, leaning back Kendra pushed Tatiana out onto the floor, grinning she quickly exited the room, eager to check out what the village had to offer, half listening to Tatiana cursing as she descended the stairs, "ah, you own a top and a cloak!" the sarcastic voice of Malik called from under the desk, his head popped up, a goofy grin plastered across his face, "I never got to introduce myself properly with you running off in a huff and all, I am Malik Aurum. I tend the Regiis Inn and I welcome you traveller... I hope you enjoy your stay," He smiled ironically.

"I'm Kendra Starcroft, your beds leave much to be desired, and by that I mean you should invest in actual beds. I highly doubt any royalty has stayed here, and the room was freezing. I did not enjoy my stay." she replied curtly, crossing her arms and pouting.

He laughed at her short reply, "oh a scathing review of my inn, I'll have you know the Queen's Guard visit quite often, not to stay mind you, but they do visit."

"I'm sure their visits are anything but complimentary," she smiled dryly, "where can I find new clothes?"

"Why? Do you want to take those ones off to?" he teased before rounding the desk to her side, "I'll point you in all the wrong directions, follow me milady!" looping his arm through Kendra's, he pulled her out of the door.

Tatiana came down the stairs to an empty room, "hello?"

"Everyone here sets up early to beat the heat - to your left is the Sun-Soaked Tavern; you can buy all your food and drinks there, they'll even enchant food pouches to last longer if you ask nicely, to your right is Brinx's Potion shop, here you can buy potions, salves, hex bags for those unfortunate ex's you may have still serenading you at night… and many other lotions, you may want to stop there and treat your sunburn, they're really powerful so you will only need a small amount."

"I feel like you're the unfortunate ex…" Kendra remarked coldly, he stuck his tongue out at her and continued with his tour of the village.

"And to the top of our village is the Fire Master's Forge, hey! Another place not into names!" he said nudging her ribs, "he can create any weapon out of any material be it sand, ore, stone, even horns and tusks from dungeon beasts, he also creates items of clothing which can be resistant to heat, cold, tearing or stain-proof depending on your needs and his inclination to help you..." patting Kendra on her burned back it took all her strength to resist swinging for him as he ducked into the tavern, calling him every name under the sun as the pain radiated across her back she headed on into the potions shop, now even more desperate for relief.

The potions shop, despite its bland exterior, was lined with shelves filled brightly coloured vials each delicately adorned with hand-written labels and instructions, the shop floor laden with multiple overlapping rugs, a Tarot table sat off to the side, browsing through the shelves choosing anything that sounded like it treated sunburn, Kendra failed to notice the veiled lady entering the shop from the stairs in the back left corner, "unless you are choosing that on behalf of your husband, I can guarantee that isn't what you want..." Kendra blushed quickly placing the vial back on the shelf the swirling green liquid settling into a swirling mist turning towards the disembodied voice. A beautiful deeply-tanned, veiled lady entered from the back of the shop, "what is it you are looking for, my dear?" she asked gliding across the room to greet her visitor, her presence was intoxicating, the scent of honeyed perfume filling Kendra's nostrils.


"Don't be shy dear, I don't bite… that sun spider might though," sweeping past me, she adeptly removes the arachnid out of her shop before pouring a pink liquid across the doorway, "a spider repellent. It lasts the month before evaporating," she stated nonchalantly.

"Why not just carve a sigil or cast an enchantment? They can last permanently if done right."

"If I simply rely on sigils or casting enchantments how am I to improve my potions? This particular potion would last mere hours when I first created it and now an entire month," her face pulled into a elegant side smile, "besides, the only carving I need is here on my table," she gracefully approached the table, taking a glass from a nearby shelf she carefully placed it over the top of the carving, the sigil itself began to glow white as the glass filled with a deep red liquid.

"I didn't know that was possible," Kendra admitted, amazed by the simple carving, even in her teachings and the vast library she had at her disposal at The Guild she had not yet come across this symbol.

"It isn't" she tapped her nose pulling her by the sleeve of her cloak so she could see the table clearer, Kendra examined the carving, the symbol for water was carved surrounded by a circle of writing in vino veritas sic fiat semper, a surprised laugh burst from her lips, "you can combine different Magica? That's incredible!"

Those who could use Magica tended to specialise in one path but were still able to call on other forms of Magica that they have learned at a guild or picked up on their travels, only powerful Magica users had the ability to combine multiple forms, they are referred to as Ut In Excelsis or The High Order, it was said the there is one High Order Magica user per region, they ranked just below the Villas Queen and just above the Queens' Guard and were often used as consultants in times of struggle.

"What are you doing in some middle-of-nowhere potion shop? Shouldn't you be at the Queen's side?" Kendra asked bewildered.

She shook her head smiling softly beneath her veil, "no we're only called when war is threatened, or droughts or floods happen causing her people to suffer," Kendra considered telling her about the Life key, but as she remained in her presence Kendra began to feel uneasy as though she was seeing her through a clouded glass.

"Well, I just need something for my sunburn," she smiled politely.

"The sol potio sanitatem should clear that right up, my dear," the veiled lady offered a dark blue vial, as Kendra reached across the small space for the vial she grasped her hands, "two drops in your bath will be enough," Kendra blinked, unable to hear the lady, her mind beginning to cloud over, failing to find anywhere private the vision hits with full force, sending Kendra to her knees.

**The skies are filled with smoke, a dark foreboding red stain seeps across the clouds. The roar of dragons as they soared through the air, defending a city doomed to fall. Ogres and hob-goblins battered at the walls, I'm running up the rubble strewn steps leading to the throne room. A young woman has her back to the doors leaning over a table, enchanted with a map of the city. "My Queen! The beasts have reached the walls! What should we do?" I cry out, I can feel my energy draining as I spend it sealing access to the centre of the palace, I have been struck with multiple blows to my chest, burns radiating pain throughout, I can feel my face tighten where it was exposed to a fireball.

"Arabella, my friend!" The young queen turns to meet my gaze, "oh my are... are you okay?" she asked, I waved her concern away begging her to continue, "I-I know how to win against the hordes. We can end this war! All we need is…" the vision faded as rapidly as it started, Kendra rested on her knees gasping for air as her hands were still held by veiled lady.

"Are you okay?" her eyes filled with concern and confusion desperately trying to find an answer Kendra was not ready to give her.

"I'm sorry, Arabella," Kendra scrambled out of the shop, ducking into a siding, as she leaves she hears the veiled lady saying she never stated her name.

Steadying her breath, Kendra waited for the feelings of nausea to subside, even resorting to heaving a few times but unable to produce anything on an empty stomach, sweat lining her top lip, she grabbed the tail end of her cloak, drying her face, turning her head towards the top of the village she headed to the Forge, entering the darkened shop lit only by the fading embers Kendra squinted into the darkness, trying to see if anyone was hiding at the back of the shop, "hello?" she called, sighing in relief as the last traces of her headache disappeared and her stomach settled.

"What do you want?" a rough voice cut the silence, a strong, large man with an impressive moustache strode towards Kendra only stopping a foot away, his muscles bulging against his grey shirt, Kendra was of average height but compared to this guy she may as well be the size of an ant she though to herself.

"I was told you can help me with some new clothes, I have weapons, not that I know how to use them properly..." she chuckled awkwardly trying to lighten the sullen mood that had settled over the shop, Tatiana ran into the shop carrying piles of food and canisters, the limited light causing her to bump into Kendra knocking her into some precariously places spears which toppled over hitting the shields, all three watched as the shields rolled and crashed with the other weapons.

"Oh… not again," Tatiana whined.

"You again!"

"What do you mean not again! What did you do now?" Kendra asked incredulously.

Tatiana bridled before revealing her unfortunate event from yesterday, Kendra groans telling Tatiana that she should have stayed to clear up the mess and how she can not continue to be as clumsy and reckless as she was back in the forest.

All the while the women argue, the blacksmith grew more and more disgruntled, his shop being destroyed twice in two days, "ENOUGH!"

Tatiana and Kendra froze immediately, looking across and up at the man whose veins seemed to bulge in his trunk of a neck, as he started to pick up his fallen weaponry he talks very calmly, "I do not like anyone entering my shop, I do not like anyone touching my weapons, in the two times you have entered, my shop has been trashed!"

"I am so sorry sir, My friend can be a little clumsy sometimes..." Kendra offered trying to ease the tension.

"Clumsy?! Your friend is a catastrophe! She is a stupid girl who wrecked my entire shop!" he berated Tatiana, taking a step towards her pointing his finger in her face.

Instinctively, Kendra placed herself between them, pushing Tatiana back towards the door, "right! You sir do not get to say that about my friend! It is your shop at fault!" she claimed defiantly.

"My shop!…"

"Do not interrupt me! It is so dark in here I am surprised you haven't impaled yourself! Your displays are laughable. And as for that last comment… She is the smartest Elemental Witch I have the honour to know. She rushes into things all the time, sure, but that does not make her stupid! And finally. Don't. You. Dare. Step in her direction again!" Kendra squared her shoulders, ready take on the towering blacksmith.

"Get out." He leered down at Kendra, before turning his hunched shoulders towards the back exit of the shop.

"No, not until you make the clothes I need," Kendra stood her ground.

"I can not make you the clothes you need, little girl. You said it yourself it's dark in here."

"Can't you fix the fire?" Tatiana asks remaining behind Kendra.

"No I can't. The Forge only works with Fire Stones - my Fire Stone used the last of its Magica a month ago, I've been using remnants to make small weapons."

"Is that why you don't let anyone in your shop? You can't be a Forge Master without a working forge," Kendra stated matter-of-factly.

"Look, it won't be long till the embers completely fade and I have to leave my shop to find one. I don't want to do that... i-if you get me a new Fire Stone I will make you armoured clothes and I will not charge you for the damage you caused to my shop."

"Apologise to Tatiana first, and we will."

"No. Fire Stone first and maybe I'll apologise." He turned straightening back out to his full height, his bald head barely brushing the ceiling, his large arm extending towards the pair.

"...fine," Kendra reluctantly agreed gripping his hand shaking it once firmly, "where is it?"

"In a dungeon lost under the sands... somewhere East of here I think," as he began herding the women out of the door a silver creature bounded through the door knocking down the weapons that the Forge Master had stacked against the wall, Tatiana covered her mouth, her eyes wide watching the baby dragon happily chirping and exploring the small, dark shop, sniffing at the weapons it knocked over, Kendra pursed her lips trying to keep a smile from breaking out.

"Is that thing with you?" He blundered around trying to catch the baby dragon, which realising he was being chased decided to slide between the blacksmith's legs and hopping into Kendra's arms, the blacksmith bent looking between his legs, his sights resting on the baby dragon in her arms, "…please get out," he sighed defeated.