Chereads / Haku, king of all dragons / Chapter 333 - Chp.13: New companions

Chapter 333 - Chp.13: New companions

The group of adventurers left the tent and headed quickly towards the hole located not far from the camp. As they approached they could see the gigantic shape of the dead sand worm, which was rapidly being torn apart by some dragons (incidentally, they were Tikka, Kialandì and Finiar) using their claws, while some beastmen collected the pieces placing them in the dimensional bags. After all, leaving such a large amount of food there, especially after discovering that the meat tasted so good to eat, would have been a crime. But besides them, the area was also patrolled by a large number of guards.

Haku obviously hadn't given Rhaegal and his comrades an hour to get ready because they needed it; he was rather the one who needed time to convince the beastmen leaders to send someone to explore the underground. He and Zamor believed they could find great treasures down there (obviously we mean treasures based on things they could use, like food and water, certainly not frivolities like gold and silver); however, the other beastmen leaders were not of the same opinion, and even Gord was dubious. What if, going down there, the adventurers had inadvertently awakened something that should have remained asleep? After all, they had already ascertained that in that desert there were sharks that hunted in packs and walked on the ground and giant worms that dug in the sand; who could assure him that there wasn't something more dangerous around? Something that perhaps dwelt in underground caverns, and that it was better not to notice that there was now an opening to the outside?

Haku could understand the beastmen's doubts because, in fact, he had them too. While he seriously doubted that there were sand shark-level predators out there, let alone greater ones, the desert had already held too many surprises to overlook that possibility. However, Haku was willing to risk it for three reasons. First, the amount of benefit to be gained was too great: if that expedition was a success, he would have gained a full understanding of how the Yuthia Desert food chain worked, and with luck the beastmen would be able to replicate it. and to raise those giant worms. This was especially important to Haku: he didn't understand much about breeding, but by observing the beastmen he could gain the knowledge necessary to raise the giant worms. This was potentially the solution to all his problems: those worms, being able to survive and regenerate indefinitely, perhaps they could have become the main source of food for his family too. An adult dragon's biggest problem was finding enough meat, but if the meat continually regenerated then that was no problem! Of course, it would take a large number of sand worms to really get enough meat every day, taking into account the time for regrowth and regeneration... but still it was much better than wandering around looking for animals to hunt and then risking to run into dangerous opponents. Finding out how to raise sand worms could radically change the future of his entire family, and for the better.

The second reason was that the chances of a predator attacking were extremely remote. Not only was there little likelihood that such a predator existed, but animals normally didn't go near what they didn't know. After all, the first rule of any hunter was not to attack prey until you were absolutely sure it was prey. Otherwise, it was very likely that the hunter would become the hunted. This rule was strictly followed by all animals. Even if the encounters with the desert fauna had not been the best so far, they did not demonstrate illogical behavior on the part of the animals: the sand sharks had probably attacked them because the continuous movement of thousands of beastmen had convinced them that they were in actually a sand worm, while the sand worm only attacked Haku because he chased and scared him. Therefore, even if there was a dangerous predator underground, it would hardly have pursued the adventurers. It was much more likely that after they started running away he would let them go.

And third... Haku would take no risk, and with him all the people he really cared about, namely his family! Rhaegal, Serengal and Corgorin would go underground with only their avatars, therefore they would not put their lives on the line. And in the unfortunate event that a predator tries to get out… Haku had obviously prepared a contingency plan. The runes that held the hole stable could be canceled at any time thanks to the nullification rune, burying whatever was inside under tens of meters of sand, blocking its escape. And if that still wasn't enough, Haku would use more earth runes to make the sand hard as rock. In practice, the chances of something getting out were less than zero. Haku was someone who didn't like taking unnecessary risks, so he had taken all possible precautions.

It had taken Haku almost an hour to convince all the beastmen leaders that there was no danger, even with Zamor's help, and he had had to make many concessions to convince them, such as placing guards around the hole and intensifying the camp security; but in the end, he succeeded, so he went to get Rhaegal and his companions since they could finally go underground with everyone's approval. When they were in front of the hole he said to them: "Two hours have already passed since darkness fell, so you have just six hours left before having to leave again. You have to go back within five, understood? Don't forget, I don't want delays"

Though they could have stopped for a day or two to explore the underground at their leisure, Haku wasn't willing to make any further stops. The thing he feared most in the desert were sandstorms, and every day they lost meant the risk of encountering one. In addition, the change of season was approaching and with it the currents would also change, causing an increase in the warm winds from the sea; since dust storms formed due to hot air violently kicking the sand up, rubbing it with energy, such warm winds meant a greater chance of being hit by one of those storms, an experience that no one with any sane mind would experience. he wanted to live. Haku wanted to reach the oasis as soon as possible, so Rhaegal and the others could have gone exploring for just a few hours, while the other beastmen rested at night, and then they'd have to come back to be able to start again as usual.

Haku handed Rhaegal one of the communication devices. It was too big for him to use with his current avatar, as it was too small to attach it to his ear, but if it worked he could use it by holding it like Isaac had. "This will allow you to get in touch with me. Use it only in a real emergency. To make it work you have to..."

As Haku explained to his brother how the communication device worked, Zamor approached followed by Tzegorn and Leuce, and behind them were two other beastmen, a lionmen and a tigerman respectively. "Thank you for agreeing to carry out this delicate mission" Zamor told the adventurers. "But you will not be alone. The lionmen and tigermen peoples have decided to put two of their best warriors at your disposal. Atelas and Dyana will come with you; I am sure they will help you"

That was one of the other concessions that Haku had to make to convince the beastmen leaders to let him do that exploration: in fact, they didn't trust to send only the adventurers that Haku had designated down there. For they feared that Rhaegal, Serengal, and Corgorin might keep the best things for themselves, benefiting only their family, and that Efren, Carlos, Sarah, Martha, and Lisah, being far more loyal to Zamor than to them, and also being very friends of dragons, they could have helped them hide something; therefore they had also wanted a representative of each people to participate in that expedition. Zamor, knowing that adventurers worked better alone, had decided to designate them as his representatives, even if in fact they didn't really work for him but simply recognized him as the leader of the army, without having any kind of connection. The lionmen and tigermen instead had chosen to send only one of their warriors, so as to avoid losing too many good soldiers in one fell swoop in case things went badly.

Atelas was the representative of the tigermen. He was a tall, muscular man whose body was covered with scars testifying to numerous abuses; when they were still at the Carrion labor camp, in fact, he had been one of the few who had never bowed down but had continued to hold his head high in front of the guards, trying to stop them whenever they were committing an injustice, and being severely punished as a result. He had a deep scar over his left eye from whiplash, and half of his right ear had been cut off. Although he could have healed these wounds using a regeneration potion, Atelas wanted to keep those scars: in fact, he didn't want to forget what had happened and above all he didn't want future generations to forget it; he wanted, when the young people saw him, to remember and above all to understand the horrors that their people had had to endure before being freed. For this indomitable spirit and his level diamond strength he was much admired among the tigermen and also among the other beastmen. When Tzegorn had gone to find a volunteer, Atelas hadn't hesitated to step forward: he was ready to face whatever horrors lurked beneath the sand if it served their people and their cause.

Dyana, on the other hand, was a lionman woman even taller than Atelas, although much less physically handsome. Much like a lioness, she didn't have the typical mane of male lionmen, and thus her head was rather bare and covered only with a light yellow down. She had a toned body, sharp claws, long teeth, and almost white eyes similar to quartz crystals that seemed to constantly study anyone who came across her as if she were about to duel with them. She was considered one of the lionmen's best warriors and her strength was at the peak of level gold, just one step away from level diamond; in the past, before the war, she would have been considered only a mid-level fighter, but now that all the strongest warriors had been exterminated she was the strongest pawn the lionmen could put into play. Aware of this, she had been training strenuously since the day of her release to get stronger, using every type of muscle and mana control exercise she knew, and slowly her efforts were paying off. The fact that she was still training however didn't exempt her from carrying out missions, especially when they were too dangerous to send weaker soldiers, or too unknown not to deploy strong pawns, as in this case.

"I can assure you that Atelas will not be a burden to you, but rather will help you return victorious from this enterprise" Tzegorn said in a proud voice.

"The same goes for Dyana. I know each of you is used to working on your own, but I trust you won't get in the way" Leuce added in turn.

The two people directly concerned remained silent and limited themselves to looking at the adventurers, and then moving their heads in greeting. "It is an honor for us to face this challenge alongside you"

Efren smiled back. "The honor is ours. We are glad that such brave warriors will be with us" he said, knowing that beastmen, especially if they were soldiers, were a very proud race, so starting the conversation with flattery often proved a winning move. Indeed, both Atelas and Dyana seemed satisfied with that response.

Haku and Rhaegal returned, as they had finally finished setting up the communication device. The two new beastmen glared at the dragon rather badly: they clearly didn't like his presence, like most of their people. "So, are we ready?" Rhaegal asked; with everyone's assent, they headed to the edge of the hole.

The chasm was so deep that the end could not be seen, although this was probably due to the fact that it was late at night. The group stood motionless for a moment, then Rhaegal nodded to Efren, Sarah, Carlos, Martha, and Lisah; the latter nodded and then recited a wind spell. The air around their bodies began to swirl and it lifted there, taking the three dragons and two beastmen as well, and then following the commands of the five adventurers it gently carried them into the hole.