Journeyman Gride was taken aback, "What did you say? Planet level?"
If it were an Eighth Rank Cultivator, it would still be fine, even if it were the very top of the Eighth Rank, since in the Fige Hub, Eighth Rank Cultivators were as common as crucian carp crossing a river.
But if it were Planet level, that would be completely different!
There were only 873 Planet level beings in Fige Hub, and currently, as the Fegel Council was in its initial stage of assembly, each Planet level being had the qualifications to join the highest governing body—the Council.
Even native Planet level beings from foreign planets could join the Council, so this must be taken seriously.
"This native Planet level being said it's his first time at the Fige Hub... What kind of native planet can nurture Planet level powers?" Journeyman muttered to himself, beginning to analyze the appearance of Su Yu.