Chereads / The Lupin Case / Chapter 6 - What Really Happend?

Chapter 6 - What Really Happend?

It was fifteen past ten on a Tuesday night. I was on my desktop scanning through that recording I took from him. It was a black-and-white footage with night vision camera which turns on automatically once the lights are off. I was on the first day of her admission, looking for Doctor Khan and Lata. They were not seen or unidentifiable. Then I came across a woman who seemed to fit my assumed discription.

I made an assumption based on logic and experience. A person like Lata whose identity was so well hidden that no one was able to know that she was an intruder should have disguised in a casual manner, made to look no different than the rest. But certain things are identifiable. I had paused the video, good enough to get a visible freeze-frame. There was a woman, twenty-seven or twenty-eight, reasonable hight, fair complexioned. Her hairs were long, she had two pony tails. She almost looked unsuspecious. But something about her was off. Her attire and her body language were quite contrasting. She had an uncanny expression on her face, like she was in the wrong place. What made it more suspecious was that she was not preoccupied like people are in hospitals. No one ever comes to hospital to pass time, other than workhorse doctors.

I took a note of her. But I still couldn't figureout Doctor Khan untill afternoon at three. I saw him coming out of Mary's ward. But he had an uncanny and unsettling style of walking. He always walked at a unusually high pace, with his head bent down slightly, like a bull chasing it's target. On all the three days, I could see him walk like that. No wonder people said he was a creep. He was tall and was partially bald. He seemed like fourty-four or fourty-five, thin perhaps. I scrutinized through all the recordings, but couldn't find a single freeze-frame to at least look at his face.

'Damn it' I shouted.

Kaira was sitting on the sofa in my office, reading her self-help book. It was reasonably large room, with two windows and and a table. It was originally ment for a bedroom, but I turned it into an office for my work.

'What's the matter?' She asked. Concern in her voice.

'What's with this Doctor Khan? He walks so absurdly.'

'I know. He creeps me out. I feel uncomfortable around him.' She said 'But everyone's got their pecularity.'

'His pecularity has a reason.' I said clicking continuously on the pen 'It seemes like he knows where the cameras are, at which angle they are. That's why he walks like that. I couldn't find a single freez-frame. Either he is too far from the camera or it is just depixulated. He's covering his steps.'

There was a long silence in the room.

'My God!' She exclamated.

'Whats more, he only comes out only when there is less croud. He only chooses the least used places in the hospital. Its like he was here for a purpose.'

There was a silence in the room again.

'I guess you're right. I've seen him exiting and entering through the back enterance which is generally for the canteen people. It has a garbage cans around it and that's why barely anyone goes there.' She said.

'Kaira,' I said 'just take a look outside the window.'

She got up from her bed, moved the curtain slightly and peeped through it.

'Is there a car outside?' I asked.

'Yes' She replied.

'Is it a black Sedan?'

'Yes. How did you know?'

'Fuck.' I said 'I was followed back home.'

Kaira looked at me, panic in her eyes.

I immediatly switched off the lights except the bed light. I opened the application on my computer that shows me direct live video outside. The car stood still for five minutes and then departed away. I switched on the lights. Kaira looked at me. Her eyes showed fear.

'I can't believe it. This is ridiculous.' She said.

'Calm down. It's okay. We have a very good security system.' I said.

She looked at me and calmed down. We had a special passage hidden in the house just for these kinds of happenings. Suddenly, someone rang the door bell. We looked at each other staggered. I pulled out my drawer and picked up a butter knife. I slowly progressed to the door, making sure that my footsteps aren't heard. There was another doorbell, but this time it was aggressive. I peeped through the peep-hole. It was Raju at the door. He looked tensed. I just stood there with the butter knife in my hand. My adrenaline at it's peak. I took another look through the hole. He wasn't there. He was going to brake through the back side.

I rushed to the back side. I stood right beside the door with my sholder on the wall. Then I heard the footsteps approaching the door. I had the skills to combat these situations easily without a problem, but my lack of experience made me doubt myself. It started to get intense. Any moment he could break open the door.

'Sir', he screamed 'please open the door. I'm Raju from hospital.'

I stood back to normal, but still cautious. I opened the door.

'Sir I'm sorry to disturb you at this time. I was told to give you this'. He said. He handed me an envolpe that contained a letter.

'Who gave you this?' I asked.

'I don't know sir. I was given this address and told to hand you this.' He said. 'Sorry sir. I must leave.'

He ran outside the house and disappeared in the curve.

I went back to my room after locking the doors and gates.

'Kaira' I said 'We better get a gun.'

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