Chereads / Multiverse legend of Kurumi Tokisaki / Chapter 94 - Spider's web 1

Chapter 94 - Spider's web 1

Pov 3 person

By this time Kurumi's group was already retreating from the club . When they had gained quite a distance from their mission site , their steps slowed down turning into a walk . The illusion of Neo that covered them also disappeared , giving Neo a moment of rest . However , this rest was not to last too long .

About two hundred meters behind them , followed two silhouettes . These silhouettes kept their distance , and due to their caution and discretion , it was impossible to accidentally spot or hear them .

Of course, Kurumi group often moved through alleys and rarely stayed on a straight path that would allow them to be seen in a straight line . This means that the two silhouettes did not have Kurumi group in their field of vision , so in theory they should have lost them long ago . And yet , they followed Kurumi , Neo and Emerald , as if they were always visible to them.

But just as the two silhouettes somehow followed them , Kurumi somehow noticed the two silhouettes . Well or rather something else , hidden in the darkness spotted them . Kurumi is not stupid enough not to secure their escape route . All along the route they walked , Kurumi every few hundred meters or so left her clones . Clones which hid in shady places , blending into the darkness to observe . Thanks to this Kurumi had long since noticed that they had a tail .

In a normal situation , Kurumi would have moved through winding paths to lose them . But she was already doing that , she kept turning from alley to alley . She , Emerald and Neo even jumped over fences to build distance and lose the tail. But unfortunately even despite Neo's camouflage , which has been used throughout their mission at the club and even after they left , until now . The two silhouettes were still able to follow them from the club to here.

This meant that even despite Neo's illusion , they were still able to follow them . So Kurumi already knew that they had some way to follow them . From here the further way makes no sense , because they will not lose them . Unfortunately they had to deal with the tail . And of course find out why they are following them and how they are following them .

Knowing this , Kurumi chose a place and stopped in one of the alleys , her shadow stretched unnaturally to the other shadows cast by the lamps in the alley . Neo and Emerald didn't need any physical communication to know what to do .

At the same time as Kurumi's shadow , merged with the other shadows , a second Emerald and Neo appeared next to Kurumi . They were nothing but illusions of Neo which was obvious because they did not have faces and their hair had completely different colors .

The original Neo and Emerald, whose faces had also become blurred and whose hair had become different too , went into hiding to take advantage of the element of surprise.

Kurumi pov

Since the day Neo almost lost her head , I have become much more cautious about our way of escaping and withdrawing from more important tasks . I have also become more cautious about the possibility that I am being followed . And it's not even about people but about the "other" me . Although knowing the skills and experience that the "me" watching me might have . I might as well gouge out my eyes , because there is no way I would know of her presence anyway .

Unfortunately , the original Kurumi is no joke . And the twelfth bullet completely breaks the power scale , so I do not even mention it . Other , older versions of me have the obvious advantage of experience with the powers of the orginal , so I do not even have to try to detect another me . However , if we are talking about ordinary people , hunters or other entities . Detecting and observing them is possible .

It is enough to leave behind a few barely active and often unfinished clones acting as motion sensors and cameras . This means that most of the time they are dormant , which saves this small amount of energy that I gave them when I created them .

It also make that , I can create a lot more of them and it is not too tiring but it works well . In the end , a clone of this type costs me one sixth of the price of a normal one . After all , the only energy I use is the one to create them and a little to keep them in standby mode . I can always activate them to do something . But , unfortunately with their small amount of aura I gave them , they won't do much . But , they are still able to distract or even kill a person unprepared for them .

In that case, if I can activate these clones to make a surprise attack. Then why didn't I do it if there is a chance to get rid of the tail?

Well, the answer is simple. Looking at the people on our tail, I can safely say that it won't work. Such weak clones can't handle these two people. An attack using these clones won't do anything, it will only destroy our element of surprise by revealing that we know about them.

Which would probably cause that instead of following us , they would instantly rush to attack or, worse, retreat from my field of observation. That would have made me no longer know where they were. But they, with their methods of tracking us, would most likely continue to follow us.

Therefore, I decided to simply observe them and choose an ambush site. And that's how we ended up at this spot. Where, thanks to my stretched shadow, I quickly created about eleven clones and spread them all over the alley. Then my shadow produce another clone . This clone however, instead of running away to hide , wrapp its black arms around my waist , then put its head on my shoulder . Then the clone hugging me began to melt , while wrapping itself around my body .

My old clothes disappeared from under the mass of shadows , already hidden in my shadow . Then from the black mass wrapping most of my body , first appeared a pair of black high combat boots . Which were almost identical to the ones I was wearing before . Then my legs were wrapped by light translucent black tights .

Next a black , short , ruffled , one-piece gothic dress , formed from the shadow wrapping waround my body . On my hands appeared a pair of black gloves reaching up to the elbows. My exposed shoulders , back and shoulder blades , were covered by a tight-fitting , light and see-through fabric similar to those on my legs . On my neck and lower face appeared a tight half mask covering my neck and the lower part of my face . My loose hair ware now pinned up in a double ponytail , fully showing my eyes .

This is not astral dress , It's not even half as good as the astral dress , it is simply shadow manipulation . However, it is certainly better than my normal clothes I was wearing . It doesn't provide bulletproofing or anything . It does however provide some resistance to cuts and dust . Also, unlike normal clothes they don't get dirty or damaged too quickly in combat .

And even when they get damaged , they are still just shadows . Repairing it is not difficult , although there is a fairly high risk that they will completely dissipate , leaving me naked in action . However , because of my way of fighting , this is not a problem . Besides, Neo doesn't need to use her illusion to cover my face . Which is also an advantage because it saves her aura and effort .

Even so, Aura is still the main means of protection . Therefore, this skill may seem useless and in part it is . However, it is great for situations where I can not dress properly . Such as, for example, going out in the middle of the night to " hunt " . However, as I mentioned it is not the astral dress . Although, I have discovered and learned this ability in the course of trying to create the atrsal dress of the original Kurumi . It is not the power of the spirit but years of my effort .

' A lot of work and trning . So far I have used and tried every idea of using my powers . '

Thinking about it , a pale hand came out of the shadows , holding the barrel of my gun . Grasping my gun I let my black and red aura surround my body .

' Even the more dangerous ones like zefekiel '

I think aware of the danger of reckless use of this gift .

' To practice with zefekiel I need " time " . If I don't have it in stock , zefekiel will start to consume my "time" . Of course I know this from the memories of the original Kurumi , I myself never had the courage to risk my own life force to test it . '

' Exercising and using zfekiel is very expensive , so I don't let any amount of time escape . Even if it means squeezing it out of a corpse . Even after death , the cells still have some life in them . It's not much however , but always something . Luckily my work also allows me to collect some time . However , even that is not enought .'

I think consciously of my nightly activities. Often when Neo and Emerald are asleep I sneak out for a night hunt . Of course this makes me tired during the day , but I generally hide it well . Unfortunately last time I failed to hide it . It was the very night when I had the nightmare again and went to the roof after it . After the mental and existential breakdown I had on the roof , I went hunting to soothe my emotions . And well it is already known how it ended for me .

' As for zefekiele . Despite the fact that for some reason I have access to only one bullet , this bullet still changes a lot . Alef , saved Neo and gives me enough acceleration to dodge rifle bullets . And it only scratches the surface of the power of this bullet . '

' At maximum use of my time I can be faster than a bullet for a minute . However, I know that this is not even close to what the original Kurumi or an older version of me was able to do . Nevertheless , at the moment, this must do for me . I don't have the full power of the zefekiel yet . Perhaps like my nature of " half spirit " , there is a reason not to give it to me all at once . But surely, with " time " I will be stronger ... I have to . '

As my thoughts once again drifted into darkness . I noticed that the two figures following us entered visual range . At that moment , I realized again that so far I am fighting only with ordinary mortals . Of course I myself am not yet powerful enough to be arrogant . But the realization that somewhere there are thousands of other Kurumi and some kind of divine being , controlling other dimensions and timelines . The being and the numerous Kurumi , with whom it is most likely to come into conflict , makes it less scary to fight these two people .

I stood with my back turned to them, but I could still see them thanks to the clones hidden around me.A woman and a man dressed in purple clothes. The woman was wearing tight purple leather pants and a strapless top, over which she had a puffy purple leather jacket. On her hips hung a pair of firearms with jungle-colored handles. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a pair of revolvers.

The man turned out to be a faunus , with a darker complexion and bull horns. He was wearing a purple coat, black moccasins and purple suit pants. His chest was muscular and bare, revealing a large spider tattoo. On his back was a hammer with a large nail on the other side. Interestingly, the woman's abdomen also showed a spider tattoo. Their attire and tattoos already show who they were and to which group they belonged.

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