Chapter 82 - Last to go

Pov 3 person

" for sureeee ... "

Said Emerald while rolling her eyes , causing visible irritation in Neo , who was sipping quietly from an open can .

" What did I say ? Are you offended by the fact that you feel bad about someone else's misfortune ? "

Emerald asked Neo , who, not knowing how to respond, decided to look at the landscape , while ignoring Emerald .

" What about this reaction ? Neo you don't fool me that easily . Certainly not when you look like you ate shit .

Said Emerald referring to the cloudy and " quiet " mood of Neo .

{ I'm just annoyed that we will have to find a new , cheap dust supplier . This may just add more to kurumi's worries . So much for that . }

Wrote Neo on the illusion displayed in front of Emerald's face . Emerald herself after reading the message shook her head and waved her hand to shatter the illusion .

" Seriously ? Finding a dust supplier ? Do you know how many stores in Vale continue to sell dust ? As for the price in the worst case scenario we can buy dust through the intermediary of the warehouses owner , with whom we maintain in contact . "

" I believe that , he must have a contact or knows someone who will sell it to us at market price . Besides, I doubt Kurumi didn't foresee that it would end up like this . Knowing her she has already calculated it . After all, this is Kurumi , her contingency plans have contingency plans . Of course , as long as those would ever be needed . "

Said Emerald , making Neo look at her with growing irritation .

" You really are like Kurumi . Although she refuses to call herself a good person , you on the other hand can't show that you have a heart . I just don't know if it's a matter of your pride or you just want to look tough in front of Kurumi ? "

Said Emerald , making Neo stop lifting the can towards her mouth .

" Showing heart and compassion will not change anyone's view of you . Certainly not for Kurumi and me . To me you will still be that , loyal to the bone , a merciless sadist and psychopath with few boundaries , in what you can do without blinking . "

Said Emerald , gaining from Neo a poke from the elbow on the side and a hostile look .

" That hurt ... "

Said Emerald rubbing her side , while looking at Neo with a satisfied and victorious smile .

" I don't care about death . I've seen enough to now have no problem with killing . I know that most people are just animals . However, this does not mean that I do not respect life . We had a hard time , but it does not mean that I wish other children to live the same life as me because I know how terrible things await there ..... "

Said Emerald sincerely looking into the still full of irritation eyes of Neo .

" This little bit of compassion exists in me because of you . You saved me and showed me that there are good people out there somewhere . In the same way thanks to Kurumi you are not a total without a heart . Your behavior reflects the influence your environment has on you . And so the fact that you care about that in the slightest , means good not only about you , but also about Kurumi . As for Kurumi herself. ... It seems to me that she always had this compassion in her , which we have become infected with"

Said Emerald , making some understanding appear in Neo's eyes .

" If it were not for you two I would not care about the fate of others . I probably could have watched or even caused the death of many innocent people . I suspect it would be the same with you if you had not met Kurumi . Although who knows , perhaps without you Kurumi would also be heartless"

Said Emerald driving the final nail in the coffin of Neo resistance . Giving up , Neo simply continued drinking in silence , apparently accepting that she feels a little bad about what happened to the dust store . Nevertheless she had not , and did not want to , say anything anymore about that . Well at least if she could speak .

" So don't worry . I know it sucks and I also feel disappointed to some extent ..... But at least you won't have to worry about Flynt taking Kurumi away from you or me. "

Said Emerald , openly making fun of Neo , who did not like it . Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Neo crushed the can of unfinished drink in her hand , then she threw it into the water . After doing so , Neo silently slowly walked away from Emerald , who only sighed and shook her head .

" If you had finally told Kurumi how you felt about her you wouldn't have had such problems . Besides it is obvious that Kurumi would not feel anything for the guy . "

Said a tired Emerald walking behind Neo , who without turning to her , showed her the middle finger .

" Well your indifference in this matter is good for me . In the end, it gives me a chance to slip in and claim victory. And well unlike Flynt I will not leave Kurumi's life so easily . "

Said Emerald with a rather clear message . Of course Neo hearing this stopped in place . Turning her head towards Emerald , she sent a look full of hatred towards the green-haired girl . Clenching her white teeth , you could see from Neo how much she was struggling not to start a brawl now . Fortunately , Emerald also did not want to start anything , so , walking past Neo she just sent her a smile and then moved on to their next destination .

After this conversation , the situation between the two of them became quite awkward and full of tension , which made their journey to the nearest airship landing and then waiting for their flight as well as the flight itself , was spent in complete silence . It didn't really change anything because they would have spent that time in silence anyway , nevertheless the tension between them existed .

Neo herself had had enough and it was evident from her . However, keeping her nerves in check, because of Kurumi's condition, she found the strength , not to kill Emerald on the spot. After all , they had a job to do . Not being able to afford to let Kurumi down , which would end up with Kurumi always having to be present for tasks . Which ultimately would not allow her to rest . Neo simply pretended that Emerald was not there .

After reaching the residential area of the upper classes , Neo and Emerald quickly went to the house of the warehouse owner . They got into the house itself smoothly through an open window left in the office , after first making sure it was empty . Without looking around too much , Neo went to the desk to put the money on it . But at that moment some documents with a brochure pinned to them caught Neo's attention .

Neo pov

' Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls ' .

Seeing this name seen on the brochure with a picture of the elegant building , I remembered how my mother repeatedly mentioned that she herself attended this Academy . I also know that it was in my parents' plans to enroll me there . After all , it is a prestigious Academy for young and rich ladies , such as I was .

" Someone has big plans for their little girl I see ."

Said a bored and apparently uninterested Emerald , with that annoying voice of hers making me feel more and more like hitting her . Today she is really getting on my nerves , putting me to the test , which I passes again thanks to taking a breath to calm down . Thinking of doing it for the sake of Kurumi is the best motivator in such situations .

After calming down enough not to knock the Emerald's teeth out , I looked at what she had just mentioned and noticed that there were several documents pinned to the brochure . There was the cost of education at the Academy and the requirements needed to get on the list of students . In addition, on another sheet , titled ' pros and cons ' was what was written in the title .

Apparently the owner of the magazine , was preparing for the future of his daughter . Which was confirmed by several other brochures and documets , showing other schools , their requirements and costs . Apparently, the owner of the warehouse was prepared for the fact that his daughter might not get in or he might not have enough money .

And it was this money problem that was presented at the frame ' cons ' of most of these schools , which was not surprising seeing that almost all were private schools for girls . But to get into Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls you need more than just money , as the warehouse owner noted himsef.

His daughter, even with a decent amount of money would still not get into this school because of her health. In addition, only high-ranking people can enroll their children there, and unfortunately the owner of the several warehouses is not quite in the sphere of " influential " people. And well the most important problem is the age of his daughter .

From what my mother told me , Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls , is a school for students over sixteen , just like the academy for hunters . Although I also do not know , when the daughter of the owner of the magazine will change schools . Perhaps it is a plan for the school after the end of education or something like that . I don't know I don't care too much .

Me and Kurumi are learning on our own or with the help of Ash and Big Mom . We have most of the basics mastered . By ourselves we read a lot of books and do math tasks to continue our development . In terms of education we are not at all behind children our age . Truth be told there are specializations in which we excel for our age .

Emerald although a little behind us , is also catching up with us slowly so worrying about school is not our concern . Although it's also not like we never talked about school . In the end , however , we only bought textbooks and exercise books to work with them at home . But returning to the brochure with documents pinned to it , I decide to relieved the warehouse owner from the task of destroying it .

I myself threw the brochure and papers of this school into the shredder in the office , then knowing that the noise would attract someone's attention , we both quickly went out the window . As for Emerald , who was with me the whole time , she decided to keep quiet about my behavior , which suited me just fine .

' Now all that remains is to hand over that camera . '

Pov 3 person

A few seconds after , Emerald and Neo left the room . As predicted by Neo , a familiar man with a small kitten under his arm rushed into the office . Despite the cute ribbon around the neck of the white kitten . The Man's scratched hand and the kitten's urine running down the man's clothes to the ground, signaled clearly that this kitten is the incarnation of a demon.

However, not caring about his daughter's new pet, the man with a panic on his face and a gun in his free hand looked around the room . Finding nothing strange at first glance , the man put the cat on the ground after which he carefully entered the room . Seeing the paper shredder turned on , the man quickly looked around for his documents .

And to his relief , seeing that nothing important was lost , he looked at his desk where he noticed the disappearance of one of the brochures . Then seeing the envelope left on the side , the man already guessed what had happened . However , only after seeing the description of the envelope and Lien inside , the man was already sure what happened .

This situation has happened every month since the day he regained control of his life . Once a month an envelope with money for medicine for his daughter appears on his desk . As for the people who leave this money saving his daughter and relieve him financially . He knows them well . After all, there are only one group of people who can enter and leave his house while unnoticed .

Nevertheless , while for many it would be frightening for him it was reassuring . Finding that money on the table he felt relief and guilt . After all , they have already done so much for him anyway . And they do it even though they don't have to . After all they must have their own problems and yet they continue to help his family .

While their first meeting was not very friendly and positive , as well as the very motive for his rescue was not purely selfless to them and with risk to him . This ultimately saved his life as well as that of his family , which can not be valued by any reward or words .

The only thing he can really do is use his contacts as well as his profession to help these girls get the things they need at the lowest possible price . However, he can also do this only because that bloody action in his warehause did not affect him or his business too much . Which is quite strange looking at the number of bodies , gun shots and even explosions .

The case of what happened at the site of his warehouse was not blown up too much in the media , the police did not create big problems for him either . As to why ? He does not know at all . However, he suspects that perhaps there was a lot going on in Vale after those bombings and the nighttime massacre of small gangs . And this left the police with no time for such matters .

In the end , he just had to suspend operations until the scene was cleared . Due to the fact that the insurance company covered all the damaged items and cargo , he did not suffer anything . Now instead of worrying about that woman , he can take his time to prepare funds for his daughter's education . Financial problems have not diminished .

However , he would rather worry about it , than be dead and unable to do anything leaving his loved ones without anything . Now , although still with financial problems , he can still try to save his daughter life . This chance will be enough for him . And he will be grateful for this opportunity.

As for Kurumi , she too was unsure why this warehouse massacre case ended so easily . According to Ash , it may be related to the Xiong family ties with the police . After all, this case was important to his interests . However , without his confirmation nothing can be proven .

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