Chereads / Multiverse legend of Kurumi Tokisaki / Chapter 69 - Good days in an unhappy triangle 2 / The day the world has stopped 1

Chapter 69 - Good days in an unhappy triangle 2 / The day the world has stopped 1

Pov Emerald

" Emerald , honey I don't know how to help you . No matter what I tell you , I don't know how it could help you . I have lived for a while and I have witnessed many situations and stories , some ended happily others tragically . Looking at your situation , I partly understand you . "

" Your situation is complicated . You love both Kurumi and Neo , and as bad as it may sound , there is nothing wrong with that little Emerald . They both saved you from your uncertain future , took care of you without really looking for anything in return , gave you their friendship and home . They gave you the opportunity to secure your dream future. And most importantly they have given you something to cherish , they have given you their trust , they have given you a family that cares for you . "

" They both gave you enough reasons to fall in love with them . Unfortunately you feel indebted to them am I right ?.... And in this matter I understand you. I know this feeling all too well , after all I was the head of a mafia family . There were many loyal people under me, and people who helped me a lot in running my family. "

"To all these people I felt indebted . So I had a dilemma when I fell in love with the head of a hostile family. Yes my foolish husband and I more than once tried to kill each other when we were young . Well ultimately his longstanding courtship to me , created a secret relationship between the two of us . Through this relationship I eventually became pregnant, which ultimately forced us both to choose . Abandoning our families in the name of love or abandoning love in the name of loyalty . You already know what I chose "

" But again your situation is more complicated than that . Neo , loves Kurumi , and unfortunately she is only interested in Kurumi . When it comes to Kurumi sometimes it's hard for me to say what the girl thinks . It seems to me that she also likes Neo . In the end , they both feel something for each other , but you feel something for both of them . "

" It is because of this you are afraid that your confession will not only destroy the relationship between you and them , it will destroy the relationship between Kurumi and Neo , which just as well means destroying everything that you have built over the time you have known each other . Crux of the problem , is their sadness and the overall relationship in your group. "

" You love them and don't want to see their sadness and pain , you also don't want to see your group break up . And this is the reason you think that their happiness is more important than yours . You care more about the welfare of the group than your own. Which overall would not be a bad thing , unfortunately you forget how close you are to each other . It is for this one reason that I do not consider your worries to be real . And this is what will make you regret your decision in the future . "

" In my opinion you should tell them what you feel .You deserve affection and love as much as they do . I would be heartless to forbid you to chase after love , even if it is for two people who themselves feel something for each other . I know it sounds inappropriate , but chase after Kurumi and Neo . This is in my opinion the only solution , to make all of you happy . And as for the relationship between the three of you . "

" As I said , do not undervalue the bond that you have created with Neo and Kurumi . You know it yourself Emerlad . The three of you have become close enough to each other , that they surely care about your happiness as much as you care about theirs .... Just as you care about them they care about you . Therefore, I believe that Kurumi and Neo , even when they are finally with each other , which I wish them , will not reject you just because you love them . "

"I am sure of it , I have known Kurumi and Neo for some time now . They will understand .... After all , you are not someone random person to them . Ultimately, however, it is your decision and your life . But I'll tell you one thing child . You have only one life , life which also has a limited time . Don't waste your time and life on fear and uncertainty Emerald . Don't regret , that you didn't have time to say something to someone ."

These were Big mom's words when we talked about my situation . How did she even know about it ? I have no idea , this old lady has some instinct about these things . As for whether her words helped me . As big mom said herself , they didn't exactly help me . However, I understand what big mama wanted to say. You can say that thanks to talking to her I channeled and understood my feelings .

I am indebted to Kurumi and Neo , a debt so huge that I won't be able to pay it off for the rest of my life .Besides, I love them both , making the thought of sadness for one of them painful . I could tell them of my feelings , but it would not happen before they are with each other . I will do as big mom said , but first I will make sure that they are happy , then I .... I will see how the situation is like . I'm not afraid of rejection , I'm afraid it will destroy their relationship .

The truth is that I am the third wheel . In the first there were only Kurumi and Neo , I joined in their lives , not they in mine . I am an intruder in their happiness, and I can see and feel it openly every time I push against Kurumi . Neo would never let me be close with Kurumi . To be honest I know that I don't stand a chance with either of them. Kurumi , seems to ignore any feelings , while Neo only looks at Kurumi .

However, in contrast to me , they both fit together . They both somehow complement each other . They have similar interests and sadistic haracter . Even the combination of their sembelances is perfect , quite like their silent cooperation . They are the perfect couple , the kind described in romance books . I am too different from them .....

I would like to be with them two , in a happy threesome . However , this is not a fantasy book , but life . I do not believe that , whether it is Kurumi or Neo will be willing to open their relationship for a third person . Especially since really the only thing I would bring to their relationship is confusion .

' although it would be nice to think of a future in which we could be together , or at least I would get a chance to do so .

Thinking about it , I feel the car stop . Looking down at my lap , I see a pot of soup given to me by big mom . This old lady ..... to her I am also grateful . I am thankful to everyone from the pawn shop for the help given to me in my first days with them . Just like Kurumi and Neo , they took me in , fed me , protected me , trained me ..... They always gave advice . If only I had been born into a family like theirs .

' Everyone there seems to already know about the dynamic between all of us and yet they don't judge any of us . Romance between girls is not so common , even more so in older and more traditional families like theirs . And yet they are even able to accept a third wheel like me . '

Thinking about it, I hear a door opening on my side. Turning my head towards the open door , I see Copper standing there .

" Are you alright ? "

Asks Copper taking the pot of soup from my thighs .

" Yes , it just came to me some things to think about . "

I said unbuckling my safety belt .

" Don't think too much , sometimes it doesn't help at all . Take an example from me , no thoughts no worries . "

Copper says walking towards the main door . His words made me feel better , he may be hopelessly stupid and blunt at times but I wouldn't replace him with anyone else in the role of big brother . With a slightly satisfied smile I got out of the car and after closing the door I followed him . Crossing the street , we arrived at the renovated entrance to the building .

Looking at the new exterior of the clock store I feel the warmth enveloping my body . Even before the renovation it was the best place I lived in . Strong walls and undestroyed windows , gave me a sense of security I haven't felt in a long time . Maybe the above-ground levels of the building used to be cool inside , at least it was not damp or there was any fungus . You can say that the clock store is the cleanest and safest place I have lived in .

As for the existence of the bunker in which I spent most of my time because it was the main living space , it is a completely different luxury . Heat , fresh hot water , electricity , air filter . It's a paradise , even if I'm talking about a structure built underground , a bunker is a fucking paradise for people like me . Even more so the bedroom and bathroom I shared with the girls .

Now after the renovation , the upper floors became warmer , gained access to water and electricity , but still we had a huge problem moving to any of the rooms . Well we still live in a shared room , even though we have several empty ones . The three of us even sleep in the same bed , which surprisingly does not seem to bother Neo . It has become a kind of norm for us . Sometimes the three of us even bathe together , although this may be due to water conservation.

However , it goes without saying that going to bed and bathing together are both the happiest and most difficult moments of the day for me. And they are becoming more and more difficult , because I feel that puberty does not give me peace . When I sleep next to them or I watch them bathing . It just becomes an unbearable torture , I smell them , I touch their skin , I cuddle with them and yet I don't feel that this is the level of relationship that satisfies me .

However, now I can only sigh and forget about the flustration . Walking up to the door , at which Copper is alredy standing , I open it for him and let him in . Walking in right behind him I see Big Papa and Neo , standing right next to the door , looking in our direction . Behind them , at the bar stood Kurumi who was looking in our direction just like them .

" It's good that you guys are back . I've already done my part so I won't bother you anymore . Copper help me with this ..... "

Said big papa as Copper after putting the pot on the bar top set off to help his father with things lying right next to the door

" See you Emerald , Kurumi , Neo . "

Copper says goodbye as I move out of the way and let them both through the door which slams shut behind me after they leave .

" Big Mom really made an effort with that soup ."

Says Kurumi which makes me turn my head toward her . She was now standing right next to the soup pot where she was peering into the pot with the lid raised in her hand . Looking at her my gaze shifted to Neo , who was looking at Kurumi with a gentle smile . And again I could only sigh , well this is now my home , my family and my future .

' As long as they are happy I will be too . '

Pov 3 person

At the top of the Beacon tower , which is also known as Vale's Cross Continental Transmit System . Just on the other side of the large round window , which served as a huge clock face , was the office of the Headmaster of Beacon Academy . In front of the huge window was a desk and a chair facing the elevator that was on the wall that was on the opposite side of the window .

This very elevator , upon its arrival at the floor , opened showing a black-haired man with a neglected light beard , the color of his hair . The man's eyes , despite their clear ruby color , were cloudy and lifeless . The pair of dark circles beneath them symbolized his sleeplessness and fatigue , which he was apparently trying to combat with the alcohol in the silver flask , located in his hand . Taking a sip from his silver flask he exited the elevator and entered the office .

" How did it go Qrow ? Did you find anything ? "

Asks another male voice , belonging to a lone man standing in front of a huge window . In one hand he held a cane , which did not match his young appearance . In the other , he held a mug of coffee , which he slowly drank . After asking this question , he turned around showing his face and identity known to many people . Professor Ozpin , Headmaster of Beacon Academy .

" As usual nothing . But what can you expect from the amount of information you gave me . I don't even know what to look for Person or object ? I don't even know where to start looking . "

Says Qrow , sitting down in one of the chairs in front of the Ozpin desk . His casual tone and the way he sits signals his long acquaintance with Director Ozpin , who similarly to the Qrow sat down in his chair . Leaning his cane against the desk , he used his now free , second hand to grab a cup of his coffee in the double grip .

" Ozpin ..... Amber says she didn't feel anything disturbing that night either ."

Qrow says, which makes Ozpin lower his head to look at his reflection in the coffee. Despite the relative calmness written on his face , Ozpin posture seemed quite thoughtful . His brown eyes seemed to be following their own thought .

"I'm not saying you're lying, I trust you, Ozpin, but apart from you, we don't know what to look for. And from your description there is no information."

Says Qrow , shaking his head in resignation .

"Don't worry qrow I understand. I just hope , you know yourself who , did not feel what I felt . And even if she felt it , I hope she didn't find it and won't find it ."

Said Ozpin leaving his thoughts with a sigh .

" Even if she felt it . Would she feel anything more accurately than you ? "

Asks Qrow , hiding his flask in one of the pockets of his vest .

" After all , It's been over a year since you felt that time stop . However , you have no idea where was the center of this incident . It could have been anywhere Ozpin , even at the bottom of the sea or on the moon . Perhaps it happened in general , everywhere at the same time at once . I'm not saying to stop looking but , I don't even know what to look for . Amber despite being a maiden didn't feel anything either . You can say that you are the only person who knows that something happened at all " .

" I just don't understand how I am supposed to find something that only you know about , and I believe it is the same with her . Even if she felt it too , she doesn't know where it came from and you also said that it's not her doing . According to you it is not any existing relics or artifact . I literally have no clue . In the end , no one felt it , nor was there any physical trace of the event left anywhere . So I'm not saying to stop looking , I'll just focus on other things and in the meantime , I'll look for something that can stop time . "

Says qrow looking at the anxious face of Ozpin . Who stopped staring at his coffee to look at Qrow sitting in front of him .

" I'm sorry qrow you are right ,I wasted a lot of time and resources . Because of my desire to find anomalie I put you at risk of losing your health . You should rest , I have put too much on you . As for that anomaly , you are right , I myself am not sure what happened then . The same must be true of her . My worries may be unsupported ".

Said Ozpin in a worried tone looking at the sleepless and tired qrow .

" Don't apologize . I understand . Everything I do , what I have done and what I will do makes sense as long as I fight . I understand the importance of the existence of a person or object that can stop time as you described . A person with this power on his side can single-handedly tip the scales of victory . And victory is what we need ."

Says Qrow , as his already bad mood drops immediately , forcing his hand to wander to his pocket with his flask of alcohol . Looking at the Qrow in such a state in the eyes of oOzpin there was remorse and sadness .

" That's exactly next week , am I right ? "

Asks Ozpin which makes a grimace appear on the Qrow face .

" You should spend time with Yang and Ruby . You should not be alone and drink again ..... Oriole hated alcohol . "

Says Ozpin looking at the pained face of the qrow . In his dull red eyes , Ozpin saw the pain of loss , which Qrow apparently fought with alcohol from the flask he already held in his shaking hand . There was sympathy and understanding in ozpin's eyes , as if he himself at that moment was experiencing the same pain as the Qrow .

" I know just ... How much more I have to lose , how much more others have to lose because of this fucking war in the shadows . How much more ... Before things change"

Saying this the Qrow was close to a breakdown . Putting the flask on the desk in front of him , Qrow massaged the base of his nose with his index fingers and thumb .

" I don't know qrow ... How much I would like to answer you . How much I would hate to send a new generation to fight . How much I would like the hunters to bee no longer needed . How much I would no longer want to see sacrifices .... Go home and rest as much as you need Qrow . "

Said Ozpin standing up . Walking up to Qrow who with a lowered head hid tears . Ozpin patted his friend on the shoulder giving him the needed time . In the end he best understood the sense of loss of loved ones . Even more so the sense of loss of a child and wife .

" I will call Tai to take you home . "

Ozpin said while pulling out his scroll . But before he could send a message he was interrupted by Qrow , who got up from his seat and moved towards the elevator .

" No need , I will come back myself . Tai must take care of Rubi and Yang . I do not want to add to his worries"

Saying this , Qrow entered the elevator . Seeing this , Ozpin sighed and put down his scroll . He well knew that Qrow would be fine , he just needed a moment of solitude . Something Ozpin had no intention of taking away from him .

" I just hope that whatever , what that day caused world to stop , will never come into your hands .... Salem ."

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