The time lord vanished from the site and reappeared front of the man and IJ, he expression was completely expressionless.
A serious man he was.
"Devil, why don't you just stop playing around and be serious sometimes"
Time lord said, he was feeling irritated.
"My, my"
With a gentle voice the fiend said, with a hand on his mouth.
"Don't be to rude with your old friend"
His angered the time lord but he kept his cool Infront of all the other lords.
"Just you wait till this act ends, you unmannered child"
He could only say things inside his head for the time being.
There gaze was turned, staring at Lu.
Looking at there stared. An uneasy feeling surrounded him.
"Whats with this feeling"
He had a creeped expression on his face.
The devil layed his hand on the shoulder of Lu, and with a smile his lifted his thumb at Lu.
"Don't give me that look and smile, and congrats on becoming this time lord stuff thing"
"I just wanted to live a normal life. What's all of this"
Inside he was really not happy with whatever was going on.
Yet he kept his brave attitude.
"Whatever the case it, it's no use of crying anymore. I just need to accept all of this and live as a lord than"
He had no other choice after all, he had no idea. What would have happened if he had not accepted to become a lord.
He looked at the beast lord. Worried inside because he had made some new enemies.
"Can I really survived this place?"
A new beginning had started.