Chapter 1344 A Paradise For Three [Part 3]
(Disclaimer: You already know, and I will no longer tell you. Feel free to skip it if you don't like it.)
Shannon wrapped her arms around William's head, and kissed his lips, while her body pressed over his. The sensation of their lips touching each other brought a kind of elation that she couldn't put into words.
The sound of kissing echoed within the bathroom as the Fox Lady enjoyed the Half-Elf's lips, which she had coveted for a very long time. A few minutes later, she pulled back and caressed the side of the Half-Elf's flushed face, whose ragged breaths were like music in her ears.
"Will, stick out your tongue for me," Shannon said.
The Half-Elf did as he was told, and the fox lady wrapped her soft lips around it, and sucked it gently. The suckling sounds that reached Erinys ears made the redness on her face become a shade redder as she watched the Fox Lady have her way with William's tongue, which she was suckling like a piece of candy.
A minute later, Shannon stopped and glanced in Erinys direction.
"Don't just stand there, Erinys," Shannon said. "Come. Join us."
While the Half-ling was hesitating, the red-headed teenager could feel his body heating up. It all started when Shannnon kissed him, which made him feel as if a flame had been ignited inside his chest.
This warm feeling spread into his body, warming him from head to toe. However, after Shannon took his member inside her mouth and drank his essence after he reached his climax, the Half-Elf felt that the string holding his senses snapped inside his head, losing all sense of reason.
What he didn't know was that although Shannon knew that he had lost his memories, his body still remembered the touch of a woman.
All she needed to do was light that sleeping desire within him, and turn the innocent man, who was like a blank white canvas, into someone that would make sweet love with her, and Erinys, all night.
In order to make this happen, she had laced her lips with a mild aphrodisiac.
It wasn't strong enough to reduce William into a wild beast in heat that was unable to thinkabout anything except mating, but it was more than enough to awaken the lust and desire that slept within his innocent heart.
"Shannon, what is this?" William said through ragged breaths. "I feel so hot. My body is burning. What is happening?"
The Fox Lady shifted her attention back to William and kissed his cheeks.
"Don't worry about it, Will," Shannon replied. "Just allow yourself to embrace that feeling."
She then shifted her attention to Erinys and reached out her hand to her. "Erinys, please help Will. He's burning up with the desire to embrace you."
Erinys knew that Shannon was serious about making love with William, but she also understood that the Fox Lady also wanted her to be loved by him as well.
She was hesitant to do it, but her body betrayed her reasoning. Before she knew it, she had already entered the bathtub and was facing the Half-Elf with the bath towel still wrapped around her body.
"Go on, kiss him," Shannon whispered like a devil in the Half-ling ear, tempting her to follow what her heart had wanted since she had left the Underworld.
"Erinys, it's so hot," William said as she looked at the Half-ling with a flushed face.
Shannon had already backed away, and urged Erinys to wrap her arms around William's head.
"Will, I like you," Erinys said as she finally said the words she wanted to say.
"I like you too, Erinys," William replied as he wrapped his arms around her small body.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds before they shared a sweet and innocent kiss, which made Shannon feel like what she had done earlier was far inferior to the simple kiss that Erinys and William were exchanging right now.
The two only pressed their lips together, and didn't do anything aside from that, and yet, she could feel the overflowing feelings the two had for each other.
A few days ago, when she told Wiliam that she and Erinys were his fiances, the Half-Elf paused for a brief moment before saying something so blunt, that Shannon felt as if a cold pale of water filled with ice had been poured over her head.
"I do feel attracted to Erinys, and I can vaguely sense that she is important to me, but I don't feel that way about you, Shannon."
'Maybe, deep inside he really doesn't recognize me as his lover,' Shannon sighed in her heart. 'Well, it's fine. I've read stories that men fall in love with the first person they have given their first time to.'
Although Shannon was still a virgin, and had no first hand experience, she had a lot of second hand experience. She had watched how William made love to his wives, and how they made love to him as well. Using this knowledge, he planned to conquer the Half-Elf's heart, and make him fall in love with her before his true wives and lovers found them.
Shannon smirked as she removed the towel that was wrapped around Eriny's body, allowing her skin to touch the Half-Elf, which further ignited the burning feelings of desire in his heart.
Just as he had told Shannon, William was truly attracted to Erinys. This was why he didn't mind kissing her, in comparison to kissing Shannon.
Kissing Shannon felt incredibly good.
But, kissing Erinys, made his heart beat fast inside his chest. Although the kiss they shared was simple. It was more than enough to make him feel full, as he held the Half-ling in his arms.
A moment later, William sensed something that he had never felt before.
"Erinys, something is strange…," William said after their kiss ended. "I feel like… I want to bite you."
"That…," Erinys, who was relishing the afterglow of kissing William, suddenly became sober after hearing his words.
She didn't know how to reply because she understood what the Half-Elf wanted.
He wanted to suck her blood.
Although his body had been purified from the power of Darkness, and his left arm had also returned to its previous state and no longer felt cold to the touch, his previous powers, before he became the Prince of Darkness, remained.
Shannon, who also understood the situation decided to intervene as she hugged both William's and Erinys' bodies.
"Let's continue this in the bedroom," Shannon proposed. "Don't worry. What you're feeling is normal, Will, but control the urge for now. You don't want to hurt Erinys, right?"
The Half-Elf nodded because he didn't really want to hurt Erinys. Although the urge was getting stronger, he used his willpower to set it aside due to Shannon's reminder.
He had no intention of biting Erinys unless the Half-ling in his arms gave her consent. This was something that William had decided long ago when he needed to drink blood from the women around him.
Even Charmaine and the Elves had the right to reject him. That was how William had decided to deal with his bloodthirst in the past, and only drank the blood of those who were willing to share it with him.
The Half-Elf left the bathtub, holding Erynys' hand, and Shannon followed behind them with a smile on her face.
,m All three of them were still naked, and yet, the embarrassment they felt earlier had drastically lessened as they pressed their bodies against each other in the bathtub.
"Lay down, Will," Shannon said. "Erinys, you lay on top of him, but you must face me, okay?"
The two followed Shannon's instructions, and only then did Erinys find herself in a very awkward position.
The Half-ling was facing William's…, and her backside was facing the Half-Elf.
"Go on, kiss and lick it," Shannon said. "Do it like this, so that William will feel good. You want him to feel good, right?."
Without another word, the fox lady crouched down in front of William's strong member and kissed its tip. She then licked it as if it was a delicious popsicle. A moment later, she pulled back and gave Erinys the "Go on. It's your turn." gaze, making the Half-ling lower her head and kiss William's… to the best of her abilities.
'It's so big,' Erinys thought. 'Will this fit me?'
The Half-ling was aware that in order to have babies, the man must be able to put his essence inside a woman.
However, the Half-ling was afraid that she wouldn't be able to accommodate the thing in front of her eyes,
As if sensing her worries, Shannon lightly patted her head and said.
"You were born for this, Erinys," Shannon said. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Trust Will, he will do his best for you."
After hearing those comforting words, Erinys no longer hesitated and continued to kiss, and lick William's…
Shannon then moved towards the Half-Elf and whispered to his ears.
"Erinys is doing her best to make you feel good," Shannon said. "Make her feel good as well by…"
Shannon whispered something in William's ears. A moment later, the Half-Elf's hands held Erinys' backside, and used his two thumbs to spread her…
Suddenly, Erinys body jolted because of the unexpected stimulation that she felt in her most important place.
Due to Shannon's advice, the Half-Elf used his tongue to make the Half-ling feel a tingling sensation that washed over her entire body, making her legs, and body, turn to jelly.
Chapter 1345 A Paradise For Three [Part 4]
(Disclaimer: *wink wink*.)
"Will… no… I'm starting… to feel weird… Mmm!"
The movement of William's tongue made the Half-ling unable to concentrate on what she had been doing earlier.
These sensations were all new to her, and it was making her feel that something was slowly building up inside her.
Something that made her scared, and at the same time, expectant for what was about to happen next.
Finally, after a few minutes, her entire body trembled as she experienced something she had never experienced before for the very first time.
An orgasm.
The Half-ling panted as her body collapsed on top of William. Just before she recovered her breath, a pair of soft and delicate hands wrapped around her body and lifted her up.
"Up you go, Erinys," Shannon said as she laid the still dazed Half-ling beside William.
As if guided by his instinct, the Half-Elf slowly propped himself up from the bed, and looked down on the Half-ling whose flushed face stirred feelings inside of him that he knew were already with him long before he lost his memory.
"Erinys… I want you," William said. "Do you want me to?"
Erinys looked up at the handsome Half-Elf, and was about to say yes, when the image of the old William overlapped with him.
"I want… you," Erinys replied. "But, not like this."
Erinys broke out of her daze as she gazed at the red-headed teenager who had brought her to the surface world, and felt sad in her heart, which was reflected in her face.
Tears soon appeared at the corner of her eyes as she thought about the one person who really cared for her and the sudden lost his memories, despite the fact that he was staring down at her with eyes of love.
She felt very sad because she wanted Will, but not the one that had lost his memories. She wanted to be embraced by him with his memories intact, and to say words of love to each other because they truly meant it.
The Half-ling wanted to become his lover, to become one of his wives, to become one with him, but not like this.
Not when he didn't remember her, and the time they spent together.
William felt his heart ache after seeing Erinys crying in front of him and hugged her tight. He could tell that she was suffering, and was feeling sad.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking properly," William said softly as he patted her head. "I'm sorry if I have hurt you, Erinys."
"No.... you didn't hurt me," Erinys replied as he buried her head on William's chest. "I'm just not ready. I want you, Will. But, not like this. I want you to embrace me when you regain your memories."
William smiled as he planted a kiss on Erinys' forehead. "Understood. I can tell how strong your feelings are towards me. I will respect your wish, Erinys. I look forward to the day when I will embrace you by your own will. "
"Thank you, Will."
Shannon who saw this scene was quite surprised because this was very different from how she thought it would end. She was confident that Erinys truly wanted to be with William, and yet, she refused to make love to him because he had lost his memories.
"As expected of you, Erinys," Shannon commented. "You really love, Will."
"I'm still not sure if it's love, but I want to know what that is, too," Erinys replied, while being hugged by the Half-Elf whose warmth was spreading to her body.
"Understood," Shannon replied. "I, too, will respect your decision. Since that is the case, please, step aside."
Shannon wrapped her arms around William's body and gave him a light pull. Breaking his hold upon the Half-ling.
"Since Erinys doesn't want it, allow me to sooth the heat of your body, Will," Shannon whispered. Before pinning William on the bed. She then sat on top of him and placed her hands on his chest.
"I'm sorry, Will. I am not like Erinys," Shannon said as her right hand held onto William's… before lowering her hips. " Unlike her, I can't wait. I want to be with you. I want to be yours so badly that it hurts."
Just as she was about to lower her hips, William's hand held onto her waist. It didn't have any strength in it, but it was enough to make Shannon pause.
The tip of the Half-Elf's… was already inside her. Just one more push and the membrane that protected her chastity would be torn apart.
"I've always felt that you wanted me," William stated. "I can tell how serious you are, and yet, I don't feel any strong attraction towards you, unlike what I feel for Erinys. When you said you are my fiance, is that a lie?"
Shannon held William's gaze and smiled. "Yes. It was a lie."
"Then, tell me, why are you doing this?"
"Because… why not?"
Shannon's reply made Erinys' eyes widen in shock.
"I don't need a reason to fall in love," Shannon stated. "I don't need a reason for doing things that I want to do. I do them because I feel like it. You asked me why I am doing this? Very well, My Prince, I will tell you the real reason why."
Shannon lowered her hips, until William's member pushed deep inside her, tearing apart the proof of her maidenhood, and finally becoming one with him.
"Will, I'm doing this because the world is about to end," Shannon said as tears streamed down the side of her face. "I don't want to die, not having known what it meant to be loved by someone. I don't want to die, not knowing what it feels like to be one with the one person I believed would fight until this world was burned to ashes."
A laugh of both sadness and frustration escaped Shannon's lips, as the blood of her purity stained William's member.
"I am a hateful woman who forced herself onto a man that doesn't love her, but what of it?" Shannon smiled bitterly as she lowered her hips more, until William's… kissed the entrance of her womb, ignoring the pain she was feeling because the ache in her heart hurt more than giving her chastity away.
"I'm going to make love to you, Will…," Shannon said as she bent her torso to kiss his lips. "And after that, I will tell you everything you need to know about this world, your memories, and the fleeting future that I wanted to be a part of until the very last minute."
Chapter 1346 A Paradise For Three [Part 5]
(Disclaimer: Last Part)
Shannon kissed William, while his manhood kissed the entrance of her womb.
He was quite shocked when Shannon revealed that she had lied to him about being his fiance, but as her lips pressed over his, and her arms wrapped around his head, he could feel, and to a certain extent hear, the heart that was beating wildly inside her chest.
When their lips parted, Shannon lowered her head and rested it on William's shoulder.
"This hurts more than I expected," Shannon said softly. However, she didn't explain what kind of pain she was feeling. The pain of losing her maidenhood, or the pain she was feeling in her heart.
Shannon was a proud woman. She believed that she could take anyone she wanted if she truly desired it. Both of her parents were Gods, so as their only daughter, she was sure that they would readily give her whatever she wanted.
But, she was wrong.
The first thing she asked for was freedom.
However, since a single gaze from her could make a person commit suicide out of despair, she was forced to be under house arrest inside the shrine of the Hestia Academy, were powerful barriers sealed her in place.
Since her first wish was not granted, Shannon no longer wished for anything and simply watched the world through her paintings.
The reason why she was fond of Erinys, was because they were almost the same.
Both of them were daughters of Gods and they were lonely in their own way.
Although Erinys could go anywhere in the Underworld, she was still a caged bird, trapped in a place where the souls of the departed went after they died on the Surface World.
The Half-ling rarely saw her father, which was quite different from Shannon, who was visited by her parents on a regular basis.
Erinys could interact with the denizens of the Underworld, while Shannon could only talk to her parents.
The Fox Lady could see events happening in real time, similar to how Erinys could watch things about the Surface World on television.
When William kidnapped Erinys under her father's nose, something inside Shannon snapped. She had witnessed how the Half-Elf fought battle after battle against beings far powerful than him.
But, this time, it was different.
The Half-Elf had offended a God, and not just an ordinary God, but the God of Death who ruled the Underworld.
The Fox Lady was moved by his boldness, and wished for someone to go to such lengths for her as well. This was why she altered her original plans to eloping in the Western Continent with the Half-Elf who had lost his memories, including those of Wendy and Estelle, as his body, and soul stabilized from the purification that it had just undergone.
Shannon didn't kidnap the red-headed teenager just because he coveted him.
No. She did what she did in order to protect him from Nisha.
Since the Half-Elf was now a blank slate, it would be easier for the leader of Deus to taint him, even without using the power of Darkness. That was how potent the purification process was. It was similar to Imprinting.
Similar to a baby bird who had just hatched from its egg, the first being it saw would be treated as its family.
Shannon knew that if she didn't make her move, Nisha would be the one to make it.
The veiled-beauty was the leader of the most powerful Underground Organization of the world, not losing to the Holy Order of Light in terms of influence.
For someone that had reached that height, it would be impossible not to have a few artifacts that were similar to Celine's Eternity and William's Thousand Beast Domain.
A place where she could imprison William, and make him obey no one else but her.
Shannon, who was in pain, suddenly felt a prickling sensation in her neck. Her blood trickled down to her neck, down to her voluptuous body, but this was the least of her worries.
The pain she felt after her defloration, and the heartache in her heart, vanished as if it hadn't existed in the first place. What she felt next were waves of pleasure, which made a sigh escape her lips.
William dutifully licked the wound, as he quenched the bloodthirst he was feeling. He didn't know why, but his instinct told him that if he did this, the pain that Shannon felt would disappear.
And it did.
The pain disappeared, but a fire was lit in its place.
It made the Fox Lady's body heat up, as the Half-Elf kissed the wound on her neck, healing it completely.
"I'm sorry," William said before kissing Shannon's lips. "Leave the rest to me."
Without another word, William raised Shannon's hips and moved them up and down. The euphoria she had felt earlier hadn't faded, and it had made her more sensitive than usual.
She no longer felt pain, only a sense of fulfillment that she never expected to feel after becoming one with the Half-Elf whom she had recognized as a man worthy of her.
A few minutes later, Shannon subconsciously moved her hips on her own, allowing William to penetrate deep inside her.
She moved with him, and not against him, allowing both of their bodies to do what they had been created to do.
"Will… make me yours," Shannon said with a tone similar to pleading. "I want to be with you. I want to be your woman."
Instead of replying with words, William kissed her lips. He had stopped moving his hips, and simply kissed her, until she was satisfied.
"Very well," William said softly as he raised Shannon's hips with his hands. "I will take responsibility, and make you my woman. So, promise me one thing."
"What promise do you want?" Shannon asked.
She wanted to lower her hips, and plunge William's hot and throbbing… deep inside her, until it melted her from the inside out, but she held back this urge because she understood that this was the turning point in both of their lives.
"No more lies," William stated. "From this day onward, you will not lie to me again in your lifetime."
Shannon was surprised, but she already expected something like this to happen.
"Okay," Shannon replied. "From now on. No more lies. I promise."
"Good." William nodded as he gave Shannon a kiss before giving her what she wanted.
It was William's first time after losing his memories, so he was unable to control himself and did it roughly. He vented his burning desire and lust, into the beautiful lady that he had pinned down on the bed, who was more than willing to accept all of him.
The moment William released his seed inside her, Shannon's body bent into an arch like a bow, as something hot, and powerful, poured inside her womb, making her understand that this was the reason she had been born in the world.
Her heart, and womb melted, as William's essence seeped inside her non-stop.
The Half-Elf's release was so strong, that he felt as if a part of his soul had been released inside of Shannon as well.
He didn't know how long his release lasted, but when he was done, he slumped weakly on top of the lady under him, as they both panted for breath.
Erinys, who was watching from the side, was also breathing raggedly because she didn't expect that William's love making would be so intense. She also felt relieved because the one whom the red-headed teenager had made love with was Shannon and not her.
If it was her, the Half-Elf might have broken her completely due to how roughly he had treated Shannon during her first time.
"I am probably the happiest woman in the world at this moment in time," Shannon said as she hugged the Half-Elf's body, enjoying the warmth of their skinship. "Finally, I belong to you, Will."
"Yes," William replied. "You now belong to me."
The two gazed at each other for half a minute before the Fox Lady giggled.
"What's so funny?" William asked.
"I was just imagining a few things," Shannon replied.
"What kind of things?"
"Like, how your wives will react the moment they know that I became your woman as well. Especially Wendy, Estelle, and Belle. I'm pretty sure that those three would love nothing more than to slap me right now."
William suddenly felt a chilling coldness run down the back of his spine. For some reason, the name of the three girls that Shannon had mentioned made him feel as if several blades were being pointed at his back.
As if sensing his thoughts, Shannon cupped William's face and gave his lips a quick peck.
"Don't worry, I will take responsibility, and make them shift all the blame to me," Shannon said with a smile. "For now. Forget about them."
The Fox Lady suddenly moved to make Will fall on the bed, so she could be on top of him.
"They will find us eventually, but before that," Shannon moved her hips in a circular motion while a mischievous smile hung on her hips. "Let's make the most of our time, shall we?"
The two made love with each other until Shannon was exhausted.
In the end, the two ladies laid beside William, hugging his body with their heads resting on his shoulders.
Even though Erinys didn't make love with him, the Half-Elf didn't neglect her, and showered her with kisses, while he made the Fox Lady under his body writhe in pleasure.
The Half-ling was emboldened due to Shannon's desire to be one with William, and allowed the Half-Elf to also drink her blood, like he did when the two of them had been thrown off course in the Underworld.
With two naked beauties laying beside him, the Half-Elf contemplated the truths that Shannon would tell him when she woke up.
The Fox Lady slept peacefully, as if all of her worries had disappeared completely. The Half-Elf could tell that Shannon had truly wanted to become his woman, and now that she had achieved her goal, she would support him with everything she had.
He planted a quick kiss on her forehead before giving the Half-ling a kiss on her forehead as well.
He felt very possessive of the two of them and wondered, if he was already like this with just two women, what would he be like with more?
'There Is no use worrying about things I can't remember,' William thought as he closed his eyes. He then hugged the two ladies in his arms, who subconsciously hugged him tighter, not wanting to let him go.
As the three of them slept peacefully in each other's embrace, they were not aware that somewhere in the Void, the Army of Destruction had destroyed another world.
Now that one of their targets had been eliminated, they set their sights on a beautiful world.
A world, where three people were sleeping in a Paradise that they had made on their own.
Chapter 1347 How About You Return To The Underworld With A Baby?
The next day, after the three had breakfast, Shannon kept her promise.
Instead of telling the Half-Elf everything that had happened, she used her power to show him the great battle between him and the forces of the Holy Order of Light.
The images on Shannon's canvas came to life. Similar to a movie that was already edited to be watched by the people who went to the cinemas, the great battle happened in great detail, making the Half-Elf unable to shift his gaze away from the scenes that were happening in front of him.
"Why can't I hear what she's saying?" William asked as he pointed at the black-haired beauty who was talking to him during the battle.
"I can hear her just fine," Shannon tilted her head in confusion before shifting her gaze towards Erinys.
"I can hear her, too," Erinys commented.
William frowned but after Shannon rewinded the scene, he still couldn't hear what Belle had said.
"My name is Belle. Does it ring any bell to you?"
"I guess someone is sleeping on the floor tonight."
Erinys said the words that William wasn't able to hear, and it made the Half-Elf wonder why he was unable to hear the words of the lady named Belle, who seemed to know him as well.
For the time being, he set this matter aside as he continued to watch the battle.
Several minutes later it ended with William being hit by a bright beam of white light, making him fall from the sky.
He saw how Shannon caught him with a red-like lasso made of ink, and Erinys' flying ship passed through a purple portal, which took them away from the battlefield.
"This is the battle where you lost your memories," Shannon stated. "And it was something that I orchestrated to a certain extent. I wanted you, Will, but I wanted the version of you who had lost his memories. I thought that, by doing this, I would be able to make you mine, and the three of us could live happily in the Western Continent before the world ends."
"Before the world ends?" William inquired. "What do you mean?"
"I mean it literally, Will. This world is about to be destroyed by the Army of Destruction, which had already destroyed countless worlds. Many worlds, far stronger than Hestia, have lost to them in battle."
Shannon sighed before taking out another canvas from her storage ring, and showed William a battle that happened on a world that was also headed for destruction.
"Giants, Titans, Fomorians, Trolls, and other monstrous beasts compose the Army of Destruction," Shannon explained. "The greatest threat you have faced in this world are Pseudo-Gods, but the one that leads this mighty army is a bonafide God of Destruction.
"Even Gods have died fighting against him and his forces, so even if all of the Pseudo-Gods and Demigods we have in this world worked together, it will still be hopeless."
Shannon allowed the images to linger, so that William could see how another world was destroyed. This was one of the reasons why she wanted to be with him, because she knew that the world was about to end.
Her mother, and father, had already accepted the world's fate, and had even made arrangements in the Underworld for Shannon, to allow her to bypass death, so she could transfer to another world, where she could live happily.
A world that was not headed for destruction.
"You say that this world is about to end, but do you know when exactly it will end?" William inquired.
Shannon shook her head because she really didn't know the answer to this question. The Army of Destruction had already tried to invade Hestia twice.
The first one was the battle in the Void, where James, Ella, and Malacai, blocked their path.
The second one was when the Army of Destruction appeared in the Silvermoon Continent, and was dealt with William one-sidedly.
Unfortunately, those forces were mere scouts.
Just a drop in a bucket, and a single hair on a bull's back.
The Army of Destruction had grown large over the years, numbering almost a billion. With each world they destroyed, their strength and numbers grew, making them the most powerful army in existence known to Mortals and Gods alike.
"They could arrive a year from now, or two years from now," Shannon said softly. "Or, they could arrive today, tomorrow, or the day after. All I know is that they will arrive in less than two years. However, my mother feels that they will be here in less than a year."
"Your mother?"
"Yes. My mother, The Goddess Hestia. The Goddess of Hearth and Home, and the same Goddess which this world took its name from. Well, I do hope that they will arrive after a year. After all, I planned to give birth to your babies first, and take them with me to the other world, where my parents planned to send me. Don't worry. I promise I won't marry again, and I will raise them properly."
William blinked once then twice before the gears in his mind finally started to turn.
He didn't expect that he actually made love with the daughter of the Goddess Hestia, and Shannon even wanted to give birth to his babies.
This information even made Erinys look at Shannon in a different light. It was not easy to cheat death, and the bribe that the fox lady's parents had to have given to the God of Death for him to agree to such a deal must have been priceless beyond words.
"It must be nice having doting parents," Erinys said to Shannon, who only smiled at her.
"Your father also loves you," Shannon replied. "But his love is a bit different from the love of my parents. Perhaps after living in the Underworld for so long, his version of love has become as cold as the souls of the dead that pass through his domain."
Erinys lowered her head because her father and her meet very rarely. During those meetings, they would only exchange a few words before an awkward silence would fall inside the room.
The Half-ling liked to talk to others, but when it came to her father, she was at a loss when it came to what to say. Their conversations would start with "How are you?", and more often than not, it would also end in that manner as well.
It was only when William was about to leave the Underworld that her father said so many things to her. Unfortunately, she had decided to come with the Half-Elf to the Surface World, to understand what it was like to walk under the sun.
"I have a good idea!" Shannon clapped her hands happily. "How about you return to the Underworld with a baby? I'm sure that if that happens, your father will be happy because he has turned into a grandfather, right?"
Erinys pondered Shannon's words for a bit, and found the idea quite appealing. However, she was not aware that if she really were to return to the Underworld with William's baby, her father would lock William's soul somewhere in the new layer of Hell he created, and torture the Half-Elf for eternity.
Chapter 1348 The System That Had Been Forgotten
The wind blew softly, fanning the Half-Elf who was deep in thought.
After Shannon had revealed to him how he lost his memory, the Half-Elf pondered his next course of action.
The end of the world.
It was such a dark, and heavy topic to talk about, but that was what they had done after Shannon finished showing William the adventures that she had seen while he lived them.
The fox lady showed him his journey to the Deadlands, his journey back to Earth, as well as his marriage to Belle.
She also showed him his journey to the Demon World, and how he became the Prince of Darkness.
His journey to the Seventh Sanctum, Tyr Na Nog, Hyperborea, and Atlantis.
His battles against Felix and Ahriman.
His Journey to the Underworld, where she met Erinys, making the little girl's face turn beet red when Shannon had exposed the "William Pillow" she had created.
The Half-Elf couldn't help but tease the Half-ling, who had buried her face in his chest in embarrassment, after her deepest, darkest secret was revealed to the one person she had wanted to keep it from.
Shannon had shown William everything that had happened since she had started to follow him on his journey.
When everything was over, the Half-Elf asked to be given some time alone, so he could organize his thoughts. The Fox Lady and the Half-ling knew that William wanted to think things over, so they didn't bother him, and gave him some space.
Two hours passed, and the red-headed teenager continued to look at the waves hitting the shore in the distance. If what Shannon told him about the Army of Destruction was right, this peaceful life that they had right now would be destroyed, and the beautiful scene in front of him would disappear forever.
"What a time to be alive…," William muttered. "Not only did I lose my memories, but I also have a front row seat to the end of the world…"
The Half-Elf sighed because this was simply too much for him to bear. The moment he became aware of his identity as the former Prince of Darkness, and the number of wives and lovers he possessed, he felt his cheeks burning in both shame and embarrassment.
Just a day ago, he thought that making love with Shannon was already the best feeling he had experienced in his life. But, now, he found out that he had dozens of beautiful ladies that he had also made love to in the past.
Just imagining himself being surrounded by so many exceptional women was more than enough to make him flustered. The current him didn't have the experience to know how to handle so many women at a time, but that was the least of his worries.
With the world coming to an end, William thought that living with Shannon and Erinys on the deserted island to live out the remainder of their days in peace and happiness was quite tempting.
However, he also understood that there were other people waiting for his return, who loved him just as much as the Fox Lady, and the Half-ling, who made him feel loved.
"Hah… this is hopeless," William laid on the ground and looked up at the clouds passing through the sky. "Someone tell me what to do…"
< Well, I can give you some advice if you want me to. >
William immediately stood up and looked around him when he heard a voice inside his head. He was certain that it was only him, Shannon, and Erinys that lived on the island, so having someone else on it, whom he didn't know, made him raise his guard completely.
< Calm down, you won't be able to see me because I am in your head. >
< I know what you're thinking. Relax, you're not going crazy. It might come as a surprise to you, but I've been with you since you were born. Take deep breaths, and relax. I am not going to hurt you, I just want to talk, and discuss things related to you. >
The Half-Elf was still half doubtful of the voice inside his head, but he still decided to take deep breaths in order to calm himself. Right now, he needed to be calm so he could understand the situation.
"I am now calm," William said as he sat cross-legged on the ground. "First, tell me who you are."
< Certainly. My name is Optimus. You are the one that gave me that name, as to what I am, you can refer to me as a System. >
< Yes. Optimus. >
"You said earlier that you've been with me since I was born," William stated. "How come you're only talking to me now? Also, what does a System do? Can you tell me more?"
< Okay. To answer your first question, that is because I deemed that now was the most appropriate time to talk to you again. A lot of things happened, and there were also other things I was doing on my end, like stabilizing your soul, as well as helping your body adapt to the sudden changes to your Sea of Consciousness. >
"Sea of Consciousness?"
< Correct. But, since you have no idea what I am talking about, it would be better if I show it to you. >
Suddenly, William found himself in a place where the sky was as clear and blue as the ocean that was under his feet.
A countless number of weapons were protruding out of the waters, giving the place a hint of tension, despite the fact that everything looked so serene and peaceful.
A moment later, a faint ripple appeared in the sea as a nearly twenty-meter-tall robot materialized in front of William, towering above him.
< Let me introduce myself again. I am Optimus. I am the System that has followed you since you were born, and the System that the author forgot about throughout the last thousand chapters. But, let's not talk about him. Just thinking about all of the inconsistencies he has written so far makes my teeth itch in frustration. >
William looked up at the giant robot in front of him with his heart beating wildly inside his chest. He didn't know why he was feeling this way.
All he knew was that after his talk with Optimus had ended, the hazy feelings inside his heart about what to do next finally fell into place like the last piece of a puzzle.
Chapter 1349 You Deserve A Happy Ending
< Are there any questions that you would like to have answered? >
"I have a lot, but first, let me ask you something. How many lovers do I have?"
< A lot. >
"How many exactly?"
< I think it would be best if I don't tell you right now. I want it to be a surprise. >
Optimus could have told William the number of lovers and wives he currently had, but the System decided not to.
After everything that happened, the System wanted to see William's, and his lovers' reactions when they finally met again after the Half-Elf had lost his memories.
Seeing that Optimus had no intention of answering his first question, he then moved to the next, which was more important than his first question.
"Shannon said that I can recover my memories if she asks her mother, the Goddess Hestia. Is this true?"
< Yesn't >
< It is true that you will recover your memories, but not all of them. The Goddess can probably help you recover the memories you have about this world. But, any memories you have of places and people outside of this world, she would be unable to return to you. >
William frowned. He didn't understand what Optimus was saying, but he had a feeling that the System wasn't finished with his explanation.
< It might be hard to believe, but you also have the memories of your past lives as well. This is something that the Goddess cannot make you remember because it is outside of her jurisdiction. >
"Past lives?" William blinked in confusion. "Are you talking about Belle?"
< Belle is just one of the ladies linked to you from your previous lives. Let's just say that your soul is bound by a Karma that has transcended the past thousand years.
< Perhaps, it was Fate, but the people who had a connection with you in those past lives have now gathered in Hestia in order to reunite with you. This is why you needed to recover the memories of your past lives as well, in order for you to become complete. >
"This sounds so complicated." William scratched his head, but he believed Optimus' explanation. "So, how do I recover the memories of my past lives?"
< Actually, you have already laid out the foundations for that to happen. >
"I have?"
< Yes. >
The Giant Robot then snapped its fingers, allowing several images to materialize out of thin air.
Seven ladies, all exceptional in their own ways, appeared in front of the Half-Elf.
"Who are they?" William asked.
Among them, he only recognized one, which was Erinys, who had been with him on the deserted island since he had regained his consciousness.
< Haleth, Amelia, Pearl, Priscilla, Anh, Vesta, and Erinys. These are the seven ladies that you need to gather in order to find Hope. >
< Allow me to make it clearer. You need to make all of them gather together in order to meet the Virtuous Lady, who represents the Eighth Heavenly Virtue, Hope. She has the answers to most questions in the world, and she is capable of returning all of your memories to you. >
? "Hope…," William muttered. "How fitting."<> panda-n( 0 ve)
< Right. >
The Half-Elf glanced at the seven ladies before shifting his attention back to Optimus, who was waiting for him to ask him more questions.
"Do you know about the Army of Destruction?" William asked.
< Yes. >
"Can Hope help us deal with them?"
Suddenly, Optimus did something that he had never done before. The giant robot in front of Will laughed. He laughed so hard that his voice echoed within Will's Sea of Consciousness.
< I'm sorry, but your question made me imagine something funny. >
"Something funny?"
< Indeed. I imagined the Virtuous Lady of Hope running away with all her might as soon as the Army of Destruction descended on Hestia. >
"Oh! So she's a scaredy cat?"
< Not a scaredy cat, but she's more of a support character. Also, you can't rely on Hope to fix your problems for you. Although Hope is there, in the end, the one that will have to act will be you. This is why we need to recover your memories as soon as possible. This world needs you, Will. >
William sighed before sitting cross-legged on the blue sea under his feet. Just a few days ago, he was living a carefree life without worrying about things like the end of the world.
Although he found that losing his memory was troublesome, he didn't feel like living in peace on the deserted island with Shannon and Erinys was a bad thing. However, after Shannon had told him the truth, and revealed to him how he lost his memory, he couldn't pretend that what he saw didn't happen.
Now that Optimus had also made his appearance, it was quite obvious that William must regain all of his memories in preparation for the arrival of the Army of Destruction, which would mark the end of the world.
"Optimus, can you tell me if there is really a way to stop this world from being destroyed?" William inquired.
< … I don't know. >
"You don't?"
< After connecting to the Information Network, Readdit, I found out that not a single world has survived the full invasion of the Army of Destruction. Some managed to defeat their scouting parties, like you have been able to do, but after their main army arrived, the worlds were unable to resist the power of the God of Destruction. >
"So, it is hopeless?"
< I didn't say that it is hopeless. It is just that no one had succeeded in defeating them. >
William smiled bitterly as he looked up at the robot who towered above him.
"Isn't that the same?" William inquired.
< There's a first time for everything. Also, I believe in you, Will. >
"Believe in me?"
< Yes. After everything you've been through, you deserve a happy ending. >
Optimus had watched William's journey since he was young, and he had been there to support the Half-Elf from the shadows whenever he needed it. Although he had already calculated if there was a chance that Hestia would be able to win the war against the Army of Destruction, the result he gained, even after adding all the variables, was not optimistic.
William asked a few more questions, and Optimus answered them all to the best of his abilities. When the System felt like the Half-Elf needed time to absorb the information that he had been given, he bid the Half-Elf goodbye and returned William's consciousness to the real world.
Chapter 1350 She's Not Really Going To Castrate Me,Right?
William made his way back to their temporary house where Shannon and Erinys were waiting for his return.
The half-Elf had thought a lot along the way, and it all boiled down to one thing.
He needed to regain his memories.
In order to do that, they needed to return to the Central Continent and gather the seven ladies who would allow William to meet the Virtuous Lady of Hope, who Optimus insisted held the key that would allow him to regain all of his memories.
"Welcome back, Will," Erinys greeted the Half-Elf as soon as William stepped inside the house.
She had been very worried about him, but Shannon told her that the red-headed teenager needed some time to sort out everything in his head. Because of this, Erinys didn't bother him and stayed inside the house with Shannon and waited for him to return.
"I'm back, Erinys," WIlliam replied with a smile as he sat beside the Half-ling.
p-a- n-d-a-n-0-v-e-l, Erinys moved close to him and William wrapped his right arm around her body, allowing the Half-ling to rest her head on his chest.
"I have thought about many things, and decided on one thing," William said as he looked at Shannon. "I need to return to the Central Continent. That is the only way I can regain the memories that I have lost."
New novel chapters are published on Freeᴡebn[ᴏ]vel. c<ᴏ>m.
Shannon sighed internally after hearing William's words. Although she nodded her head in understanding, she was still reluctant to return right away. Also, there was one more hidden danger waiting for them in the Central Continent, and she needed to be sure that William would be safe from that danger when they returned.
Suddenly, Shannon felt something as she shifted her gaze Eastwards. Although she was looking at the wall of their house, her vision extended past it and gazed in the distance.
Soon, a bitter smile appeared on her beautiful face, which made the Half-Elf who was paying close attention to her frown.
"Two days," Shannon said before slowly shifting her attention back to William. "We will return to the Central Continent in two days. I needed some time to prepare the portal that will send us back to the Ainsworth Empire."
"Okay." William nodded. "We leave in two days."
In truth, the Half-Elf felt relieved that they didn't need to leave right away.
Although he looked calm on the surface, he still wasn't ready to return and face the responsibilities that were waiting for him back at the Central Continent.
In truth, William was afraid. He was afraid that he would be unable to meet everyone's expectations of him after his return.
As if sensing his anxiety, Shannon smiled and stood up from her seat to sit beside the Half-Elf.
"It will be fine," Shannon said as she caressed William's face. "You are never alone. I am here with you, Erinys is here with you, and many more will be by your side. Even if the Army of Destruction arrives tomorrow, we will fight by your side. Don't worry, Erinys is a Ferryman of the Underworld, and the daughter of the God of Death. After you die, she will take care of you. Am I right, Erinys?"
"Yes." Erinys nodded her head.
William didn't know if he should laugh or cry about Shannon's comforting words. Clearly, the Fox Lady was taking things lightly, and even dying didn't seem like such a big deal to her.
"... You're already thinking about dying," William lightly pinched Shannon's waist, making the Fox Lady giggle. "I thought we were going to fight against the Army of Destruction together?"
"I am just planning ahead," Shannon replied in an innocent tone. "It's not bad to plan for the future, right?"
Shannon felt as if the burden that she was carrying in her heart disappeared after telling William the truth. She thought that the Half-Elf would hate her after knowing that she had schemed to kidnap him after he lost his memories, but her worst fear didn't happen.
Although she thought that it was partly because William had lost his memories, and was unable to make a proper decision about what she did, she was still happy that he had recognized her as his lover.
They had made love so many times her hips were almost dislocated due to William's peerless stamina. If not for the fact that she had lost consciousness, the Half-Elf might have continued to make love with her until dawn.
"What do you plan to do first after we return to the Central Continent?" Erinys asked. "Will you focus on regaining your memory first?"
William nodded. "Yes. The sooner I get them, the better. Also, didn't you promise to make love with me after I regained them? You'd better not run away when that time comes."
Erinys face reddened after hearing William's words, but she didn't refute his words.
Shannon, on the other hand, just giggled and kissed William's cheek.
"I'm pretty sure that Erinys will have to wait a few days before she can fulfill her promise to you," Shannon said in a teasing tone. "I doubt that your First Wife, whom you haven't consummated your wedding night with, and your fiance, Estelle, whom you have promised to marry, won't allow you to shift your attention to other women aside from them after your memories have returned.
"There is also Belle. Actually, you should be more worried about her. If I remember correctly, I believed that she muttered something about castrating you when I was spying on her."
William didn't know why, but after hearing Belle's name, he felt a cold sweat forming on his forehead.
"Castration? Isn't that a bit too much?" William tried to laugh it off, but no laughter could come out from his lips. "She's not really going to castrate me, right? I mean, you girls won't allow it, right?"
Shannon and Erinys exchanged a glance before pulling William to the bedroom.
"I don't know if she will really castrate you or not, but before that happens, I'll take this opportunity to monopolize it, while it's still connected to your body," Shannon giggled. "After all, we only have two days left before our return. I'll have my fill till then."
Erinys, who had promised to herself, and William, that she wouldn't allow him to make love with her, until she regained his memory, also accompanied the two to the bedroom.
Although she wouldn't go all the way, she was more than willing to learn the many ways she could make the Half-Elf feel good before they returned to the Central Continent, where the Half-Elf's many wives and lovers were dying to hold him in their embrace.
Chapter 1351 Everyone Ls Waiting For Your Return
Two days later…
William yawned as he cooked their lunch for the day.
Shannon and Erinys were still asleep because both of them slept very late last night. After tasting the forbidden fruit, the Fox Lady would tumble on the sheets with William for hours, until she was too exhausted to even lift her finger.
The Half-Elf understood that Shannon was taking advantage of the time they had together, but he was still overwhelmed by the Fox Lady's libido. Fortunately, his stamina was surprisingly good, so he was able to go all the way with her until she lost consciousness.
Erinys, on the other hand, may not be as resilient as Shannon, but her tenacity surprised even the Half-Elf who treated her with great care.
Since he couldn't go all the way with her, the only things Wiliam did with the Half-ling were hugs, kisses, and a little bit of foreplay. Even so, that was more than enough to make her climax several times, until she was exhausted.
Since the three of them only fell asleep three hours before dawn, William was expecting the two of them to wake up around lunch time. This was why he decided to prepare their lunch beforehand, so the two could eat as soon as they woke up.
< Your first wife's name is Wendy, and you first met her in the Hellan Royal Academy. >
"What is she like?" William asked as he continued to grill the fishes he had caught earlier.
< Let's just say that she is strong willed. When the two of you met, she was the one that took the initiative for the two of you to be together. >
"Was I happy being with her?"
< Yes. You were happy with her. She was the first girl you opened up your heart to after your short visit on Earth to reunite with Belle, during the trial in the Kyrintor Mountains. >
After Optimus had reached out to him, the Half-Elf no longer hesitated and asked him a lot of questions about his past life. Although he already knew how to regain his memories, he still wanted to have a better understanding of the people he interacted with in the past.
"The elf named Pearl, you said that she hates me, right?" William asked. "Will she agree to help me?"
< I don't think it's whether she agrees or not. It's more like, she will be too afraid to not help you. Listen, Will. I'm sure you can't remember, but the Elves have all been turned into Drows because of you. If Pearl where to refuse to help you, the entire Silvermoon Continent would become her enemy. >
"... I guess I don't have to worry about her anymore?"
< Mmm. Just ask Astrape, or Chloee, to drag her back to the Ainsworth Empire and get it over with. >
The Half-Elf smiled. Although Optimus' voice was quite robotic, he could still sense the mischievousness hidden in his words.
"About my soul, is there a way to fix it?" William inquired. "A quarter of my soul is sleeping in the Bell of Anthanasia, while half of it disappeared after my two familiars died. Is there a possibility to make me whole again?"
< … The possibility exists. But, I don't have enough data to support this claim. I'd like to believe that it is possible. Still, if you want answers, you will need to return to the Tower of Babylon, and reach the 100th Floor. Make sure to bring Celeste with you. She is the one that helped you become a Familiamancer. >
William sighed. After Shannon had shown him what became of his two Familiars, Elliot and Conan, he felt a deep sadness that came from the very depths of his soul.
Although he couldn't remember them, the sacrifice they made in order to help him during the battle in the Demon Continent touched his heart. He hoped that there was a possibility to revive the two of them again, and once again complete his soul.
That way, he would be able to unlock the full power of the System. Optimus told him that the current him was unable to use the System's full potential. Forcing himself to use it would only take a toll on his soul and body, which would lead to his demise.
"So, the agenda is to first recover my memories then go to the Tower of Babylon," William stated. "Anything else?"
< Going to the Tower of Babylon might have to wait. You will need to work with Hope to retrieve your wives from the Underworld first. The God of Death said that you need to kill Belle before he releases the souls of your wives. However, since you can't do that anymore, you will need to do something else entirely. >
"... We're talking about Erinys' father, right?"
< Yes. The God of Death that has a veeeeeeeeeeeery strong grudge against you. >
William scratched his head because the hurdle was already too high to begin with. How could he possibly sneak past the God of Death in his own Domain and retrieve the souls of his wives under his nose?
"What about this Nisha Lady?" William inquired. "Shannon said that she took me away to protect me from her. What's her story?"
< Nisha is the avatar of your Sugar Mama. >
"What sugar mama?"
< Ask the readers. They call the Primordial Goddess, Sugar Mama. >
Just as William was about to ask another question, a still sleepy Erinys stepped outside the house and headed towards him, as he continued to grill fish outdoors.
"Good morning," William greeted the yawning Half-ling with a smile. "Are you hungry? The fish is nearly done."
"Good morning," Erinys replied. "The smell woke me up. It smells good."
The Half-ling was wearing a pink, one-piece nightdress, instead of her regular pajamas. This was something that she had bought recently when the three of them started to live on the deserted island together due to Shannon's influence.
Since it was only the three of them living there, the Half-ling didn't even bother to change clothes, and went to look for William after smelling the fish that he was grilling.
The two exchanged a kiss on the lips, which lasted only for a few seconds, before she sat on William's lap.
Just as the two were about to have a conversation, William's strong hearing picked up a humming sound that came from above their heads.
A moment later, a flying ship, which was much bigger than Erinys' own ship, appeared in the distance and was headed in their direction.
It didn't take long before the ship arrived at the island and landed dozens of meters away from where the Half-Elf and Half-ling were seated.
"So, this is where you've been hiding him," a black-haired beauty said as she gazed down at the two people that were on the ground.
"Fortunately, we have someone on board that could find him, otherwise, we would have certainly flown past this island," a silver-haired lady with crimson eyes commented as her gaze locked on the Half-Elf whom they had been searching for the past few days.
Suddenly, a lady with long blonde hair jumped off from the ship.
A pair of wings sprouted from behind her back, which allowed her to land gently in front of the Half-Elf, whose eyes widened in shock after seeing her up close.
"Come, Will," Wendy said softly as she extended her hand to the red-headed teenager whom she missed terribly. "Your short vacation is over. It's time to go back home. Everyone is waiting for your return."
William, who recognized the blonde beauty as his first wife, Wendy, took a deep breath before extending his own hand to grab hold of her hand.
Looking at the ladies that were gazing at him with love, and affection, the Half-Elf felt in his heart that he was about to return to the place where he belonged.
End of Volume 8: The Ending of a Fairy Tale