Chapter 647: Descent of the second True Voidling.
Chapter 647: Descent of the second True Voidling.
Athan went to Linci's location five days later since the fifteen-day trial was finished. They found a single small-sized mine and a single medium-sized mine of low-tier ken stones in fifteen days.
Naturally, they found some lord-grade and king-grade resources, but not much: only 2 lord-grade resources and 4 king-grade resources. Anyway, their main purpose was to find ken stone mines, and they achieved it.
At evagon-realm, they were really useless in this lord-grade island bubble from what he observed through the voidlings that accompanied them. So, Athan felt that he was wasting time by only blessing just one of them.
As such, he decided to help Yoha, Foujir, and Gouken, all three of them, to increase the manpower.
After using his soul abilities on three of them, he turned to Linci, "Linci, this voidling will show you the way towards Lady Fu and Theo since Mike and Qerin were taken by that Orchos Celestial today and those two are alone and hiding in a secretive place for now."
"Today? weren't they supposed to go many days ago?" Linci asked with doubt.
"Yeah, but I told them to delay their departure until you become free from this bodyguard job. So, today, they left," Athan said.
"Alright, I'll go right away," Linci said to which, Athan nodded as he released a voidling that started flying in a particular direction while Linci followed it.
Afterward, Athan turned to Tamiril, "stay beside the three of them until they finish their breakthrough. Don't worry; I will keep an eye here and one thousand voidlings army around you for protection."
Tamiril sighed relief and nodded, "alright."
She almost thought that Athan would leave her alone with the three of them.
After leaving Tamiril with Yoha, Gouken, and Foujir, Athan went to find another body order chaotic power to refine and strengthen his body.
"Hmmm…I only have 68,458 voidling-zoids left since I had to stop their production after I started training in this new way of getting my body strong," Athan muttered while flying as he was thinking about this problem.
Athan was finding new body chaotic power every two-three days, and since this new training required constant usage of abyssal darkness and voidpulse, he could not produce voidling-zoids anymore.
The voidlings consumption was high here since he was sending everyone supplies every five-six days. These voidlings were not lasting long here since their fundamental structure, which was Athan's runic Artist ability, was still at Master Runic Artist.
'Anyway, sixty-eight thousand voidling-zoids will last for some time, so I'll think about it when the time comes. Until then, I'll keep strengthening my body,' Athan thought with a sharp gleam in his eyes.
Hours turned into days and days into months.
A total of three months passed since everyone entered this lord-grade island bubble.
Athan would send a supply of voidling-zoids to everyone every five-six days while everyone found resources, comprehended order marks, and trained by using the resources they found.
However, today, Athan felt a limit.
The body chaotic powers here could no longer affect his body's fundamental structure. Even though he increased his cell's limit through voidpulse, they were not getting stronger.
For three months, Athan had constantly trained day and night without resting for a bit. Naturally, he kept his promise and would go to hug Tiana and others every two days.
Athan felt that this actually helped him keep the peace while he brutally trained every day.
Two months ago, Dean Lenix and Head Zangrel also entered and joined the House of Vora squad to train. After all, they were also chaos kings and could progress in this island bubble.
Athan went outside of this dimension as he came out of the pond.
"Nice work…," Athan said as he looked at the internal structure of the castle.
There were formations around the pond, and on top of that, there was a large castle.
Efyeed was also inside the castle, right beside the pond.
Athan came outside and saw that there was another formation outside of the castle.
"Dean Lenix and Head Zangrel really worked hard. Hehe, their pockets must be empty now since they bought so many materials for the formation," Athan said with a wry smile.
"Efyeed, open a portal to the trading post for me. I am going to wrack some havoc and find a new place to train my bo-"
Suddenly, Athan paused as he felt a huge pressure in his void region.
However, a smile appeared on his face due to that.
"So you finally returned."
"Nyahahaha. I am back, Master."
Primo flew out from the void region with excitement, "I bought another of your subject here, Master. Hey, don't be shy and come out."
"Who is shy? Uu, Uu….your grandfather is shy, not me."
Suddenly, a chibi and cute golden monkey came out that. He was just 50 centimeters big, a bit bigger than Primo.
The golden monkey wore jade armor with golden patterns and a staff in his hand. He was riding on a small light golden cloud as he came out of Athan's void region.
"Wukong?!" Athan was startled because this voidling resembled the fictional character that he often saw in his first life on Earth. He really liked Wukong, and even in the video games he played, he would choose this Wukong.
Suddenly, he remembered that the production of true voidlings was initiated in that mystical AVOF realm because of his influence. As such, this voidling that resembled Wukong must have been born.
"Hahaha, I finally meet my master," the golden money flew around Athan with Primo excitedly.
"Master, we all spent a lot of time contemplating on who should spawn their avatars like me in your void region to accompany you," Primo said with a grin.
"Not all were qualified right from the start because extreme offense power voidlings like Netherly Frost Monarch and Dark Star Vexus would do more harm than good by coming here. They would readily attract the pressure and would be forced to return because of their power."
"So, how did you all choose?" Athan asked.
"This Heavenly Destructo King Doom Money is also an all-rounder like me since he can hide his power and transfo-"
"Wait, wait for a second…what the hell is wrong with that name?" Athan asked with a dumbfounded expression.
"Uu..Uu…That is the name I choose for myself, Master," the golden monkey spoke while puffing his chest, "how is it? Powerful, right?"
"Urgh…," Athan was speechless. But…he was determined to change this monkey's name!
"What? It's not good?" the golden monkey became sad.
"It's too long and…really not that good," Athan said while shaking his head.
"Then…You give me a name, Master!" the golden monkey flew in front of Athan with excitement.
"Uu…Uu…I want a name from Master. I want…"
"Chill, monkey! Master will surely give you a good name. Nyehe, but it won't be better than mine," Primo sneered.
"I already have a name for you," Athan said with a smile, "how about…Taezin? It means an Indomitable supernatural being."
Athan had known about some new languages here and with beings of Evagon-realm and further, they had no problem comprehending new languages in seconds.
"Taezin…Uu…Uu…It's a very cool name, hahaha. Thank you, Master."
"Nyaaaa!! What does my name mean, Master? You never told me," Primo suddenly spoke with a pout.
"Eh…Your name means top quality, no.1, important, and first. Since you were my first voidling and shared those qualities, I named you Primo," Athan said with a smile.
"Nyaaaaa. I love you, Master," the fluffy cat started rubbing its head against Athan's cheeks with a happy expression.
Chapter 648: BOOM!
Chapter 648: BOOM!
"Since you two are here, then one of you should stay here to guard this place. With 10% of strength, you can stay outside longer, right?" Athan asked Taezin and Primo.
"Yes, master. With 10% of our strength, we can stay outside however long we want. We will only be forced to leave or hide in your void region if we use some flashy powers," Primo said.
"I will go with the master!" Taezin shouted, "Primo, you've been staying with him since a long time already, so I will go!"
"Nyaa! Fine, fine," Primo said while flicking his tail.
Efyeed opened a portal as Athan and Taezin entered through it and arrived at the crowded trading post.
"Uu…Master, what are we going to do? Are you going to fight? If so, I can help because I am a very good fighter," Taezin said while flying beside Athan on his little cloud.
"We are going to visit the ruling party of this Trading post first. Suppose they agreed to my request without drama, then good. Otherwise, we will have to teach them some lessons. Anyway, didn't Primo say that you two are not supposed to use any flashy moves?"
"Uuu…My power is called Myriad Overhaul. I can adjust my physical strength enough and limit it to this dimensional plane so that I won't mistakenly destroy it. I will just use my physical strength and not my magical powers, this way, I won't be forced to recall or kill my avatar," Taezin said while grinning from ears to ears.
Athan smiled and shook his head, "you don't need to make any move unless It's absolutely necessary. In this place, I should be able to handle any situation since the most powerful people here are just chaos saint powerhouses."
"Uu…Uu…As you wish, master."
Athan walked outside of the portal zone, and after walking for a few moments, he saw an enforcer and called her out. This enforcer was female due to her body shape but not human as her head was like a wasp with large eyes and two antennas on her forehead.
"Excuse me, do you know where I can find the top council members that manage this trading post?" Athan asked.
"Why business do you have with them? If you want to report something, then you can report me," said the enforcer with a frown.
"Eh, do you know that a few months ago, the force-treasure dimension here was destroyed? Actually, I know the culprit behind that," Athan said with a smile. His body aura was completely retracted cause of his void robe. At the same time, there was no order base in the void region anymore, so he could not reveal it even if he wanted to do.
If he showed his body aura right now, he was sure that he would scare this chaos king-realm enforcer. So, he didn't let it exude.
"Why do you have that weird mask on your face? It's creepy since when you smiled, it moved as well," the enforcer said with disgust.
Athan was dumbfounded, but he thought that it was a good idea to turn his void mask like that so that it moves according to his facial muscles and expression.
"Why don't you get a mask, by the way? Cause you look creepier than me with that face," Athan said with a snort.
"You…" the enforcer became angry but controlled it as she took a deep breath before saying, "back to the business. You can report me if you know anything about the culprit. As for meeting the superiors? you can forget about it."
Athan narrowed his eyes as a gleam of black and white flashed in his eyes.
The enforcer saw Athan's mystical eyes and suddenly felt primal fear rising in her soul. A terrifying mouth of a black beast with white teeth appeared in front of her soul and roared.
"Lead–the–way…Now!" Athan spoke in a cold but deep and low voice.
"Uu…Uu…just kill her and make an uproar. That way, all important people will eventually arrive here," Taezin said as he pointed his staff at the enforcer. Naturally, the enforcer couldn't see Taezin.
"The idea is not bad, but I won't kill random people for no reason or stupid reasons. It irks me cause I was killed for a stupid reason in my first life. Though it's a different matter if they are caught in collateral damage, heh," Athan spoke with a sneer as he looked at the enforcer, "hurry up and lead the way."
"Y-yes, t-this way, please."
Athan was led by the enforcer towards the highest building, a large tower with a large horizontal disk shape building on top of it.
After entering the building, the enforcer went to one of the desks and said, "I want to meet Saint Nyntiel and Saint Kleil to report an important matter."
"What important matter?"
"The culprit behind the destruction of the force-treasure dimension."
"Who is that person behind you?"
"He…is the one who brought the information. But he is refusing to tell me about it," the enforcer said with a bit of fear in her.
The officer behind the desk was a human with an appearance in his late thirties. He sensed the fear in her voice and raised his brows, "why are you speaking fearfully?"
"Also, you, remove your mask," the officer said while looking at Athan.
"Do you want to see my face?" Athan asked with a grin as the grin stretched across his face as well.
"You don't have to worry. We will not leak your face after you inform us about the culprit. Anyway, the culprit is definitely one of the six minor organizations around here because they are aiming for a position in this chaos zone's council, and by proving that the current members who are managing this trading post are worthless, they will gain the chance."
Athan was a bit speechless because he didn't know much about how the organizations worked here, but it was none of his business for now.
"Sigh…this is taking too long. Screw it; we are going with your plan, Taezin," Athan said with a sigh.
"Taezin? who are you talking to?" the officer frowned as he had a bad feeling after hearing Athan's words.
Athan smiled as he lifted his right foot up and gathered his physical strength.
Without even putting his leg down, the floor beneath it started to crack due to the pure physical pressure exuding from his leg. However, he didn't use his full physical strength.
"Boom," Athan said before he stomped his right leg.
A large shockwave spread that flung away everything around him; even the officer and the enforcer have shot away along with all people who were on this floor.
The shockwave spread to the entire tower as cracks appeared on it. However, the entire tower suddenly started to shine as a magic circle appeared on a large scale, which started recovering the tower.
None of the people died since they were all chaos king-realm and above. Also, Athan didn't use 100% of his physical strength.
He just wanted to cause enough commotion to attract the big shots, and indeed, several beings on the level of chaos lord and two chaos saint powerhouses surrounded him.
Since Athan had removed his Obscure Veil, the powerhouse who surrounded him could see his battle power, and after seeing it, they all had a weird expression on their faces.
Chapter 649: Threats and Scheme.
Chapter 649: Threats and Scheme.
'What the hell is wrong with this person? Literally 0 essence power but 7.456 million physical body strength? Politar, hurridly activate your Torquail Defense Artifact before he attacks us,' Nyntielsaid to everyone through sound transmission.
'Let's try to resolve this peacefully. Given such a high amount of physical body strength this person possesses, his regeneration speed, defense, and all other body factors will make him like a damn cockroach unless we kill him in one shot if a fight breaks out,' Keil said back to Nyntiel.
A total of eight people surrounded Athan, but five of them suddenly backed away while sweating hard.
If this person with a mask slapped them, then they would turn into a meat patty. That's why the chaos lord powerhouses backed away. In contrast, the three chaos saints still floated around Athan while pointing their weapons at him.
Nyntiel had a book in her hand that was glowing with multi-color sparks. Kleil had a simple-looking wooden staff with strange carvings on them, while a burly man had a short sword and shield in his hands. This burly man was none other than the 3rd chaos saint, Politar.
"Relax, as long as you agree to my small request, then I will not kill you," Athan said with a grin stretched across his face.
"Remove your mask first. After that, we will hear your so-called request," Nyntiel said coldly and cautiously.
"This? Fine, huh. It's not like I am scared of you all seeing my face."
Athan removed the mask as his grin turned into a carefree smile on his handsome face with a pair of mystical eyes.
Nyntiel, Kleil, and a few other chaos lords were surprised.
They remembered this person because he was an owner of a saint-realm Trestent despite being an Evagon-realm ant.
"T-this…It's only been three months since we last saw him, and his battle power readings have drastically changed. What the hell is wrong with him?"
"I'm not sure…, It's my first time seeing someone like him."
Athan raised his hand, which instantly made everyone cautious, but Athan just chuckled as he simply adjusted his shoulder-length hair.
"My request is simple. Lead me to a place where there are a lot of powerful body chaotic powers," Athan said with a smile. He wanted body chaotic powers with more powerful effects and energy levels to make his body even stronger.
Finding such dimensions and island bubbles would just waste his time, so he directly arrived here.
After all, this trading post was one of the central parts of this entire chaos zone. They surely would have information and access to such dimensions or places that satisfied Athan in this place.
Hearing Athan's request, the three chaos saints were surprised, but their expression didn't change much externally. However, they were discussing how to deal with Athan internally.
Athan grinned and said, "make your decision in ten seconds. If I am not satisfied, then I will kill all of you. Trust me, If a fight breaks out, I will not die, but you all will."
"Humph, do you think you are making things easier for yourself with those threats?" Nyntiel spoke coldly with some anger. How dare a random person threaten them on their turf?
"Nine," Athan said with a carefree smile that oozed out confidence.
Athan was really not worried or in fear of them. So seeing him like this caused others to flinch instead. They could see that Athan was not bluffing and seemed to have some kind of trump card. After all, they didn't think that there would be anyone stupid enough to barge here like this without sufficient strength.
"You…!!" Nyntiel gritted her teeth while Kleil and Politar revealed somber expressions.
Each second was putting pressure on everyone, especially chaos lords. They really wanted to run, but they feared that it would provoke Athan to attack them immediately if they did try to run.
"Five," Athan continued with the same carefree smile, "hurry up if you want to continue living."
"You skipped one second!" One of the chaos lords shouted while sweating.
"I didn't cause I spend one second threatening you more, dumbass," Athan said with a grin, "your mind is breaking cause of stress I am giving you. Hehe, don't worry, you will die a painless death."
"We accept your request!" Nyntiel, Kleil, and Politar said at the same time.
"Oh? Hahaha, good decision," said Athan while laughing.
They really led Athan to a dimension called warren-dimension. Just like there are Peace-dimensions and Force-treasure dimensions of different grades, there is a type of dimension called Warren-dimension that is mainly filled with powerful chaos beasts, body chaotic powers, and chaos phenomenons related to body ken.
The main perk of this dimension is the powerful chaos beasts. The meat from chaos beasts of these dimensions provides many benefits if cooked by Mystic chefs. They provide powerful body-related temporary buffs that can help them survive in many hazardous situations in the chaosverse.
Naturally, the original use of Warren-dimensions was to strengthen their physical strength and advance in body ken realms. But it was really life-threatening to stay in these dimensions filled with powerful chaos beasts and chaotic powers.
That's why people would always enter into Warren-dimensions that are a grade lower than their own realm to procure chaos beast meat and train.
A chaos saint wouldn't enter into a saint-grade Warren-dimension but into lord-grade Warren-dimension.
There was one such warren-dimension portal, and all three chaos saints had its coordinates. So they simply opened a chaos portal that led to the dimension's entrance for Athan.
After they saw Athan entering inside, Politar closed the chaos portal since he was one the who conjured it.
"Was there any member of our major four organizations training inside?" Nyntiel asked with a deadpan expression.
Politar suddenly grinned and nodded, "actually…Izarin Monarch is training inside."
Both Nyntiel and Kleil were shocked.
"That bastard is dead, hahaha," Nyntiel started laughing happily.
"But why didn't you tell us that through sound transmission?"
"To fool enemy, we have to fool allies first. If we barely agreed at the last second, he wouldn't have his guard on and readily enter the dimension, which he did," Politar said with a smile.
"Phew…anyway, the resources in that dimension are safe, and he will also die. Good," Kleil said with relief.
Chapter 650: Training & Order Abilities.
Chapter 650: Training & Order Abilities.
"Wow! What a great dimension. Uu…Uu, master, can I eat some of those chaos beasts?" Taezin.
"If you won't attract the forceful recall, then sure. Just protect me by eating against any chaos beast that attacks me so I can peacefully train," Athan said with a grin.
"Uu..Uu.., master. I just scanned this entire dimension, and there is a being way more powerful than general beings here," Taezin said.
"Oh? Let's go there then. This is supposed to be a saint-grade dimension, and since you said that there is a being way more powerful, then…that being should be a powerhouse from outside."
Taezin led Athan towards the location of the powerful being while concealing their aura completely.
Athan could conceal his presence to nothingness with a void mask so no one can feel him through scan unless they see him with their own eyes. At the same time, Taezin was a higher being that no one could see unless Taezin wished to show his appearance to them.
The Izarin Monarch was a powerhouse in the chaos monarch realm. He was here in this Warren-dimension to gather resources for the organization and train.
Nyntiel and the other two didn't inform the Izarin monarch about Athan entering inside because they felt no need. They believed that Athan would die sooner or later.
After all, they didn't think that Athan could live after encountering the leader of Peach Blossom Valley.
Alas…they didn't know that Izarin Monarch was probably having the worst day of his life.
"W-who are you? STOP!! S-stop! Please…, "Izarin Monarch shouted with pain as his body was fully beaten up.
His fear-filled gaze was directed at the tiny monkey that was not even a meter tall.
He was bounded by slim golden silk, and that thing caused him to be totally powerless. He could not move or use any of his power. After that, he was beaten like a rugged cloth by that tiny monkey.
"Who are you?" Athan asked.
"I-I am Izarin, the leader of Peach Blossom Valley," Izarin hurriedly answered. He knew that his young man was the master of that fearful tiny monkey.
"I see…Nice to meet you. I am Athan," Athan said with a smile, "after three months, I am going to visit all ten organizations in this chaos zone and make them submit to me. If you submit it to me right now, I will give you some special reward later. You have three seconds to decide."
"I submit! I fucking submit! Please, don't beat me anymore. I can't even heal my injuries, and the pain increases every second. My soul is also suffocating because of that gaze from monkey…," Izarin Monarch literally cried while speaking.
"Oh? Hahaha, good decision," Athan said with a laugh, "so you are ready to become my servant, right?"
"I am ready, ready!" Izarin Monarch nodded hurridly before crying in pain.
After settling Izarin Monarch to guard him, Athan started training while Taezin ate chaos beasts. Of course, Taezin was paying attention to Athan as well because Taezin could observe the entire dimension and go anywhere in a second.
After Primo messaged everyone, Tiana and others gathered together inside the island bubble. Mike and Qerin also had returned after accompanying that strange human lady Orchos Celestial for a month and were just a bit behind others in progress. However, they were working extra hard to catch up.
"Nyaa! Master gave me a lot of voidlings before leaving to train at another place, so I will divide it among you," Primo said.
"All of us are close to reaching the peak of the king-grade realm. I think we can break through to chaos lord realm after three months," Tiana said.
"Hey, Athan also said that we will go out after six months. Does that mean…he knew that we could breakthrough in six months?" Sen asked with a surprised expression.
"Nyaa! He speculated that based on your comprehension ability and resources here! After his EVOF got to 10%, all of your soul also received a boost since the master is connected with you all. That's why your comprehension power is better than before. All of you are now true void beings, but since you don't have broken bodies and connections like the master, this chaosverse will not cripple you."
"I see…" Tiana nodded. She then looked at everyone and said, "Before we dive into training. Let's enter into the chaos phenomenon that our team found. That will be a good opportunity to grasp and create some order abilities to increase our combat power."
"I was about to say that we need to search for a chaos phenomenon since order abilities are absolutely necessary to increase our battle," dean Lenix said.
"Then let's go right away without wasting any time!" Arcued said with determination.
Two months passed by in a blink of an eye as everyone spent two months inside the chaos phenomenon.
"Hahaha, Athan is going to be surprised seeing our abilities. Anyway, Avelia, you nailed it with that chaotic space ability! That should be the most powerful order ability among us," Sen said with a laugh.
"Everyone, I am going to use my 2nd order ability; it's support type. Can you tell me how it feels?" Shiromi said as she consumed half of her soul power and targetted everyone.
Suddenly, everyone felt a layer of defense on their soul and an attack boost as well.
"This…we can also share our vision? how long is its effective range, Shiromi?" Tealery asked.
"I can't say since we haven't tested it. But it should be several hundred kilometers at least. Also, the string attached to your soul is because of this ability. That string is yours now, and you can consume it to boost a single order ability's attack or defense aspect," Shiromi said with a smile.
"But…we lost some of our soul energy as well. It seems to be related to the string," Theo said.
"Yep. I obviously can't boost you all with my soul power alone. However, as long as you accept this order ability's buff from it, the order mark it works with will consume a bit of your soul energy to create that string. Since everyone's threads will be connected to each other through me, we can share our vision."
"So this order ability is like a middle-dealer with a function to buff everyone with their own soul power; it's really useful," Head Zangrel said with a grin.
"Alright, since each of us has at least two order abilities now, we should continue with our training for a month before Athan comes back."
The entire chaos zone was peacefully and chaotically moving as always. However, the ten major organizations here didn't know that…a storm was coming.
Athan was brutally training himself to make his body stronger while Tiana and others were aiming to reach the peak of chaos king realm in a month.
Elena and Gaarshil were waiting for the date to arrive as well since Athan had told them about his plan.
"Only five days are left before the date set by Athan," Elena said as she sat together with Gaarshil.
"Mhmm, I'll leave after two days according to the plan and visit the master of Chaos Monolith Hills," Gaarshil said.
"Don't irk them too much if they are not willing to believe."
"Got it."
Chapter 651: Visiting Chaos Monolith Hills.
Chapter 651: Visiting Chaos Monolith Hills.
Elena was cooking dishes in the open air and fresh atmosphere of peace-dimension while waiting for Linci, Athan, and others to arrive.
Gaarshil went to the Chaos Monolith Hills three days ago and was about to return today as well.
Suddenly, Elena received contact as she took out a contact card.
Gaarshil–, "they were not convinced. It seems that things will get rough there."
Elena–, "sigh…Well, come back. There's no need to stay there longer."
Gaarshi–, "Athan and others arrived yet or not?"
Elena–, "not yet."
Lord-grade Island bubble…
Everyone had gathered together and were waiting for Athan.
All of them stretched themselves to the limit in the last month and broke through to the chaos lord-realm, especially Mike and Qerin. Well, they both also had more powerful souls compared to others like Avelia and Tiana since four of them had the Genome power.
They used all king-grade resources they found and saved lord-grade resources to use later.
Suddenly, a portal opened right beside Primo.
"Nyaa! Master and Taezin are coming. Eh…there's someone else with them too," Primo said as he stood in front of the portal.
Tiana, Avelia, Sen, and others saw Athan coming out with a small monkey flying beside him at his head level and then a slim man with 7 feet of height behind Athan.
"Good. It looks like all of you managed to break through to chaos lord-realm," Athan said as he glanced at everyone.
"Hehe, we also learned and mastered at least two order abilities from a chaos phenomenon," Sen said with a chuckle, "what about you, Athan?"
"I don't know how strong I am right now, and I also didn't try to create any order ability for now."
"What! So…you only did that brutal body strengthening of yours the whole time?" Avelia said with a pout.
"Cough…relax. We will take a break after rounding up everything here and making our Empire," Athan said with a wry smile.
"Alright, now let's go to Linci's house and take a break there first because afterward, things are going to get rough," Athan said with a grin.
"Let's go!!" Arcued shouted with excitement.
Efyeed stayed at the island bubble and would control it to move towards the center of this chaos zone slowly. Athan didn't intend to take Izarin Monarch with him as well. Instead, Athan ordered him to convince Peach Blossom Valley to submit to the Void Empire and spread the news about it.
On the other hand, Athan and others directly went to Linci's house through Primo's portal.
It seems that with 10% of their strength, Primo and Taezin could open portals whenever they wanted. Opening the portal didn't attract the aggro from the higher world, so they were safe. However, Taezin rampaging and killing chaos beasts to eat them attracted aggro after a month, so he had to stay in the void region for two months before the aggro got reset.
After arriving at Linci's house, everyone took a rest. Linci's mother had also cooked a lot of delicious food for everyone.
Shortly afterward, Linci's father also arrived and told them that the plan to convince Chaos Monolith Hills didn't work.
"It's fine. I will still talk to them gently since I was a part of their sub-organization in the lower-chaosverse," Athan said with a faint smile.
"What if they are still not convinced?" Elena asked.
"They will be convinced after I show them an interesting example," Athan said with a grin.
After a day, everyone went to Chaos Monolith Hills by using the cosmic path portal of the Crow household.
Dean Lenix was kind of getting nervous, but he didn't feel guilty. After all, it's not like he betrayed the organization or anything. He officially left it and joined Athan for a brighter future.
Chaos Monolith Hills didn't have any chaos monarch powerhouses, but they had two chaos saints and twenty chaos lords total.
At this moment, the main hall of the most important Chaotic Hill had a tense atmosphere.
The leader, sub-leader, and seven chaos lords were present right now, while other chaos lords were busy.
The leader of the Chaos Monolith Hills was a human without any additional beastly feature, while the sub-leader turned out to be a dark ice Pheonix-humanoid.
"So…you are telling us that we submit to your Void Empire? Gaarshil visited us a few days ago about this matter as well…humph, was it you who sent him here?" said the Lithen, the Chaos Monolith Hill leader,
Beside him, Reqil, the sub-leader, spoke after Lithen finished speaking, "Gaarshil was trying to convince us, saying that it's for our benefits if we submit to you. And now that you are here, can we take it that the entire Crow household has now betrayed us and joined you?"
"We should have killed him if that was the case," one of the chaos lords spoke with a cold expression.
"Calm your kittens," Athan said with a grin, "If you had killed him, then…" Athan pointed at Linci before continuing, "her mother would be sad, and if her mother got sad, she would become sad, and if she became sad, then I would get angry."
Narrowing his eyes, Athan continued in a cold voice, "and if I got angry, you all wouldn't be alive right now having this peaceful discussion."
"How dare you! Do you think you can take everything we have built for years by a simple discussion?" Lithen spoke angrily as his temper flared.
"I can," Athan d unhurriedly said as he showed a calm smile, "If a 4th or even 5th-grade organization came here and forced you to submit to them, what would you?"
"Humph, they wouldn't come at this backward place of chaosverse just to progress slower. Also, do you think we all don't have any backings? The first leader of Chaos Monolith Hills is a chaos paragon being and a part of a powerful organization," said Lithen with a sneer.
"Oh? Then call that person here," Athan said calmly.
Everyone became speechless because they knew that…their first leader wouldn't come here at such short notice.
"They are at the frontline of this chaosverse! All peak powers are always progressing and exploring the chaosverse at the frontlines to attain more power and progress faster.. If you are so ambitious, then go there, heh," Reqil spoke with a mocking smile.
Chapter 652: Athan's Current Strength 1
Chapter 652: Athan's Current Strength 1
"Don't worry; I will go there as well. But before that, I want all of you to submit to me and work for my Void Empire. Once we have become stronger, we will leave from here. Hehe, who knows, you might want to come with me at that time," Athan said with a faint smile.
"And what makes you think you can make us submit to you?" said Lithen while narrowing his eyes. The reason why he kept his temper in check and didn't attack was that he couldn't see through Athan at all. Otherwise, he would have ordered everyone to attack the bunch of people in front of him and kill them.
"If someone way more powerful than you tell you to choose death or life, what would you choose? Simple answer, right? The same thing is happening here," Athan said with a smile, "If you don't want to die, then submit. I will not use you like slaves or anything but will use your resources, your knowledge, and everything else to make ourselves stronger."
"But are you someone way more powerful than us?" Lithen said indifferently, "Aside from you, everyone is a chaos lord."
Athan smiled and stood up from the chair before saying, "let's go out and find out how strong I am."
Athan directly flew up and broke the ceiling of the hall before going out and flying in the sky.
'Reigen, cover me,' Athan said to his chaotic spirit, which had finished absorbing his soul abilities as well.
A twin-headed long-neck dragoon materialized behind Athan before transforming into a solid draconic armor with two gauntlets of lapis blue and crimson red in Athan's hand.
Limbus was a unique chaos beast that only had a cloudly body, so it remained in wings-shaped form for Athan to aid him in flying along with an additional pair of draconic wings of Reigen.
Limbus and Reigen both were mutated by Primo's Lapis lagoon power and Athan's soul abilities.
On the other hand, Lithen gritted his teeth and flew out through the hole created by Athan, 'bastard broke my hall. However…it was made out of tough materials and a runic formation to reinforce its structure such that even chaos saints need to attack more than once to break it, but he…I didn't sense any order or chaos energy when he attacked…what the hell?'
Seeing Lithen coming out, Athan spoke with a grin, "come on, attack me with your full power."
"What?!" Lithen was startled along with everyone else who also came outside to watch the battle.
"Tiana…I don't want to see Athan getting mutilated, " Avelia said with a pained expression, "I know he won't feel any pain and recover faster too but…sigh."
Tiana shook her head and spoke proudly, "Avelia, It is our duty to watch him. We are his wives, and…we are not to avert our gaze from him, no matter the situation he lands himself into. After all, we are his everything."
Sen, Shiromi, Linci, and others looked at Tiana, who was looking lovingly at Athan.
Other people of Chaos Monolith Hills were also attracted. After all, it's not every day that they would see someone making a hole in the hall of the most prestigious Hill palace of Chaos Monolith Hills.
"You telling me to attack you with full power while you…just stand there undefended?" Lithen asked with a somber expression. He was already convinced that Athan was far more powerful than him just by hearing that statement.
"Indeed. I will not use any order energy or chaos energy," Athan said with a grin, 'Not that I can use them in the first place.'
"Alright," Lithen nodded as he expanded his saint-domain and took out a spear before pointing it at Athan.
Seeing it, Athan hurridly spoke, "stop! Wait for a second."
"What?" Lithen was confused.
Tiana and others were also confused.
However, Athan coughed with a wry smile while telling Reigen, 'Reigen, turn into your first form and stay with Tiana and others.'
The draconic full-body armor was removed from Athan before a two-headed lagoon dragon materialized beside Athan.
"Sorry, master, and thank you," Reigen bowed before flying towards Tiana.
"You too, Limbus," Athan said, "don't worry. I will use two of you when I want to go on full offense mode. But for now, stay put."
"Sorry, master," Limbus spoke after emitting its signature whistling sound. Then it turned into a cloud with sad crystal eyes and flew towards Tiana.
However, Athan didn't fall down because a golden cloud materialized below his feet.
"Uu…Uu…I got you, master," Taejin spoke with a grin.
"Thanks," Athan nodded with a smile towards Taejin before he turned to Lithen, "alright, you can start now."
Lithen nodded and pointed his spear at Athan again.
The spear gathered chaotic dark and green lightning around it before a burst of white with colorful sparks released from it like a supernova towards Athan.
"There it is! The famous order ability of master Lithen! Supernova Strike."
Someone spoke loudly.
Athan could easily dodge it because his body reactions were beastly right now. His brain could easily process the incoming speed, and he could move his body accordingly as well. However, he didn't move and took a simple stance with his right hand stretched backward and punched.
Athan did all that in a second as his punch hit the supernova strike.
Athan was inside the saint domain of Lithen, but with that punch, the domain broke into pieces while the supernova strike was sliced from the middle.
Lithen was forced back several meters as the shockwave of Athan's punch reached him.
The chaotic power gathered around his spear was diffused like someone blew a candle flame and doused it. Lithen couldn't even use his most powerful attack about throwing the chaotic spear after the Supernova strike as he just floated there with a dumbfounded expression.
Even Athan was surprised as he didn't think that his normal physical punch contained that much power.
His clothes were shredded, but his void robe still remained, so he was not naked.
"You…T-that was only pure physical force?"
"Yep," Athan nodded with a grin, "that was not even my full strength, so…if you want to continue and have a taste of my real punch-"
"No….No need," Lithen repeatedly shook his head while sweating bullets.
Chapter 653: Athan's Current Strength 2. Shocking Information.
Chapter 653: Athan's Current Strength 2. Shocking Information.
Athan really didn't know how powerful his body had become because he was crazily training in the saint-grade warren-dimension for three months without taking a break.
In that dimension, all body chaotic powers were something that could make hundreds of saint-realm powerhouses, and he absorbed all of them without bothering to comprehend them.
He just forcefully used their raw chaotic powers to refine and strengthen his body cells that were constantly limited broken by his void pulse.
Not to mention, he was also eating the meat of saint-grade chaos beasts that Taejin killed.
Seeing the crazy training of Athan, Izarin Monarch almost pissed his pants and was wondering from where this madman came here.
So there was no way in a million worlds that Lithen even put a scratch on Athan.
When Athan released punch and exuded his body aura, Lithen captured the body aura with the power sensor. He could only capture the body power of Athan, but that still scared the shit out of him.
It was frigging 28 million!
A full-fledged powerhouse at the peak of saint-realm has an overall battle power of 25 million. However, Lithen saw that just the body power of Athan was 28 million and knew not to mess with someone like that.
'Generally, soul power is the highest among everyone while body power is the lowest. This freak only used his pure physical body power, so how strong his soul and essence power would be?…If…If he used that power through an order ability…,' Lithen shivered just thinking about it, 'sigh…It looks like there's no choice but to submit. Hmmm, since he said he would leave after making everyone in his group stronger, there's no need to risk life by resisting him.'
After Lithen and others submitted to Athan, Athan told them to announce this fact everywhere.
Soon, the news that Chaos Monolith Hills submitted to a new power called Void Empire spread like wildfire.
Many people of Chaos Monolith Hills were shocked, and other chaos lords of the organization who were away were dumbfounded.
As this news reached other organizations, all of them mobilized their secret agents to know more about this entire matter.
At this time, Athan and others were staying in a grand hall that solely belonged to Athan and his group inside the Chaos Monolith Hills as Athan decided to stay here for a day before going to the next target, Great Bridgade Palace.
"Yo, yo, yo, Athan. Doing good, aren't you?" Dreevindo suddenly appeared beside Athan and said with a grin.
However, besides him, there were more Orchos Celestials this time.
Everyone in the hall could see these so-called Orchos Celestials.
"You already met Yok, so let me introduce you to others," Dreevindo said as he pointed at a beautiful human lady with a loose gown that looked like Kimono, "this lady here is Kino'Vin."
Kino'Vin looked at Athan and smiled before she waved her hand towards Mike and Qerin as she had approached them to make them her candidate.
"This is Roserin; she wants to make Linci her candidate," Dreevindo pointed at the mysterious crystal lady.
Roserin nodded at Athan with a…crystalized smile before she looked at Linci wryly, "no wonder you wanted to ask him first before making your decision."
"This is Tartagoth," Dreevindo pointed to a humanoid mix of a snake and an ape wearing armor with gold and silver patterns. This Orchos Celestial's upper body was like an ape, but his lower body was that of a snake.
"Lastly, this is Aby," Dreevindo pointed at a thumb-sized fairy wearing leaf cloths sitting on his shoulder, "despite her size, she is only less powerful than me."
Hearing him, other Orchos Celestials rolled their eyes.
Aby released mysterious, colorful specks of dust from her wings that manifested into a meter tall version of her tiny appearance, which spoke to everyone while waving her hand, "I am Aby, nice to meet you."
If those mighty Chaos Supreme beings looked at these Orchos Celestials behaving like this, they would really bang their heads on the wall and die.
"So? What's your purpose for coming here?" Athan asked causally. He knew that these mysterious beings didn't fear him at all. However, they feared a tiny cat and a tiny monkey floating beside him.
"Nyaaa! Hey shorty, If you don't tell us the whole thing about the candidate thing today, I will bite your head off!" Primo said with an angry expression.
Primo didn't like being left hanging like that at all, so the cat was quite angry.
"Cough, calm your kittens," Dreevindo said with a cough before he looked at Primo and then at Taezin before finally looking at Athan with a crying expression, "was one not enough that you called another one? Also, both of them are exuding way more power…sigh."
Other Orchos Celestial nodded as fear reflected in their eyes when they looked at Primo and Taezin.
"Speak about the candidate thing first," Athan said as he waved his hand towards Primo and Taezin, gesturing them to stay silent.
Dreevindo nodded as he adopted a somber expression, "first, let me tell you how the Chaosverse came into existence."
"The Chaosverse…It was birthed from a brain of a mysterious being. This mysterious being is not one of a kind as there are many such beings. These beings are called Absolute Transcendent Mythos."
"Absolute Transcendent Mythos? How powerful are they?" Athan asked with a curious expression.
"This…we don't know how powerful they are. But…," Dreevindo looked at Tiana, Avelia, Qerin, and Mike, "these four people are training in different kinds of Genome powers and…Genome powers only come into existence and become a Genome Realm when someone in Orchos Firmament becomes an Absolute Transcendent Mythos."
"All candidates that Orchos Celestials choose are also training in genome power because we can grant them that chance, but even Chaos Supreme beings can only cultivate their genome tree to the max of 7 branches."
"If they want to light up to 10 branches, then they will have to ascend to Orchos Firmament with us," said Dreevindo.
"Now, back to the main point. This entire Chaosverse is from an Absolute Transcendent Mythos whose power was Order and Chaos. That's why Chaosverse was born, and to create more life, lower verses like Universes were created by the beings born in this Chaosverse. They learned the creation of life through the chaos phenomenons and order-sets within. They used that to create order sets that created universes and lower-chaosverses."
Everyone was surprised to learn such information.
"Now the reason why we want people as our candidates…," said Dreevindo before taking a deep breath, "if you want to go higher and reach Orchos Firmament after becoming Supreme chaos being, then you have to go through us. Without us, you can not ascend higher."
Hearing that, Athan narrowed his eyes and asked, "what is your benefit in this?"
"Our benefit? Hahaha, our benefit is that we can return to our home. We are called Orchos Celestials, but we are just servants of our true masters in Orchos Firmament. Our mission is to bring talented candidates to Orchos Firmament, which is the real world."
"All of this Chaosverse and others things are like…a pond in the vast Orchos Firmament.. Orchos Firmament is the true world and this Chaosverse is a byproduct of a dead Absolute Transcendent Mythos," Dreevindo spoke with a puffed-up chest.
Chapter 654: Athan Agrees. News Spreads.
Chapter 654: Athan Agrees. News Spreads.
"Since you also have masters in Orchos Firmament, then…what we will do after ascending there? Won't we have to obey those so-called masters of yours?" Sen spoke with a snort.
"Of course not! We are just supposed to bring talented candidates there and let them join our respective powers. If you can make a name of yourself there, then you will get better treatment. If you fail to make a name for yourself, then you will stay the same and progress slower. Everything will be the same there as it is here in a sense," Dreevindo said with a smile.
Athan suddenly smiled and said, "fine. We will become your candidates."
"Huh…really?" Dreevindo said with a startling experience while other Orochos Celestials were also surprised. They didn't think Athan would agree this easily.
"But there is a condition…," Athan spoke unhurriedly.
"Condition?" Dreevindo was stunned. Sigh…nobody ever put conditions in front of them because all those Chaos Supreme beings would be more than happy to become their candidate.
After all, their only way to continue getting strong safely was to jump out of this Choasverse and enter the true world, Orchos Firmament. By chance, they become powerful enough to break the membrane surrounding the Chaosverse plane; then, they would end up at a destructive zone in the Orchos Firmament and die. There was another way to enter safely to Orchos Firmament but entering by coming Orchos Celestial's candidate was thousand times beneficial to them.
"Look. There is another way to enter Orchos Firmament after reaching Chaos Supreme realm. There is a mass teleportation formation once you reach the most lively place of this Chaosverse, The Chaos Frontier zone. If you enter through that teleportation formation after reaching Chaos Supreme Realm, you can enter Orchos Firmament."
"Then why did you say that only through we can go to Orchos Firmament?" Athan asked as he narrowed his eyes.
"Cough…There is a reason! Obviously, going with us will be a thousand times more beneficial than randomly going to Orchos Firmament through that teleportation formation. If you go with us, you will already be part of a force there. It's like being born with a silver spoon in your mouth if you go there with us."
"Then what do we have to do as your candidates? Obviously, there's something more to it," Athan said with plain expression.
"Ahem…That's related to us. After we take you to Orchos Firmament, yall will fight against other candidates brought by other Orchos Firmament. If you win, then you will be rewarded, but we will also be rewarded," Dreevindo said while other Orchos Celestials nodded with smiles and grins.
"So? What's your condition?" Dreevindo asked with a thoughtful expression.
"We will become your candidates, but…," Athan paused and smiled before continuing, "I will tell you about the condition later. It won't be too excessive, and you will be able to accept it when the time comes easily, so don't worry."
"However, I have one more question," Athan remembered that there was a [Self] word written after [Chaos Supreme], so he was wondering what that was.
"What is that [Self] after Chaos Supreme realm in the scroll you gave me?" Athan asked.
Hearing that, Dreevino smiled wryly before saying, "you don't need to pay much attention to it. That [Self] is just a bunch of information regarding the dead Absolute Transcendent Mythos. After he died, some mutation happened, which resulted in the birth of Chaosverse, but the majority of that being's power was swept away. You can read [Self] if you want to, but it's really useless."
"I see," Athan nodded.
Afterward, Dreevindo and other Orchos Celestial talked with their chosen candidates, and the new Orchos Celestials chose more candidates from Athan's group.
Before leaving, Dreevindo said that if any other Orchos Celestial comes to recruit them, then plainly refuse them as there's no need to fear them because he and other Orchos Celestials will always be keeping their eyes on Athan and his group.
"What do we do now, Athan? Onward to the Great Bridgade Palace?" head Zangrel asked with a grin.
"Hahaha, you sure are raring to visit your previous organization. Shameless old man," dean Lenix said with a laugh.
"Well… the faster they become part of Void Empire, the better," Zangrel said.
"We will go but let's wait for one more day. I want to see the reaction of all other organizations. Also, that Izarin hadn't contacted me yet," Athan unhurriedly said as he sat back down on the couch.
"Then Athan, we will go tour around the facilities in this Chaos Monolith Hills," dean Lenix said with a grin.
"Yeah. Just rob them and take whatever you can use. If any things are useful to us, then take them," Athan said carefreely, "we are the masters of this place now."
"Let's gooooooooo!" Arcued shouted with excitement.
After two days, Athan finally got the contact from Izarin, who gave him the good news that Peach Blossom Valley decided to submit to Void Empire.
However, once this news spread, all other remaining organizations became cautious and tightened their defenses.
They knew that this unknown Void Empire that came out of nowhere would bear their fangs against them. Thus, they decided to band together.
Athan also decided to visit Great Bridgade Palace on the same day when he got the news from Izarin.
"Do you three remember that old man? The one who said that he would accept us as his pupils when we arrive at upper-chaosverse," Qerin said to Tiana, Avelia, and Mike.
"Uhh….yeah, I wonder how he will react to seeing us? Hehe," Mike said with a sneaky chuckle.
"We might be even more powerful than him right now, haha," Avelia said with a laugh.
However, they received a surprise when they reached the main territory of Great Bridgade Palace.
The Bridge Master and other powerhouses were waiting outside their territory with a giant barrier in front of them.
Behind the barrier were several large flying ships with large cannons on them.
"Yo, it seems like they are raring to fight you, Athan," Theo said with a wry expression, " after all, among us, only you can break through their defense and army. We'll be likely turned into a meat patty."
"Primo, take everyone back to our island-bubble,"
"Nyaa! Roger, master" Primo waved the tiny cat paw towards everyone except Taezin and disappeared.
On the other hand, Athan stood on the golden cloud of Taezin and looked at the well-structured formation several kilometers in front of him.
Chapter 655: Hostage.
Chapter 655: Hostage.
"Taezin, move forward," Athan said to Taezin sitting on his shoulder, who moved the golden cloud under Athan's feet move towards the large army.
"Master, I want to destroy the barrier and those flying ships with art! Can I do it, please?" Taezin spoke asked with excitement.
"With art? what do you mean?"
"Uu..Uu…I will use a bit of my power and transform them to create a large [Void Emperor has arrived!] that will be visible to everyone in all layers of this chaosverse," Taezin spoke as his right money hand was already exuding a colorful radiance.
"All layers? What do you mean?" Athan asked.
Suddenly, Dreevindo arrived beside Athan and spoke hurriedly, "Athan! Don't let this monkey crack all layers of chaosverse, geez. What are you going to do attracting the attention of all those people in the Chaos Frontier zone and causing such ruckus?"
"What do you mean?" Athan asked with a frown.
"Eh…actually, this is the bottom layer of Chaosverse, and only organizations ranging from 10th grade to 6th grade are established here. Similarly, once you become a Chaotic Monarch, you can ascend to the 2nd layer, where organizations from 5th grade to 3rd grade are established. After that comes the 1st layer, where organizations from 2nd to top grades are established. Finally, after that comes Chaos Frontier Zone where all top powers are established."
After saying that, Dreevindo said with a sigh, "that monkey sure can use his power to break all layers, but if that happened…things would get hectic for you. I'm sure you understand what I mean."
Athan nodded as he was still not strong enough to fight people of such levels. As such, there was no need to attract their attention.
"Taezin, no need to break all layers. Just keep the words in this layer."
"Uu…Ok. Thank you, master!" Taezin flew towards the barrier alone after saying that.
All powerhouses of the Great Bridgade Palace were floated behind the giant barrier.
There were twenty large ships behind the barrier as well, ready to attack anytime.
"Who is that?"
"A small monkey? What the hell is going on?"
People were confused, and even the Great Bridgade Palace's leader frowned. However, he steeled his face and spoke, "blast it down!"
One of the flying ships released a cannon shot wreathed in purple and black flame.
Seeing that, Taezin snorted and opened his mouth that became fifty meters big and devoured the fifty meters giant cannon shot in his mouth.
"That wasn't tasty!" Taezin muttered with a frown.
Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked! That cannon had the power to injure chaos saints and even break their defense-type order abilities! However, that little monkey whose head became big suddenly devoured it without even feeling anything?
What kind of horror show were they watching?
The Great Bridgade Palace's leader, Borian, had a sudden bad premonition.
At this time, Taezin arrived in front of the barrier and stretched his myriad coloring right hand forward.
Countless colorful threads released from Taezin's hand as they easily broke the large barrier before targetting those kilometers of big flying ships.
However, the destruction didn't ensue. Even the blast due to the destruction of the barrier was suddenly turned into tiny square particles.
One by one, when the colorful threads hit the flying ship or any non-living material, they turned those things into square particles that flew up even higher in the atmosphere.
Athan noticed that not a single person died with this unique attack of Taezin as it just broke down the non-living things into square particles.
In just two seconds, hundreds of kilometers large mass of particles appeared over everyone's head before transforming into words that suddenly expanded and became hundreds of times bigger.
[Void Emperor has Arrived!]
It was such a magnificent sight to everyone because something like that was impossible.
However, Taezin had disappeared after doing this work and entered Athan's void region because otherwise, he would be forcefully recalled.
From inside, Taezin controlled the golden cloud and spoke happily, "master, I did good, right?"
Suddenly, Primo also appeared beside Athan said with wide eyes, "Nyaaa! Nice work, Taezin."
"You did well. Now let's go and meet them," Athan said with a smile.
Athan flew on the golden cloud and approached Borian before saying with a faint smile, "submit? or…"
Borian looked at Athan with a stout expression externally, but his heart was beating fast due to nervousness internally. If that small monkey could do something like that, then what would this person in front of him, who was the master of that monkey, could do?
"Why do you want to use such forceful measures against us? Know that all our organizations have connections to upper layers since all our previous leaders had ascended and became part of a more powerful organization," Borian spoke with a stern expression and used similar words that Lithen used to scare off Athan.
However, Athan just shook his head while smiling, "Call your previous leaders here, then. If you can't, just submit and work for me for a few years before we move to a stronger place."
'I am tired of wasting time in lower worlds when my current origin belongs to a far higher place,' Athan thought internally. However, to make progress in Abyssal Void Of Fabrication, he needed to make his soul stronger step by step.
"We….submit," Borian said with a weak smile. Hopefully, this demon will leave after a few years.
Suddenly, Primo appeared by Athan and spoke, "master… our island bubble is surrounded by other organizations. They…have basically held it hostage."
"But don't worry, master. I can teleport that entire island bubble away."
Suddenly, Athan got a contact from Tiana as he took out the contact card, forcefully took out chaos energy from the atmosphere, and infused it in the card, "what happened, Tiana?"
From the other side, Tiana's helpless voice arrived, "Athan, they said that you must leave from this layer right away or they will blast the entire island bubble and destroy it. We are surrounded by several Chaos Monarch powerhouses and approx a hundred giant flying ships aiming their attack at us."
Athan's face turned cold as he didn't reply but turned to Primo.
Primo nodded as the cat waved its paw towards Athan, and both of them disappeared.
Chapter 656: The Absolute Void Of Stasis And Infinite
Chapter 656: The Absolute Void Of Stasis And Infinite
Inside the castle on island bubble, everyone was sitting while watching the live feed of outside scenery through the castle windows.
"They have completely surrounded us. How did they know about our location?"
"Sigh…It's easy to find that out, considering the news spreading everywhere currently. Athan's appearance had spread everywhere from Chaos Monolith Hill, and many people saw him with Efyeed at the trading post and knew that he was the master of this Saint-realm Trestent," dean Lenix said with a sigh.
Efyeed was actually visible to everyone from outside since the giant tree was right beside the castle.
Suddenly, Athan appeared amidst everyone in the castle's hall with Primo and Taezin.
However, time supposedly stopped at that time.
Not just here, but…the entire Chaosverse stopped moving.
Even Primo and Taezin were frozen in time with Athan.
In another instance, a godly woman appeared in the castle's hall. She was the same woman who went to check the real AVOF realm.
She turned to Athan as a smile appeared on her face, and she walked towards him.
"Boy, you are really stretching it out because of others…," the woman said as she flicked Athan's forehead.
She then turned to all others in the room and waved her hand towards them.
Countless white threads suddenly appeared around Tiana, Avelia, Sen, Linci, Shiromi, Drizzly, Tealery, Lady Fu, Arcued, Theo, Nimpere brothers, dean Lenix, head Zangrel, Tamiril, Yoha, Foujir, and Gouken.
After the woman covered everyone in a white cocoon each, she waved her hand as a portal appeared beside her.
At that moment, Primo and Taezin were unsealed from the time frozen state.
"Nyaa! Who are you? What are you doing?" Primo hissed at the woman while feeling fear.
"Uu…Uu…, I won't let you do anything to master!" Taezin spoke with a strong voice while trembling a bit.
"Relax, little kids. I am sending all these companions of your master to the Abyssal Void of Fabrication realm. Your master is kind of bound by them and is progressing slowly cause of that. Don't you agree?" The woman said as she looked at Primo and Taezin with a smile.
"T-that's true. But…if you send them to our home realm, they are going die. They are too weak to stay there," Primo said.
The woman smiled before speaking, "don't worry. I have used my power to wrap each of them in a cocoon. Once they are in your home realm, their soul will get strong and adept to the AVOF realm since their soul has already turned into Void beings because of your master. Additionally, you voidlings can cultivate your powers with them to make them strong."
"However…," the woman's voice suddenly turned a bit dark as she continued, "your master needs to hurry up and reach the very top as soon as possible if he doesn't want these companions of his to turn into mindless entities."
"Shaaaaa! If anything happened to them, my master would kill you," Primo hissed angrily.
"Heh, once he fully controls Abyssal Void of Fabrication, I can't kill him, but…he also can't kill me because,"-the woman said with a smile-, "I am the Absolute Void of Stasis and Infinite. Anyway, we are not supposed to kill each other."
"Uu…Uu…Y-you…why do you want him to hurry up? It's not like you are bound by time," Taezin said with hesitation as he questioned the woman.
"We could wait when AVOF had no master. However, now it's different. The final piece has awakened, and we need him to be there as soon as possible for a grave thing. The earlier, the better for us," the woman said as her expression turned stoic.
"He can live his life to the fullest after that. He can enjoy all kinds of lifestyles with his lovers and friends in many worlds. However, if he doesn't hurry up…," shaking her head, the woman didn't continue and disappeared after sending all cocoons in the AVOF realm. She even forcefully destroyed avatars of Primo and Taezin.
Before leaving, the woman pointed her finger at Athan as a golden brilliance entered inside Athan, which…showed Athan some unpleasant memories.
After the woman left, the entire Chaosverse started moving again, and Athan also unfroze from the time stasis.
However, his eyes were red, and his body was trembling with intense anger.
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, "Athan screamed loudly as abyssal darkness gushed out from him uncontrollably.
Athan's soul burned brighter than ever as he…lost everything again. He saw with his own eyes as a mysterious woman suddenly appeared and killed everyone before taking their soul away.
He remembered those woman's words as she said that if he didn't hurry up and reach the top, she would destroy their soul entirely.
'Master, calm down. What happened?' Efyeed said as it sensed something.
Suddenly, Efyeed felt a forceful pull as the tree disappeared from its place and appeared inside Athan's void region.
On the other hand, Athan's soul burned with black and white as a cocoon formed around him once again, increasing his comprehension of AVOF due to this situation.
'I WILL GET THEM BACK! JUST WAIT FOR ME!' Athan screamed internally as he also swore to let the woman experience the same thing as he felt.
The feeling of losing everything!
The voidlings in the AVOF realm were surprised to see cocoons appearing there.
The true body of Primo and Taezin looked at each other as they knew what happened through their avatars.
Looking at all voidlings, Primo spoke, "Nyaa! Choose a cocoon that suits your power and cultivate your power in them slowly. Inside those cocoons are our master's companions."
On the other hand, the forces surrounding the island bubble saw a strange thing happening.
The island was shrinking from the middle as if something was devouring it.
The devouring speed increased as the entire island bubble disappeared in just a minute.
"What is that? That egg-like thing?"
"Someone go and take a look."
"That thing is probably responsible for devouring the island bubble. Monarch Yokki, you are the most powerful among us; why don't you go and take a look at it?"
Chapter 657: I Am Hungry 1
Chapter 657: I Am Hungry 1
Monarch Yokki had a grave expression as he could neither feel threat nor any good thing towards the strange black and white egg with streams of white and black energy whirling around it.
After thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head and spoke, "I am not going to check that thing out."
"Well, let's just attack it from afar. It looks like an egg, so I doubt it would attack us back."
Someone spoke, and many people accepted that suggestion.
"Ahem, Saint Minjel, since you proposed this, why don't you launch an attack towards that egg?"
"Hahaha, sure. Hey Terry, move forward that ship and launch an attack. Use the BBC canon since it's the most powerful in our arsenal."
"Roger, father!"
A black cannon with grey and white patterns on it hurled towards the egg at a breakneck speed and hit it.
However, when the cannon came into a range of 1 meter from the egg, it…disappeared.
"Huh? What happened?"
"The cannon disappeared before hitting the egg."
Someone else launched another cannon, and this time, it was a laser beam cannon.
However, the laser beam that continuously beamed towards the egg also couldn't go past 1 meter of the egg as it was disappearing from thereon.
"It's of no use. Nothing is going past the one-meter radius of that egg."
"Screw it, I am going back. There's nothing for me to do here."
"Wait, that void emperor or whatever will be coming here, no?"
"Yeah, the news should have spread to him that we held his companions as hostages."
"Let's wait for some time then."
Many forces waited for a while before the Great Bridgade Palace's master informed them that Athan had disappeared from there when he got the news.
So, everyone felt that he was on the way and waited for a day, but nobody showed up.
After waiting for a day, the forces started to return to their bases as nobody wanted to waste more time.
"What happened? Why are Athan and Linci not answering? My contact is not reaching them at all," Elena spoke with intense worry on her face.
Gaarshil had a grave face as he seemed to be talking to someone through a contact card.
After a while, Gaarshil ended the contact and looked at his wife before saying in a grave tone, "the island bubble that Athan and others conquered disappeared, and now there is a black and white egg floating amidst chaotic atmosphere."
Hearing that, Elena was startled and spoke, "that's not an egg but Athan in cocoon form! I saw him in that cocoon form before when he first arrived here. I and Linci both saw him like that."
"T-this…," Gaarshil made a hesitant face. Still, he finally spoke after a second, "people are saying that the cocoon devoured the entire island bubble. They tried to attack the cocoon, but all attacks couldn't go past one meter of it as they strangely disappeared."
"W-wait. Y-you said Li…Linci and others were inside the island bubble, and then it disappeared? No…No…," Elena became fanatic as disbelief was plastered on her panicking face," Athan wouldn't do something like that. I am sure they are safe. They ought to be s…safe!"
"I also figured that the cocoon was likely related to Athan. Don't worry; I also think that everyone is safe. Athan can't kill his companions because they are his family," Gaarshil spoke with conviction.
Days passed as many kept an eye on the cocoon. Elena and Gaarshil had to bear pressure from Chaos Monolith Hills and other organizations because they knew that their daughter was affiliated with Void Empire.
However, Elena put up a strong front against Lithen. She told him that the cocoon is other than Athan, and if he doesn't want to regret being born, he better not do anything stupid because Athan will come out even stronger. Naturally, Elena didn't know, but she had no choice but to put up a strong front.
As short-tempered as Lithen was, he didn't move recklessly. This was because some Chaos Monarch powerhouses also attacked the cocoon later, and their attack also disappeared at a one-meter radius from the cocoon.
Taking this into account and what Elena said that Athan would come out even stronger, Lithen decided to shield the Crow family.
A month passed by, and then another…
However, all forces still focused on the cocoon, and some big shots from the 2nd layer also descended to check out the cocoon after organizations in the 3rd layer spread the news there.
Five Chaos Paragon powerhouses arrived and attacked the cocoon but the result…were the same.
Athan's soul was getting stronger inside the cocoon, and his understanding of AVOF increased gradually as well.
A total of three months passed by before a crack finally appeared on the cocoon.
Efyeed, Reigen, and Limbus, who were all inside Athan's void region, could only watch Athan's soul brightly lighting with black and white as Athan's soul body revealed unique patterns on it and a symbol on his forehead.
They finally saw Athan opening his soul's eyes that gleamed with black and white.
"Hey, that cocoon is cracking!"
"What?! Fucking retreat as soon as possible! Hurry up."
Even the five Chaos Paragon powerhouses retreated as they looked at each other with a grave expression.
"It is not a treasure since something is definitely coming out of it."
"Should we call our Chaos Sovereigns here?"
"Look! A hand came out! T-this…it seems like a human hand but filled with strange black, white and grey patterns."
Athan broke the cocoon entirely as he came outside. Afterward, the broken cocoon broke down into black, white, and grey particles before merging within his soul.
His void robe became more stylist with more patterns, a black flamy-like cloak with lapis blue patterns behind him materialized additionally, and a mask on his head.
The cloak was really strange as it actually created a black field around Athan sparkling with very faint lapis blue sparks.
Athan looked at the powerhouses several kilometers away from him indifferently before speaking, "Reigen and Limbus, become my wings."
"I am hungry," Athan muttered as his soul felt hunger, hunger for more soul power.
Chapter 658: I Am Hungry 2
Chapter 658: I Am Hungry 2
"Attack him…"
"What? Really?"
"We have to assess him because I can't feel anything from that being."
The five Chaos Paragon powerhouses decided to attack Athan as they released their devastating offensive order abilities.
On the other hand, Limbus and Reigen had just transformed for Athan and became his wings.
Reigen and Limbus were scared, but Athan stretched his hand forward as a massive dark beastly mouth appeared with a black whirlpool in its mouth.
The blue sparks from his cloak glittered as all those devastating chaotic attacks were forcefully pulled towards the giant beastly mouth and… got devoured.
Athan flew towards them using Limbus and Reigen with cold, hungry eyes.
The five Chaos Paragons were scared shitless as they turned around and flew away with their full power.
Seeing them like that, Chaos Monarchs and Chaos Saints also started running.
However, after a second, one of the Chaos Paragon paused and shouted, "Wait, everyone!"
He turned around and saw that…Athan was flying really slow.
"W-what the heck? His flying speed is slow!"
"What's going on?"
"Screw it! Since he can't catch up, I'll just conjure a chaos portal and leave through it," one of the Chaos Saint powerhouses started conjuring chaos portal.
Many others also did the same as they conjured chaos portals and left through it.
"How strange…He possesses the power to negate our attacks completely, but his speed is slow," a Chaos Paragon powerhouse spoke.
"He is coming. Run!"
Seeing Athan getting closer again, Chaos Monarch powerhouses and Chaos Paragons started running. However, All Chaos saint powerhouses had left because Athan's speed was comparable to Chaos Saints.
After flying for a while, those powerhouses stopped again and observed Athan.
"What a strange being. However, I guess he can't do anything to us as long as we maintain some distance from him."
Others nodded.
On the other hand, Athan stopped chasing them as a frown appeared on his face.
"Sorry, master. We are not fast enough to chase them down."
The apologetic voices of Limbus and Reigen sounded in Athan's ear.
Athan shook his head and said calmly, "I'll find a way to increase my speed."
After saying that, Athan said to Efyeed, "Efyeed, can you open the portal to Linci's house?"
"Yes, master."
A portal opened beside Athan after two seconds before Athan entered inside.
The powerhouses saw Athan disappearing into the portal and wondered where he went.
One of the Chaos Paragons shouted and said, "start the investigation and find him! However, just find him and inform us. No more than that."
In the crow family's house…
Athan was sitting on a chair while Elena and Gaarshil were sitting in front of him.
"Athan…where are others? Where is Linci?" Elena asked as her lips trembled. She stretched a bit forceful smile and spoke, "knowing you, I'm sure they are safe."
Athan clenched his fist as his heart burned internally, but he calmed down and took a deep breath before saying, "I will bring everyone back…definitely bring everyone back."
"You two must stay alive until I come back with them and Linci," said Athan as he stood up and told Efyeed to open a portal before leaving.
"Athan…," Elena muttered as her eyes turned tearful. For a brief moment, she saw immense pain in Athan's eyes and knew that he was sad as much as them, if not more.
Gaarshil sighed as he hugged Elena.
Athan appeared in the chaotic atmosphere as he just told Efyeed to open the portal randomly at the furthest it could.
"Go inside, Limbus, and Reigen."
Reigen and Limbus went inside the void region while Athan stood there and took out a stream of voidpulse as it flowed around him.
He could float in the space and anything as long as he is inside the mystical field produced through the cloak behind it.
The lapis blue patterns and sparks in the cloak were related to Primo's Lapis Lagoon power, and that created a special space matrix field that belonged to Athan only.
That's why Athan could float. However, he couldn't speed up his movement as he still needed force.
However, he was now going to study this cloak carefully and create something that would allow me to fly fast through Reigen and Limbus's powers.
Athan closed his eyes as his soul sense scanned the cloak while he also controlled the Voidpulse to change its structure and create something from it.
Soon everyone found Athan's location, but no one went near him and just observed from afar.
"What is he doing?"
"Who knows? But I think we shouldn't provoke him further."
"We will not, but we can't say anything about those Paragons."
The five chaos paragon powerhouses just stood along with others and observed Athan.
"Should we attack him one more time for testing? Considering his speed, he shouldn't be able to negate our attacks. But…maybe he did that one time using some kind of artifact or one-time blessing power from a chaos phenomenon?"
"Let's observe him more first. I wonder what is he doing waving his hands like that."
Among the five Chaos Paragons, four of them were fully human-looking with only minor beastly features like horns and tails, while one Chaos Paragon was fully robotic and metallic as he was a Mechatronic being.
Athan couldn't be careless about any of them because they were of no threat to him.
His AVOF progressed had jumped to 20%, and nobody could do shit to him here.
However, he was hungry for more soul power as he was carving it immensely and wanted it from living beings.
Athan focused on creating a gear of sort for him that would give him fast flying ability akin to teleportation.
Doing that required time as days turned into weeks and weeks into months before two months passed by since Athan started working on it.
The paragons still observed Athan, and today, they decided to attack Athan again for testing.
Releasing devastating attacks towards closed-eyed Athan, they waited to see the result.
However, the same scene presented itself as the mouth devoured all of their attacks.
Athan didn't even bother opening his eyes as he only focused on working.
After ten more days, he finally finished as a dark pair of wings filled with lapis blue and white patterns attached to his back.
"Limbus and Reigen, superimpose onto my wings and channel your power in it. That's all you have to do."
"Roger, master."
After they superimposed on Athan's wing, Athan looked at the powerhouses tens of kilometers away from him and grinned coldly.
He appeared right in front of the Mechatronic being and spoke with a smile, "your soul seems most powerful among everyone here."
They couldn't see that Athan was creating wings because they could not sense or see voidpulse or even the final product he created. If they knew that this mysterious being was creating wings, they wouldn't stay here to court their death.
This teleportation ability also consumed voidpulse, so he could only use it as long as he didn't deplete his abyssal darkness.
Currently, everyone was sweating bullets as they literally felt death upon them.
"Give your soul to me," Athan softly spoke as a beastly mouth suddenly manifested on top of him and devoured the Mechatronic being.
Athan devoured the entire being and turned it into voidpulse from nothingness except for the soul, which he refined into pure soul power before absorbing it.
"Not enough…," Athan spoke as faint blue sparks released from the wings before he disappeared and appeared in front of a running Chaos Paragon.
Chapter 659: Void Bringer
Chapter 659: Void Bringer
"Fuck…fuck…fuck…w-what is going on?"
"How can he kill a chaos paragon that quickly? He…he seems to be devouring them."
Athan killed the second Chaos Paragon by devouring him whole. He refined their soul using his soul energy and then absorbed them to increase his soul power.
Athan flew by cutting through the chaotic space, and arrived at the third Chaos Paragon.
Athan used Gaze of Void to suppress the powerhouse and disable him before devouring him as well.
The fourth human-like paragon powerhouse that looked like a busty woman with three dark-purple fluffy tails was also devoured.
The Chaos Monarch powerhouses at the further started conjuring chaos portal in hope to escape.
However, Athan saw that and consumed half of his soul energy as his eyes gealed terrifyingly and suppressed everyone's soul as they were disabled and lost their will.
"Don't think about escaping…," Athan coldly muttered as he started devouring everyone's soul one by one.
At this time, the entire third chaos layer was in an uproar…
People in all those organizations noticed that their leaders and other important powerhouses had their soul slips broken into pieces.
Soon, the news about dying passed to each other, and they knew all those who were keeping an eye on that strange being (Athan) were dead.
Elena and Gaarshil also heard the news and were shocked to the core.
"Athan killed those chaos monarchs and paragons as well? This…how strong he is actually?"
Gaarshil and Elena were shocked.
Lithen also heard the news and came running to the Crow family to talk about Athan.
In the next few days, Athan's notoriousness increased as he broke into Jukran Vampyre Clan's territory and devoured all the remaining top powerhouses to feed his soul.
He then visited two more top organizations in this chaos zone and cleaned their powerhouses as well.
However, after that, all other top organizations were deep-rooted with fear and practically ran away.
Athan actually didn't plan to visit any more organizations since his soul's hunger was satiated for now.
People didn't know who this being was, but they called him Void Bringer due to his infamy. That was because wherever he visited, nothing remained. He also completely devoured people as nothing remained of them; not even a spec of their soul could return to chaosverse's cycle.
Hence, the news about this infamous being called Void Bringer spread everywhere, even to the other chaos zones in this 3rd layer of Chaosverse.
After a few days, Athan arrived at the territory of Plum Blossom Valley and stood in front of their large gates.
Athan's appearance had spread everywhere, so when the people at the large gates saw Athan, they were struck with intense fear.
Athan looked at the guards and spoke indifferently, "lead me to your master."
"Y-y-yes, sir."
A human man looking in his early thirties spoke while trembling. He had black tattoos on his body and a single horn on his forehead.
He felt relief that this person didn't directly kill him as he turned around before flying deeper in this large land filled with mountains and valleys.
Athan followed the person while other people at the gates who stayed behind looked at each other while sweating buckets.
"W-why is he here?"
"I don't know…"
"I think I can guess. He should be here for…revenge. You remember how Izarin Monarch announced that our Plum Blossom Valley is going to submit to the new rising power, Void Empire?"
"Yeah. But…wait! This being is said to come out of a cocoon that devoured the island bubble where people of the Void Empire stayed. He literally killed everyone in that island bubble, so after knowing that we had submitted to Void Empire, he is here to…destroy our organization?"
"Should we escape now?"
"I am leaving."
"Wait! At least…let me inform Izarin Monarch that the strange being who killed all those chaos paragons and monarch powerhouses is here and is looking for him."
Izaron monarch was informed that the being was coming here, but he didn't escape as many others thought.
However, he was still sweating and nervous as he walked to and fro in the palace hall.
"The appearance is the same. He is really Athan. However, why did he kill his own companions by devouring the entire island bubble? Or…
"Is there some other thing behind that, and his companions are not dead? Since he could kill chaos paragons easily, letting of them escape, he must have the same power as a Chaos Sovereign. Then…
"He also must have some means to store living beings in his inner space like Chaos Sovereigns, right?"
Izarin was muttering to himself and speculating things positively as he hoped that Athan was not here to kill him.
He really wanted to run as well, but he didn't think that he could escape. That's why he decided to take the risk and stay here.
"I-I'll go towards him. He should have known that I must already have received news of him looking for me. So, it's better that I go to him instead of staying here," Izarin nodded to himself as he left the palace hall.
Athan was flying deeper into this territory while following the still nervous guard. On the way, Athan and the guard had encountered people, but all of them were scared shitless and ran away.
Suddenly, he saw a portal conjuring a kilometer away from him as Izarin came out from it.
"Master Athan!"
Izarin flew in front of Athan and bowed deeply. His voice contained fear and hope both.
"Get up."
Izarin looked at Athan with a respectful expression and spoke, "what orders do you have for this servent?"
Athan glanced at the guard leading him until now, and he spoke, "you can go now."
"T-thank you," the guard hurriedly nodded before he left.
Afterward, Izarin and Athan arrived in the main personal palace of Izarin.
"I want you to spread the news that the so-called Void Bringer, who is me, wants everyone to come at Chaos Monolith Hills."
Izarin was shocked and got nervous. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "a-are you planning to kill everyone once they gather?"
Athan shook his head wryly before saying, "of course not. I am not hungry anymore. Anyway, go and spread this news. I want everyone to be there after ten days."
On the other hand, two 3rd grade organizations in the 2nd layer of Chaosverse had a discussion.
These two 3rd grades organizations were the ones who sent their chaos paragon powerhouses to the 3rd layer for investigation after hearing about a strange cocoon.
Now that the powerhouses they sent were dead, they were concerned about this matter.
So after gathering more intel, they found out that the one who killed their members was a strange being called Void Bringer and also heard about this being's notoriousness.
"Since he called everyone to gather there, let us visit there as well. Humph, I want to see this rampant person myself," the Chaos Sovereign of Mist Illusion Palace spoke.
Hearing him, the Chaos Sovereign of Myriad Ghost House nodded, "I will come with you."
Chapter 660: Athan's Plan 1
Chapter 660: Athan's Plan 1
"Geez, what should we do now?" Dreevindo said before sighing.
"Are they all really dead? But I don't think Athan would kill them," Roserin spoke with a frown.
"Should we visit him?" Yok asked.
"Uhh…let's wait for now and see what he does after gathering all those people."
Days passed as people got the news that Void Bringer wanted everyone to gather at Chaos Monolith Hills.
Other 6th and 7th grade organizations in different chaos zones in the 3rd layer were hesitant about going there. However, another news spread after five days which changed their mind.
If they didn't come, then Void Bringer would visit them.
However, all of them were scheming and had contacted the 2nd layer to ask for the help of Chaos Sovereigns using their connections.
Today was the deadline, and many powerhouses had gathered at Chaos Monolith Hills.
Lithen wanted to cry but had no tears to spill.
He had specially made a large territory for this gathering and hoped that they don't bring destruction to his Chaos Monolith Hills if a large fight broke out.
"Fuck! So many powerhouses…," Lithen muttered as he stayed in his palace with an anxious expression.
"I heard Chaos Sovereigns are there as well….damn, those are disasters in this 3rd layer. If one of them released their Sovereign Territory here, my organization would be destroyed…T-T."
Sovereign Territory was an upgraded form of Domains, and one would acquire them once they broke through to Chaos Sovereign realm.
"Lithen…even their fart would kill many, but there's no use worrying over it. Nothing is in our control right now," said the sub-leader of Chaos Monolith Hills as he entered the hall.
"Sigh…I just don't want this organization to disappear just because someone got angry. How stupid would that be? To be destroyed for such a stupid reason," Lithen sighed sadly.
After a day, all powerhouses, from chaos Monarch to chaos Sovereign, were waiting in the large hall. Those Paragons and Sovereigns were from the 2nd layer, while the Monarchs were leaders of 6th-grade organizations in this 3rd layer.
There were five Chaos Sovereigns in the hall, and they sat on five majestic thrones.
"Where is the so-called Void Bringer? Don't tell me he ran away after finding out that we have come here."
One of the Chaos Sovereigns sneered.
However, right after he finished speaking, everyone saw someone descend from the sky in this open hall.
Athan looked at everyone before stopping his gaze on the five beings.
"You really came here, hahaha. Great," Athan said with a laugh as he started walking towards them.
A field of light grey mixed black and white streaming energy formed around Athan as he started walking. He didn't give any threatening feeling to others as they couldn't sense any power around Athan.
Well, because the power around Athan was outside of their scope.
Seeing Athan coming towards them, one of the Chaos Sovereigns snorted and pointed his hand towards Athan. This person looked like a pure human man in his late twenties wearing a luxurious robe.
"Who are you, and what is your purpose? I want to know why you killed those Paragons of organization. Depending on your answer, I will choose what kind of death punishment I should give you," said the Chaos Sovereign pointing his hand towards Athan.
Athan walked in front of him and just stood a meter away from the hand before he smiled and spoke, "what makes you think that you can give me death punishment? What if…I am far more powerful than you?"
"Hahaha, stop kidding! As long as our lives are in danger, we can sense it. We can get premonition for danger. All Chaos Sovereigns have this special chaotic Intuition, which is like a blessing from this Chaosverse. But we don't feel any threats from you, hehe."
"Indeed. Whatever ability you are using to mask your power to keep up this bluff is useless."
Two other Chaos Sovereigns spoke one by one loudly, and hearing them, all other people in the hall sighed relief and felt hope.
The smile on Athan's face was gone as he shook his head and stretched both of his hands to sides, "I don't have time to waste. So please…die and give me your soul."
The five sovereigns felt a heavy hit on their soul and went dizzy. Their mind and soul felt heavy, and they finally felt…threatened.
However, it was too late as a field of abyssal darkness trapped them.
"HAAAAAAAA!" one of the Sovereigns shouted loudly as he burst out with his power.
However, a mass of darkness suddenly swallowed him from the field, and he…disappeared.
The mass of darkness then went towards Athan and entered inside his body.
"Shssssssss…"Athan looked at the other four Chaos Sovereigns and put his finger on his lips, indicating for them to stay silent.
"Stay still if you don't want to become my food."
'W-what happened? How did he kill Orpaz that easily?'
'What should we do?'
The remaining Chaos Sovereigns looked at each other with intense fear in their eyes. They fucked up.
Athan currently possed a lot of Abyssal darkness, and he didn't know how powerful he was right now.
He had decided to stop wasting his time and just focus on his own power right now. Naturally, he also needed to strengthen his body, which he will do after ascending to the 2nd layer with his usual method. As for his soul, he will be direct with its progression: Devouring more powerful beings' souls.
After scaring the five Sovereign into not doing anything, he looked at all other people in the hall and spoke, "I killed one Chaos Sovereign…it was easy."
"I can kill all of you easily as well. If I kill you, you won't even go into Choasverse's cycle because I would devour your soul as well."
Hearing the cold, hellish words, the crowd had despair in their eyes.
"P-please spare us. We will do anything you say."
"I beg you; please spare me."
"I will not kill you all as long as you do one thing," Athan spoke unhurriedly in a cold tone.
The Chaos Sovereigns hurridly spoke that they were willing to do anything as long as he spared them.