Chereads / Hellbreak Conquest / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Descent into Chaos: The Mushroom Dilemma

As they struggled through the twisting paths, Arriane suddenly stopped. "Wait. Cress, remember that game we used to play in the woods back home? Following the root patterns?"

Nycresia's eyes widened. "You're right! If we apply the same logic here..."

Together, they began to discern a pattern in the mushroom growth, slowly but surely finding their way through the maze.

Drave watched in amazement. "Extraordinary. It's as if the forest recognizes you. But please ladies, let me lead the path for you. Trust me, I got this."

As they trudged through the dimly lit tunnels of Hellbreak, the air grew thick with tension and the unmistakable scent of damp stone. Nycresia, found herself caught between exasperation and a grudging admiration for their newfound companion's apparently boundless optimism.

Drave Locklin, self-proclaimed expert of the underground labyrinth, sauntered ahead with an infuriating spring in his step. His casual demeanor stood in stark contrast to the sisters' growing frustration.

The flickering light from their makeshift torches cast long, dancing shadows on the tunnel walls, creating an eerie atmosphere that seemed to amuse Drave more than unsettle him.

Nycresia silently chanted her new mantra: Don't hit him. Don't hit him. It's not worth the energy. Save it for the actual trials. But oh, how tempting it was. Her fingers twitched at her sides, itching to grab the man by his collar and shake some sense into him.

Arriane seemed to have no such reservations. Her patience, already worn thin by their ordeal, was rapidly fraying at the seams. She kicked at loose pebbles as they walked, each one skittering ahead of them like a tiny harbinger of her growing irritation.

"Are we there yet?" Arriane groaned, her voice echoing off the cave walls. The sound reverberated through the tunnel, coming back to them distorted and alien.

"Not yet, my dear," Drave replied cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the daggers being glared into his back. "But fear not! Adventure awaits around every corner!" He gestured grandly, nearly smacking his hand against a protruding rock formation.

Nycresia rolled her eyes so hard she was surprised they didn't get stuck. "I thought you said you knew the way, Locklin." Her voice dripped with sarcasm, but there was an undercurrent of genuine concern. They had been wandering these tunnels for what felt like days, with no end in sight.

"I do!" Drave insisted, his confidence never wavering. "It's just... well, sometimes the way knows itself better than I know the way, if you catch my drift." He tapped the side of his nose knowingly, as if he'd just imparted some great wisdom.

Arriane's exasperated sigh could have extinguished a small fire. "Where the hell are we, you delusional guide?" She quickened her pace to catch up with Drave, grabbing his arm and forcing him to stop.

"An excellent question!" Drave exclaimed, as if she'd just asked him about the weather. He spun around, narrowly avoiding Arriane's grip, and spread his arms wide. "We are precisely... here!" He gestured grandly at their surroundings, which looked exactly like every other stretch of tunnel they'd passed through in the last few hours.

Nycresia pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. The constant strain of trying to see in the dim light was taking its toll. "Are we lost?" she asked, dreading the answer but needing to hear it.

"Lost? Perish the thought!" Drave scoffed, placing a hand over his heart as if wounded by the very suggestion. "We're merely... taking the scenic route. Enjoying all that Hellbreak has to offer!" His eyes gleamed with an excitement that seemed wildly out of place given their dire circumstances.

"You boast a lot, but it's all talk, you scammer!" Arriane snapped, her patience finally evaporating entirely. She jabbed a finger into Drave's chest, forcing him to take a step back. "We've been walking in circles for hours, and you have the audacity to act like this is some grand adventure?"

Drave had the audacity to look wounded. "I assure you, it's not my fault. It must be my unlucky star! You know, my horoscope said today was my day, but unfortunately..." He trailed off with a sheepish chuckle, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

Nycresia 's thoughts swirled like a maelstrom. Part of her wanted to believe in Drave's confidence, to trust that he really did know where they were going. But the rational part of her brain screamed that they were hopelessly lost, following a madman through an underground death trap. She glanced at her sister, seeing her own doubts reflected in Arriane's eyes.

Arriane's mind, meanwhile, was a tempest of frustration and regret. Why had they ever agreed to follow this weasel? He was clearly making it up as he went along, probably leading them straight to their doom with that insufferable grin plastered on his face. She clenched her fists at her sides, struggling to keep her temper in check.

"Oops, wrong turn!" Drave announced suddenly, spinning on his heel. "Maybe that direction is the way?" He pointed down a tunnel that looked suspiciously similar to the one they'd just come from. The darkness seemed to stretch on endlessly, swallowing any hope of finding their way out.

"You've got to be kidding me," Nycresia muttered, her mantra of 'don't hit him' becoming harder to stick to by the second. She exchanged a glance with Arriane, seeing her own frustration mirrored in her sister's eyes.

"Look on the bright side," Drave offered, his optimism apparently indestructible. "At least we're getting our exercise! Think of all the calories we're burning!" He did a little jig on the spot, as if to demonstrate the health benefits of being hopelessly lost in an underground maze.

Arriane's eye twitched dangerously. "The only thing I'm thinking about burning right now is you, you insufferable--"

Her words were cut off by a sudden rumbling that shook the very foundations of the tunnel. Dust and small rocks rained down from above as the ground beneath their feet began to tremble. The torches flickered wildly, casting frantic shadows that danced across the walls.

"Earthquake?" Nycresia shouted over the growing din, reaching out to steady herself against the tunnel wall.

"Unlikely!" Drave yelled back, his usual bravado finally showing cracks. He stumbled, nearly losing his footing as the shaking intensified. "More like... oh, dear."

The floor beneath them split open with a deafening crack. Nycresia barely had time to reach for Arriane's hand before the world tilted sideways, and they were falling. The last thing she saw was Drave's wide-eyed expression of surprise before darkness engulfed them all.

Nycresia 's mind raced as they plummeted into darkness. This is it. We're going to die in this godforsaken maze, all because we trusted a man with the navigational skills of a drunken hamster. The air rushed past her, whipping her hair into a frenzy. She clung desperately to Arriane's hand, determined not to lose her sister in the chaos.

Arriane's thoughts were less eloquent, consisting mainly of a stream of creative curses directed at Drave, interspersed with fervent prayers to any deity that might be listening. The darkness was absolute, robbing her of any sense of up or down.

Drave, for his part, managed to shout, "Well, this is unexpected!" before his voice was swallowed by the void. Even in free fall, there was a note of excitement in his tone, as if this was just another thrilling part of the adventure.

They fell for what felt like an eternity, tumbling through pitch darkness. Just as Nycresia was certain they were about to be dashed against unseen rocks, she felt herself slowing. It was as if the air itself had thickened, cushioning their descent. The whistling of wind in her ears gradually faded, replaced by an eerie silence.

With a series of ungraceful thumps, they landed on something soft and spongy. Nycresia lay still for a moment, hardly daring to believe she was still alive. Every muscle in her body ached from the tension of the fall, but nothing seemed to be broken. Beside her, she heard Arriane groan.

"Ree?" Nycresia called out, her voice shaky. "Are you okay?" She reached out blindly in the darkness, searching for her sister.

"Define 'okay,'" Arriane grumbled. "I'm alive, if that's what you mean. No thanks to our illustrious guide." There was a rustling sound as Arriane sat up, followed by a sharp intake of breath. "What the hell are we sitting on?"

Arriane suggested over, "Cress! Remember what Mom used to say? 'In the darkest depths—'"

"'—the brightest light shines,'" Nycresia finished. As if in response, the bioluminescent spores around them pulsed brighter.

What she saw took her breath away. They were in a vast cavern, easily the size of a cathedral, filled with enormous, glowing mushrooms. It was one of these fungal giants they had landed on, its cap easily the size of a small house. The mushroom's flesh gave slightly beneath them, explaining the soft landing.

The entire cavern was bathed in a soft, multicolored light emanating from the various fungi. Bioluminescent spores drifted lazily through the air, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. It was beautiful and terrifying in equal measure.

"Drave?" Nycresia called out, scanning the area. "Locklin, where are you?" Her voice echoed through the cavern, bouncing off the distant walls and coming back distorted.

Silence greeted her question. The cavern seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions, with no sign of their wayward companion. Nycresia felt a pang of worry, despite her earlier frustration with the man.

"Good riddance," Arriane muttered, but Nycresia caught a flicker of worry in her sister's eyes. For all his faults, Drave had become a part of their team, and his absence left a noticeable void.

As the reality of their situation sank in, Nycresia felt a mix of emotions churning in her gut. Relief at their survival warred with anger at Drave for getting them into this mess in the first place. And underneath it all, a grudging concern for his wellbeing. The cavern suddenly felt much larger and more threatening without his irrepressible optimism.

"We're on our own now," Nycresia said, trying to inject confidence into her voice. She stood up carefully, testing her footing on the spongy mushroom cap. "We'll find our way out of here, with or without that walking disaster."

Arriane nodded grimly, getting to her feet as well. "When I see him again, I swear I'm going to wring his neck. After I make sure he's okay, of course." The contradiction in her statement hung in the air, a testament to their complicated feelings towards Drave.

Nycresia couldn't help but smile at her sister's words. It summed up their feelings about Drave perfectly – infuriating, yet somehow endearing. "Let's focus on getting down from here first," she suggested, peering over the edge of the mushroom cap. The ground was a good thirty feet below, with more mushrooms of various sizes dotting the cavern floor.

As they carefully made their way down from their fungal landing pad, using smaller mushrooms as stepping stones, Nycresia 's mind raced with possibilities. Where had Drave ended up? Was he even still alive? And more importantly, how were they going to navigate this new level without his dubious guidance?

"We should try to find a way back up," Nycresia suggested, eyeing the distant ceiling warily. Faint cracks of light were visible far above, presumably from the tunnel they had fallen through. "Maybe there's a tunnel or something we can use to climb."

Arriane snorted, brushing bioluminescent spores from her clothing. "Right, because more climbing in this death trap is exactly what we need. Why don't we just set ourselves on fire while we're at it? Really round out the Hellbreak experience."

Despite her sarcasm, Arriane fell into step beside her sister, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity. They picked their way through the forest of bioluminescent mushrooms, marveling at the variety of shapes and colors. Some were tall and slender, reaching towards the cavern ceiling like nature's skyscrapers. Others were squat and bulbous, their caps creating small shelters.

As they walked, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. The cavern seemed alive with unseen presences, shadows flitting just at the edge of her vision. Every rustle of movement sent a shiver down her spine.

"Do you get the feeling we're not alone down here?" she whispered to Arriane, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow.

"Great," Arriane groaned, her hand instinctively moving to the knife at her belt. "Now we're going to be eaten by cave monsters. Fantastic. I hope Drave is having just as miserable a time wherever he is."

As if in response to Arriane's words, a low, rumbling sound echoed through the cavern. It was unlike anything Nycresia had ever heard before – part growl, part vibration, as if the very air around them was coming alive.

"What was that?" Arriane hissed, drawing closer to her sister.

Before Nycresia could respond, the air around them began to shimmer. Bioluminescent spores that had been drifting lazily suddenly coalesced, forming a swirling cloud that moved with purpose. The sisters found themselves surrounded by a glowing vortex of spores, which seemed to pulse with an inner light.

"Don't breathe it in!" Nycresia warned, covering her mouth and nose with her sleeve. Arriane followed suit, but it was too late. Some of the spores had already made their way into their systems.

The world began to spin, colors intensifying to an almost painful degree. Nycresia felt a strange euphoria creeping over her, battling with a rising sense of panic. She could hear whispers on the edge of her consciousness, unintelligible but insistent.

"Ree," she managed to gasp, reaching for her sister. "We need to... to..."

But what they needed to do escaped her. The cavern seemed to be breathing, the mushrooms pulsing in time with some unheard rhythm. Nycresia felt herself swaying, her body no longer entirely under her control.

Arriane wasn't faring much better. Her eyes were wide, darting around wildly as she tried to make sense of the shifting reality around them. "Cress," she slurred, "I think we're in trouble."

Meanwhile, in another part of the vast underground complex, Drave Locklin was having the time of his life.

He had landed in what appeared to be an ancient underground library, its shelves stretching impossibly high and filled with tomes that glowed with an inner light. Any normal person would have been terrified, lost in the depths of the fungal forest with no idea how to get back to their companions.

But Drave wasn't normal. He was practically giddy with excitement.

"Now this is more like it!" he exclaimed to no one in particular, running his fingers along the spines of books with titles in languages he'd never seen before. "I wonder if they have a card catalog?"

As he explored the vast library, Drave's thoughts turned to the sisters he'd left behind. He felt a twinge of guilt for getting them into this situation, but he was certain they could handle themselves. They were far more capable than they gave themselves credit for.

Still, he hoped he'd find them again soon. Despite his carefree demeanor, he had grown fond of the pair. Nycresia with her sharp wit and barely concealed amusement at his antics. Arriane with her fiery temper and reluctant smiles at his worst jokes.

"I'll find you, ladies," he murmured, pulling a particularly interesting book from a shelf. "Right after I finish a bit of light reading. Knowledge is power, after all!"

As Drave immersed himself in the ancient tome, he failed to notice the subtle movement of the shelves around him. The library was shifting, rearranging itself in response to some unseen command. By the time he looked up, the path he had taken was gone, replaced by an endless maze of bookshelves.

"Well," he mused, closing the book with a snap. "This just got even more interesting."

Back in the mushroom cavern, Nycresia and Arriane were fighting a losing battle against the hallucinogenic spores. Reality had become fluid, the boundaries between the physical world and their perceptions blurring with each passing moment.

Nycresia felt as if she was sinking into the ground, the mycelium network beneath their feet reaching up to embrace her. She could sense the vast interconnectedness of the fungal kingdom, a web of life that spread far beyond this single cavern.

Arriane, on the other hand, felt as if she was floating, her consciousness expanding to fill the entire space. She could see every spore, every mushroom, every minute detail of the cavern with crystal clarity. It was beautiful and terrifying in equal measure.

"Cress," Arriane called out, her voice sounding distant and echoing strangely in her own ears. "We need to... to move. Get out of this... whatever it is." She struggled to form coherent thoughts, fighting against the overwhelming sensory input.

Nycresia nodded, or at least she thought she did. It was hard to tell what was real and what was hallucination. She focused on her sister's voice, using it as an anchor to reality. "Right," she managed. "Move. We can do that."

With monumental effort, they began to stumble forward, supporting each other as best they could. The ground seemed to shift beneath their feet, mushrooms bending and swaying as if caught in an unfelt breeze. The air around them continued to shimmer with bioluminescent spores, creating dazzling patterns that threatened to hypnotize them if they looked too long.

As they moved deeper into the fungal forest, Nycresia began to notice something strange. The whispers she had heard earlier were growing louder, more insistent. And now, in her altered state, she found she could almost understand them.

"Ree," she gasped, "can you hear that? The whispers... I think they're trying to tell us something."

Arriane squinted, concentrating hard. "I... maybe? It's all jumbled up. Like a thousand voices talking at once."

Nycresia closed her eyes, trying to focus on the whispers. Slowly, fragments of meaning began to emerge from the cacophony.

"Danger... balance... restore..." The words floated through her mind, half-heard and difficult to grasp.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through the cavern, stronger than before. The mushrooms around them began to pulse with an intense light, their caps swelling and contracting as if breathing.

"Something's wrong," Nycresia muttered, a feeling of dread cutting through the haze of hallucinations. "The forest... I think it's sick or... or out of balance somehow."

As if in response to her words, the mycelium network beneath their feet began to glow, lines of bioluminescence spreading out in all directions like a vast, living circuit board. The sisters found themselves at the center of an intricate pattern, the fungal network radiating out from where they stood.

"What's happening?" Arriane asked, her voice tinged with awe and fear.

Before Nycresia could respond, a surge of energy pulsed through the mycelium network. She felt a jolt, as if she had been struck by lightning, and suddenly her mind was filled with images and information. She saw the entire ecosystem of the cavern, the delicate balance of life that existed here, and the corruption that was threatening to destroy it all.

"I understand now," Nycresia breathed, her eyes wide. "The spores, the hallucinations... it's the forest's way of communicating. It's asking for our help."

Arriane looked at her sister skeptically, still struggling against the effects of the spores. "Help? How are we supposed to help an entire underground ecosystem?"

Nycresia took a deep breath, trying to organize the flood of information in her mind. "There's... there's a central node. A heart of sorts for the entire mycelium network. Something's wrong with it, causing the whole system to go haywire. If we can reach it, maybe we can fix it."

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Arriane asked, but there was a note of determination in her voice now. Despite the absurdity of the situation, she trusted her sister.

"I'm not sure," Nycresia admitted. "But I think... I think the forest will guide us. We just need to listen."

As if on cue, a path began to illuminate before them, bioluminescent mushrooms lighting up in sequence, creating a glowing trail through the cavern.

"Well," Arriane said, a hint of her usual sarcasm returning, "I guess we follow the yellow brick road. Or the glowing mushroom road, in this case."

Hand in hand, the sisters began to follow the illuminated path. As they walked, they felt the effects of the spores beginning to fade, replaced by a strange clarity. The whispers grew more distinct, guiding them through the twisting maze of fungi.

Meanwhile, in the ever-shifting library, Drave was facing challenges of his own. The bookshelves continued to move around him, creating an ever-changing labyrinth of knowledge. But rather than feeling trapped, Drave was exhilarated.

"A living library," he mused, running his hand along a shelf as it slid past. "Now that's something you don't see every day."

As he navigated the maze of books, Drave began to notice a pattern. Certain titles seemed to glow brighter than others, catching his eye as he passed. Following his instincts, he began to collect these books, tucking them under his arm as he went.

"There's a method to this madness," he muttered to himself. "A puzzle to be solved. And if there's one thing Drave Locklin excels at, it's solving puzzles."

With each book he collected, the library's movements seemed to become more purposeful. The paths began to align, guiding him deeper into the heart of the complex. Drave couldn't help but grin. Whatever force was controlling this place, it seemed to approve of his actions.

As he rounded a corner, Drave found himself face to face with an enormous, ancient tome floating in midair. Its cover was adorned with intricate designs that seemed to move and shift as he watched.

"Well, hello there," Drave said, reaching out to touch the book. "Aren't you a beauty?"

The moment his fingers made contact with the cover, Drave felt a jolt of energy course through him. His mind was suddenly filled with images of the entire forest complex - every level, every trial, every secret. He saw the mushroom cavern where Nycresia and Arriane were, the corrupt heart of the mycelium network, and the key to restoring balance.

"Oh my," Drave breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "Now this... this changes everything."

With newfound purpose, Drave tucked the ancient tome under his arm and set off through the library. The bookshelves parted before him, creating a clear path forward. He knew exactly where he needed to go.

"Hold on, ladies," he said, a determined grin on his face. "Drave Locklin is coming to the rescue. And this time, I actually know where I'm going."

As Nycresia and Arriane approached the heart of the mycelium network, and Drave made his way through the living library, the true nature of fungal forest began to reveal itself. This was more than just a series of trials or a magical labyrinth. It was a living, breathing entity, and its very existence was in danger.

The fate of this forest, and possibly much more, now rested in the hands of three unlikely heroes. As they converged on the corrupt core of the fungal forest, none of them could have imagined the challenges that lay ahead, or the incredible truths they were about to uncover.

The Mushroom Dilemma was about to reach its climax, and the underground world would never be the same again.