Chereads / Violence destroys human humanity / Chapter 8 - Coronavirus (NCOV) or Covid-19 virus is Corona

Chapter 8 - Coronavirus (NCOV) or Covid-19 virus is Corona

Covid-19 is a new virus that belongs to the SARS virus of the past and to some types of the common cold-fever virus. A large family of viruses that can cause illness in the human body is the coronavirus, a virus that infects mammals and birds. Various coronaviruses can cause serious respiratory diseases ranging from common colds and coughs in the human body. The most recently discovered coronavirus-infected disease is Kovid-19. Novel coronavirus (NCOV) is a new species of coronavirus. Covid-19 is a new disease that causes damage to the lungs and trachea, leading to death. The new virus and the disease were unknown until the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then, the disease was named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). It is abbreviated as 'Co' from corona, 'Vi' from virus, and 'D' from 'disease' or 'disease'. The World Health Organization recognized the outbreak on March 11, 2020 as a global epidemic.

The word coronavirus is derived from the Latin corona meaning "crown". This is because the two-dimensional conduction electron microscope makes it look a lot like a crown due to the thorns of the mace-shaped protein from the mantle of the virus. The surface of the virus is rich in proteins that are formed by viral spike papillomas that destroy the infected tissue. The virus manifests in the form of dimorphism. The virus is thought to have first entered the human body from an animal.

Common symptoms of the disease include respiratory problems such as respiratory disease, fever, cough and shortness of breath. High levels of infection can lead to pneumonia, severe acute receptive syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

To avoid infection, it is recommended to wash your hands regularly with soap/alcohol, hand sanitizer, cover nose and mouth during sneezing or coughing, boil eggs and meat for a long time, and avoid contact with respiratory symptoms such as sneezing or coughing Happens.

How the corona virus spreads or is likely to be infected with Covid-19: Others can be infected with Covid-19 from people infected with the virus. Like other infectious diseases spread from person to person. A person infected with corona actively spreads the disease among others. For this reason, experts recommend that the sick patient be kept completely out of contact with healthy people in a hospital or home until they recover and are free from the risk of spreading the virus to others.

1) In fact, in contact with the infected person.

2) If you touch your eyes, mouth and nose by touching the infected place or object.

3) The particles secreted from the sneeze or cough of the infected person. The disease is spread from one person to another through the small droplets secreted from the nose or mouth during sneezing or coughing of the infected person. These spots fall on objects and surfaces around the person and can survive for a long time.

Studies have shown that Covid-19 can survive on objects for hours to several days. Others can become infected with Covid-19 by touching their eyes, nose or mouth after touching such objects or surfaces. A person infected with Covid-19 sneezes and coughs, but Covid-19 becomes infected. The virus can also be spread from an infected person who has no symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of Covid-19: To understand whether Covid-19 has occurred, the symptoms of fever, fatigue and dry cough should be taken into consideration. Some patients may experience body aches, respiratory infections, colds, sore throats, and diarrhea. These symptoms start mildly at first and then gradually increase. It is also seen that these symptoms can appear 2 to 14 days after infection.

Acute fever - Feeling of fever is one of the various symptoms of Covid-19. If you touch the chest and back, you will feel the heat. It is normal to feel this fever for 2 to 10 days.

Coughing all the time - If someone already has a cough, the level of that cough will increase and they will continue to cough many times for a long time, even coughing all day and night.

Difficulty breathing - 1 out of 6 people infected with Covid-19 disease becomes very ill very quickly and suffers from shortness of breath.

Also symptoms include fatigue, dry cough, vomiting, sore throat, limb paralysis, headache, stomach problems, loss of mouth and nose, rash on the feet, sudden fainting, weakness and some of the above symptoms in some patients. Although seen, there is no fever.

Make sure you protect yourself: The best way to avoid this disease is to not get infected with this virus. We should be aware of the latest data on the Covid-19 outbreak published by the World Health Organization and local public health authorities.

Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds thoroughly with soap or alcoholic hand rub and water.

Step 1: Soak your hands in running water;

Step 2: Use enough soap on wet hands;

Step 3: Rinse thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, including the back of the hand, the middle part of the finger, and the bottom of the nail;

Step 4: Wash hands by rubbing well in running water;

Step 5: Wipe hands thoroughly with a clean cloth or a single-use towel.

Wash your hands frequently. In particular, before meals, after clearing the nose, after coughing or sneezing, and even after going to the bathroom.

If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. If your hands are dirty, always wash your hands with soap and water.

Maintain social distance: If someone is coughing or sneezing, keep a minimum distance of 1 meter (3 feet) away from them, the closer you are, the more likely you are to be infected.

Avoid touching the face: As our hands touch a lot of things, the chances of getting infected are high. So the virus can spread from hand to eye, nose or mouth and make you sick.

Caution during respiration: When sneezing or coughing, the mouth and nose should be covered with tissue or the folds of the elbow so that the disease is spread from one person to another through small drops of secreted fluid.

Some people become infected but show no symptoms and do not feel sick. It usually takes 2 to 14 days for symptoms of coronavirus to be confirmed after infection. Symptoms of influenza include fever, runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, weakness, diarrhea or shortness of breath. Most people (about 80%) recover without special treatment. One out of every 6 people infected with Covid-19 becomes seriously ill and suffers from shortness of breath.

Becomes seriously ill and suffers from shortness of breath.

Take the following steps to save others.

Stay at home if you are sick - Stay at home without going out for treatment if you are sick.

Cover your nose and mouth - Cover your nose and mouth with tissue when sneezing / coughing (dispose of used tissue in a covered garbage can). If there is no tissue, cover your nose and mouth on the opposite side of your elbow.

Wear a face mask if you are sick - If you are sick, wear a mask in a place where you will come in contact with other people (in a house or vehicle with other people) and before entering the hospital.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and objects daily - frequently touched objects and objects such as mobile phones, tablet computers, light switches, table tops, table handles, desks, toilets, water taps and basins. Etc. Clean and disinfect every day.

Clean frequently dirty areas with disinfectant - Clean frequently dirty areas with detergent or soap and water and use disinfectant.

Be aware of the Covid-19 situation in your area - Collect the latest information about the Covid-19 situation in your area from a public health worker.

Specific polythene litter baskets - Specify polythene litter baskets for sick people if possible. Use gloves when removing and disposing of dirt.


There is no specific anti-viral drug to treat Covid-19. However, care should be taken to relieve the symptoms of the infected, critically ill people should be admitted to the hospital, adjuvant treatment, most patients are recovering.

If you have any symptoms like fever, sneeze, cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat, body aches, weakness but no shortness of breath then stay at home and follow the following rules.

- Drink lukewarm water and gargle with hot water.

- Stay separate from others in the house

- Measure body temperature at least twice a day

- Read the mask

- Stop guests coming to the house

- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water

- Take paracetamol to reduce fever

- You can take antihistamines (such as fexofenadine, chlorpheniramine, etc.) for colds and coughs.

- Do not touch nose, eyes, face with hands.

Here are some tips on what can and can't be done about coronavirus with your child, family and friends:

Concerns about coronavirus, fear, and social stigma can make the situation worse. People infected with the virus are being harassed both mentally and physically. It is important to be aware of the issue and be kind and helpful to each other. The use of language that is important and perpetuates existing stereotypes can prevent people from testing and taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their communities.

What to do: Learn details about new coronavirus diseases and share them with each other. (Covid-19)

What not to do: Remember, the virus does not infect the space considering the black pot so its geographical location or ethnicity cannot be linked to the disease.

Things to do: People who have Covid-19, people who are receiving treatment for Covid-19, people who have recovered from Covid-19, or people who have died from Covid-19 infection.

What can't be done: People with this disease cannot be held liable as "victims" of Kovid-19.

What can be done: Precautionary measures can be taken by mentioning the infection of Kovid-19 people.

What not to do: People infected with Kovid-19 "infect others" or "spread the virus" - these cannot be said because it means deliberately spreading the infection and blaming the boy is nothing else.

What can be done: Speak positively and emphasize effective prevention measures by following hand washing tips. Speak accurately about the risks of Covid-19 based on scientific information and the latest official health advice. For most people, it is a disease they can overcome. The simplest step we can all take to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the weakest.

What not to do: Repeat unsupported rumors and use language that spreads panic, such as "plague", "apocalypse", etc.