Woow! Tall black hair well held by a barratte, an American height lady with a figure and still a youth. When I took a look to her eyes, very sexy and angled to see anything, below a nice shaped nose next to an attractive romantic mouth. Ooh! what a beauty! Monicah a queen of attraction, stood before everyone ready to exchange vows. The bridegroom was as simple as a nun's prayer, buh everyone saw him in a totally different way not as Gideon buh someone's husband in the few coming minutes. Gideon tried as much as he could not to show none of his teeth but who could hide excitement? The few smiles he gave showed how happy he was as a dog with two tails for he had found his seventh rib. In between this lovely wedding their was a mystery. Monicah was worthy, more than worth thou no single penny was given out as a dowry and this remained a secret between Gideon and Monicah's parents. So time came for two to be one. The great judge named Ahithophel Ochingli and priest named Festus were their to unite them. A verse was read from the holy book, couple teachings given to them, they exchanged vows, signed their married certificate which was handed out by the judge and a strong prayer was sent to God. Now no one could come in between them. Starting from the king till members, everyone was served with a risotto. How delicious this meal was, that could make someone hungry even thou has already eaten. Everyone ate to satisfaction and ready for entertainment. In a tick tock beats that came from the instruments, the music rose everyone from their seats and joyfully gyrating to the music. Popular love song musician named Reey made people dance to the slow felt rythm.
Ooh, love of my heart
I get your name stuck in my tongue
Your presence make me feel fine
You rise and fall me as the ocean tide
Babe never think of losing me
Hold me tight and don't kick me
My sweet pie sweet one
Message of my heart
Your eyes reflect my future
Your smile shows amnt a loser
Much blessed being with you
I feel complete when with you
I can't without you
Salsa became the main dance for the two in one. Old men sat in a circular form drinking alcohol. And that's how Gideon got relatives and started a family waiting for God's blessings.
"Change of lifestyle?, be more presentable? No, pride, no and I mean no! Anyway she's below me, she has to go according to my words and live in God's grace."
"He is my soldier and am his spy, also the bread winner, he has a say. For a happiful life I have to satisfied with his conditions."
All this thoughts ran in different heads laid on the same bed.
As usual, every morning a whistle was heard that gathered the community for prayers and assigning of
duties. Women were to ensure the compound was clean, farms well cultivated and back to their normal home chores. Men were divided differently, fishers headed to the nearby river, hunters sent to the forest, masons and carpenters had their work in the compound.
Mike the joker was a street roamer and his main work was smoking and drinking, buh he had something in common, he loved trading, knew different languages and his best friend was Kamaa, Antony and Nesta. Kamaa was a mason and also a trader likewise to Antony. Nesta the best salonist and also a trader. So trading took place and taitas had advantage of it since they were the middle community. Trading was done under a quaking aspen and the place was named mkunazini. The tree had a nice big shade, large open area and fresh air circulation.
Trading was done once after a drizzle in both communities. Apart from trading, Mike never worked, never slept hungry. Neither was he a king's brother nor belonging to the king's family, he was much protected. In the community it was a big mess messing with Mike. He was defended even when he is wrong. The good of him, he respected everyone. Who was this Mike? Just a community member, the difference was his out looking, he got tall hair "afro" thin and tall, let me say he was created from the loam soil, this man was dark. Children loved him so much due of his funny stories and appearance.
And so drizzle was seen in both communities and the trading season was on. Trading was the activity that could unite this different communities but it had no effect. Their were rules, strick ones, like inter- marriage was an offense or any activity that did not involve trading. Normally, in trading their are brokers, and in this trading their was a main broker named Paul a.k.a Pablo. This man did both legal and illegal trade, he had a medium height, on his head "dreads" and a belly.
Actually this man loved partying and apart being a broker he was a street musician. Smoking and drinking was his habit too. He loved sex and much loved by many beautiful souls but true love from this pretty hot Fancy. Some of his characters made him unique like he could never ever keep time, the most delaying but organized person. Good of him, his delaying habit never made him lazy, he knew to create opportunities and a good brother's keeper in both positive and negative way only to ensure that he never misses his daily bread. Lastly he got cooking profession.
Paul knew all types of routes, during this trading time, he used to pass over almost all communities inorder to grab and submit orders. Since trading took a duration of good fourteen weeks, he never got exosted with his work, maybe this was a way of satisfying his heart of adventure. Along with him he never miss his little bag with a telescope in it, which he tied it on his waist where he placed his machete. Something uncommon, Paul could take a nap anywhere and was understandable, but during sunset where did he take his body for rest? or the naps represented his sleeps? where is his home? This were passer by questions from the traders stories. For their were doubts of Paul giving information to thugs, their claims maybe true. Traders claim that during this trading time crime trends. And who knew them better if not their brokers?
In this fourteen days of trading, most traders used to rest at the trading place and Benteke ensured full security.
Mike never slept at his place during this trading time. Never was he even seen within the compound. But not Mike alone, some members used to miss too, thou no one noticed this. This is because during this trading duration the community never assigned duties, they only gathered for prayers and everyone left to trade. Something challenging is that there are guards at the boarders of the community and how did they never know about the disappearing of Mike and the others . Benteke must be in this deal. Mike was old. His decisions and way of living is much respected, he has never been an old bat. The respect from the community gave Mike an easy time. And maybe the other people disappearance maybe under his plans too. Are this the thieves? but why steal? And where are the stolen goods taken too? Anyway can not judge a book by its cover, when their is prove we going to call them thieves.