"Ladies and gentlemen, Lot polish Airline welcomes you to New York. The local time is eleven thirty PM. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate." Said the air hostess over the microphone. Sara woke up Ale as she was going back to her seat since she was coming from the bathroom. "Za chwilę wylądujemy." Said Sara. (We are about to land.) Ale rubbed her red sleepy eyes and groaned as she looked out the plane window. They landed shortly after and everyone was disembarked.
After all the necessary procedures the girls were finally ready to go to the hotel. It was already twelve twenty-five in the morning. "Wszystkiego najlepszego Aleksandra!" Shouted the girls as they walked out of the airport. (Happy Birthday Aleksandra!) Ale was startled but a bit happy since her friends didn't wait until morning to tell her. Suddenly a creepy cab driver drove up and asked the girls where they were heading to. Anna found it funny to speak to the guy in her polish language and said " Dobranoc dobry panie. Udajemy się do hotelu New Yorker niedaleko Time Square." ( Good night kind sir. We are heading to the New Yorker hotel near time square.) The driver looked confused and said, " I don't speak Spanish." Sara laughed so hard that she fell over on her suitcase. "Ten facet nie zna różnicy między hiszpańskim a polskim." She said while clutching her stomach. (This guy doesn't know the difference between Spanish and polish.) Ella was laughing away and watching the man being annoyed. "Sorry we are from Poland and that language wasn't Spanish it was Polish. Now can you take us to the New Yorker hotel near time square?" Said Ella. "Yes, ma'am get in and bring your children with you." He said. Aleksandra said, "Ella, ten kierowca myśli, że jesteś wystarczająco dorosła, by być naszą matką. Kim jest teraz babcia?" (Ella this driver thinks you are old enough to be our mother. Who's the granny now?) Ella shrugged and went into the front seat of the cab.
The four long hours of driving and listening to jazz music were finally over and the girls were tired. The girls had called their parents before they reached the hotel so that when they were finally there they could just go to bed. "Good morning. How may I help you?" said the receptionist at the front desk. Sara groaned tiredly and said, "Jak dobry jest ten poranek?" (How is this morning fricking good?) Ella spoke up in an annoyed voice, "Sara shut the fuck up before I knock your teeth straight out of your mouth. Now back to this receptionist lady, Reservations for four under the name Ella Romans." "Let's see...........oh here it is. You and your friends are on the third floor, room thirty-three." Said the receptionist. Anna grabbed the keys in a very cold and disrespectful manner. "Sorry for her harsh behavior, she is a bit cranky. We will be sleeping for the next nine hours so by twelve thirty we will need food," said Aleksandra calmly before leaving the desk.
The girls came to their room and slumped on the beds tiredly. Not long after they all fell asleep.