"OMG! Kisha!" I screeched excitedly as well as questionably. How did she get here anyway? 'Took a short inspection through my head.' That can be addressed later, alas! I have seen a familiar face. Though, she is the last person I would have expected to see with all the worrisome baggage but boy! am I glad to. With this new development, my confidence level witnessed a little dose of refreshment intertwined with an assurance.If she survived here for I don't know how long, since I am now meeting her here? Then I can probably be calm. Consequently, I am not alone, moreover knowing Kisha with her talkative self? I need not wait that long to know exactly what was sup!? with the new look and change of scenery.

"Kisha how did you also get here? 'I posed not waiting for a response before ranting loosely.' Don't tell me you were stalking me. Come on lady! stop being clingy; I ain't your boyfriend. " I went all out, off! on her breathlessly also feigning my disappointment till I was certain I had given her a piece of my disapproving mind and in expectation of a fierce rebound from the sycophant! ! but what I would experience after will traumatize me for eternity.

"Priestess!?" She called me calmly yet doubtfully to my surprise. Ha! This show keeps getting more and more interesting! I mean, the all disrespectful, regrettable mistake of a holigan! I am familiar with; will never be this pleasant with that uncertain eye. She would never admit to come down from her high horse to be this humble. I swear! Kish would have disregarded my painful fall, question my visual ability unperturbed then finally transmute it into the main reason why I was without a man of my own. Not caring about the facts! The confident selfish self acclaimed sham of a psychic. The fearless silly trickster sometimes fore tells stuff with such an authority; You'd think she was in possession of a crystal ball you were unaware of. Something was terribly wrong in this picture. And if she was here? Where then are my parents?

"Kisha! It is me kea! What's with the keeping up appearances? Are you alright? Girl, what is with this charade?" I asked sincerely concerned, to which she gave me a worried wondering look.

"My lady! Are you alright?" She responded back politely.

"Me! Your lady? Wonders! are said to have a never end." I snorted. "Stop all this nonsense now Kisha!" I warned with a low serious tone.

"My apologies Seer." She Cowered back maintain her seemingly concerned personality.

"What? why are you being like this?" I asked in exasperation.

"Did you hurt yourself priestess?" She asked still addressing me with great respect gummed to care. This is extremely unlikely of the ever nosy Kisha! the defiant, disregarding mosquito I know!

"I must be seeing things.Oh! my poor soul ... 'I lamented dramatically'.... Is this how my end is going to be?" This is very serious. Her acting was too darn spotless to be faked yet my eyes couldn't be the same or that bad either! else? I would have been wallowing in pitch black darkness. This is definitely Kisha! Although, I hate to admit it yet unfortunately for me, my destroyer bug of a friend!

"Kish! What's with all this drama? Did you bump your head on something on your way here? I definitely know very well how that goes." I pressed her in exhaustion coupled with putting the back of my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. "Or are these people linked with out captors and you playing dumb to confuse them?" I murmured as she was now squatting near me looking at me like a zombie almost pale. Because what could be the reason behind this grand show of dismissal. Yes! she is denying knowledge of me! Keana! Someone she had fun serving hell! Or so I thought. That shit! is not easily wiped out of memory. No freaking way ! in the devil's space could anyone!

"My lady, are you okay? Is there something you need or want me to get for you?" I laugh hysterically raking my hair haphazardly now with my hands then pulling on them just for checks. They might as well be a thing of my conjecture. At least, they are real and still painful at pull. My anxiety? Sky rocketing. I might as well end up having an episode.

"No! This is not happening." I repeated to myself in a loop, in mantra style, shaking my head incredibly feeling miserably helpless. 'I must be truly running mad or this bitch may have lost her memory or something... enroute here supposedly. Oh! I know perfectly well how that goes.'

In fact, I began to doubt my own sanity and current station now. "Am I in a mad house already?" I propped myself scrutinizing the surroundings conspicuously which was mirrored by the betraying kish. I know she must be certainly thinking "What is this crazy ass looking for?".

"Am I truly suffering from brain damage?" I continued to push myself. Believe me, that's the exact same look I was getting from this unmistakable look alike, version ... whatever! of that troublesome character called kisha! right now, scarily.

I ordinarily Say these words without importance but seriously! that vindictive girl called kisha! will be the very death of me! My goodness! What did I ever do to her?

She was gawking at me like an imbecile who just fell from space! Considering my last memory, it couldn't be unfounded except the imbecile part; I really did fell from somewhere ... but how about her? Why was she here too? Last I recall, she was not with us when I got dragged into that cold spiral thing. Logically, my parents should be the ones here! not her! Yee-ah! Right! That reminds me, where are my goddamn! parents? So forgive me if am coming off over calculating. One can't be sure in this circumstances. How do I know, if am even dealing with an enemy or partner? Question for the gods, I suppose.

"And stop calling me that! 'I bulldozed back out of enragement.' I am Keana! and you are Kisha! If you are not her? ... who the hell are you then?" I echoed intently.

"Preis ...! My ... !" She twitched vocally in confusion extremely shaken. Crap! I think I over did it, I scared her this time.Fuck! But I didn't intend to, I only needed answers. Chancing upon Kish was supposed to be tireless not tiresome. Too much! Best describes my tribulations at present.

"Bitch! seriously snap out of now! 'I pleaded solemnly in ambivalence with my emotions all over the place now. I am undeniably desperate. To think that, I had thought seeing her was a miracle and a piece of the puzzle about to be solved only to turn out more confusing? I must really be under the influence of a strong curse! What crime did I commit which was that inhumane in my previous life to be penalized heartlessly in this manner now? 'just me and my out loud thoughts.' Listen! we need to get back home asap!"

"Mm! but this is home." She responds still frightened.

"No! it is not! as a matter of urgency, we need to teleport out of here by all means instantaneously! if possible, cause something is making us hallucinate. We might as well get locked up for severe schizophrenia."

"Seriously! Who the fuck are you?" I went off the top again cause I couldn't take it any longer.

"I ... I... I am KUTI! ...."

"Sorry, you're who?"

"Kuti, your hand maid and I have been serving you since you were small children. Am deeply sorry, I'm unable to help you get your kis ... , bitc .., asa-ap ..., because I have no knowledge of anything of such names."

"You must be kidding me!"

"Pardon my words priestess, I feel you may have an altered head due to your fall just now." She reiterated her name with further introduction filling it up with the suggestion that I had a muddled head! I am not writing her off but just imagine the person diagnosing me now! Gasping incredibly right now. I mean, does she know I was thinking same of her? " I should be telling her that and not the other way round. Altered head! Says the one with distorted personality without cognizance syndrome. Altered head! My foot!"

"You said you are ku-ti not Kisha? Also my personal assistant?"

"No! Priestess. I am your hand maid." She just had to call me that again to my distraught. It was only Grandma that called that and was refreshing coming out her lips. This particular one calls me and it's irritating. I grandma around here somewhere playing games with me or her spirit possessed this replica of Kisha? Besides, how could two different people be this similar physically, vocally and in movement but character and name. Am I in an alternate dimension? What a dull Kisha we have here! Yet she'd act all tough and ghetto on the other side. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

"What is the difference between personal assistant and hand mm ...?" I felt the word was belittling thus didn't want to complete it.

"Maid! my lady." Kuti chirped.

"Yes! whatever 'who even says maid in these modern times? Where on earth is this place?' and why do you especially and the others keep calling me "My lady, Priestess and all that?"

"Because you are our all powerful spiritual mother! Our leader, as such the befitting title."

"Bullshit! I am no one, not to mention with powers okay. In fact, let's tell it how it is, I am lost. However, you people are mistaken me for another."

"My apologies priestess but there remains no truth to what you attest. You have been our ruler for more than 2 decades now! Your reign brought tranquility, prosperity in conjunction with growth to our lands thus the respect and admiration we all have for you. You are the unrivaled seer, our mother! The direct mediator for us and mother nature herself. Your capabilities goes far, wide and beyond."

"No! No! No! You guys must have got me all wrong! What a mess? All the accolades are directed to the wrong persona. Listen kish! Umm! Kuu ..."

"Kuti! priestess." She aided me.

"Aha! You! 'i simply addressed her cause I couldn't stomach all the prevailing information yet.' I am Ke-ana! Keana Thendi!"

"Another confusion I must address humbly my lady. Your maiden name is NEHENDA!" A shallow rumble breeched our ears from the sky's as the name left her lips.

"Say what?"

"Forgive me, my lady ... Nehenda! Is your name not K-ke- ana and I am calling you out mere because you authorized it also because i am your childhood friend. You were chosen by nature itself as I was except for our various roles."

"Jesus Christ! oh! Pardon me! Can I even say that here?"

"What my lady?"


"Yes! priestess."

"Do you guys always have to be this obedient? You are truly opposite her." I observed sadly.

"Did my lady say something?"

"Not at all!" In as much it is a good change for once? I am starting to get bored. I think I miss the rebellious wench Kisha. Beside all her witchcraft? She is cool. I miss home, my maama even more! Unfortunately, I may not see her again, although this place kind of feels magical who knows. Maybe, i may be granted a chance to hear her soothing tales about the gallant priestess and the next plot add up ... Bullshit! So this is it! Realization hit me like a sucker punch in the face. "Erhm! Ku-ti?"

"Yes! my lady."

"What did you say is my name again?"

"Accept my preceding apologies ..."

"Forget the formality ... tell me!" I interrupted ordering her.

"Nehenda priestess."

"Nehenda! Nehenda! Nehenda! No way! Grandma's folklore? Also the name she never voiced since my children during story time until our last time together and she ended up dead there after? I mean ... I am .... No! am I in my Naana's story, more so playing the lead role? He! He! Naa! Not a chance. It could simply be a coincident. Did you say Nehenda is the name?"

"Affirmative my lady."

"You also call me priestess, Seer, lady etc? Are you sure you are not mixing me with someone?"

"By mother nature's hem, I tell of the truth and nothing more; may I my end be gruesome and never be reborn after death if it be lie."

"What was the wickedness you just recited?"

"An oath of sincerity priestess."

"Wow! isn't that too intense?"

"One is worried when being deceptive." That sounded serious additionally persuasive enough for me to believe her. Now back to reality check which felt like a loose brick fell on my head, I was frozen rubbernecking at her; for I was shaken beyond words.

"Please allow me take you inside priestess." Be it Kisha or whoever she was said to me as she tried to get me up on my feet. I wanted to resist but would rather comply than compound the questionability of my sanity. She already ticked the cuckoo box for me. I didn't want to be bundled and carried back. When it got there? Nobody ever listened again even if you made sense and they were mistaken. You had already earned your badge by being declared unstable.

The supposed to be Kisha, Sorry; I mean Ku ... uti! braced herself to give me a boost to get me off of the ground but before I could be standing erect, someone hauled me off of the ground then held me delicately in bridal style to my astonishment.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Who the heck are you? Get off of me! I said put me down!" I screamed tussling to get the person off me.

"Calm down my priestess! It's NIKEA!" Said Ki .. Nope! Ku .. uti. Why did both names have to start with a K? I seethed.

"NI! who?"Advance from my flaps whilst still propped against some firm well trained chest, as the fine ass dude with an evenly toned caramel complexion, an all back dreadlocked hair, on the loose with two straws of hair flimsily on a side in the front, hazel eyes, a full sculpted face, manly yet to die for lips and an adam's apple which couldn't have looked any perfect on any man than the one who swoop me up, off of the floor and is about to sweep me off of my feet! He stood still maintaining his hold on me with a firm grip comfortably as well as a warrior like yet soft face which I was now beholding from below his chin.

"Darn! beautiful motion portraiture!" I beg to differ, i would like to clear the misconception of my superficiality in regards to looks which my fore mental note may suggest at this juncture before I proceed. I am not easily carried away by looks anyways. However, just the 1/3rd of what I saw was already enough for me not wanting to be dropped under any circumstances. I was willing to stay there like a good kitty and in the end capture the rest 2/3rds of the full package. If just the tip was this interesting? How much more the complete set. I couldn't simply wait to behold the complete intricacies of this flawless design.

"This is Nikae."

"Mmhm!" I encouraged throatily whiles enfolding my arms around the male gods lower chest as if for more support however, you bet! There is foul play coupled with a dirty mind.

" Y ... Your ....