Hi, my name is Seok hoon As all normal life living me I didn't experience either cannot I'm not a human but I am a romance vampire. but people think that I am pretty cool in my high school lot of people are being fandom about me nobody knows that I am a vampire acspect for a girl. her name is Seok Kyung . she is very pretty like me I just couldn't meet her always. people say she is pretty whenever I see her I only can see her hair or her half body like her leg it is so sus to be like this but I hope we meet soon. my parents left me after knowing I am a vampire so I am alone but when my high school days just go for normal days pretty normal. I finally met that girl omg her hair her eyes were just purple and her lips just glowing without anything she stands out in the big crowd I just couldn't resist her beauty.
and I found out she is my girl she is the only girl we talk a lot we started to become friends my mind thought let's be friends first but the week was darm I feel like bitting and sucking her blood off but I stop and control myself.
Okie let's see what happens next .... in this vampire life