Chereads / The mafia and the lawyer / Chapter 7 - The reunion

Chapter 7 - The reunion

Twenty minutes later...

"You're back!I didn't know Enrique can ride that fast.How's my car!!?"Dan was the first to speak,he wasn't at peace because of his car.He kept wondering why Enrique picked that car of all the cars in the garage!He stood up quickly and peeped through the window where the garage was,and breathed a sigh of relief,"my baby is back safe and sound."

"You are worried because of that thing! I'll use it from tomorrow till mine arrives after two weeks.And you need to thank your God, I was really hoping to be followed by some gangs and bang the car,but I thought to myself,'after all the torture I went through because of you that was a simple punishment."Dean said as he walked past him.

"I didn't ask you for your help,go and tell that to dad.And grandpa said he needs a great granddaughter."

"He told you,not me."he said as he continued climbing the stairs back to his room.He was so tired that he needed both a shower and sleep.And then think of the next step tomorrow,if he stayed to listen to his twin they would just end up fighting each other and now he doesn't have that strength.

That's how their relationship is, it's not that they hate each other but they always fight over childish stuffs.He went to the bathroom, filled the bathtub with lukewarm water, sprinkled it with his favorite gel then went to brush his teeth like several times.After he was done ,he went to the tub and relaxed there until he zoned off to his own world.

Hours or minutes later,he didn't even remember how long he was in the tub,he slept off and was just woken up by the phone that was vibrating so loud.

"Seriously,who is that?I swear to whoever is calling I'm gonna punch him whenever we meet.Can't I even rest for a few minutes?"Though he complained,he still managed to walk to his room and pick the phone only to see..."Father!"

"You and your brother should come to the mansion tonight."his father is always a straightforward person.

"Well,I'm fine thank you.I arrived safely, thanks for asking."Dean replied sarcastically.

"Both of you come back,we will discuss about the rest when you arrive.I want to see you,it has been so long since I saw you."his father said.

"I also want to see you!Your father is so selfish he only thinks of himself!"he heard his Grandpa's voice from the other side,well now he is sure where Dan got the habit of shouting at the phone on other people's conversations.

His face became gloomy,he wasn't in the mood of going anywhere today.Can't these people understand he had gone to be tortured and not to lay on the beach bed and busk in the sun!?

"Dad, can't I come tomorrow or maybe another day."he really wanted to complain to someone or anyone.First,he took his brothers place and went to be tortured and now he hasn't even rested and he is called to the mansion.'If mother was here I would have complained to her already.'

"No, today.We were waiting for you to be released so that you can come together."

"And why should I come with Dan,he knows the way to the mansion?"

"Stephanie wanted him to come yesterday and let you rest then you can come tomorrow, but I..."

"Wait,mum is back!?I will be there."he didn't even wait for the call to end,he threw the phone on the bed and went to dress up.He didn't carry a lot of clothes because his stay in this country wasn't permanent.He went to study in Europe with his mother as his company, while Dan remained with father and grandpa.When he was fourteen years old,he started taking the cause of Doctorate,and later when he was twenty he joined law school but still continued studying doctorate as part time.Both he and his brother were geniuses.For them, as long they did coursework then practicals were never a problem to them.

At Ace's Mansion

Roster came back after hours of searching "Steve sir, I lost him at the junction, it's like he was aware we were following him."Steve just stared and didn't reply,he looked at the corner where the man was seated and swallowed hard.

Roster followed his gaze and saw the big boss silently rubbing his temples as if thinking of what to do.When he came in a while ago,all he thought of was how to give the report to Steve, and didn't care to look around,now he wished he would have peeped first before entering,at least he wouldn't have seen him right?

The man's phone rang to break the silence,'what a great timing!'Roster thought

After two minutes he cut the call,then stood up and left,still no readable expression on his face.

Ace walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets,anyway he knew that would be the outcome,and now he received a call from the IT room saying that,they followed the tracker they had put on the watch and it led them to a dumpsit.Ace chuckled to himself,'the guy isn't just a simple lawyer.'

He ordered for them to place the tracker somewhere hidden at the watch and when Dean picked it from the table he had already known,he is a very kin person.But now he believed he underestimated him,the guy is more than one can see, making Ace like him even more.One thing he believed,sice they have met,they will meet again.At first that year,after he woke up from his surgery he thought that he was imagining things,he almost thought the guy never existed,but since he met him again he is sure nothing is gonna stop him this time.

At the Donovan's

After the call was cut Grandpa started complaining "you see the problem of separating them,now he doesn't even care about us,he only cares about his mother.Just hearing his mother's name made him jump up like a child."While he was still complaining they heard footsteps approaching.

"Grandpa,you are still complaining,I've already agreed to come and am now here so what's the problem?"Dean spoke while approaching his Grandpa,then he pecked his forehead.

Peter was so happy after being kissed by Dean,Dan went straight to seat next to his mother as if no one else existed,"Well at least there's one thing you can do right,unlike that thing who just passed us,you know,he is not filial at all."

"Grandpa I've been here living with you,you and father see me a lot all the time unlike mother who saw me a few years ago when she had missed me.The one who benefits a lot is father because he travels to see mother every one month in a year.Dan paused for a while as if thinking of something,"come to think of it, father stopped travelling to Europe five years ago.Paa' did you start having air sickness?"

"Your father and I are becoming old, there's no need for traveling a lot,and now that your mother has joined us and you two are now grownups,you can take over from where they left."

"Is it true mother!?"Dan said in excitement

"What is Grandpa talking about dad!?"Dean was surprised.

Paul turned to his father and gave him a glare,"we agreed to talk about this after dinner father."

"Like I said earlier,I am becoming old."Grandpa said while trying to stand up,when the butler went to help him,he refused and said,"I want Dean to help me, isn't the table ready?"

"The table is ready sir and as you ordered."the butler replied with his head bowed.

"Good,very good,"grandpa Peter appreciated the butler,"you can meet me later after dinner my legs are hurting.I think they need massage."He then turned to the people still seated,"are you all fasting, because I'm hungry,my stomach can't wait."

Paul looked at his father "Dad,I know you well,stop avoiding the topic.I can see you are walking well,stop disturbing the butler or I tell him to charge you extra money."

He turned to Dean,"there are some people in this house who doesn't like seeing me happy, they always celebrate my downfall all the time.My grandson,let's go eat,if we finish we can go fishing,just ignore them."