Chereads / Go. All. Out.: X-VERSE / Chapter 53 - Chapter X55: Oh Brother...

Chapter 53 - Chapter X55: Oh Brother...

Callie would then grab Yuki's suit collar and start dragging him. "Is she actually dragging me right now…" Yuki thought. Daisuke would look down the hall with Callie dragging Yuki by his suit's collar. "I've never even met her father in person… What's so special about Homura…" Daisuke thought. Suddenly, Yuki would be standing in the middle of a room similar to the oval office. "Oh god…" Yuki thought as he would be sweating. A man would be sitting in a chair at a desk. The man looked about 6 foot 3 inches and had light gray hair with a mustache. He would be wearing a dark grey suit and nice black dress shoes. The man would be working on a Rubik's Cube while looking out the window. He would have three metals on the right side of his suit. the desk would be standing in front of three large tall rectangular windows. "My daughter has become fond of you…" The man said. Yuki would gulp, "Yes Mister President… But… I don't understand, I'm just an average high school student with a flame ability…" Yuki said. The President would turn away from the window putting the Rubik's Cube down. The president would look at Yuki and smile. "Well… My daughter obviously doesn't think so… She says that you have… Potential…" The President said. Yuki would look at the corner of the room at a clock. The clock would say 2:50 pm. Yuki would look back at the President and start sweating. "SHIT!! I'm supposed to meet Nakamura and Kaki at Kayaba's after school!!" Yuki thought. The President sighed, "Don't worry Mister Homura, I won't hold you here long I just have one thing to ask you…" The president said. Yuki would look at the president in confusion. "D-Did he just read my mind?" Yuki thought, "Y-Yes sir?" Yuki asked. The president would look behind Yuki at the door. "I was wondering If I could ask you for a favor…" The President asked. Yuki would look at the president curiously. "Yeah, It's an honor to have a favor from the President…" Yuki said, "He's gonna ask me if I could keep an eye on Callie, isn't he…" Yuki thought. The president would sigh, "One thing I wanted to ask is… I was wondering if you wanted to join the Black Angel's trainee group?" The President asked. Yuki would be surprised, "Oh… It would be an honor!" Yuki thought. Yuki sighed of relief in his head. "One more thing Yuki… Would It be ok if you could check on my daughter for me…" The president asked. Chibi Yuki would be sitting in a black void in Yuki's head. "And there it is…" Chibi Yuki said. Yuki sighed, "I would be proud to but the thing is… She has a boyfriend and I don't want to get in the way of-" Yuki said before looking at the President's face. The President would be looking at Yuki with a stern look. "That's what I'm afraid of…" The president said. Yuki would be shocked, "Ever since she started talking with that boy… She seemed more distant and reserved…" The President said. Yuki would think back to the first day of class when he saw Callie had a bandage on her wrist. "So he's noticed too…" Yuki thought. Yuki would look up at the President and nod. "I'll take up the job sir!" Yuki said. The President smiled, "I like you, Yuki, You're not like that Shimura boy…" The President said. Yuki would scratch the back of his head. "She told him that I knocked him the fuck out… Didn't she…" Yuki thought. The President would stand up and walk over to Yuki. Yuki would stand up and face The President. The two would shake hands and The President would show Yuki out of his office. Yuki would walk out of the office and Callie would be standing there reading her book. Callie would look up from her book at Yuki. She would turn and walk down the hall. "She didn't even ask how it went!" Yuki thought. Yuki would catch up to Callie. Callie would keep walking looking right in front of her. "Why are you following me, If I wanted you to be near me I would drag you," Callie said. "This girl really has some communication issues!!" Yuki thought. Yuki would put his hands behind his head. "Well, I wouldnt want The President's daughter walking around the city by herself…" Yuki said. Callie would look at Yuki and then back in front. "Are you stupid…" Callie said. A huge name tag saying 'stupid' would puncture Chibi Yuki's back. "Calm down Yuki, she's the daughter of a world leader…" Yuki thought as he took a breath. Callie would stop walking and look down at the ground. "Hey, Yuki?" Yuki would look back at Callie. "If my father asked you to watch me, you really don't have to… Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't." Callie said. Yuki would stare at Callie in confusion. "This is the first time I've been provoked to hit a woman… Wait, Where have I heard that from…" Yuki thought. Yuki would then smile, "What? He didn't ask me to do that. He talked to me about my fight with Daisuke." Yuki said, Callie would look up at Yuki with a Are you sure about that look. Callie would cover her mouth as she chuckled. "Y-You really are an idiot Homura…" Callie said. Yuki smiled, "So she can smile…" Yuki thought. Yuki would clear his throat, "Hey Callie!" Yuki said.