the wary words
" Why so you can be a knight, you not born of war you are born of peace like me! said, Gantar, Theodmer was about to step in, but she grab him and shake her head no, " this was you want, what you were born of, I am a knight in training and I am learning a lot from the king and queen of war, something you will not ever have the understanding, it's over because I found someone that is the one, he understands me, you didn't and never try to, she gives him his ring back, " please sight the scroll so we can be on our way! she signed it first, and hand to him, " you never give me a chance to try, that all I am asking, if this what you want to find be a war knight, don't end it please, my queen of peace, said. Gantar, " you two been married for seventeen years in peace, don't you want to try to make it work? " mother, ma. cried, Theodmer, " why you pressuring her she wants to be with my son, and he wants to be with her, this has nothing about what or who she is, she signs it to be happy who she is in love with, not to do what she wants, you can not keep something going if it was never there, get him to sign it so we can go, my army and husband is waiting, said. Seldanna, " no, I think she needs to make it work out with him, I'm sure your boy his great young male but so is Gantar, she walked up to her, " I see right through you Sillavana queen of peace, you using this to gain what you want, with one snap of my finger I have my army and husband turn their attention to you, now if you want to provide peace still not lose it and destroys everyone else like you who is protecting and providing peace, stop using others to gain what you want, either tell him to sign or sign it for him. when it comes to my kids well being of happiness I am one not to use or toy with, Seldanna, she swallows hard, as shehad rock in her throat, " Gantar in all peace all good things hascome to a end and it time for you to move on, we no not need war as an enemy right now, maybe an allies, so hesign the reoncing scroll ending their marriage, she runsto Theodmer and they hugged and kissed each other in happiness, " I see what Theodas said about, you did the right thing, Theodmer Lusha let' s go, the thereof them walkedout of the castle and got on their horse and left, They head back to the war camp, " thank you my queen of war, how you know she was using it? Asked. Lusha, " she wants the bond back by not getting him to sign it, she thinks I will give to her again, my dear you are about to be my daughter-in-law, it is alright to call me by name, whenever they cry ma or pa, it is our sign to step in. Said, Seldanna, " they can see when you lying, images we couldn't get away with anything. My parents are different my mother doesn't believe in attacking anything that is less than a challenge to her, or is about to die. My father is, on the other hand, you may not be a threat, challenge or about to die, I destroying you anyway, I don't know how this even works, said. Theodmer, "I wouldn't say that you have never gotten away with anything, you snuck out of Scotchwood when you was five, not only giving us a scare, we not that different, with our scouts or children are attack, then we both declared rally of war said. Seldanna, they ride through the rally gates, " you snuck out of Scotchwood? Asked. Lusha, "I wanted to see my sister and mother, I didn't want to wait until Mid-April, said. Theodmer, " son mid-April was around the corner, and Richwood is ten miles away, anything could happen to you. " how did you know he was missing Seldanna? Asked. Lusha, " knowing that she was out rallying father call to her, they communicate with each other. Answered, Theodmer, " he said our children were missing, he knows that his wife would find him, they ride into camp. Theodas walked up to them, " will? Asked. Theodas has he helped his wife off her horse, they look into each other eyes, " she pushed me nervous, and our son was getting fit-up, but we have a wedding to do when we get back, we got our future daughter-in-law, how is our daughter doing? " yet my wife give this female her bond, good with her husband, shall we send our Scouts? Asked. Theodas, " what was I thinking? Later, come with me. They went into their tent and make mad Elven love to each other, they got down off their horses, " that is pure unconditional love, " yeah, they nuts over each other, size we haven't seen them until the last mid-month, they walked into the healing tent where Sana and Tarron are, " it is true, we get that war feast, cheif Theodmer Relnos fines his wife, said. Tarron, " my brother-in-law Tarron and my sister Sana, how are you, sis? Said. Theodmer, " mother got it for you did she, " she wants to try to make it work, you look exactly like her. " I was getting sick, don't toy with her children's happiness, said. Theodmer, " definitely do not do that, I am good I just want to get off these things, said. Sana, " my love not until your shoulder heals, nice to meet you Lucha, and welcome to our family, said. Tarron, after a long session of mad Elven lovemaking, send their war Scouts out to Scouts, Seldanna and Theodas walked into the tent, Seldanna remove the bandage to look at her shoulder wound, " ma and pa do we still get that war feast? Asked. Tarron, " a course, and a wedding after, to celebrate our chief Theodmer and his wife, said. Theodas, " Lusha my husband, Lusha this is your future father-in-law the war king of Scotchwood Theodas Relnos, it looks a little better, lets new bandage on it, she takes the old one off and put a new bandage on it, she strokes her hair, " the new threat has peeked and they are awake and in season, said. Selddanna, " great first Wild dogs, then Dockas, then Dark elves, then Dark kingdoms of Delmar, now those things are awake. Said, Theodmer, " we told you soon everything has a purpose on earth. Said, Theodas. " what is their purpose father, asked. Sana, " we bring you something to eat, to hunt we the wild dogs, they kissed her on the head and walked out of the tent, so they camp at the war camp for the night, to rest and eat some food, Theodas bring her some elven soup and white bread which is called lumbar, he walked into the tent, she sat up on the bed. " thank you pa, I am hungry, he gave her the tray, she starts to eat, " anything for my daughter and son, he kissed her on the head, and watch her eat. After Seldanna finish eating, " my queen of war, said. Kania, " yes Kania. " you okay my queen of war? " I am good Kania, just going to get some rest, it has been a long day. Answered, Seldanna. Meanwhile, in Richwood in the kingdom of peace, the king of peace Theodore and his army peace ride into the walls they walked out of the castle, " I am the king of peace of Bridlewood, my name is Theodore, I come to ask for your hand, peace protection. Said, Theodore, " marriage? " why not my queen of peace war married war, protection married protection, and sometimes peace married peace. Said, Hubys, " by becoming his wife, and Queen, you both will be combining both kingdoms into one, said. Allynna, " you have his Knights and guards, and him, for her when you have him, but you have to love him in return, and give him your heart has he gives him, you can not use him for his army or guards, that is the magic seal of love and marriage, said. Jhaan, she agreed to love him and married him, there was a huge big peace wedding. As both kingdoms of peace combined their kingdoms, " first thing first my love we need allies, to ride with War and Protection, I have some allies with protection, said. Theodore, "I did have a friend, it shattered she doesn't want anything to do with me. Said, Silliavana. " is she war or peace? Asked. Theodore, " war. The war Queen of Richwood, back at the war camp in the tent, Sana finished eating her soup. " that was good thanks pa, said. Sana, Tarron walked into the tent. " see you both in the morning, he walked out of the tent as the scouts have returned, " my war king, five miles across the valley, the dark elves is out long with Delmar. Said. Ruvean, " as the plan we march to rally at first light. My wife where is she? Asked. Theodas," in the tent, she walked out and said. " agree my husband, we hit both. He kissed her, " are you okay, looking pale. Asked, Theodas, "I just tired Theodas, Join me for some rest, they walked into the tent everyone is their tents fast asleep. In Richwood inside of the Kingdom of Peace, " The war queen Seldanna we met skilled ruler, and Knight, also Theodas wife, and mother to his son and daughter. Awesome match they are both skilled rulers and knights, said. Theodore, " you know them? Asked. Hubys, " met them both, when they are on mid-rallies, I entire met all the war kings, and war queens, none has great as Scotchwood and Richwood, how you miss the friendship up, we talk about it and handle it in the morning. My pet, the entire peace kingdom went to bed, as all through the lands of Elven is resting their eyes and minds, but for the darkness, it is said there is no sleep for evil, through the lands Dockas is attacking the peace kingdom of Englewood, the army of peace is awake and in position to fight, they are holding their hold but need help, Kania and Theodmer walked up to his parent's tent, " mother and father Englewood is under attack, " what you want to do my Queen of war? They walked out of the tents, " this will make us late if we go in help. Rally is what we do, wake up the knights. Said, Theodas, " get them on horseback, they put their armors on in walked out the tent, they pack up the camp and head for Englewood, it is a full night of riding for the paths of the rally. As the sun come up in the sky they made it to Anewood, in Richwood the kingdom of Peace, is having breakfast before they celebrate. " will I tell her that