When Bridget was young at about the age of 7, she would always watch romantic comedies with her mother and grandmother and she always wanted the love story as how it happened in the movies. At that age everyone is naive and think that it would be how true love works.
11 years passed and Bridget finally met the one person that makes her happier than anything, she felt loved, cared for and happy. Now that Bridget is happy and in a relationship, Selina wasn't all that happy about it, she always wanted to be single the same time as Bridget. She would say that she is happy about it, but deep down she wasn't.
Bridget and Selina had a very complicated friendship, she wasn't allowed to spent too much time with other friends. When she did Selina would find a way to start a fight (I know what you are thinking she is possessive).
During their friendship things changed and got better but still some things remained the same.
Bridget hasn't been in a lot of serious relationships, so Selina always had a thing about she was the only one going through emotional relationships.
"Selina, can you just stop obsessing about this guy'' said Bridget to her best friend that she is going through a breakup. Selina replied "You will never understand, having to love someone for a year long, isn't just easy to get over"
It was things like this that made Bridget mad and feel like her feelings wasn't valid. Selina never knew what happened to Bridget when she was younger and all the things that she had to go through. Selina never knew that Bridget didn't know who her father was, she kept it a secret.
Because she didn't know who her real father was she wasn't good with relationships as in romantic relationships.