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Flame Eyed Bender

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What would happen if members of a lost race abandoned by the gods and by time suddenly showed up in the world of Korra? And then what's even more bizarre... Korra has A SON?! What kind of strange circumstances led to this? A journey of self discovery for the current avatar. oc x Korra.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Foreboding dream? An Avatar's vision?

Hey everyone, won't take too long for this but thought I'd do a story for an interesting scenario I had in my head for awhile concerning Korra as you can tell by the summary lol. This is a what if scenario in the realm of dbs and Legend of Korra But more towards the xenoverse side of things. Anyways that's enough from me, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Foreboding Dream; Korra's vision?

Korra tossed and turned in her sleep, for some reason... she couldn't sleep. She felt... oddly restless. That wasn't normal for her, she normally felt great and could sleep just fine, but not tonight for whatever reason. The Avatar was currently resting in the home of Tenzin, the son of the late Avatar Aang.

It had been about a few days since her eventful move to Republic city. But in that time she was still getting used to her life in the big city.

The 17 year old girl was now resting, due to fatigue of late. She had no idea of the storm that was coming for her and her friends in the near future. For some odd reason, she'd been feeling rather restless lately. Though, she didn't know why. Aside from being established in Republic city with her introduction publicly, she hadn't done anything to really cause her stress. So why was she so restless recently? Maybe she'd figure it out once she talked to Tenzin about it. For now, she slept.. albeit lightly. She was having an odd dream, the same one she'd been having for a few days now.

Her vision came to a dark space that was very dimly lit. As she kept walking, she saw a light at the end of the lit path. She figured that she'd better keep walking, so she could figure out what was going on here.

As she reached out towards the light, it suddenly expanded outward and into a white void. She then heard foot steps behind her. Wheeling around in a stance, she fire bended at the intruder. What she didn't anticipate was for her opponent to fire bend as well. This definitely surprised her before she saw the face of the intruder. That's when she paused, it was teen with dark skin like her but he had piercing blue eyes.

The teen had clothes from the water tribe, like her. In fact, his outfit almost mirrored hers. The only difference being the strange emblem on his shirt. It was that of a flaming shield with two swords crossing over it. Those were within what looked like an ember of flame. Another thing she noticed was that the boy wasn't alone, there were two others with him.

One was a girl who looked nearly identical to herself, except her eyes. One eye was blue and one was a piercing, almost fiery type of orange. The girl's clothes were a mixture of Korra's outfit and what looked like a metal bender's armor. Her hair though was the deepest shade of red that Korra had ever seen. And were those.. pointed.. ears?

Next to her was another boy, he had a lighter skin tone, but still had those same fiery orange eyes that the other two did. This boy had the clothes of an airbender, but also had the most bizarre armor over the top of it.

The trio looked at her. It was strange... somehow... Korra knew these kids. But how was that even possible? She'd never even met these kids before! The first boy, had long and dark blue hair this matched those flaming blue eyes he had, similar to her own. The girl in the middle, as she saw, had one blue eye and one flaming orange eye that had changed to blue somehow. And the third boy, had shoulder length jet black hair with the same fiery orange eyes that the other two no doubt possessed to some degree.

Korra spoke up.

"I.. know you three somehow..," Korra said confused.

The boy with blue hair chuckled lightly before speaking up in response to this.

"Well of course you do, Mom.," The first boy replied lightly chuckling.

Korra blinked. Did she hear that right? Did this boy she somehow... knew just call her, mom?!

"Hold up, what?! What did you.. call me?," Korra asked shocked but also just trying to be sure she wasn't just hearing things.

This time, the girl spoke up.

"You sure you're okay, mom?," the girl asked. "You don't look so good. You look kinda pale, like.. you've seen a ghost or something.," the girl said.

Nope, she wasn't just hearing things, she definitely heard them call her mom.

"Aunt Korra, are you okay over there?," the third boy asked concerned.

Korra still sputtered in shock. First she was apparently a mother, now she was an aunt too?! Just what was happening here?

She slapped herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming within her dream. Nope, it was real. Korra finally recovered enough to respond to that.

"Y-yeah I think I'm okay. But how am I your-," She started before something clicked when looking at them.

The first boy, he looked just like her except for the ears and the blue hair. While the girl was the spitting image of herself, just with some.. obvious differences being the hair and the ears, along with the eye color too of course. These kids were right. She... was their mom.

The first boy slapped his forehead as if realizing something and then spoke up.

"Oh.. right. You haven't met dad yet, have you?," the blue haired boy asked.

Korra shook her head. Another surprise. So she was apparently married to the first two kids father? She had so many questions now, but the first boy shook his head almost as if reading her mind.

"Unfortunately, I can't answer that Mom. It would change too much in the timeline you're in. We don't have that much time left in here as you'll be waking up soon.," the first boy said.

"While we can't tell you our names mom, we can tell you that you'll be meeting dad sooner than you think.," the girl said.

" We're glad we got to see you early though. And to warn you, Aunt Korra. You and your friends are going to need Dad's help for what's coming. As you are now, you're not prepared for them.," The black haired boy said.

"Them? Who's "them"?," Korra asked confused.

The trio looked at each other. They then nodded. It wouldn't be hurting anything if Korra knew about the danger herself and her friends would be in.

" They call themselves Time Breakers, but they're really fallen Gods or Makaioshin.," the girl explained.

"Makaioshin?," Korra asked making sure she got that right.

The blue haired boy nodded. "Right. Basically they're deities who have fallen out of grace with the King of All, or Grand Zeno, as all the current deities call him. They want revenge on him by taking over the universes under Zeno's jurisdiction and inciting a rebellion against him. They'd be declaring war on him and the other current Gods basically.," the blue haired boy further explained.

This was alot to take in. The trio of kids smiled at her, they knew it was time.

"Bye for now Mom. Looks like you're about to wake up.," The blue haired boy said as all 3 teens started to fade from her vision.

"Wait! I have to know, what are your names?," Korra asked.

"Oh, that's three names you should know mom. But in case you forgot my name is-"," the girl said her name but Korra couldn't hear it due to them fading into the light. Same was true of the blue and black haired boys.

Korra woke up with a start and in a cold sweat. She was breathing heavy but then held her head.

"What a strange dream...," she thought.

She did remember the warning she received though, so that part of the dream was still fresh in her mind.

It was morning now and she got out of the sleeping bag she slept in. She still felt shaken by her dream, because she still had so many questions regarding it. As she began to walk towards the back of Tenzin's home on Air Temple Island, she felt a wet sensation on her cheek. She reeled her hand back in surprise.

"Was I.. crying?", Korra asked herself.

Sure enough, there were fresh dried streaks of what were tears on her cheek. This confused her though, she normally never cried in her sleep unless it was a sad memory about someone close to her. Korra needed to clear her head. Thankfully, she knew what always cheered her up and cleared her thoughts. That was practicing her bending.. not that she needed to, it just helped relieve stress. And currently she was in a lot of stress right now. Korra decided to go out back and practice her bending to clear her mind.

Unknown to her, Tenzin saw her get up and go to the back. His eyes softened as he saw her practice, something was obviously bothering her. He could tell by the way her bending was as she practiced, it was sperratic and wild. It was all over the place, not at all how her bending normally was. Korra's bending had gotten to the point where it was calm, smooth even. And this was not calm or even the least bit smooth. He approached to see what was wrong, because there was obviously something that was really bothering her.

"Korra?," He called to her.

Korra stopped bending and turned to face Tenzin. She was panting, sweat running down her face from practicing her bending.

"Master Tenzin?," Korra said confused as to why he was up in the middle of the night.

Tenzin raised an eyebrow, but then donned a very concerned expression on his face. He had heard Korra tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Is.. there something wrong?," He asked concerned.

He continued.

"I heard you crying in your sleep, is there something bothering you?," Tenzin asked legitimately concerned about the young avatar.

Korra knew she couldn't hide anything from Tenzin, he was her teacher after all. Sighing, she decided to tell Tenzin what it was that bothered her.

"Well to be honest Tenzin... I'm not even sure what I saw in my dream myself.," Korra answered honestly.

Tenzin raised an eyebrow at this. Korra had a dream? It was said that when beings such as the Avatar had dreams, it was typically a vision. Those visions were said to be important if they came from a spiritual being like the avatar.

"Korra, that dream was most likely a vision. When a spiritual being as powerful as you, the avatar, has a vision it is often regarded as very important. You most likely had a vision of a possible future." Tenzin told her.

"A possible future, huh?, " Korra said in response.

Tenzin looked to her and urged her of the importance of detailing the dreams of the avatar. She sighed and began to tell Tenzin of the dream she had.

"I was in the spirit realm and I heard footsteps.,"Korra began.

Tenzin listened intently.

"When I tried to find out who the foot steps belonged to I came face to face with 3 teens, 2 boys and a girl. Strange thing was, the boy had the same clothes I had on when I first met you. But his eyes.. his eyes were strange.," Korra said.

"Strange? Strange how?," Tenzin asked curious.

" well... His eyes were blue like mine, but it was like you were staring into flame itself. And he had pointed... ears? The girl was the same but she had one blue eye and one orange one. Her clothes were a little different.," Korra explained.

Tenzin raised an eyebrow as he wondered how they were different. Korra then spoke again, detailing what she wore.

"She had bizarre armor on, and there was this weird symbol on the middle of her armor. I don't know how to really describe it, you'd have to see it first.," Korra continued.

Tenzin stroked his beard as he listened. He urged her to continue, perhaps he could learn something and interpret Korra's dream if she told him in detail what occurred within it.

"Tell me everything you can remember then.," Tenzin said calmly.

Korra nodded as she detailed the sequence of what the teens told her and what the dream entailed.

"Two of them said I was their... mother. And the other one referred to me as his Aunt.," Korra said.

This surprised Tenzin as he was now wide eyed after hearing what Korra said. How could Korra be a mother? She wasn't even 20 years old yet! But based on what Korra described the teens she saw, two of them were undoubtedly Korra's children.

"Did you happen to catch their names at all?," Tenzin asked.

Korra shook her head.

"No. Just as I was about to hear their names, I woke up.," Korra said.

That was disappointing. If she knew their names, maybe he could help her calm down more.

"Was there anything else they told you?," Tenzin asked.

Korra thought for a moment before remembering something. It was pretty important too.

"Y-Yeah... They said that I would meet their father soon... I'm guessing that he's uh... according t-to them who I'm married to... in their time.," Korra said with a tinge of pink on her cheeks.

Tenzin blinked a couple of times before he realized what Korra said. When he did, his eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

"Eh-hem! I see... so.. You're married where they come from, that's.. certainly surprising to say the least.," Tenzin said attempting to calm himself down from the shock of Korra's words.

Although they weren't related by blood, Tenzin cared for Korra as if she was a member of his family. That was why her words were so surprising to him.

"Anyway Korra, perhaps you should get some rest now. You should be able to sleep better now that your mind is clearer.," Tenzin told her.

Sure enough, he was right. Korra did feel calm after talking to him. She smiled at him before walking back to her bedroom.

"You're right. Thank you, Master Tenzin. I will see you in the morning then.," Korra said walking away.

Tenzin smiled, appreciative that he could help the young Avatar.

A/N: don't be mad, but I'm changing how the dialogue between characters is constructed going forward.

Tenzin: Glad I could be of help, Korra. Sleep well, Avatar.

Tenzin then makes his way back to his own room with his wife still sleeping soundly in the bed beside him. He pulls the covers over him and then drifts off to sleep.

Time skip: the next morning...

Korra woke up early the next morning before heading into Republic city.  Tenzin had naturally begun to worry about her due to the dreams she'd been having recently. After telling the son of the late Avatar, Aang, about her dreams recently Korra had seemed... relieved. But also... distracted at times as she wrestled with what the dreams could. After she had gone back to sleep, Korra had a second vision.. this one shorter in length.

But weird thing was, she was seeing that vision now, when she was awake. As Korra went through the city to meet Mako and Bolin, she saw something rather... odd to her at least.

She saw man, no... a teenaged boy who couldn't have been much older than her. Or maybe... they were the same age? She wasn't sure. The boy had dark skin, elongated and pointed ears with long dark blue hair that went down to about his mid back. But the most piercing feature about him was his eyes... they were like fire and felt like if you stared at them for too long, you would get burned badly.

Just as soon as the vision appeared, it vanished from her mind. Korra was left shaking her head and gritting her teeth in frustration.

"Argh... what is wrong with me?! Why... do I keep seeing that.. boy?," Korra said.

She took a deep breath in and then exhaled, there was no use getting frustrated about it now. She'd just have to tackle that later. For now, she had to go meet Mako and Bolin at the gym to get ready for their next pro bending matches.

Time skip: Later at the gym...

The Fire Ferrets (Mako, Bolin, and Korra) were seen practicing in the pro bending arena's gym early in the morning. Korra was still exhausted from her bizarre dreams that she'd been having recently.

Korra: Who's idea was it to practice so early in the morning? The mornings are  evil!

Mako: Well, get used to it. We're the rookies so we get the morning time slot.

Korra caught the ball they practiced with before throwing it hard enough at Bolin to knock him over when he caught it. The two brothers looked at Korra a little concerned as they noticed the bags under her eyes.

Bolin: Hey, are.. you alright Korra?

Korra: Huh? Yeah, I'm fine Bolin. Why do you ask?

Bolin: 'Cause you don't look okay... You seem tired.

Mako: Is there any truth to that, Korra?

Korra sighed as she explained.

Korra: Look, I'm fine alright? I've... just been having some strange dreams lately. So I haven't exactly been able to sleep as much as I'd like to.

Just as she was about to explain her dream to them, the supervisor of the bending tournament came by. The teens greeted him cordially.

Korra: Who's this guy?

He bowed slightly in introduction.

Butahka: Butahka at your service. I run this whole pro bending sha bang.

Mako and Bolin collect their winnings from the last match.

Butahka: Ah, wait a moment. There's the entry fee for the tournament.

He took portion of the money before continuing.

Butahka: There's the Avatar's equipment (takes more money), Apartment Rent (takes more), Gym Equipment (takes even more, leaving just a little left over).

Mako was hopeful with the small amount of money until that too was taken as part of the expenses.

Butahka: And There's Grocery expenses (takes the last of the money).

Mako then glares at Bolin slightly, to which he shrugs and rubs his stomach.

Bolin: What? I'm a growing boy!

Mako: đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž ah.. nevermind, Bo.

Butahka: Oh and there's one other small matter of business. The Fire Ferrets need to antee up 30,000 Yuans for the Championship Round pot.

Bolin and Mako's eyes widened at this.

Bolin: 30 thousand Yuans?!

Butahka then puts a hand on Mako's shoulder.

Butahka: Sorry about that, kids. You have until the end of the week to come up with the dough. Otherwise, you're out of the tournament.

Butahka then walks away with his business concluded.

Bolin turned to Korra who walked over to them.

Bolin: You... wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you?

To emphasize her point, Korra pulls out her pockets which are empty.

Korra: Sorry Bolin, I got nothin'.

Bolin: Ooh, I got it! I've been teaching Paboo to do circus tricks recently. Now, people would pay good money to see that.

Mako sighed.

Mako: Come on Bolin, let's be serious about this.

Bolin frowned at this.

Bolin: I was being serious.

Korra: I've never needed money. I've always just had people taking care of me.

Mako picks up his bag with gym equipment in it as he starts to walk away.

Mako: Then I wouldn't say you had nothing.

Bolin: We've been orphans, just kinda on our own ever since we were little.

Korra's facial expression changed to one of sympathy upon hearing about Bolin and Mako's living situation in their childhood.

Mako: I'll figure something out, Bo. I always do.

Korra and Bolin watched Mako walk off. Bolin gained a determined look as he planned to lighten his brother's load.

Later that day...

Bolin is seen in the town square as he's attempting to raise money for their Pro Bending team by have his pet Ferret to circus tricks.

Bolin: Come, come all people! Watch as Paboo crosses the ladder of ... doom!

He looks to Paboo who's busy cleaning himself. The Ferret gets the message and performs the trick. As he's nearing the end of the ladder, Bolin whispers to him.

Bolin: Come on, stick the landing buddy.

The Ferret then jumps off of the end and flips before landing on two feet.

Bolin: And.. Ta dah! Thank you, thank you folks! You are too kind.

Among the people walking by, one tosses a single coin into the bucket Bolin has. The teen picks it up, just to see how much he made.

Bolin: Okay... 1 Yuan down... 29,999 more to go.

As Bolin is staring into the bucket for his donations, a hot rod pulled up in front of him. This caused him to set down the donation bucket. The hot rod pulled up beside the curb he was at. A young man got out of the car and strode up to him. It was revealed to be a dark skinned young man with brown hair and blue eyes. His clothes were comprised mostly of water tribe blues along with his dark pants.

Shin: Hey Bolin, what are you doing here?

Bolin looked up and saw that it was one of his former colleagues, shady shin, and he became a little nervous.

Bolin: Oh uh... hey there, Shady Shin.

Shin: So I hear through the grapevine that you're a big time Pro Bending player now, eh?

Bolin rubbed the back of his head a bit bashful.

Bolin: Oh well... you know. It's not that big of a deal.

Shin: I also heard you and your brother are abit strapped for cash at the moment. I got an offer for ya, if you're interested.

Bolin: Wha- how did you hear about that?

Shin: Just heard some folks on the street talking about it. Anyways... Lightning Bolt Zolt is looking to hire some extra muscle if you're interested.

Bolin: I.. don't know Shin. Mako told me to stay away from the triple threats.

Bolin was a little apprehensive now at the offer. That sounded like trouble, but... they did need the cash so maybe it was alright.

Shin waved off the apprehensive response.

Shin: Ah, your brother ain't the boss of you. You can do what you want. Besides, it's just some security work.

Shin then pulled out a wad of cash and tossed it into the bucket beside Bolin. The teen's eyes became wide as he was shocked at the amount of cash Shin just flashed. His hesitation was gone now that he considered how much cash he might make from this job.

Bolin: Huh? Whaaaa???!?

Shin smirked at this, seeing Bolin's reaction.

Shin: So... what do you say, you game?

With Mako...

The scene transitions to Mako working at a factory using his bending to create lightning  for a machine. He briefly takes his mask off to breathe before returning to work.

The scene then transitions to late afternoon at the brother's apartment after Mako gets home. He called out for his brother only to receive no answer.

Mako: Bolin, I'm back. I picked up your favorite dumplings. 

He then snacked on a few as he talked.

Mako: I found some work at a power plant, it makes good money. This should be able to pay for some of the funds we need for the tournament. Bo? Are you here, bro?

He then looks out of his window and towards Air Temple Island, he smirks.

Mako: Heh, I understand now. I bet the little lovebird is making a housecall.

The young fire bender then decided he would pay a visit to the Avatar to see if  his brother was with Korra.

Dusk: Air Temple Island...

Jinora and Ikki spin the air bending gates with their air bending. The Avatar is seen practicing moving through them gracefully without being hit. She effortlessly does so earning applause from both sisters.

Jinora: Great Job, Korra!

Ikki: All you needed was some practice.

Jinora spotted someone in the distance before letting Korra know.

Jinora: Someone is coming this way, Korra.

Korra: Really?

Ikki spots Mako and smirks.

Ikki: Ooh! He's pretty cute! Is he the cool fire bender that drives you crazy? Does he drive you crazy in a good way or... crazy as in you like him?

Korra: W-What?! No he-! A-Ahem! Oh, Mako! I'm surprised to see you uh.. here.

Jinora and Ikki could be seen floating down after Korra earth bended to briefly shoo them off. They were silently giggling upon seeing Korra and Mako talk.

Mako: I'm looking for Bolin. Have you seen him? I don't know where he is and I've looked for him all day.

Korra could see the concern on Mako's face and her eyes softened.

Korra: No, I haven't seen him since practice this morning.

Mako: Alright, thanks anyway. I'll go find him.

Korra: I can help you look for him.

Mako: Nah, don't worry about it. I'll find him. It's just... Bolin has always had a knack for getting himself into stupid situations.

Korra: Hey cool guy, let me help you look for him. We can take Naga.

Mako raised a curious eyebrow at this suggestion.

Mako: Who's Naga?

Korra smirked as she explained to him briefly who Naga was.

Korra: My best friend, and a great tracker.

Time skip: Republic city- Night...

The two are seen riding on the back of Naga, Korra's Polar Bear-dog. Mako sighed as he couldn't believe he didn't piece that together from the Avatar's explanation.

Mako: your best friend is a... Polar Bear dog, somehow that makes perfect sense.  

Korra: Naga, go that way, girl.

The two search high and low, to no avail. Mako then suggests they check where Bolin normally hangs out. He figured perhaps they could get some clues as to where Bolin is.

Town Square: Republic City...

Later that evening, Mako and Korra arrive at the normal spot where Bolin would be. Only to find no sign of him with tons of people around.

Mako: This is his usual hangout..

There were kids playing nearby when Mako spotted one of the kids who was an informant he used normally. Mako went up to him as the kid approached him.

Mako: Have you seen my brother anywhere?

Skoochy: Maybe... my memory is a little fuzzy. Maybe you could help me out?

Mako chuckled.

Mako: You're good skoochy. You see him?

Mako handed him some cash to get him talking.

Skoochy: Yeah, I seen him.

Mako: when?

Skoochy: 'Bout noon. Looked like he was doing some kinda rat circus or something. And then...

Mako hands him some more cash to keep him talking.

Skoochy: Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash, then Bolin took off with him in his hot rod. The Triple Threats, The Agni Kais, The Red Monsoons... sounds as if all the big guns are muscling up for something real big. That's all you're getting out of me!

Korra raised an eyebrow at this.

Korra: What's going on, Mako?

Mako: Sounds like there's a turf war brewing... and Bolin's caught right in the middle of it.

Korra and Mako then left on Naga as they made their way across town.

Korra: Where are we going, Mako?

Mako: The hideout of the Triple Threat Triads.

Korra: Triple Threat Triads? I beat up some of those yahoo's when I got into town.

As they made their way towards the hideout, Naga diverted as they saw Ferret.

Korra: Woah, girl! Where are you going, Naga?

The Ferret ran up a street light where Naga sniffed before Korra spoke.

Mako: That ferret... it's Paboo!

Korra: Down, Naga! Paboo is a friend, not a snack.

The teens refocused and made their way towards the hideout.

A little while later...

Mako and Korra arrived at the hideout of the Triple Threats only to be greeted by eerie silence. That.. wasn't normal. What also wasn't normal, was the fact that there were no guards in sight. Something was definitely not right here.

Mako: This isn't right.

Korra: What isn't right, Mako?

Mako began checking around for any guards, only to not find any.

Mako: They usually have at the very least, a couple thugs posted just outside here. This is weird...

They made their way towards the front door, as Mako signaled to be as quiet as possible. Korra just walked up to the front door and kicked it off of its hinges.

Korra: What's wrong, Mako?

Mako: Ever hear of being discreet? (Sighs) nevermind, let's check inside.

Korra nodded and followed Mako into the hideout. Theyblooked for several minutes, but couldn't find anything.. or anyone. That was odd... It just looked like the place had been trashed.

Korra decided to have a look in the back, but when she did... She saw Bolin, along with several other benders tied up and gagged  in the back of an armored truck that was pulling away. She yelled to Mako.

Korra: Mako! They've got Bolin and they're getting away!

Mako rushed to the back, just in time to see the armored truck along with men on motorcycles speeding away with Bolin and the other benders.

Korra and Mako chased after them, Korra whistling for Naga.

Korra: Naga, Come!

The Polar Bear Dog came at her owner's call as Korra and Mako gave chase. Naga was running as fast as she could to keep pace with the motor bikes, while Mako shot streams of fire in an effort to slow the men on bikes down. Unfortunately,  they were dodged by them. Korra brought her arms up and earthbended to knock the mystery men off balance... or so she thought.

One of the mysterious men tossed a lasso to trip up Naga after he stopped his bike. This send Korra and Mako flying forward before tumbling onto the ground. The group of men flipped over to them as the two benders engaged them in a fight. Unfortunately, they did not fare well against the men who constantly weaved out of the way of their attacks. Korra and Mako were left stunned and on the ground after a serious of quick jabs rendered them temporarily powerless.

The men spun lasso's and had every intention of capturing them. It seemed like it was over for the two benders.... until it wasnt... Out of nowhere, daggers of light impaled the ground where the men once stood. Then, a moment later, they were sent flying back by the shockwave from a boot that narrowly missed crushing them into the pavement. One of the men wasn't so fortunate, as he was hit hard by a well timed kick to his face. Two of the men still stood and tried to approach.

Voice: Tch! Do you really want to try us, human?

Other Voice: For your own safety, I'd suggest backing off.

The first figure snapped his fingers as dozens of what looked to be daggers of light appeared behind him, and they were aimed towards the men. The other figure bent down and yelled as an azure blue Aura surrounded him.

The two men looked at each other before throwing smoke bombs and escaping. The first figure disengaged the weapons of light behind him and the second let the Aura surrounding him recede. Korra looked up and saw the figures for the first time. The first figure was a man or a teenaged boy, probably not much older than she was with shoulder length dark blue hair. He was also dark skinned and had pointed and elongated ears? That was new. But the most striking feature about him were his eyes. They were flame colored and piercing, like they looked straight through you.

A long army green coat and clothes asorted in dark blues, steel grays or silver colors, and black pants with brown boots completed his outfit. Korra noticed the dark green headband he wore with a gold headpiece just above it. His face was marked with scars, namely, a jagged bolt shaped one by his left eye. And an x shaped one, by his lower face.

She... knew this person, somehow.  But how? The figure next to him was actually not man, it was a young woman with deep crimson hair, flame colored eyes, dark skin with the pointed and elongated ears, and was dressed rather oddly. She was dressed in Steel gray armor that had a silver sheen to it. An assortment of fairly odd looking weaponry was strapped to her back along with what appeared to be a shield.

The teen with Blue hair then spoke.

Teen: Are the two of you alright?

Korra: Yeah, we're fine.. thanks to you.

Girl: Brother, we need to go. Roy said he's found where those men are going.

Teen: Alright, tell him we'll be there shortly.

Girl then bowed briefly towards them.

Girl: if you'll excuse us then.

The Blue haired teen then turns to leave as Korra then sees the strange emblem that was in her dreams.

Korra: That emblem... no way... could they be..

Teen: We may have saved you this time, but don't expect this to be a regular occurrence.  They took your friend and the others that way.

The teen is seen pointing in the direction Korra and Mako were originally headed.

Teen: We really need to go. Farewell then, Avatar.

Korra: wait!

The Blue haired teen turned his head and addressed her.

Teen: What is it?

Korra: What's your name? And who are you?

Teen: My name isn't important right now. What matters is saving your friend before it's too late. Besides... I doubt this will be the last time we run into each other, Avatar.

Both teens then disappeared in a flash of light. Mako and Korra looked around for any sign of the two mysterious teens, unfortunately,  to no avail. They had disappeared. 

Korra tried to bend, but found that she couldn't much to her confusion.

Korra: I can't bend!

She tried again.

Korra: Why can't I bend?

Mako: Calm down, it'll wear off in a little bit.

Korra: Mako, who were those guys?

Mako: Those were chi blockers, They're amon's henchman.

Korra: Amon? Who's that?

Mako: He's the leader of an anti bending group called the Equalitists. đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž (sighs in frustration) I can't believe Bolin got himself into something like this!

Korra: Mako, we're going to find your brother don't worry.

Both of them then get up as they keep up the search for Bolin. Sadly, with no luck, they realized they needed to try again in the morning.

Korra: We've been looking all night to find him, but still nothing...

After a few minutes of thinking, Korra has an idea that she presents to Mako.

Korra: Come on, I have an idea.

A few hours later..

Korra leads Naga to a park where she stayed when she first arrived in Republic City. Naga was allowed to rest as she and Paboo then drank from the water fountain in the middle of the park.

Mako: What's this idea of your, Korra?

Korra: When I first cam here, I ran into an equalist supporter right over there. (Points to the spot where she saw the said man) I'm going to bet that he knows where Bolin is.

Mako: How do you know for sure though?

Korra looks down as she replied.

Korra: I don't know, but... it's the only lead we have.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Korra spoke up again.

Korra: So.. Mako, why is Bolin running around with the Triple Threats?

Mako sighed.

"Oh well you know, we used to do some work for them back in the day and...

Korra: What?! You mean... You're a criminal?!

Mako: No, I just ran numbers for them and stuff! I had to work and do what I had to do to protect my little brother!

Korra: I'm sorry Mako, I.. didn't mean anything by it.

Mako: it's fine, you didn't know.

Korra: Mako, can.. you tell me what happened to your parents?

Mako sighed again.

Mako: They were mugged. A fire bender cut them down right in front of me, I was 8. Bolin's the only family I have left. If anything happened to him I..

Korra: (puts her hand on his shoulder in comfort) Mako, don't worry. We're going to find your brother, I promise.

Time skip: Morning....

The scene shows that Korra and Mako have both fallen asleep. Korra's head was on Mako's shoulder and the two of them woke up to the sound of protesting. They slowly opened up their eyes and jumped back when they noticed how close they were to each other.

Korra: Gah! Ah... ah.. m-my bad I uh...

Once she was awake and had recovered from the embarrassing position she was in she saw who they were looking for.

Korra: That's the guy.

Protestor: Amon calls you to action, take back your city!

The man kept protesting until he saw Korra.

Protestor: You do not frighten me, Avatar!

She smacked away his megaphone, as it hit the ground shattering.

Korra: Listen up you, my friend got taken by some chi blockers last night. Where'd they take him?

Protestor: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Korra: Oh I think you do!

She stomps on the ground and causes a slab of earth to launch the table with flyers into the air. This caused all of the posters to scatter while the man tried to pick them up hurriedly. Mako picked one up before turning to the man.

Mako: Come experience the revelation, tonight at 9 o clock. What is this revelation?

Protestor: Like I'd ever tell you!

Korra marched up to him and grabbed him by the shirt.

Protestor: I have no idea what happened to your friend, but if he's a bender.... then he's just getting what's coming to him!

Just then a police officer came onto the scene just after blowing his whistle.

Police officer: Hey! what's going on over there?

Protestor: The Avatar is oppressing us!

Korra and Mako glared at the man before the avatar shoved him to the ground.

Korra: Let's scram!

Both teens left as Mako picked up some more flyers.

Time skip: later...

Korra and Mako were seen sitting on the bench of what looked to be a bus stop. They were still trying to figure out the meaning behind the flyers they grabbed.

Korra: Ugh! I wish those equalist guys would've put some sort of location on where their gathering is on their flyers!

Mako: They probably didn't because they don't want just anyone walking into their event.

Korra: That's true I guess...

Mako then notices something.

Mako: Hang on, Korra. Can I see those flyers you grabbed?

Korra: Sure, here.

She hands him the flyers and he flips them over.

Korra: Did you find something?

Mako: Yeah, actually I did. Take a look at this. (He slides the flyers over before putting them together) There's four different images, almost like....

Korra: pieces of a puzzle?

Mako: To a map! Of course!

He then puts the images together and holds it up to a map. The image matches a certain location on the large map of republic city at the bus stop they were at.

Mako: Bingo! That's where I must be going down.

The two smiled as now they knew where to go.

Korra couldn't help but to think that maybe... they'd seen the teen with the blue hair for some reason.

Time skip: Evening...

Mako and Korra walked up to the venue in disguises so no anti bending personell would recognize them.

Korra: So this is the place?

Mako: Yeah.

Korra: Alright, let's go.

As they walked up, Korra wrapped her arm around Mako's. This confused him.

Mako: What are you doing?

Korra: We'll draw less attention this way. We're trying to blend in, remember?

A large man guarded the door as he was probably security for the Event.

Man: This is a private event, no one gets in without an invitation.

Mako: By invitation do you mean... this?

Mako pulled out a flyer for the event, the man looked at it and smiled.

Man: The Revelation is upon us, my brother and sister.

The man then stepped aside to let them through. Korra and Mako walked through and came to a large room with lights and what appeared to be a stage with Amon's banner behind in the background.

Mako: I knew alot of people hated benders but, I've never seen so many in one place.

The lights then came up on stage as Amon and his equalists arrived on stage.

Announcer: Give it up for your hero!, your savior! Amon!

The illicited a loud round of cheering from the crowd as a man with a Dark Hood and a white mask with his soldiers rose to the stage.

He walked to the front of the stage and took the microphone, giving his speech.

Korra looked out amongst the crowd when she spotted them, the two teens from the night before. The same two that saved them from the equalists were also undercover at this equalist rally, wearing dark hoods to conceal themselves.

Korra: Mako look, over there.

Mako: what is it, Korra?

He looked and his eyes widened as he spotted the same two from the previous night.

Mako: What the- they're here too?

The crowd listened to Amon's speech.

Amon: My quest for equality began many years ago. When I was a boy, we lived on a small farm. We weren't rich and none of us were benders. We struggled just to make ends meet, no thanks to the fire bender who would regularly extort my father. 

Amon continued with his story telling, eventually telling of the fate of his parents. That in turn lead to the reason he had to wear a mask.

Amon: As I'm sure many of you are aware, the avatar has recently just arrived in Republic City.

The crowd boos, causing Korra to cover her face with the scarf she wore in order to hide her face.

Amon: If she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world. This is not the case. Bending has been the cause of every conflict in every era.

Korra grit her teeth in frustration upon hearing this. Amon continued his speech.

Amon: The Spirits have long been seen as the guardians of our world and they say that the avatar has failed humanity! They have chosen me. They have granted me a power to usher in the age of equality. They've granted me the power to take a person's bending away... permanently.

Korra: That's... impossible.

Amon continued.

Amon: I know many of you have been wondering... what is "The Revelation "? You are about to get your answer. But first... a demonstration. 

A bender was then pushed to the center of the stage.

Amon: Please welcome, Lightning Bolt Zolt. He's a fire bender... and one of the most infamous criminals in Republic City.

The crowd boos him vehemently.

Zolt: Ah, Boo yourself!

Amon: Now, in the interest of fairness... I will allow Zolt the privilege and right to fight to keep his bending.

Zolt smirked.

Zolt: You're gonna regret doin' that pal!

Zolt then began to fire bend at Amon, who dodged expertly. He even used his bending to create lightning and shot it at Amon, however, that too was ultimately fruitless. Amon got behind Zolt brought him to his knees and held up his arm before pressing his thumb to the center of his forehead. The lightning fizzled out first, and then the fire followed soon after.  The now defunct Fire Bender slumped to the ground before getting up to bend, only for nothing to come of it. He was confused as to what happened to him.

Zolt: Wha-What? What did you do to me?

Amon: Your Fire Bending is gone... forever.

Other benders were then brought out to the stage as the crowd cheered, this included Bolin, who looked terrified.

Korra: There's Bolin.

Mako: Wait Korra. There has to be some other way to get him out of there.

He looks around and spots gas pipes.

Mako: there. Those have to be powered by steam. If you can create enough steam for them to break, that should give us the opening we need.

Korra nodded as they shook hands before Korra went to complete her task.

Mako: Korra. Good luck.

Korra: Yeah. Same to you, Mako.

The Avatar  then quickly went back to where the pipes powered by steam were. She quickly twist the wheel on the pipes, causing steam to escape and fill the room. It wasn't enough though.

Korra: Not enough. Maybe...

She spotted a smaller handle and started to twist that one letting in even more steam. The same thug who guarded the entrance to the event then saw her.

Thug: Hey, what are you doing back here?

Korra: I just got lost looking for... the bathroom? Is there something the matter, my brother?

The thug took out a wrench and swung it at Korra, missing her and hitting a pipe creating a hole in it.

Korra: Good.. but not enough yet.

Meanwhile outside time was running out as the last bender before Bolin has met the same fate as Zolt. He was pushed up there and Amon turned to look at the young bender. Bolin was legitimately scared internally, and for good reason.

Bolin: Hi.. Mister Amon sir... I think there's been a huge misunderstanding  here...

Mako: Come on Korra, what's taking so long?

The fire bender looked over and the young woman in the dark cloak took out some daggers. What was she doing with those? To Mako's surprise, she chucked them at one of the pipes unnoticed  creating cracks.

Mako: what? Why would she-?

The young woman seemed as though she saw him and simply smiled at him. It was almost as though... she wanted him to see that.. like she was subtly letting him know they were there for the same purpose.

Amon approached Bolin, when suddenly... his arm was grabbed by someone. The young man in the dark cloak that Mako saw, was now on the stage and holding back Amon? The teens then tossed back his disguise, revealing himself to be the same person who saved Mako and Korra just the day before.

Teen: Go ahead, try and take my bending... Human Scum!

The teen's eyes glowed as he made his declaration to the enemy leader. Amon noticed something, those eyes... they weren't the eyes of a child. No, those were the eyes of a killer.

Teen: Though you non benders have been discriminated against... you all know nothing! You know nothing of pain. How would you like to be hated simply for existing?

Amon: Those eyes... I see. You're one of them, aren't you? You're one of the forsaken, a race of  people once regarded as the strongest kind of benders.

Back with Korra, she used her bending to knock the thug out with the steam opening up more holes.

Korra: There.. that should be enough.

She then began bending the steam and expanding it, which made the pipes burst and steam to fill the room, causing the civilians to panic. Amon was let go and he simply faded into the screen The steam made.

Bolin: Mako, I love you! And.. you too whoever you are!

The woman took off her disguise and signaled to the benders to run.

Teen Girl: Go, Run! We'll catch up with you soon!

Bolin nodded as he followed Mako outside to escape.


The brothers made it outside and out the back door. They were descending the ladder when an equalist thug used his electric rods to electrocute the ladder, causing the benders to fall off.

The equalist thug leapt off of the edge and narrowly missed shocking them again, thanks to a roll from Bolin.

Bolin was the first to fight him as he earthbent pieces of the street and the ground at the the thug. The man dodged and weaved through Bolin's attacks before ultimately jabbing the earthbender in the cheat with his tonfa's and electrocuting him, causing a cry of pain to come from Bolin.

Mako tied his luck with fire bending, as he tried defending his little brother from further pain. The thug expertly dodged through and around Mako's streams of fire before jabbing him in the chest and electrocuting him as well.

Thug: You benders need to understand  something...There's no place for you in this world anymore.

Just as he's about to pounce on the brothers again, he's stopped, due to a blade being pointed at his neck.

Teen girl: I wouldn't be so sure about that, human.

He tried moving, only for the blade to inch closer to his neck.

Teen girl: If you move any more, human, your head will fly off of your shoulders.

The light revealed the mysterious crimson haired girl who helped create the distraction that freed Bolin. The thug didn't move. The girl then backed off, due to feeling rumbling beneath her.

The man went to attack her, only to be plastered to a wall by a spike of the street hitting him. It revealed Korra, who had busted through a side entrance with her leg raised briefly.

Korra: I wouldn't count us out just yet.

Mako and Bolin got up and ran with Korra to escape, only for more chi blockers to surround them. This wasn't good. Wel... they were surrounded until a familiar figure with blue hair came flashing in.

The blue haired teen and the girl with crimson hair began to overpower the chi blockers, even sending scored of them flying with their blows. The chi blockers kept coming at the group until the blue haired teen crossed his arms and flexed his muscles creating a dome of wind that blew back the group's attackers.

Teen girl: Come on, this way!

Teen: Hurry! No time to waste, Avatar and friends!

The two mystery teens ran with Korra, Mako, and Bolin as the Avatar whistled for Naga.

Korra: *whistles* Naga!

The Polar Bear Dog came as instructed with Mako and Korra jumping onto the saddle mounted to her back. Bolin was grabbed by the shirt by Naga. As they run, Bolin is bouncing off the ground as he talks.

Bolin: I. Want. To. Get. On. Your. Back. Please.

The two mystery teens nod as auras blazed around them before they rocketed off to join the others in escaping. Chi blockers and thugs go to chase after them, but are halted by Amon.

Amon: let them go. The Avatar and the forsaken ones are the perfect examples to tell the city of my power.

Time skip: Later...

After safely dropping off Mako and Bolin, Korra returns to Air Temple Island accompanied by the two mystery teens. Tenzin sees Korra and immediately greets her.

Tenzin: There you are. I was about to send a search party out to look for you. Are.. you alright, Korra?

Korra: (shakes her head) No, Tenzin. I'm not.

Tenzin: Korra, where were you?

Korra: (sighs) I was at an equalist rally. I saw Amon.

Tenzin: Amon?

Korra: Tenzin, he can take people's bending away.

Tenzin grew concerned, that was alarming if it was true.

Tenzin: But that's impossible, only the Avatar has ever possessed that ability.

Korra looked at him.

Korra: But I saw him do it.

Tenzin softened his expression.

Tenzin: I believe you, Korra. I don't know how Amon has achieved this power, but it seems this rebellion is more dangerous than ever. No bender is safe.

Teen girl: Ordinarily that is.

Tenzin raised an eyebrow. He was curious as to who these two mysterious teens who came with Korra were.

Tenzin: I'm curious, Korra. Who is this young man and young woman who are with you?

Korra: Oh, right! They saved our lives, Tenzin. This is my air bending teacher, Tenzin. These two are..

Teen: it's quite alright, Avatar. We're perfectly capable of introducing ourselves.

The Teens threw their cloaks to the side, revealing their appearances. The first thing Tenzin noticed were their eyes.

Tenzin: Those eyes... they seem familiar to me somehow. But how?  I have never even seen anyone like them before...

Teen: My name is Odyn Albanar, and this is my sister, Sarai.

Tenzin: Odyn and Sarai, it's a pleasure to meet you. And... thank you for saving Korra.

Sarai: Don't even mention it, we were glad to help out the Avatar and her friends.

Odyn: Is there something about my face that intrigues you, Mister Tenzin?

Tenzin: Hm? Oh, not really. I was just wondering why your eyes seem so... familiar to me.

Sarai: Master Tenzin, is it because we're.. ahem! As you humans refer to as.. from the "forsaken"?

Tenzin and Korra's eyes widened at this. They... were from "that" race of people? No wonder, why Korra hadn't heard of them before.

Odyn: yes.. tch! Such a vulgar term humans use to describe us! You needn't worry Avatar, we just want to see those self righteous equalists brought to justice!

Sarai: We'll help you. That's the only way our people will survive. Otherwise... we may as well accept the fate humans have dictated for us.

Korra was curious about their story, but at least she had help in dealing with Amon now. That was a start at least.

The camera pans over the bay surrounding Republic City as the screen then fades to black.

To be continued....

Ending theme: Haruka Kanata (Bleach Ed 28)

Visuals: Main cast of the story so far ( Korra, Mako, Bolin, Odyn, and Sarai.)

Hey guys, hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! As you can tell Odyn reluctantly agrees to  help the avatar to fend off Amon. His personality will be explored the deeper into the story we go. And I figured it'd be a little different having Korra see an encounter in a dream first before it happened. If you've read the title, you should know that this is and Oc (Odyn) x Korra story. Sorry to those who thought this might be a Korrasami fic,  but I don't write those kind of stories. Nothing against those who do, just... not my preference personally.

There's two more main oc's I'll be introducing in the coming chapters but that's it. If there are any others they'll just be side or supporting characters. I like to blend dragon ball and Black Clover elements into my stories sometimes and this is one such story. Admittedly it's more of on the Dragon Ball z and Super side of things though lol. If you've read my other story called Flame and Crimson, you should know what Odyn's race is already. But for those who didn't I will explain inside the story soon. This was an idea I had in my head for a story, but we'll see how long I have the inspiration for this story.

Now.. a few polls!

Since Jinora,  and Ikki are older in this story, who should they end up with?

For Jinora:

1. Stick to cannon and leave her with Kai

2. Baron (Oc will be introduced in upcoming chapters)

3. Roy (Oc that was mentioned in the chapter)

For Ikki:

1. Baron (oc)

2. Roy

3. Zero (oc side character)

Who should Mako end up with?

1. Sarai

2. Asami

3. Khanna (oc who will be introduced)

Who should Sarai end up with?

1. Mako

2. Bolin

3. Milo (later on obviously lol)

How should Odyn and Korra's relationship develop?

1. Slow and steady

2. At a reasonable pace

3. Start as enemies, then grow closer as the story progresses.

4. Quick but not too quick.

That's all for the polls for now, feel free to vote for an option in each of the polls!

Next time- Chapter 2: Voice in the Night; Odyn's grudge.