Chereads / The Game of Evolution version 1 / Chapter 124 - Beautiful baby boy

Chapter 124 - Beautiful baby boy

As dark groups festered in the background, hoping the gods didn't notice them with the recent chaos. Or normal Jackrixis living their lives of hunting and gathering and every now and then starting clan or tribal wars for land and honour.

Among all the storms of the waves happening with wild beasts charging towards them. The very world itself against them in a small regular tribe a small baby, was born with beautiful golden eyes.

This tribe had no clan it was a part of the growing number of regular tribes that continued to appear. As they spread and conquered the lands of Lundum mundi.

The baby boy was the son of the chieftess, and her mate, the boy, had ivory white skin with swaying purple hair a rarity within the rixis race, and he, of course, had his shimmering golden eyes that captured the hearts of all who saw them.

He received his skin colour from his father while his hair seemed to be a mix of their own with his father having red and his mother being blue. His parents later on in life would say if he didn't have golden eyes his would be green like his mother's.

From the moment he was born, he wasn't different as unlike a regular rixis birth, which usually consisted of babies, numbering from 3 to 4, and could go higher but usually not lower than 3.

So obviously this baby wouldn't be normal as he came all by himself with his parents even thinking. That others may have died in the womb, but the elder of the tribe said their would have been signs of distress or physical evidence.

This caused a great deal of relief for both parents who, after getting the information, continued to celebrate and cuddle their newborn baby.

The first week was unlike anything the tribesmen had seen as their leaders son seemed to be so different from their own. He didn't cry at all and always seemed to be looking around and watching them while also doing things children 1 year older than him was starting to do.

It was quite funny for them to see him already try and move around, not quite yet trying to crawl, but nearly their and they would always chuckle seeing the boys father hold him while his son nibbled on his finger in frustration.

He is still a baby, though, so he still wanted his mother's and fathers attention and love, although he certainly showed it in unique ways. His mother received regular hair pulls and had to protect her eye and mouth from his tiny underdeveloped claws. As for his father, he received regular nibbles on the hands and sometimes feet while also getting a couple smacks on the forehead.

But overall, he seemed like a happy baby who always smiled as if he didn't know the notion of sadness or pain. In the tribes communal pen in which the children were put to be watched by the elders and to play with others their own age, he seemed to be everyone's friend.

His mother, Helopa, and father Zevad started to hear whisper among the tribe as people talked about their mysterious child.

It wasn't a secret, and they could all see the child had different eyes that even glowed ever so slightly at night. Thought they didn't know this till later as he was a child who still needed a lot of sleep.

No one even knew they could have eyes like that, and so whisper began to creep in behind their ears about their son being chosen or special. Some said he was a messanger from the gods who had a mission to do. Others said he was a gift to the tribe for being so loyal, faithful, and strong, with some even starting to put their children around him more.

Any type of person from a human like Jack to a Jackrixis such as Cracked claw to a Little blue including Quick switch. All of them understood that they needed to grasp opportunities that present themselves.

The chieftess easily saw this through her husband, not so much as he was a good man and father but not the brightest.But Helopa knew more and more people would show interest in her child with some being in her tribe. But as he grows, the clans and even gods may start interfering in his life, and some may not want him to be around if he can't come under their control.

"Husband, come grab your son he's trying to run to the elders hut again"-Helopa

"I swear my boy has endless energy he will be a grand warrior!"-Zevad

The father quickly scooped up his soon, who even though he could crawl could wiggle and, in some places, roll to his unknown destination, but his plans were foiled once more.

"My son also has a strong head he's much better than the other tribesmen spawn"-Zevad

"Shut up, silly man. Do not talk ill about our tribesmens less they hear your words, they will look at us with scorn"-Helopa

"Ow.. no need for violence in front of the young one he needs to see us killing beasts, not eachother it may upset him"-Zevad

The giggling in the corner in which his son was sitting didn't help his argument, and neither did the face his wife wore as well.

"Okay, no need for that look, Helopa or our son my gain some bad habits"-Zevad

"Nonsense, my boy has been nothing but a perfect child. So far, I'm certain he will soon be crushing skulls and ripping tendons of his enemies throats"-Helopa

"That's what I want to, my love, but I just fear too much strength at one time can cause others to turn on him"-Zevad

"My boy will not be stopped by the weak and evil that lurks in our shadows and familes he will rise above them"-Helopa

"That reminds me, Helopa, why haven't we given him a name yet it's already been a season"-Zevad

"He only deserves the most grand and strong name there is dear, which is why I know what his name will be"-Helopa

"Do tell me"-Zevad

"His name will be Heliosad a mix of mine and yours since we're the greatest in our tribe it will be a name spoken for the rest of existence"-Helopa