This is the name of the world that will be taken as a prize by the winner of the game, and it will be home to many different races and watched by billions.
Before the games, Lundum Mundi was, in a way, a normal planet that was in storage, and when the game was starting again, it started getting terraformed and enhanced to fit with the games.
This is done far before the actual game it is used in, so Lundum Mundi started being worked on over 1000 years before its version of the game.
Many wonder why it is done this way, and the simple answer is so that like a science experiment, there aren't any unforeseen parameters. As for the size of the planet, it was the same as the earth, which was done so that gravity and oxygen would go wild.
There are many different biomes on Lundum Mundi, such as forests, plains, deserts, ice, lava, mountains, and more. In a way, you could say this planet was like a custom car that's been rolled out to show off and be used by the new candidates.
The world, while in the game, has caps on the magic and technology with the magic being Adept 5 and technology being space age.
The geography itself is one super continent with a chain of islands surrounding it.