Chereads / The Game of Evolution version 1 / Chapter 77 - Team Jack and Nancy

Chapter 77 - Team Jack and Nancy

[]As you have gained a subordinate, you now can give your subordinates one of your candidate skills to have permanently[]

[]You can give 2 subordinate skills to the Little Blues[]

[]You now have access to 2 new gods assigned to the subordinate race Little Blues[]

[]All points earned from subordinates will go to you. However, they will keep any skills they earn[]

"Well, that looks to be the main thing we got out of this arrangement"-Jack

"Wow, so I'm guessing you do have gods. How the hell did you unlock them so fast?"-Nancy

"Well now with the loyalty assured, I can tell you the skill I got is really good, especially with how I plan to win"-Jack

"So, no more secrets then?"-Nancy

"Well, I think we both had some veil of truth covered when talking to each other, but now we're in it together. we need to be honest and trust each other for this to work"-Jack

"That's true, so where do we start?"-Nancy

"I think we should show our candidate skills and then talk about what we are hoping for our race, and then we discuss what we want to do with the skills and gods from the new system"-Jack

"Alright, I guess I'll go first"-Nancy

"This is my 3 candidate skills"

Nancy called up her status screen and showed jack her 3 candidate skills, which are as shown.

Candidate skills:

Star gazers:

Gives race access to astrology and gives a boost to priests and scientists.

Mind game:

Increases intelligence and wisdom by 500% but weakness all other stats by 100%.

Extreme cold resistance:

Gives all races 80 % resistance to cold weather coming close to immunity.

"Wow, these are some cool skills to have, and I'm surprised to see my good candidate skills there as well"-Jack

"Wait, really, which one is yours?"-Nancy

"Well, it's not mine anymore, but the cold resistance was one of two skills I traded out as it wasn't what I was looking for"-Jack

"Well, I can't blame you. I chose it because I didn't want my race dying out in the winter months or if they were placed in a cold area like they were"-Nancy

"I hadn't thought about the seasons to be fair. That's quite a clever guess. I shouldn't look down on it like I did as it was key to the survival of your race"-Jack

"Who knows, maybe in the future they can get some heat resisting and be able to go mostly anywhere without too much worry"-Nancy

"Deffinelty, but that star gaze and mind game skills together, I'm guessing, are going to be quite deadly further on in the game"-Jack

"Well, my plan was extremely risky, but now, with your races muscle and numbers, my race can start to improve and work while also having a stable environment"-Nancy

"And in return, my races get the fruits of their understanding and research"-Jack

"Yes, a pretty good trade it's like you're the military and the CIA, and I'm Nasa and the CDC"-Nancy

"Strange analogy, but I get it my Jackrixis will protect and guard your race while the little blues arm and improve my races equipment and their stuff in general"-Jack

"In perfect harmony, and it will be better if your skills are as good as you make it to be so come on. I've shown you mine"-Nancy

"Alright status"-Jack

Candidate skills:

Pride for the pack:

Increases race's trust and pride for each other in groups, increasing efficiency and loyalty and lowering the chance to break codes.

Hunters life:

Makes race better at being hunters and the lifestyle that comes with it.

Tribal force:

Your races will all start as a tribe and increase the speed at which they are created

"Wow, very group orientated, so I'm guessing the crazy skill as the bottom is the only one you kept"-Nancy

"Correct, I am going for a group survival strategy as some of the most successful and deadly predators work in groups, so it made sense to me to follow what works"-Jack

"And I'm guessing you can see the power that comes with tribal force"-Nancy

"Even someone brain-dead could as having your race work together straight away after the tutorial is extremely useful and a massive benefit to have"-Nancy

"I mean, even my race hasn't become a tribe yet, but their intelligence and wisdom had helped them to get along better and work with each other and their stature and situation I think helped too"-Nancy

"When compared to others, I'm guessing they may take a few more years for their race to create tribes if that unless they have a similar skill"-Nancy

"I'm praying they don't, but yea, when combined with my two other skills and their racial skills, it's like a snowball that just keeps going"-Jack

"Well, the hunter's lifestyle and trust skills are great for survival and building toward the group route you're going"-Nancy

"I also think it will work well with your star gazer and mind game skills as they will gain two gods and will work together even more"-Jack

A faint smile grew on Nancy's face as the good news from all the skills piled up together as she released how much Jack's skill could help her race thrive.

"Yes! Yes! This is great. Oh, I can't wait. Please choose tribal force already. I'm buzzing over here"-Nancy

"Alright, don't fly into space too quickly, hey system"-Jack

[]Yes host[]

"I want to choose the candidate skill to give to my subordinate"-Jack

[]Acessing subordinate system[]

[]Which skill do you want to give to your subordinate host?[]

"Tribal force system"-Jack

[]Are you sure?[]



[]Candidate Skill tribal force is given to subordinate Nancy[]

"Alright with this, the Little Blues should start to shine"-Nancy

"And they will in the future be able to stand against any race no matter how tall they may be"-Jack

"Very funny any way you've still got two skills to give me so what do you think they'll be?"-Nancy

"Honestly, no idea it could be anything, hey system"-Jack

[]Yes host[]

"I want to give Nancy the two subordinate skills"-Jack

[]Affermative host show your options now[]

[]subordinate skills:[]

We both bleed:

When in combat together, both races get a 5% boost to their damage and defence.

All in this together:

Increases the generosity and kindness between the two races.

Respected stations:

Both races have respect for the roles the other plays, giving an increase in trust and efficiency in their roles.

Bond is will:

The two races are connected by a bond that is hard to break and makes them work better together.

Cold gazes:

The two races will have a negative outlook on those who are hostile to the other and will affect how they interact with other groups and races.

Body and spirit:

Both races get a minor increase in health and emotional well-being when working together.

"Well, I feel like a kid in a sweet shop or well candy store for you Nancy"-Jack

"Much appreciated now what skills do you think should be chosen?"-Nancy

"Well, to be honest, I want the body and spirit skill since the increased lifespan is important to my race even if it just makes it harder for them to get a cold"-Jack

"And the emotional well-being is good since they will come to understand that they are physically and spiritual stacker when by each others side"-Nacy

"The other is cold gaze"-Jack

"Really, I thought you would go for Bond is will or all in this together. Why cold gaze?"-Nancy

"Well it's the fact that I want them to both look out for each other and with it we know if the rixis or blues get messed with it won't be just one race having a problem with it and will show that the rixis and blues are a package deal you can't belittle one and suck up to the other"-Jack

"That would also help with the rixis guarding my race but also help when my race meets with others like them that might think intelligence is everything it kind of gives off a brothers vibe of if you don't like them then you don't like me kinda deal"-Nancy

"Exactly in this together, you can't hurt a rixis and except to be allied with the blues, and it's the same way round"-Jack

"It's also a good skill for defending against race that will try to manipulate our races and try to get them to fight against each other"-Jack

"Well, I'm fine with any of these skills, so sure it sounds great. Let's do it"-Nancy

"System I choose the skills Cold gaze and body and spirit"-Jack

[]Subordiange skills chosen[]

[]Chosen skills confimed[]

[]Skills have been given[]

"Great now with my other racial skill symbiotic our races should get along just fine"-Jack

"They'll probably get a heachace though from all these upgrades"-Nancy

"Eh, I'm sure they'll be fine"-Jack