[]Time dilation beginning[]
[]9th generations out of 10 generatios[]
[]240 years out of 250 years[]
In the high mountain, a group of 3 Jackrixis was in waiting they all had bone white skin and blood red eyes.
They were leaning on the side of the mountain claws dug into the ground to not slide off or at least not yet.
This mountain rixis had found a unique way to hunt prey, and that was to put one claw and foot into the side of the mountain.
Then they would lean over and wait while looking for prey, and when it was found, they would make sure it was time right and when it was.
They would realize themselves from the mountain and can do what can only be described as snowboarding but without the now or board.
They would use gravity and their bodies to rush down and super speeds to catch their prey off guard, never expecting something to ambush them.
Escape from the mountains where nothing lived up there..well until the Jackrixis showed up and one minute you walking nicely across a mountain plain.
Then you get tackled by a high-speed Jackrixis who doesn't need to claw you to death as the force of the impact was enough to break bones and crush organs.
How did the Jackrixis do well they only let the bigger and stronger do it to lessen the damage most of the time. They would get bruises or dislocated arms or legs.
It was also a fact that they took an immense amount of joy from almost free falling from amount with only their claws and feet, keeping them alive and not rolling to their death.
Once the prey was dead, they would grab the body and would hoist it up the mountain since that's why there were 3.
Two were just there to help move the body back up the mountain so they could eat it and not just take what they can from the body.
In another biome, the desert biome, the rixis there, had also developed a new form of hunting that let them become one with the desert.
Which were they going into the sand and covering themselves in it but not too much as to weigh them down or affect their breathing.
They would wait for prey to come and go for the legs or underbelly, but if possible, the neck if it was within reach and this seemed to work well.
The best ones in the skills would soon be called sand stalkers as you never know when one would jump up at you and slice your throat.
They would learn to be starved of food and water if that meant catching the prey that they needed and never moving even if an enemy was right in front of them.
While in the opposite biome of the ocean, the Jackrixis there learned that they didn't have to kill the creatures around them.
They learned to have more restraint and only go after the prey they were hunting, and in return, other ocean dwellers would leave them alone.
They had learned to map the areas in their mind to know key hunting spots and where prey most often show up or hunt.
They also learned to collect shells, which they did for some reason, but they seemed to like them and wore them where they could.
Because of the introduction to the sea, they made sure not to go out too far unless they got the skills they were made for land.
But they still did well in the water and started to see small types of fish follow them around while hunting and seeing if they could get the scraps.
But also, when they were in the water in general, just following them around at first, they thought it was strange but eventually was seen as very useful.
This was because the rixis were more prone to water-based viruses and parasites since they weren't used to them, but the small fish helped them by grooming them and eating them off the rixis skin.
So the rixis all decide in the ocean biome to no longer hunt these fish and allow them to go as they please in the water, making sure to teach their young that as well.
They would also now leave food for those fish, so they had something to eat and also as a sign of respect to them for helping the rixis.
Finally, in the other new biome was the forest, the rixis didn't have trouble setting up shop here and mostly spent their time focusing on tradition and culture.
They would use trees that have either fallen and died or twigs and branches to make different crude pictures of themselves and the stories they had.
They would also hit each other with them if they wanted to because they just could, but who knows, maybe they would be the first to use weapons.
"Well, it seems these lots have some cool new stuff with the mountain sliding, and the friendship with those fish things are looking good so far"-Jack
"The sand stuff is also pretty cool. I can't wait to see those guys as assassin units that kill the enemies in the desert and maybe in other places as well"-Jack
"I just hope they through all this change and variety that there are somethings they keep, but all I want is for them to stick together and help each other out"-Jack
"I mean, sure, the hunting parts are important now and will be for a while, but I always envisioned these guys going more towards the civilization aspect"-Jack
"I still want them to be hunters, but I also want them to be artists and builders and great leaders and many other things to come in the future"-Jack
"I don't think that's too much to ask. Do your system?"-Jack
[]You have the power in the game's host to do want you to want as long as you have the power[]