It was Sunday.
Today's weather was much cooler and refreshing as compared to scorching and balmy heated sunny days.
A bit far from the house, on the lawn region, Edward was instructing something to the bodyguards. The tall wrestler-like men stood in the stand at ease position and listened to his command.
"I want the security team to be more firm and you all should do your assigned duty austerely without any slip or inaccuracy. Am I clear?" He asserted.
"Yes Sir."
They replied in unison.
After dismissing the other bodyguards, he called the one who stood in the corner. His eyes were black just as sharp as an eagle. His stature was well-defined and the muscles in his body are proportioned in a statuesque manner.
He hadn't had any uniform on him like those bodyguards. Just a dark green T-shirt and cargo pants with boots but still, his presence demanded submission. His one gaze was enough to leave a shiver that ran down the spine and shook the normal person to the core.
He stood two steps before his master and bowed down a little to show respect. Edward patted his back and they started to amble around the garden together.
After the peaceful silence, Edward spoke, " The things in the office are getting complicated and rivals are slowly planning to dismantle the company."
The guy looked at him with questionable eyes.
"Now I don't believe anyone except you guys and I have already informed my brother. He will arrive the day after tomorrow here."
Edward can freely talk with him because he has taken him under his guidance when he was merely a teenager but the things he has to face was far more brutal and vicious for a teen.
He was proud to have this subordinate with him.
When Edward found him he was almost in his last breath looking forward to meeting the angle up in the sky that's what his mother used to say. And just like that Edward appeared and saved him like the angel his mother told him about in the stories and since then he has blindly followed Edwards, following each and every command without any question mark.
He has handled task that was tough to toughest but he never back down. His only motto there is 'never let your protector down'.
And for him, Edward was more than a mere human.
Their steps halted and both of them turned. There stood the mischievous creature of their lives cutely stood in her Pokémon pajamas. She ran up and jumped on the guy who swung her up effortlessly. As though she was just a part of the breeze, not a human made of blood and flesh.
"Bunny you pwomised to play with me on Sunday."
Edward nodded and the guy placed her on the ground and said.
"Yes, little princess. Let's go."
Angelina was sitting comfortably on her bed reading a book.
The book was quite intriguing and she was very much engrossed in the content and plot of the book. Her eyes were steadily reading every sentence carefully extracting the emotion from the words that the author had poured out on the sheet.
Her attentiveness broke when the door opened and her husband entered the room.
His facial features were dull and he looked stressed. His eyes held wariness and he looked tired. His bloodshot eyes conveyed his endless sleepless night.
Placing the book on the bed she stood up and strolled toward him. Hugging him from behind.
He stopped his action and embraced her in a hug placing his chin on his shoulder. She soothingly rubbed his back. He smiled at her care and made her sit on the bed.
"I will just have a quick shower then we will talk."
Angelina nodded and Edward marched towards the washroom grabbing his towel. She shook her head and took the hold of the book and leaned on the bed to read further.
After a couple of minutes. She winched in pain. Edward had just come out of the closet dressed in homeware and looked at him worriedly.
"What happened? Are you feeling pain? Should -"
He could ask further when she again cried in pain.
"Ed...Ed...I think it...It's time."
She said holding her stomach. He nodded and called his driver to bring the car to the entrance. Picking up her in his arms he walked slowly but swiftly.
The Lil girl was playing when she noticed her mother pained expression and leaving everything she ran towards her parents.
"Dad. Where are going?"
She asked her father.
"We are going to bring your baby brother. So stay home and prepare to welcome him okay."
Hearing the news her eyes shined and she jumped in excitement fist-bumping in the air.
"Bunny did you hear that? I am going to be a big sister. Now I will share my all toys with him. We will play together."
Bunny nodded and Edward singled him something through his eyes and he nodded.
The car came and Edward made Angelina sit and asked the driver to drive.
"Bye Mamma and Dad. Come soon. I am waiting." She shouted.
They nodded beaming at their daughter.
Lil girl stood at the entrance with her Bunny and Sumo. She has a gleeful expression on her face and was eagerly waiting for her parents to return with her baby brother.
But little did she know that this was the last time she had met her parents. She didn't know that now they were not going to return. The bye she spoke was the last bye her parents could hear from her.
It was the end of the happy family of Edward and Angelina.