Everything feels so cold like my blood was freezing and the darkness made the feeling unbearable. I could not recognize where I was It seemed like a room and at the same time outside, with the tick darkness hovering around and the light from no source focussing on me felt like I was in a limelight, I do not know how got here. Suddenly I noticed something coming, I could hear the footsteps and movement but I did not know which direction it was coming from. I turned around to notice the direction but I could not. It was coming closer and closer and the fear in me increased, but it still felt like I should hold my ground and see what was coming. The noise coming now sounds like an animal, and I could see the figure in the shadows it was indeed an animal coming it looks like a dog, a big one and its fur was Gray the eyes too, so unique it was bright green and I found it cute; I wasn't scared because it did not try to harm me but rather was just staring. I felt an urge to go closer and touch it, I kept stretching it seemed close but I could not cover the distance to touch it then I felt a tap on my shoulder, the shock made me raise my head and I noticed my colleague standing in front of me ( I was dreaming)
IFY: wake up sleepy head your break is over, there are a lot of dishes to do, and the boss wants you to make another sauce we don't have much to serve the customer.
I could not reply still in shock, I just nodded my head and she left. Then my phone notified me that I had a new message, it was from my travel agent.
.................................KUDA TRAVELS AGENCIES.
We are pleased to inform you miss Nora Babu that all your papers for your trip are ready and your flight is scheduled for the next three days.
Thanks for your patience and for letting us offer you our services.
I felt like, the most special person in the world. I immediately called my cousin to tell her about the good news.
Jenny: hey
Nora: guess what!
Jenny: hmm... I don't know tell me
Nora: just got my papers!
Jenny: OMG that was fast! That lady kept to her promise
Nora: Yeah, I told you we could trust her
Jenny: so you would be leaving us soon..... I'm gonna miss you
Nora: Yeah, me too boo. No one has to know yet, remember the plan!
Jenny: sure, I do remember we have to celebrate when I get home
Nora: (laughing) we have to get back to work, bye...
Probably it's going to be my last day working here, I don't hate my job because I love cooking but! The cleaning after is so annoying, I agree I can be kinda lazy when it comes to cleaning but I love my job(maybe)
The happiness inside me today just made the job easier, I just overlook everything that annoys me, just can't wait to be home.
I got home close to midnight because that was what I signed up for plus the pay is good but not enough to settle all my bills at once. And I also stay at the border of our town which is quite far from where I work.
Knocking at the door; my cousin Jenny opens the door with a big smile on her face as she hugs me.
JENNY: Yankee babe!
NORA: (blushing) yeah yeah, you can say that again
I walked into our one-bedroom apartment which we shared, not so furnished but comfortable. Jenny has been a great support system to me since I lost my parents in a car accident, her mom and my mom are sisters. So I never felt lonely ...her mom always called us, praying and giving us advice on settling down soon and other aspects of life. For Christ's sake, I'm just 24 and Jenny is 25 we are not that old! but we just agree with her to make her happy.
But the issue is that she is not in support of me traveling, she feels I would never return (which was kinda true) I just want to start up a new life, get a good job and have a relationship that would last and Jenny understands me well. So our plan is not to tell her till I leave.
JENNY: so, when are you leaving the country?
NORA: well, according to the agent three days...
JENNY: aww going to miss you! remember what we discussed just focus on your job and be positive the aim is to make mama proud
NORA: yes mummy!
JENNY: I am serious!
NORA: sure I will, but I haven't gotten a job, till I get there
JENNY: (looking sad) I still have a bad feeling about this so-called agent, she is making everything easy. Not like I'm saying it has to be hard but she is processing everything without putting you in the picture and suddenly everything is ready for you to go and in three days too! Why so fast?
NORA: Jenny I understand what you are saying remember I paid her all my six months' salary, so yes she has to put in more effort I'm also happy I don't have to go for any interviews, you know how shy I can be and my work did not give me that time too ...please understand!
JENNY: Nora and the job promise. Did you pay her to get u a job over there? And she promised you! I know you want to start over and with all, you went through I understand, but be careful with whom you trust......... which country are you going to?
NORA: Well don't get mad.... it's going to be a surprise but it is one of the three countries I picked, the UK, Canada or Australia. As long as I have a job and a place to stay I'm fine.
JENNY: Are you hearing yourself talk? like a dummy! A surprise? I expected you to be smarter than this! For God's sake, you are an African, a Nigerian! You know say we no dey dull!!!
NORA: I know! Jenny, I'm not a child. I know what I'm doing... I just want to leave
JENNY: As you wish.... na you know wetin you dey find.
I felt so excited and sad at the same time. Probably sad because I'm leaving my loved ones and excited to start a new adventurous life, meet new people, make friends at my workplace, and maybe meet Mr right.
Jenny is not happy about the trip the way I expected her to, I understand that she has my best interest at heart. I'm a grown-up woman, I will take care of myself, she needs to trust me!
I promised to always call her and give her updates on how things are going with me, and also follow her advice which was to be careful and trust nobody, she has trust issues, and with the mentality and experience we had When growing up, is the reason why she is always thinking that everyone is an enemy but I can't love her less.
Jenny's boyfriend, Mike drove us to the airport. God, I'm going to miss them plus they look good together my favorite couple!
Mike is a very hard-working guy he works with an NGO that supports youth empowerment. He doesn't earn much, But he is always ready to do anything to make Jenny happy with the little he has. it's may seem like she doesn't appreciate him; because she can be strict and serious with him anytime, I know Jenny truly loves him, she just wants him to put more effort into growing his career and not letting people use him!
There were both with me throughout the boarding process and also my agent who came to assist me. Jenny was not her usual self, throwing wicked glances at my agent and giving me a sad smile. I did not want to think about it much I know she misses me, and she also understands why I'm leaving.
The time for me to say goodbye was so emotional, she hugged me for what felt like hours, then she faced me.
JENNY:(sobbing) remember all that I told, I don't want to start lecturing again but..... be happy dear; I'm also happy for wanted this right? enjoy it! always be positive and also remember where you are coming from, don't let anyone use you. I will be praying for you!
I closed my eyes so the tears do not drop and moved to hug Mike and waved my agent goodbye, then I walked away.
JENNY: (louder) remember trust nobody!
I smiled as I heard her say those words because that has been her constant advice since I started packing for my trip, we almost quarreled; so she promised not to say it again, tho I was expecting her to say it when she was giving me her goodbye speech.
NORA: (smiling) I won't mummy!
I boarded the plane looked for my sit, put on my seat belt, and relaxed on the chair as I looked outside the window thinking. "This is the first time I'm boarding a plane and I am going on an international flight, how nice" I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes waiting for the plane to take off. My stomach was upset but I tried to hold it, probably because it was my first time, counting from 1 to 1000...and I dosed off.
This time I did not wait for the animal to come closer I went to it smiling because after that day at work I always wished to have that same dream. I felt happy rubbing the fur it was soft and warm. suddenly I was robing a flash it was so masculine and warm as I use my hand to trace his biceps I felt a warm sensation all over my body and I enjoyed it, then I felt his hand on one of my breasts that's when I realized was naked his touch on my body was electrifying and I loved it as he gently massaged my breast his other had run through my body going down below my stomach I felt wet and I did not want it to stop, it was something else..... suddenly, I heard a deep voice calling MA! I got startled and opened my eyes to see the air hostess in front of me.
AIR HOSTESS: Ma, is there anything I can get for you?
I shook my head indicating no and she left.... I had the same dream but this time, I touched the animal then it changed into a man,I'm so confused and I was so stupid I did not care to look at his face to know what he looks like. I was just enjoying the feeling, what is wrong with me! Am I going insane? It's probably the traveling stress or maybe I'm just too excited, but I had this dream right before I got the news of my trip. Anyways, I think I am just stressed out. I noticed that my panties feel moist, and I felt ashamed of all the places in the world I had a wet dream on a plane.
I can't believe I am in America! I had another connecting flight that brought me to California I'm so excited When I settle, definitely going to give this city a tour tomorrow and send pictures to Jenny she is going to love it!
Well, Jenny insisted that the agent gives proper information about where I was traveling to, for awareness and security reasons so I knew I was coming to California! I can't wait to explore.
I went through all the processes at the airport... got my bags checked thoroughly obviously because I'm a Nigerian. My agent told me someone was going to pick me up from the airport and help me with all the other necessities she promised, the apartment and job. I know right? my agent is God-sent like I found the agency at the time I needed them, just a few weeks when I decided I wanted to relocate.
I walked out of the airport carrying my bags hoping to see someone carrying a placard with my name boldly written
on it, but I did not see anybody