Chereads / The Strongest Mortal in the History of the Cultivation World / Chapter 8 - First day of cultivation class

Chapter 8 - First day of cultivation class

Ling Feng POV:

I woke up this morning feeling very nervous because today is my first-day attending cultivation classes I attended school before but that was just to learn basic arithmetic and how to read and write this is different these classes are going to teach me how to become a true immortal cultivator. Also, everyone in this class will become highly influential people in Sunki village in the future.

As I walked into the school, I saw that there were already a lot of people inside and they were all chatting with each other. I didn't know anyone here so I just stood off to the side awkwardly not knowing what to do. Suddenly someone came up to me and said "Hey, Ling Feng." It was the girl from yesterday I've known her since we were children I didn't notice but it seems she also has a talent for cultivation.

"Oh, hi, Xiao Mei," I replied with a friendly smile. "Do you want to sit with me?" She asked while blushing slightly. "Sure," I replied while feeling relieved that I wouldn't have to sit by myself.

We sat down next to each other and started chatting about our hobbies and interests. We talked for so long that we didn't even realize that class had started until the teacher cleared his throat loudly. We both turned red in embarrassment and quickly stopped talking.

The teacher began explaining the basics of qi and how it worked but I already knew all this from the village elder teaching me. After a while, the teacher started going over some of the different techniques that could be used to cultivate qi but most of them seemed too weak and basic for me so I still wasn't paying attention. However, when he started talking about spirit stones, my ears perked up because this was something new to me although I've heard of them usually in the village we'd just use silver coins but spirit stones are the currency of the immortal cultivators.

The teacher explained that spirit stones were very rare and that they were only found in certain places in the world. He also said that they were very precious and that usually, only cultivators could use them. I was surprised to hear this because I thought that since my talent was so high I would be able to use spirit stones but it seems like I'll have to wait until I'm a bit stronger.

After class, Xiao Mei and I walked out together and decided to go get some lunch. We went to the same restaurant and ordered our food. While we were waiting, we started chatting again about cultivation and what our goals were. Xiao Mei told me that she wanted to become a powerful immortal cultivator so that she could protect her loved ones.

I nodded in understanding because I felt the same way. After we finished our meal, we said goodbye and went our separate ways but not before exchanging contact information so that we could stay in touch.

I headed back home with a feeling of excitement because even though today wasn't anything special it feels like my life is finally on track and moving in the right direction as I was walking home I saw my brother across the street and strangely enough, he was smiling ear to ear this was very unusual not only because he usually never shows any emotion but also because he just got kicked out of the house and will be homeless unless he gets some sort of menial job so why is he so happy.

As followed him down the street I saw him walk toward the Li clan residence which shocked me for what reason would he be able to associate with the Li clan they are a strong cultivation clan why would they have contact with him "Oh I know he must be trying to get a job as a servant of the Li clan" I thought out loud I decided to wait for him to leave the residence because I wanted to see my oh so proud brother working as a servant.

After waiting for just over 30 minutes I saw him leave with a tall man beside him he exuded a calm confident aura and his build looked fairly powerful. as I watched them leave together I saw my brother and the man talking casually "Ok Mr. Ling Chen I've Looked at the plans you've given me and I must say I'm very impressed with the new workshop you and Master Zhuang have designed I have been informed by the main clan and know about the deal so not taking out the cost of labor the raw materials for the workshop will cost 600 spirit stones to build." the man said to Ling Chen

When I heard them mention 600 spirit stones I was shocked how to hell is my brother helping design workshops and especially one that costs 600 spirit stones I don't think the ling residence is even worth 600 spirit stones. How come even after his cultivation talent is revealed as trash and he gets kicked out of the house my brother is still able to negotiate with the Li clan for something worth 600 spirit stones he is way too lucky god must favor him or something.

Ling Chen POV:

After my discussion with the Li clan master called Li Zhu, I had to sigh that most of my money is gone already and that just on the construction of the workshop I still have to spend most of the rest of my money on materials for my experiments I'm going to run so by the time everything is paid I'm only going to have 50 spirit stones left. Easy come easy go as they say.

When I returned to Master Zhuangs' old workshop I informed him about the Sunki village's branch of the Li clan have been informed by our deal with the main clan and had been paid for so start construction on the new workshop to be built "Ok that's good to hear but stop slacking now and get back to helping me work to forge and stop slacking" Zhuang said in a gruff voice "Yes sir" I replied to him with a long drawn out sigh