"Today's day is very important" said Sarena To Justin. " Yes" said Justin. After college was ended alex was looking sad."What happens to you "alex? said Sarena. " Mom, Sez's mother were faced a serious car accedent when she was walking on the road. She was crying i explained him no to cry. At night alex's mother and father called him for some time. Here carefully you are not our child."What" said alex. Why are you joking in the night i have to good to bed. No alex it is true you are not our child you are the child of Nix."Who is nix" said alex. She was your mother but now she is dead. What are you saying mom and dad. Alex's dad were angry and said " Shut! Up alex" Alex was silent and listening quietly.We there was a night we were at home there a was a voice and we see that a spacecraft has been crashed. There was a women who was in State to die she said take care of you, and she said " Take my child and go" , Remember there is a infinite sign in my child hand. When it glow remember the people of my planet is coming again. We run and hid to the tree and seeing that some some looking like nix were coming toward nix,One of them asked "Where is the child" She didn't reply, they again said but she didn't reply they said" I kill you, say where is the child " she didn't say anything to him. One of the member reload his gun and fired at nix than she died. After some time when they didn't able to find you they go to their planet again. " crying alex", "That's not time to cry alex, it's time to prepare for fight. They are coming to kill you alex."Yes Dad and Mom" said alex. Then sudden a man has come from a portal. All were shocked and scared. " Who are You? said Justin. I'm the trainer of all the "Yodha". Wait I'm explaining, He introduced himself. Myself Shorex I'm from a temple who is protecting a Stone" said shorex. So, If anyone have infinite sign on his/Her hand it will be the part of us. Alex said " i have a small infinite sign on my hand. ok" let me see. Yes" so you are the last person of our team. Then, He take alex in the portal, afterwards they reached the beautiful, old temple. They walk together and get inside the temple. There were 4 people, one of them is a girl. Shorex happily said that" Our team has completed the last one is here, Now we have to prepare for the fight. Alex was new he didn't know about anything. Now, There were Five members in our team , christin , Shome, Tom, Harry and last Alex. Only two of them have power , Shome and Harry. "Alex , Tom and Nuk were new" said Shorex. So, all three come with me i will take you to the training room. There were three 5 doors. " Ok Guys , Take any one , go inside. Alex,Tom and christin go to the room. They all see a big screen. Welcome, To Training Room" said the screen, Take some weapons from here. They all take some weapons. "Well done" said the screen. Now,There will be a creature in front of you you have to fight with him and kill him to win the match."Ok let see who will win the match. " One the gate" said the screen. There was a small but powerful animal name "umongosour". All were scared but Alex was not he was brave. They all fight with umongosour. All three win the match. But they get many hurts in there face , hand and leg. But they were happy to win the match. Then, The screen said "Well done all 'Yodhas' next round will be tomorrow get ready for it" . Then all the Yodhas leave the room. Shorex said "Well done guys you all passed the first level." Yes Sir" said all three. Tom, Cristin and Alex go to their rest room. There were monks for helping. Shorex said to the monks that" Sir please apply Bandges to the hand, leg and Face. After the Bandge have applied all were discussing how they applied the skills to that monster. After discussing they all slept.