Preethy pov,

I am happy that he allowed me to work . I am relieved that no body knows about our marriage and I want to maintain in the office too . I know he has many companies so he may be sometimes come there . I don't want to face him at all the time . I wake up from my sleep and he is not there . I know he must be left . Then I went to shower and wore kurti for my first day . I am already worked in fashion designing but Rav boutique is somehow big showroom and there must lot of difficulties . I don't know I want to wear mangal sutra and vermillion . I know I am married but there must be awkward that to wear . They ask me about my husband and so that I want to avoid but I am guilty that this is the only thing I can do for him . I decided to wear and whatever questions I can manage but I won't embrass Aarav .

I wore my mangal sutra and put vermillion on my forehead and I hide my vermillion with my hair and mangal sutra with my dupatta . Then I took my CV and went to the office . I decided to take a cab but he gave a car with driver . He respected my decisions so I want to respect him . I don't know if I will ever love him or not but I am sure I will respect him .

After 30 minutes , I came to the Rav boutiques official headquarters . I am coming here for an interview for a intern . I don't want to disappoint him . I don't know if he will be here or not .

This is the tallest building I had ever seen . I entered into the building . I asked the receptionist about the interview . She blinked sometimes and told me to go to 45 th floor .

I took the elevator and went there . I saw more than 10 candidated there . All are wearing some different outfits which are revealing . I don't know why ? .

I don't know Aarav is there or not . If he is not there . I don't get the job . I know because all are wearing slutty dress while I am wearing kurti and some boring outfit . I am married now . So I must wear this.

Then the interview get started , one by one crying and cursing the company .

Then they called me . I went inside the cabin . I saw 5 members are seated . At centre Aarav is seated and he saw me with different emotions . I thought that he didn't expect me .

He didn't question me anything just staring at me . I can't read his expression if he is happy or sad or angry at me .

Remaining 4 members are questioning me about my experience and work . Then I got selected and I am so happy . One of the member teases me for my dressing sense . I don't know about his problem but he told me that I am out of fashion then who wears this type of kurti in Mumbai city . You are wearing dupatta . In which century are you living Preethy .

I feel so humilated and I am at the verge of crying . I saw Aarav . He is very angry . His eyes are red . I know I can't handle this .

I got up from my seat and went outside .

Whether I am embrassed him . I know he is angry with me . I controlled but I can't do that . I went to washroom and cry my heart out . Then I decided to go temple to relax myself .

After sometimes, I went outside . All are gossiping differently . I don't know what they are gossiping . I asked the receptionist . What is happening ?

She told me that one of the manager is fired . I am curious and I asked her why ? . She told that he is one of the most important person in this office and one of the interviewer .

I know who is that . why he is fired. I prefer silence for sometimes . She told me that I got a job and she showed me my cabin . I wondered that my cabin is good . I astonished that cabin of intern is beautiful . I can't imagine how is the cabin of CEO .

I seated and do my work . The receptionist is very nice her name is Meha . She is cute and talkative . She told me that I am beautiful in this kurti .

I told her about the manager's verbal abuse . She told me that he is the bastard and he always misbehave with woman and she told me that his dismiss is good .

Then I decided to grab lunch . She asked me to join with her . I am happy that I have a friend here . She introduced me with some colleagues . They are very good . They told me that I am beautiful in this kurti . I am happy . I am very comfortable with them . I ate some aloo stuffed chapati with panner butter masala .

We are talking and suddenly all are silent . I saw Aarav is coming inside the cafe . Why are they silent when he is entering . I asked Meha . She told me that he is the CEO and it is the first time he entered this cafe . I am shocked . He seated on the table opposite to ours .

All the girls are sighting him . He didn't bother about anything and sit simply and grabbing lunch

All are gossiping about him . I saw him what is cooking in his mind . He caught me that I am seeing him . He simply smiles at me . I am strucked . He is so cute while smiling .

Meha told that it is the first time they saw him smiling . I am confused . In his mansion , he always saw me smirking , smiling like a idiot . Here it is different .

I finished my lunch and I straighten my way to cabin . I bumped with someone . A man in late 30's . I apologized him .

I went away . The man called me and asked , " Janani is that you ? "

I saw him . His eyes shows different emotions love, care something different . I also felt different connection with him .

I told him , " I am Preethy "

He saw me with overwhelmed emotion and told , " I know you are my Janani . "

He then show me some photos in his phone and told me that I am his sister .

I can't remember him . I don't know what is going on in my life

Who is the new person . I am literally fucked up with my life .

Hi my lovely readers ,

Who is the new character in this story?

Is she is Janani or Preethy ?

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