Chereads / 3 Kingdoms / Chapter 55 - Chapter 55: "My Son"

Chapter 55 - Chapter 55: "My Son"

"He snapped his fingers?" asked Beatrice, "yes, he used some type of portal magic, his magic is unusual, never seen that before," said William, "I have," said Beatrice, "ok so you have an idea of what we are dealing with," said William.

"Yes, only one person I know with that power, my Prince im sorry that it has come to this if I had only taken him and left this place he wouldn't have turned out the way he is now," said Beatrice.

"You know this man?" asked William, "yes, he is my son," said Beatrice, William was astonished.

"Long ago I fell in love with a man and got married, he was a mage like myself, I bore him a son and we called him Gavel, Life was good I tried to raise him to the best of my ability but Gavel was born with alot of magic he was a very special child,

seeing that both his parents were strong mages, he starting using his powers at a tender age, his father wanted him to be someone great and powerful, he wanted to grow Gavel in a different way from what we had originally agreed on after he saw his powers manifested, which wasn't healthy for a young boy.

Gavel never liked it, he just wanted to play and be normal like other children but his father kept on telling him that he wasn't like other kids that he was better than them and he can become the greatest mage in the world had ever seen, He kept on pushing that into his head until my son changed, it broke my heart to see what he was turning into.

He had him learn many spells, and he pushed him to his limits and beyond, to be the best, I told him to take it easy on him, let him grow up like a normal boy with a simple childhood but his father didn't listen to me until one day he took him and I never saw either of them again,

I heard things about him and the things he was doing, he was the champion mage of his school, graduating with high honors, what his father wanted he became, and in doing so he lost himself in the process, he came to visit me a couple of years after but he wasn't the son I knew.

He was power-driven and hungry for more power he had grown in power and strength even greater than his father and I put together, His father had always told him stories about The Land Of Magic he became obsessed with it, Saying one day he will go there and become the greatest mage in the world,

That's why he came to see me he wanted to know if I knew where it was, I told him, no, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you, "father was right about you," he said " you wouldn't understand what I am trying to achieve but in time you will," he then went his way and I never saw him again I heard of the things he was doing in different places, I felt responsible for all his actions all the people he had hurt was because of me, now he has kidnapped Rose," said Beatrice.

"His actions are his own, he knows better but he chooses to do what's not right and that's not your fault," said William. "Thank you, Prince William, we have to get Rose away from him cause whatever he's planning isn't something good, "said Beatrice.

"That's my thoughts exactly," said William.

"You said he opened a portal which means he has mastered dimensional magic, so he can travel anywhere in no time and he snapped his fingers after casting a spell that must active the spell after its cast, making it much stronger and from what I have heard he must have more tricks up his sleeve, "said Beatrice. "I won't lose to him I'll save Rose and bring her back and if I can save him I will.

Beatrice's eyes beamed with hope after hearing that, "you would do that for me?" asked Beatrice. "yes after all he is your son, you must still love him," said William. "Yes I still do," said Beatrice, "we just need to know where exactly he is," said William.

Later on that day they were all having a discussion about how to find Rose.

"Hey, Arada sorry I have been very busy these days, Welcome to the Central Kingdom, it's good to see you again, how are things back home?" asked William," im sorry about your friend, Deana told me I know she means alot to you and thank you I do like it here it's different from home, the castle is beautiful," said Arada.

"Thank you it's a work in progress, how's your father and brother?" Asked William.

They are well my brother didn't take that loss well but I think he will get over it, my father is busy with work as always, I think he said he waiting for some mage so they could go on a voyage or something like that," said Arada.

"A mage you say? asked William, what are the odds, thought William, Could your father still be in the West Kingdom?" Asked William.

"No he should be gone by now," said Arada, William's ring started to pulsate, and right after that a portal opened, William drew his sword, Evan as well and Zeph had his lock on, a young lady came through, she looked at them, William then raised his sword,

she stretched out her hand and his ring started to resonate with her, "My ring, who are you?" asked William, "I am Sol, sister of the Queen of the Land Of Magic, you must be a descendant of Nesbeth," said Sol.

"Sol, The Land Of magic?" asked William, "yes you need to come with me," said Sol, As she turned her back and began to walk towards the portal, " wait, why should I go with you? asked William.

"Some people have appeared outside the shield that protects the land from the outside world and two of them are descendants of Lily," said Sol.

"Rose and her mother, so that's what Gavel was planning," said William," Now we know where Rose is, let's go get her," said Evan," yeah," said Zeph, "Sis I'll be right back, Beatrice," said William.

She nodded with a smile.

They all went with Sol through the portal and in an instant, they appeared in the Land of Magic.

"Now here we are, get the shield opened, my destiny awaits me just beyond this shield," said Gavel, as Rose and her mother were about to place their hands on the shield it started to open at the base of it, William, Zeph, and Evan came through, Gavel, King Ignatius, Rose, and her mother were all astonished.

"How did you get here?" asked Gavel Rose started to smile, "see mother, I told you my friends would have found a way," said Rose, " you took someone who's very important to me, important to us, we came for her," said William.

"I don't know how you got here but I'm this close to achieving my one true goal and if I have to go through you to get it I will," Said Gavel.

Rose are you ok?" asked William, "yes, I knew you guys would come, this is my mom by the way," said Rose, "nice to meet you, I'm William, we had to come to get you," said William.

"He has a spell on my mother I need my mace to break it," said Rose.

"Oh ok, I see the King of the West is here as well," said William.