Chereads / 3 Kingdoms / Chapter 49 - Chapter 50: "What We've Lost"

Chapter 49 - Chapter 50: "What We've Lost"

Shadow was engulfed in a pillar of fire, Hex had disobeyed Shadow and left the village, Jett and Rigel followed her and they made their way to the Village Hidden in the mountains, "what's that?" asked Jett.

" They saw the pillar of fire, "it doesn't look good, hurry," said Hex, as they got closer they saw Rose and Evan, the pillar of fire started to subside, and they saw Shadow in the midst of it," Shadow!" shouted Hex as he was falling, they ran towards him, Hex falls down on her knees and held him, "Shadow, no, no," said Hex as she cried, "Shadow?" said Rigel," boss," said Jett.

"This is all King Darius's fault and his selfish ambition, first Agatha then Chace now Shadow my heart can't take any more, is this even worth it? I can't even feel Malik, I can't lose any more of my family like this," said Hex as she was crying.

As she wept they all stared at her, William came out of the possession," Rose, can you help him?" asked William, "I can try," said Rose as she made her way towards Hex and Shadow.

"Bring the other one here," said Rose, Jett and Rigel went for Blaine and brought him back, laying him beside Shadow.

"Recovery Light this will take some time," said Rose," tell me more about this King Darius," said William," he is a power-hungry, selfish, and self-centered king he doesn't care who he steps on to get what he wants, he recruited us to hunt down the magical items but he did so forcefully, banishing us from the kingdom and from our love ones.

The only way we can return is with those magical items, some say he wasn't always like that after he pushed Agatha to open another dimension to an unknown world, I lost Agatha but something came over before the portal closed and sucked her in.

She meant everything to me, she was the one who found me and took me in, the only parent I knew, I was an orphan, the King forced her to use Dark Magic on us, she never wanted to but our lives were at stake,

We have all lost someone dear to us because of him, it's the loss that pushes us so hard but at what cost, something Dark possessed the King from that day until now, fueling his dark intentions," said Hex.

He sounds like a very bad person, making his people suffer for his own benefit, I understand why you are so driven to get these weapons, you must miss your families but unfortunately, we can't give these magical items to anyone," said William,

"So this King Darius is the one I should be going after then," said Zeph, "If he is possessed for so long, I'm guessing its a very strong entity, he won't be easy to defeat by yourself," said William, Rose's spell was healing Shadow and Blaine as they talked.

"Hmmm, what's this warm light, did I die?" asked Blaine to himself as he was regaining consciousness, as his eyes started to open he saw someone over him, "isn't this the little witch, she is healing me but why I hear Hex's voice, what is she doing here?" thought Blaine.

"Blaine is coming to, Thank you for saving them," said Hex to Rose," you really do care for them a lot," said Rose "yes, they are all that I have in this world, I want this to stop we don't have to fight anymore," said Hex.

By this time the villagers started to come out, "did you guys managed to get any other magical items?" asked William, "yes three they are in King Darius's vault," said Hex, "we have to get them back before he uses them," said William.

"You might be too late, three of his knights had started training to wield the weapons," said Hex," oh ok I'm done." said Rose, only Blaine woke up, Shadow was still unconscious," Blaine, finally you are back," said Jett.

"It's good to see you awake," said Rigel," when did you guys get there, didn't Shadow say you should stay put," said Blaine.

"Yes but Hex couldn't, so she decided to follow you guys," said Jett, "Thank you, little...what's your name?" asked Baine." I'm Rose, and your welcome," said Rose," I heard some of what was said, we lost Chace and Malik along the way, even though it hurts I can't blame any of you, I can only blame King Darius, so what now?" asked Blaine.

"Leave it to us we will take care of the King, we have all lost someone important to us because of him, you guys can stay in the Central Kingdom until it's safe to go back home," said William."

He is the real reason why my family was killed and he will pay for what he did," said Zeph."

"Causing people so much pain and sadness he will be stopped," said Rose.

" You guys are pretty strong, I believe you have a chance, I'll put my faith in you," said Hex.

"Shadow is still unconscious, hopefully, he wakes up soon enough," said Blaine, "I think its time we leave this place our presence must be making the villagers uncomfortable, I'm sorry for what happened here," said Hex, "yea sorry for that," said Blaine.

"Let's go guys," said Jett as he and Rigel were lifting Shadow," Rose, before I go, can I have a word with you in private?" asked Hex," oh ok," said Rose," what did you do to me, I can't access my powers," said Hex," the Dark Magic Seal that was placed on you to enhance your powers has been removed.

So you have to remember how to use your powers before the Dark Magic Seal was ever a part of you," said Rose," oh so that's what happened, ok I will find my way back," said Hex, "Agatha would be proud of you," said Rose with a smile, Hex smiled back, "take care," said Hex.

"They seem so different now," said William as he was walking over to Rose, "Big Brother William!" shouted Evelyn as she ran towards William," hey there baby sis," said William as he took her up in his arms," thank you for saving me," said Evelyn.

"I'm happy that you and everyone are ok, and thanks for standing up for me," said William.