Arthur stared at Fae expectantly, he was used to issues stemming from Dorm A, it's what happens when you bring a bunch of powerful kids together, but never anything like this.
Fae was racking his brain trying to figure out an excuse, but completely cornered he slowly began to accept how much trouble he was soon to be in. His mind went straight to the worst; how they would cut open and inspect him to find out why his spiritual field had such strange properties, what they would do if they found out he wasn't born with the Frost Warrior bloodline he had showcased, or even worse, if they somehow found out about his system. Fearing this, he began to beg for mercy. "I'm so s-"
Fae's words were cut short as the door to Dorm A once again burst open. "Well you kids sure know how to party!" Red shouted with excitement. "What's going on Red?" Arthur asked as he turned his attention away from Fae, allowing for Fae to release a sigh of relief.
"Well the kiddies wanted a new practice experience so I gave them a null capsule to play with." Red smiled wide as he said this, he was so convincing even Fae believed him. "YOU WHAT?!" Arthur screamed at Red stepping towards him with balled fists. A null capsule was meant to render all bloodline energy below a certain level useless. It was often used for training, but only in very specific and sanctioned situations. "You need to follow protocol when using something so dangerous Red." Arthur sounded very disappointed as his domineering aura began to fade with a sigh.
"That still doesn't explain what that wave that went through the academy was, the null capsule shouldn't have spread so far, the kids don't have enough energy." Arthur's skepticism shined through as he turned to Fae and picked him apart with his eyes.
Fae thought fast and thought of an excuse. He began to spin a tale completely twisting the situation. In Fae's rendition of the story, Fae and Ciera were having a heated argument and were clashing energies. This slowly stirred the energy within the capsule, and the icing on the cake was when that boy with the purple hair came down to stop the fight. His energy was added into the equation, and the capsule absorbed it all before exploding.
This explanation made sense to Arthur, and he also could feel lightning energy in the air from when One came to stop Fae. After a few seconds of thought, Arthur decided to let the situation be. "Effy, you seem like a good kid. I wont pursue this matter any further, but that is the last time you disrupt the academy like this... right?" Fae immediately nodded his head and thanked Arthur for his mercy.
Arthur turned to leave the dormitory, turning back one last time with a message. "Red, meet me in my office." Arthur's tone was fierce, almost coming out as a roar; and just as quickly as he stormed in, he was gone.
Fae slumped down to the ground in relief, it was over, he managed to avoid the situation without becoming a lab rat. "Well that was interesting." Red's voice startled Fae, reminding him he still wasn't alone. "Why did you do that Red?" From the moment Fae had met Red, he had constantly taken chances on Fae and even just now risked his job for Fae's betterment.
"I believe in you Fae." Red's tone was serious and all traces of his carefree and jovial self seemed to vanish. Fae's eyes softened staring at Red. No one had ever taken a chance on him but Tess, it still meant a lot that someone thought so highly of him. Slowly Fae's eyes hardened as he let his cynicism get to him. "You hardly know me Red, how is it you could have so much faith? What's in it for you?" Red simply smiled at Fae's questions as a red glow slowly surrounded him. "Souviens-toi de l'arc-en-ciel Fae, remember the rainbow." The glow dimmed and Red was gone, leaving Fae with a feeling he was growing more and more accustomed to; the feeling of having more questions than answers.
Eventually Fae went up to Ciera's room and knocked. At first it was silent, but eventually Ciera creaked her door open ever so slightly. "What do you want Effy?" "I just came to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you Ciera, I have no idea what happened." "Whatever number nine." Ciera replied coldly as she shut her door. 'That's going to take a long time to fix.' Fae thought about the budding friendship brewing between he and Ciera, which seemed to be nothing but a fever dream after today's events.
"Just give her some space, she'll get over it eventually." A voice called behind Fae shocking him as he spun around. He turned to see that it was the same purple haired kid from before. "Thank you so much for your help earlier." Fae was very appreciative of the kid for stopping him. "No problem, the name's Fulgur. We have a lot to take about..... Fae."