A waiter was already standing by their table, attending to them. "Do you want anything else, sir?". "Just get me a cup of hot coffee", Taylor ordered. "Okay sir, what of you ma'am?, would you also like a cup of hot coffee or do you want something else?", the waiter turned to Julie.
"I'll go for a cup of Cappuccino".
"Okay ma'am, I guess that's all you want". Julie nodded in response to him and he went away to get it.
"This place isn't bad, it looks welcoming", she said this as she looked around the cafe.
"Yes it is, it's one of my favorite places on earth".
"So why did you bring me here with you?", she interrogated.
"I told you already, I just knew you'd be bored, so I thought of bringing you over here", Taylor replied while noticing the dress she was putting on.
Julie noticed he was looking at the dress and said to him, "You like my dress?".
"Yes, it's very beautiful on you", he complimented still scanning through the dress, not minding whether Julie was uncomfortable with his staring. He just felt that the dress looked familiar and continued searching for other evidences to confirm.
"I'm so unhappy you're just noticing it", She continued. "I got it from the boutique we visited yesterday, remember the dress?". She didn't wait for him to answer.
"You didn't wait for me to say what I wanted to say yesterday, The dress is very beautiful, I'm really grateful to you for showing me the dress, if you hadn't shown me, I'd be very unlucky not to have it, the designer really know his thing".
The waiter had just come with what they had ordered. Taylor was still dumbstruck, he just sat there looking at Julie, who was expressing how much she admired the dress.
The waiter had gone, when he finally told Julie, "Thank you".
"Thank you for what?", Julie acted like she didn't understand what he meant.
"Your comment really means alot", he spoke before taking a sip from his coffee.
"Why?" Julie asked while stirring her cappuccino and looking at him.
He was about to say something, when she said "Because you're the designer?". He was astonished when he heard her.
"How did you know?".
"Let's say I guessed", Julie replied then she drank out of her cappuccino.
"Well, you guessed right, but did you mean what you said about the dress, earlier?".
"Of course I did, every other persons meant what they've said about the dress".
"Including Diane?", Taylor asked. Julie who was still drinking got choked when she heard what he had just said.
"Are you okay?", Taylor asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine now", she answered, looking alright now.
She continued, "You shouldn't expect the truth from someone who's a narcissist".
She asked being concerned, "Is there more to this?, you're a designer and this certain dress shouldn't be your first, so why let a single comment from her hurt you that way?".
"My father isn't aware of this neither the rest of the family, just you and my friend know about this".
Julie was about to take a sip from the cappuccino but when she heard this, she kept it back on the saucer. "Why did you keep it a secret from them?".
"Earlier, I actually appreciated you because you brought my spirit back to life, I was already concluding on putting an end to my dreams of becoming a fashion designer", Taylor opened up.
Julie was surprised, "Why?".
"My father doesn't approve of this, he told me this when he found out I attended fashion designing class, he wants me to take over him in the running of his business, when Diane said that yesterday I just felt she was right, I felt my father was right after all, this is actually my first design and you know, all comments on it really matters, although my friends had told me it was really beautiful, i didn't consider my friends' comments because I was certain they would just say it's beautiful because they're aware I'm the designer", after saying this, he paused and took a sip out of the coffee.
"Woah, that's actually touching, I never thought you of all people would be going through something like this, I'm glad you're going against your father's decision and the word you had taken to forfeit your fashion designing dreams", Julie said before drinking out of her cappuccino.
Taylor smiled as he watched her drink the cappuccino. After she had drank it, he was still staring at her while smiling the more.
Julie noticed and questioned, "What?, why are you looking at me and smiling like that?". "You look more beautiful this way".
"What way??" Julie, who found this very absurd, questioned.
He brought his phone toward her face, when she looked into the screen of the phone, it revealed to her that the Cappuccino had smug its foamy texture below her nose.
She felt embarrassed and quickly use the napkin next to her to wipe it off. Taylor laughed at her as she did this.
"This isn't funny at all, you could have just told me, why make me look like a fool?", She harshly spoke to him then she took another sip from her Cappuccino.
"You're actually beautiful Julie", he said to her looking serious now.
"Is there any more of it on my face now?", she asked as she took her phone to look at herself on the screen.
There was nothing and this made her feel satisfied. She looked at him and said "Shouldn't we be going anytime soon?". Taylor had been lust in Julie's beauty but when she asked him of them going soon, he snapped out of his thoughts and said "You don't want to have any other thing?".
"I'm good, it's better I just go now, I can't predict your cousin", Julie said as she took her purse.
"You aren't going home at late hours and it's still morning, so why the rush?, and it's not like he'll do anything to you since he doesn't know you went out", He said to her.
"Yeah, that's true, It's better staying here than being locked up in his room".
"So, do you really love my cousin?", he asked out of the blue while looking at her straight in the eye.
Julie wasn't expecting that question at all, she felt uncomfortable and sat up properly while feigning a smile and answered "Yes of course".
She threw a question back at him, "Why do you ask?".
He shrugged his shoulder as he said, "Nothing, I'm just surprised you're with him, nobody knew he would find someone after all the trauma he's been through", Taylor frankly said then he called out to the waiter. "What do you mean by all the trauma he's been through?", Julie asked feeling puzzled at what he had just said.
"You know the last and only time he was serious with a girl was once, he hardly talked to girls ever since he was little, he hardly even talked to anyone, we were best buddies those days", after he said this, he turned to the waiter, who was already standing by their table and said, "Get me another coffee, bro".
The waiter nodded his head before leaving to get the coffee.
Julie still felt puzzled, "What happened to the girl, why aren't they, no longer together?".
"He didn't tell you?". She was planning on telling a lie but she had a second thought and just swallowed a spittle before saying, "No, he didn't tell me".
"I guess he didn't want to be reminded of the past, Damien had always been a quiet one, although, he and I had always been close friends right from childhood till we parted ways, I didn't really know how he met Lilly, but from what I was told, she had always stood up for him before they fell in love, he was more free around her, she became his best buddy, they did so many things together, Liliana was like an ointment sent by his parents to heal the scars that were left after his parents' death".