Chapter 5 - Kara

[FEB 14th, 2015 ]

Kara woke up like she always did, staring at a painted cinderblock wall. She laid still and listened to the warden move along to the next cell to wake it's occupant, then the next. Kara slid out of her small bed and got ready for her 105th day at the Bon Air Juvenile Correctional facility.

There wasn't much to do, she just changed into some simple clothes and sat back down on her bed, waiting to be released for breakfast. Kara stared at the facility approved decorations on her walls, some drawings, some letters from her friends, and a motivational poster. 260 more days and she could leave... not that she wanted to.

Life was simple in here, safe.

She had three meals a day and a warm safe place to sleep, two things she'd never had in her home town.

A metal clunk from the next cell over signaled the door unlocking, Kara stood up as her neighbors door was opened. She watched a gaurd and a few other inmates walk by the window on her door. One of them was nearly 20, a girl who had been readmitted here several times, probably for the same reasons Kara didn't want to leave. A lot of people were like that.

Kara's door unlocked next and she stepped out behind the gaurd and a few of her other neighbors. Footsteps and quiet voices echoed down the hallway as everyone filed into the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Kara got in line with a tray and was served her usual breakfast. Two recently thawed waffles, some gray looking apple sauce, and a plastic container of cereal with a carton of milk. It wasn't good by any means, but it was better than nothing, and about what you'd find in most public schools in the area. Kara found a place to sit and began eating alone, she had some friends but her serious face and tall build tended to scare people away.

As she took her time eating, Kara listened. She was always alert, things had a way of going bad quickly here so it paid to be aware of what people were saying around her. Today she didn't hear anything that suggested danger, or even so much as a mean prank. Instead everyone seemed to be buzzing with excitement, before Kara could ask anyone what was so interesting the sound of the warden's voice came on over the intercom

"Good morning everyone, I have an announcement to make; our facility has been provided with simulators from the NERV organizations Pilot Training program."

The hushed chatter got louder.

" Anyone with less than 180 days sentence remaining at the end of the selection period is eligible for a full pardon if they qualify for and accept a position in the program through the simulator."

The chatter turned into a loud hum as people did the math and determined whether they were eligible. Those who met the quota perked up, and those who didn't either got angry or sank down in their seats. The warden paused as the gaurds quelled some of the talking, then went on.

"The slection process is nationwide, and lasts 180 days. Exact details are not yet known, but your performance at the end of that period will determine your status in the program. As is the national standard, each person is allowed up to 30 minutes every day. Simulators will be available all daylight hours and free time will be scheduled accordingly. Good luck"

A loud click of the intercom signaled the end of the announcement, and everyone got back to talking excitedly. Kara had heard about NERV, and knew it would be far better than Bon Air or anywhere else.

This was her way out.