Chereads / Unleash ( One By One ) / Chapter 1 - 1.Just Friends..

Unleash ( One By One )

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Chapter 1 - 1.Just Friends..

Katie : Why not you try ?

Solace : ( Sipping her coffee ) Why I should try for something that I don't wish to have ?

Katie : Why not is I am asking you ? everybody does after all where will you take your desires to dig a hole and dump ?

Solace : ( Gives a stare tying her shoe lace ) "I don't have any desires " see you..

Leaves to her office in a black shirt , brown pants and a leather heel shoe in brown..

Solace owns a professional business with one of her friend 's best friend psychiatrist and a criminal lawyer..

Stella : Hello , Ma'am

Solace : Is there any appointments today ?

Stella : ( Follows her to cabin ) Um , Yes Ma'am

Stella : Yes , Ma'am ( Checks ) Five for the day and Five for the evening..

Solace : You mean , Five For Psychology And Five For Court Cases ?

Stella : Aahh..Maybe not there are twenty such cases that stands ahead if you ask I can..

Solace : ( shows hand ) Let them in , and where is

Warren ?

Stella : I..

Warren : Here I am , Morning ( Winks at her )

Solace : Stella ?

Stella : Yes Ma'am , ( Leaves , almost getting slammed by the door unless warren holds her the door ) Thanks..

Solace : Please have a seat..

The Patient : Umm , Actually I have been having a lot of.. suicidal thoughts because of my toxic family..umm I..just feel like..there is nothing to life and..umm

Warren : Relax , It's not a big deal you can share whatever it feels like from within think of me as your brother..

Solace : Wow , You tried to kill your brother just because of a piece of will in your property ?

The Person : What else I could have done ?

Solace : ...( Observes him completely taking a study around him comes and takes her seat back ) Fair enough , Then go and kill why are you waiting for it ? You kill him , and then get arrested because I have recorded your video and the will , will belong to me..for my brave act the fortune would shower on me..

The Person Cries in guilt ,

Solace : Stella , Next..

The Person , Pretends to leave is when he tries to turn and point a knife at her..

She held it with her palms , Stella came with her colleagues and arrested him..

Stella : Dude , I am an undercover police you should have seen my shoes..

Warren : Solace , ( Took her to hospital )

Solace was looking at her hands , and she was losing consciousness..

Warren : Kate..( Hugs her )

Katie : It's okay, she will be fine..

Doctor after a while said she was fine and she needs to take rest for few days..

Solace : What with that face guys ? I am fine..

Katie : It's killing

Solace : What ?

Katie : Your Pretentious Act Solace , That Everything is fine with you..

Solace : Katie , I know you care for me but I don't have time to live for anything except my dreams..

Warren : Doctor has asked you to rest for a week ,

Solace : A week ? it's impossible..

Stella : It's an order from the station , to keep the office closed for your safety for a week..

Everyone was looking at her as she had no option except for resting..

Warren drops her , to her home almost took her by walk to open the door where she found..

Solace : Sorry , I will be back by next week here is the key ;

Warren : What happened ?

Solace was feeling helpless , and she called Katie but she was unreachable so..

Stella : Fine , I can stay with you but I do not know how to cook ? how to clean ? remember I am commissioner's daughter probably a princess thing..

Solace : ( Sighs and lays her head down ) Fine , Leave..Not you warren..( Heads up standing ) You have to stay with me..( Leaves )

Warren was surprised yet shocked , that he left an message to Katie..

Next Day ,

Ken : Baby , Your phone is ringing..

Katie : Coming ,

Opens it , "I will kill you when you care back "

"Thank you so much for this Kat"

Katie : What ? ( Calls )

Solace got up and cleaned herself and came down in a long shirt and shorts..

Warren : Okay bye bye I will call you later.. Good Morning..

Solace : Morning ,

Warren : Here is the breakfast ,

Solace : .....Wow wish you favor me those hands further more than serving..;

Warren : ( Giggles ) Have it , ( Feeds her )

Solace : You eat yours too ,

Warren : Umm , Sure..

After the breakfast , he was leaving for the office

Warren : would come late.. because I have to pickup my luggage..

Solace : It's okay , I will wait..

Warren : Are you sure ? I mean..

Solace : Yes , Because I don't have any option ( Giggles )

Warren : Um , Yes of course what a pity I am I'll leave..

He was quite busy , hustling here and there in between where he had fun with other colleagues by lunch..

When he was driving back to home , he was thinking about her presence at office..

As he came back , and she opens the door with a yawn..

Solace : Do you had dinner ?

Warren : No , ( Looks at the clock it was late ) Were you waiting for having..dinner with me ?

Solace : Yes , Because I get sleepy head after the dinner so who would have opened the door ?

They had dinner and he made her eat medicine and helped her to sleep..

Solace : Warren , Thanks..!!

The Day Continued to be like this , until she got fine with her wound..

Warren Opena her bandage and touches her hand..

Warren : Is it hurting now ?

Solace : No , I think I am fine absolutely..

Warren : Great then , I am leaving for office.. your breakfast is at table and..

The Door Bell Rings..

Warren : Let me , ( Opens the door ) Mom..Kat..

Solace : Who is that ?

Alexa : Oh I missed you so much my son..

Katie : I am so happy for you guys..

Solace was confused , unless

Alexa : Oh , So you are my daughter in law..

Warren : No , Mom I mean Of course not she is my .. friend..just friend..

Katie : What ? I thought you guys have been dating ?

Warren : So you brought up , Mom amidst of this..

Katie : What nonsense your mother is here to get us two married is when I told that you love her..

Warren : Huh , Kat I don't love her okay let's just pile this up and mom let us go I have my own home..

Solace was upset that she leaves ,

Alexa : Again, Again you are alone my son..

Warren : Mom , Stop it you I am not alone because I have you and Kat..

Solace was upset , but she did not wanted to state for why even to her own mind it was like a cold breeze amidst of the summer to her..