Chereads / Rivakh / Chapter 1 - Chapter One


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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

I sat in my room concentrating to keep a steady breath.

Breath in.

Breath out.

I stretched out my arms and felt a tingle at the tips of my fingers. It spread across my arms. As if someone was stinging me with thousands of needles.

I layed down on my bed and spread my legs and arms apart so that I was laying in a starfish position.

My head started to hurt and my eyes watered.

"Elyana hold on", a voice whispered.

My whole body started to tremble. I lost control. I lost control of my body. My body pulled into all directions. My skin ripped and started bleeding. Bones began breaking and I screamed.


I felt someone touching my arm and then shaking it viciously. I grabbed their arm and dug my claws into their flesh. The person screamed for help.

"Elyana please stop you're hurting me!", they screamed. But I couldn't. I lost control. I tried to release my claws from them but I couldn't. Something in me couldn't.

Someone stormed into my room shouting at me. The person ripped me and the other one apart. I looked to my right side and saw my hand no my claw. There was hanging a piece of flesh. Fairy flesh. It was pinkish and violet blood was dripping on the floor. My eyes followed the droplets of blood.

Suddenly everything went black.


"Are you okay?", I asked Meya. She nodded at me and started speaking in estrian. She murmed some words. I couldn't understand them. Even though I lived in Estreia not everyone can speak it. In our kingdom we speak estrianese and estrian is the old language only selected people can speak it.

Meya's hair began to levitate and her eyes glowed purple. Fairy eyes. I looked at the wound which I gave her earlier and the dried blood became liquid again. It flowed right back into the wound, into her body. Her skin started to heal and a few seconds later there was nothing. As if nothing happened.

"I'm sorry Meya", I said shyly. It wasn't the first time that I hurt her. She convinced me to learn my ability but I was a hopeless case.

In Estreia you can have three abilities.

Healer - you can heal any wound on yourself and others.

Shapeshifter - you can shift to any animal you want and have their strengths.

Warrior - you are physically the strongest and the fastest.

Most people are warriors then shapeshifters and the rarest are healer.

"I wished I was a warrior. My life would be much easier", I groaned and Meya rolled her eyes at me. She stood up from her wooden stool and walked over to me. While walking her blonde curles bounced with each move she made.

She strechted her hand out and I placed mine in her. She then forced me to stand up and we walked over to the couch.

"Sit down", Meya said with her angelic voice. Willingly I sat down and she started to speak in estrian again. Her once caramel eyes dissappeared and where replaced with glowing purple orbs. She hummed a melody and my skin begin to thighten. I looked at my arms and saw my skin going back to where it should've been.

Her hand felt electrifying as she hovered over my skin.

"Meya how many times did you heal Ely this week", a deeper voice filled the room.

Meya and me both were startled and looked over to the door and saw Kyllan standing there, leaning against the door frame with a mischievous smirk. His light brown hair was wavy and fell into his face.

My belly started to do turns and my cheeks reddened. He winked to me and I could feel butterflies trying to burst out of my stomach. Meya took my hand in hers and caressed it soothingly. She knew that I had a crush on Kyllan since two years. Maybe it was even love and not a crush but nevertheless he never saw me as more than a sister.

"Everton want us all to meet up in the ballroom", Kyllan told us. Confused I looked at him. We already met up a few weeks ago why does he want to meet up again? Normally the king only does meetings four times a year with his people. This was already the second in a month.

Meya and me stood up and made our way to the ballroom. The king my be patient but not too much.

As we were walking towards the castle Kyllan pulled me to his side and snaked his arm around my waist. I turned crimson red and tried to act as normally as I could.

"What do you think will happen at the meeting today, Ely?", he whispered into my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I shrugged with my shoulder not knowing how I should answer or even open my mouth and talk to him in this situation.

He quickly released his arm around my waist and walked to the castle's door. He waited like a gentleman and opened the door for Meya and me. We both walked into the giant castle and in a swift he was beside me again but this time without his arm around my waist. It kinda made me feel sad. I liked his arm around me.

We walked through the corridors. They looked magical, a long green carpet stretched along the corridor. On the walls there where paintings from the past kings and queens of our dear Estreia. The whole corridor was made out of rich dark wood and some flowers grew out of the floor. It didn't look musty but magical. I felt comfortable.

Finally we entered the ballroom. A lot of people were standing there with their elegant clothes.

On the balcony was standing the royal family. The king, the queen and their heir.

"Welcome my dear people!", the kings voice boomed through the ballroom. The whole ballroom cheered and applauded.

"I love my kingdom, our kingdom! But sadly there is a threat."

The whole room went silent for a second and then the whispering began.

"The king of the Rivakh kingdom is slowly turning into a maniac and as you know werewolves are beasts! The people may be friendly but their ruler is turning slowly into a crazy psychopath. We fear that he might snap and start a war between our four kingdoms and as you know he has a pretty good relationship with the centaur king!"

The ballroom was quiet. A possible war? We didn't have a war in 500 years! In the last war we divided the world into the four kingdoms to keep peace but now that peace was in danger.

Some people began shouting and said that we should kill the ruler of the werewolves. We should behead him. I was terrified of how brutal they were. Fairies are normally the friendliest creatures and want peace.

"We all should be cautious! Any abnormal behaviour should be reported to my council! And now go back home and get a rest!"

Chaos started. People began accusing each other of being an imposter. A possible rat for the werewolves. Meya grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the crowd.

"Breath Elyana" Till she told me to breath I didn't realise that I was hyperventilating. She stroked my back and placed her hand on back. But I couldn't get enough air. I was gasping for air. I pulled at the strings of my corset and Meya quickly turned me around and loosened it. I slipped out of my shoes and feeled the earth beneath me. As a fairy I felt connected to the nature. It calmed me down.

Two large arms snaked around my body and lifted me up. I cuddled into the chest and the wooden aroma soothened me. Kyllan walked me out of the ballroom. Meya was walking behind us and holding my shoes. As soon as we were outside Kyllan put me down and I breathed the fresh air in. I stared into the sky and saw a billion of stars. A small tear made her way out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

I don't want a war.