There lived a man in the early 40's in US named Treasury Joles. He was an optimistic farmer, very generous and a lovely hunter as well. He loved to live around people and because of his generosity, he loved to give to the needy too.
Now one day, Joles decided to go to the bush to check on his various traps that he had set in search of animals (meat). When he got to the bush, lo and behold, the traps had fulfilled their concernsual purposes. One beautiful thing about Joles was that he could communicate with animals... So when he saw his traps filled with game, he didn't go ahead to kill them but rather, he spoke to them..
Rat: please don't kill me. Ive something to show you....
Snake: Yes its true. Don't kill us... Because of your generosity, Spare us and we shall reward you.
So the humble hunter spared them and they took him to the other side of the bush and asked him to dig ⛏ a certain portion of the land. Whiles digging, his tool hit something and brought it out. Lo and behold, it was a wooden box full of Gold... They dashed the gold to him and from thence, He became a Trillonaire....