"Thank you. I think my day was done. I am off."
Augustine brushes her silk black hair sweat and it was time for a wash.
"You go out on a date."
"How do you know?"
Her lecturer had only students' names to have them learn identity, not surnames of the family's heritage they carry on their backs.
"We have our eyes to see."
"Thank you. I have mine." Their both lips to laugh from magical words to find art painting looking back at them her hands just begun to see the future.
"Thank you for the piece you just left on the easel."
Her equipment drops in the large square sink for the tap faucet to wash her knife it would drop back in Miss Woo bag.
The magic was done and it was time for a crystal ball light to guide her to her future. They have a whole afternoon to meet and greet other faculty students. It would broaden perspectives of communicating.
Her wish to reach the mage of arts painting the picture of the future in Telemarketing Masters for Berlin Arts University.
The law faculty alpha had his wishes to bind her in laws. The philosophy faculty never paid attention, only mixing their alchemy to find a true path for tiger werewolf groans of the dragon.
It was a hectic philosophy faculty had her date with law faculty wexed to the size and satanic hot fuse came out flashing blues lights it was her brother to throw a glove accidentally philosophy faculty picked up.
Her painting was looking for her.
She picked up her wool bag Miss Woo left. The unfinished painting was steering us.
The portrait of a Roman body was a mixture of a huge black steel statue standing in Hyde Park London.
It is approximately four meters tall on a concrete foundation in black steel roman body; its pubic hair covers only leaf leaving remaining uncovered.
It is an unseen seen wonder of London Hyde Park.
Her eyes were found in a travel magazine.
The very other research subject complimenting her objective to paint the fine art painting was.
A statue from Florence, Italy. It held a mace and killed the opponent's body head by its hair.
It was her unique research subject of cultures and subcultures.
The Greek sculptors and their arts. The primary word magic made in her soul was the meaning.
Her painting module handout was to find and design in mixed media practices the way to portray a meaning to prove your research analysis.
It was where magic happened. Her long evening journey past cutouts of the pictures of the devils.
It was annotated many times. Augustine Woo was seeking a unique image to find the strength of the mountain.
The dreams she had were guiding her. Her piece.
Her studies research further to her words and narrators voice description. The campus infrastructure and swinging eighties spirit.
Her single piece of paper had Rudyard Kipling six questions to explain her motivation to see her project vision.
The classic rectangular seek for strength in truth of the moment a brave approached had her pencil straight strokes building in lines a man's figure holding Oak cut branch to a weapon. Him holding a sense of justice.
"Kawaii." Her lips squeeze, speaking cute in Japanese. It was katakana calligraphy arts and origami paper understanding her lines made forms to shapes of grey fill her layers.
The layers' annotations spoke in writing words; it was her intentions set in stone to find a long life.
Her special order delivery of a Hanko ink stamp to mark the corner of her paper.
It was written in a square stamp, Woo Arts in katakana letters. The special seal to seal her future in love and law. Her mind was surrounding the research of Wolfgang Geir she found. His uncle Geir and Sons lawyers company saved them from her violent and corrupt family.
The girls wearing ponytails her two ponytail wrapped around her hair spoke her heart flow a new blood of love and satisfaction for her future in University.
"Have you heard of our pink Dean study in philosophy faculty."
"Yes, he was a temporary bar manager."
"Yes our Dean he is."
"It is a shame he is bent." Her drawing room fellows are leaving to girls campus showers.
The swinging eighties fashion cycle, the design of her faculty. Her lecture challenges in design lectures. Her first love.
Augustine Woo needed a sprinkle of water to cool off before tonight's date dinner in her Dean's bar.
She walks into a wooden stool with only windows facing sealing daylight. Her wool dress top drops close to other girls.
The cloth falling off Augustine can see her fellow scholar naked butt cheeks behind off towel wraps walking talking away to steaming showers in open plan shower heads.
Their heads wrapped in hand towels they take them off and let their hands feel the warmth cleansing day worries and make up not long before it goes up tonight for a stress free meeting.
Her sports bra and sports shorts have not changed her wearing boots. It was her practical choice to a native Montana weather and nature.
"Yosh. I have a wash." Her hands slap her cheeks and she blows air in, speaking Japanese. Her eyes cheeks her eyelashes to avoid thinking about studies. "I must advance my complimentary classes studies of Japanese N5 beginners coursework."
It had a meaningful curriculum add her understanding the lessons of how words are written to her drawing lines. It fills with palette knives her painting sculpting the image of a true man. Her eighties motto and Art of Manliness."
The linen wrap of her knives were ready for tomorrow morning to find a way to add in colour and her belt she made herself to unwrap a belt holding oil paint in.
Her research portfolio was not ready to submit and was in loose paper wrapped in black cotton cloth sealed with black cotton string. It had a label on it with her name.
The design media was laying in her colourful knit bag. Her hands made in her home her scheming to apply for scholarship to University programme studies.
It was her first time she unwrapped her packet of white silk underwear in perl shape bra and gift knot lingerie on her Secret Victoria.
Her dress was ready in her shower locker room. The minimal make up lifts her face in one lipstick sweet pink brush under her eyes, neck and on lips. The black single cut dress in yellow flowers pattern spoke Oni.
The black funeral image of her past life and her family. It was a monochromatic choice here to find no shades or colours but one word answering everything. I love you.
The date was set.
Her plans were to meet Wolfgang Geir in a local forest bar.
It was a Montana University Styx and Marciuszawa alumni graduate project to join all scholars in one place.
The bar was Underground Passage. The students union bar was open to learners across many scholars.
It was a wooden Inn with many private tables made out of tree houses.
When satanic Montana Police drove in flashing blues lights.
"Augustine Woo out!" Styx held Marciuszawa's arm behind the bar. "Let the youngsters deal with them."
"Yeh I think they will need a double shot tonight."
"Larrington. I think we have gay coppers infiltrading our grounds."
Edmund Larrington had his sleeves off cufflinks to show the dark arts to those justice thieves.
"Yes I know Bjorg we have invaders we will send a message to." Our tiger werewolf found its bane in life.
The sirens beep out Police flashing lights under relaxing Edison lights.
Geir shouts out his romantic dinner from a tree house table. "What case are you referring to!"
"I had a case conferring with Geir and Sons office to say we will have a pub brawl case open!"
Edmund Larrington walks to see them out.
"I will have you face me in a one on one family dispute one year from now in the Montana Community Karate Championship."
Styx pours a drink.
Marciuszawa turns around brushing away the case waving his arm to find back his business he was thinking about.
Edmund Larrington walks back to his council president Bjorg. "Do we deal with him?"
"We already registered for the championship."
Styx drops two glasses on their bar stool. "Here are two shots, sons."
They pour in. "Thanks to our faculty project." Their philosophy faculty starts to cheer, hitting the bar top and floor pouring their drinks in.
Montana Police officer's sergeant Man Woo does observe a distant bar brawl.
"I happily accept your terms for a piece of mind!"
"You see Augustine how your brother solves disputes?"
"I have one more term!"
"What Geir?"
"You fock off or my dinner gets cold with your sister."
The other officer holds her brother on his shoulder before tonight's full moon of Warm Moon he converts. They drove off.
"I should go out to Montana City Pub Crawl and end up in their police cell." Bjorg places his arm on Larrington's shoulder. "Not yet."
"Yes I know. I will not rush and I will be first." He pours in a drink to Kant's memory.