"Mi… Mike?, what the fuck are you doing here?" I manage to stand properly and say, "Come on, sis, I thought you would be happy to see me." Javier came out from the person and tries to hug me, but Mia pushes him away, and all my friends stand up,
"Leave before I kick your balls," Mia shouts at him. "I do not want them to protect me every time." "Javier, why are you here?" I ask him in an irritated tone while trying to get away from Mike. "Oh, I got invited by my old friend; he had something he wanted to do together," he puts his hand over Mike's shoulder, watching the scene. "I lost my self-control," she says. "Hi baby, wow, this is a surprise," he walks towards me slowly, "Fuck off Mike," I hit his hand and turned my attention towards my friend, "Sorry guys, I guess I have to leave. I just saw something that makes me puke." I gave them a disgusted look, but they smiled back at me and asked, "Are you sure?" "Can you go alone?" Har asks me, and I nod.
"Are you trying to go away so that we can be together?" Mike said from behind while adjusting his hair, "Mike, I already told you to fuck off."
He didn't listen to me and walked close to me, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into his chest. I got chills all over my body. The flashbacks are trying to come back, but a smile distracted me. "Wow, your body still behaves this way from my touch; I missed this reaction," he sniffs as he rubs his nose on my neck.
This is the first time I couldn't do anything after all these years; "Leave... leave me" words are not coming out of my mouth, and my body starts to shiver. I hate being this weak. Cat tries to pull me, but Mike tightens his grip around me, and I can feel pain.
"Mike, do you want to go?" Javier asks him, and he looks at me, "Sure, I can finally have something to eat," he said while licking his lips. "Leave June here or else you have to pay," Cat shouts at him. All these ruckus made his friends come over, and they started to creep out everyone.
"Ca… Cat "I am fine." I tried to keep a smile, but my body was freaking out. Am I really going with him? I don't want to cry. Tears build up, but I refuse to cry. I don't want to give him any kind of excitement. "June, are you crazy?" Mia yelled, and I could see Har crying, and I feel so sad that because of me they have to go through this shit. "Mike, you want me right?" he nods and licks my neck, which gave me a shiver. "Okay, let's go," I say, pushing him away a little. I want to call Cam at this moment, but it doesn't feel right because why would he come here?
"I didn't think you would agree so soon to go with him." Cam walks towards us with Luke behind him. They both look like they are ready to kill everyone present in this room. All the tears I have been trying to keep fell down. "Who are you, dude?" "Mind your own business." Mike pulled me aside. "Babe, are you fine?" Luke rushed towards Har with his hands on her face, trying his best to stop her from crying. He gave the guy a death stare. who harassed Har, She cried while hugging him. "Shh," he said, "I am here now," he patted her back.
Cat and Mia were so confused but didn't say anything at the moment. "Fuck off," Javier pulls me and starts to walk; my steps became wobbly because of the drinks; "Mi Amore" before I could say anything, Mike laughed, "Wait, ¿Me estás llamando tu amor o él? (are you calling me your love or him?)" he said in Spanish just for us to understand. Mike walks towards me. " No te preocupes, te demostraré cuánto te amo en la cama. (Don't worry, I will show you how much I love you in the bed,)" he said in Spanish. " yo te reto (I dare you)," Cam spoke from behind, also in Spanish. Wait, he can speak Spanish? Since when?
He walks toward us. Punch Mike, Javier, "Who are these fuckers?" He growls, "No one." I manage to say, "Don't try to help them, June." Cat spoke from behind, which made Cam even angrier. "Um, my brother and my ex."
"Who the fuck are you?" Mike stood up and yelled at Cam, "Your death!" I am so scared to react but I manage to grab Cam's hand and when he look at me he sighed and looked at Mike not moving his face, and said, "Let's go." Cam picked me up in his arms. My body felt relief when I inhaled Cam's scent. I tugged my face into his chest and couldn't stop crying. "Luke I hope I don't have to say how to deal with them" Cam walked past Luke, saying, "Don't worry, brother; I know very well that they have also hurt what's mine, so I have to show them what happens when they mess with Watson's family" "Good, but keep those alive." "I will deal with them later, personally." "Catalina and Mia, come with me; I will drop you off," they followed quietly behind us.
Cam sat me next to him, and they both sat behind me in the car and didn't say anything all the way towards their house; no one talked, and when we reached their home, they both hugged me and said, "Take care." They both left me with Cam. He didn't say anything; he just kept driving, and when I saw that he wasn't taking me home, I looked at him in confusion but didn't dare to ask anything. Soon we reach a place, and he walked out and opened my door. "Come out," he says. He tries to keep his voice gentle, but I can feel he is pissed. When I stepped out, my legs were wobbly, and as I was about to fall, he caught me. He helped me walk, and he picked me up and made me sit on the car deck. I was so amazed by the view of the city when I looked over that it helped me calm down even more. "Drink this," he passes me a bottle of water,
"Since when do you know beautiful places" I ask him "This is my hideout," he sat beside me, " it's amazing." "Now that you have calmed down, care to explain what the fuck happened back there?" I have never seen him this gentle. Is he trying to be gentle because he thinks I will cry?
"Um... it's a long story," I rub my hands, "Kitten, I have the whole night to spare," he says as he leans over me and places his jacket over me. I can smell his scent. I pull his jacket tighter. "Um... the thing is... He placed his hands over mine, giving them a squeeze. I took a deep breath before saying, "Do you remember I told you I hate when people do a background check on me?" To which he nodded, "I have broken that rule on our contract." "Well, that doesn't matter because now we are not even married; I was just disappointed in you."
"Kitten, I didn't want to know about me."
"I know," I clear my throat, "I have dated Mike before being with you." We had been together for five years, and I was stupid for thinking it would last forever, but the truth is there's nothing like forever in this life. I caught him in bed with my roommate from college, and when I asked him why he did that, he just laughed and said, "It was fun because he had looked back at my past and my mother convinced him to use me." He laughed and said he knew that I was looking for someone who will give me love and make me feel safe, but for him it was pathetic; he wanted to pass some time because he was waiting for someone's answer, but when my mom got to that, she started paying him to use me, so he was just using me for his cash and his sex. He used his frustration on me whenever we used to do it. I thought it was his fantasy because mostly men have some fantasy, so I cooperated with him, but I couldn't handle it after a few times. Whenever he got near me, I got chills all over my body, and my body used to get stiff.
You can say that finally God pitied me and showed me his true intention that he was double dating me—and I broke up with him, and later I moved away as far as I could. My friends helped me move on, they tried to say me that he's not right person for me but I was so in love that I couldn't see things straight and later, when I shut all my emotions down, I met you" I tried to smile, but before I knew it, Cam pulled me into his arms. I never thought I would be this weak in front of him, but inhaling his scent makes me feel safe for some reason, its funny how my tears won't stop.