Chereads / RED STRING OF LOVE / Chapter 3 - JUNE

Chapter 3 - JUNE

Two days ago

"To Hell with you Mister Jonson and hell with your marriage proposal as I already said I am already married" I cannot believe that fat ass proposed to me aah I can't believe how my day is going first I had a fight with my husband and now this I can't take it I ignored Jonson and walked into my cabin and sat on my chair to think what to do next as I was thinking if I should take a break and go home for a day or should I complete my work, I heard a knock on my door. "Ma'am, can I come in? I need your signature on the paper.

"Come in" as soon as I said those words my secretary rushed in and started apologizing "I am so sorry ma'am I thought you are single and most of all Mr. Jonson said he was truly in love with you so I allowed him in without asking you first I know I am in the fault but he said he will propose after the meeting so I left you two" Julia was shaking badly I know my reputation is not good I was called Miss make no mistakes because I cannot tolerate any mistakes more than 2 and now I think it's her third one aah but I can't fully blame her. "It's okay I will let it slide this time so just go back to the work and please arrange for someone to attend the meeting with Mr. Jonson and let him know that we won't be working with his company anymore also I am going home so just mail me anything urgent I will apply for the leave after signing the documents." She went with a nod and I went to check the data before signing.

I was so busy organizing the data that Julia gave me also that I forgot the time, I got distracted by the phone call, which was only for staff use I wonder what Julia wants to know now. I pick up with one hand and I was still checking the data with another hand "Yes" I said still focused on my data,

"Ma'am it's your husband he wants to talk to you," She said with scared in her tone, I stopped mid-way flipping the paper, and looked for my phone which I could not find because of the paper which I spread all over my desk, "Ma'am?" Julia said again "Oh Yes what were you saying?" I asked her clearing my throat. "Your Husband is on the line. He said he called you many times but you were not answering his calls and he got worried so he called in the office, Should I connect the call?" Julia said in a hurry. "Oh yes sure" I replied to her I am still looking for my phone just as I found my phone the phone got connected but he didn't notice he was discussing something with someone so I didn't say anything and I began to check my phone in which I found thirty missed calls from my Husband two from Mom and three from his mother. I panicked and before I could say anything, he said, "Miss Luper It's not good to silently listen to others' private conversations," He said in his harsh voice and he sounded very angry, to which I jumped on my chair a little.

"I am sorry but I was not listening to you I was busy and I did think to interrupt you but I thought it was urgent so Stopped myself and I continued with my work until I heard your voice very clearly, "I said in a rush How can he think I was listening to I am not a dumb idiot." Oh, I thought Miss Luper died because she was not answering her calls no matter how many times I called or anyone called her." He said while flipping papers I assume.

"I was preoccupied with work that I didn't notice my phone until now," I said while typing messages to Mom and Mother on phone. Hey Mom sorry I was busy with work that's why I couldn't answer your call I, (send to Mom), Hello Mother I was busy with work so that's why I couldn't answer your call don't worry I am fine and I do remember to bring some cake way back home. (Send to Mother). She kept asking me from the morning to bring her cake because today is our first anniversary; aah I was busy thinking until I remembered I was on phone.

"Yes I am here" I replied hurriedly because he kept saying my name repeatedly. "What's wrong with you today?" He asked me to which I just replied, "Oh it's nothing Mother wants us back soon and with a cake to celebrate our first anniversary, and I hope you do remember that right Mr. Watson," I said in a teasing way just to check when he is planning to drop by, "Oh right our anniversary is today," he said unsure and I didn't react because I knew why would he remember the small details it's just a fake marriage anyways it's our last dinner today together. "Oh I think we should go home together I am almost done here and just text me when you will leave I will take a cab and we can reach home at the same time so that it would show that we came together also I will pick up the cake on the way," I said hurriedly and cut the call before he could answer, I couldn't wait for his reply because I got the call from my lawyer as always he was reminding me about the divorce papers I wonder just how many times did Mr. Watson said him to remind me of today's date.

"Hello Mr. Adam" I pick up the call while arranging the data on my desk "Yes I do know what's today's date you don't have to worry I will leave the house first thing in the morning, Yes I will say to our parents, Yes I will convince them to trust me. Oh No no no, I don't need the money, Yes I am sure, Yes really, you can donate them to some orphanage or anywhere you like, Yes I am approving it" Man he sure is someone I know I would be an idiot to say no to One million but I don't need it after all… I slapped my cheeks hard and I got back to my work within fifteen minutes I completed them and called Julia to take them back, Boy she is still scared of me.

I wondered what was in her mind I said to her it was not her fault in the morning and yet here she was shaking if anyone saw her now they would think I always bully my staff, but luckily my mind was off because I was busy correcting the data, I hand over the data to her "Here have this and courier the labeled one first thing tomorrow and oh yeah have these also" I gave her more work and left she nodded her head and when I reached the front door I plugged my earphone and as the song (Gone by Blake Rose) played I started walking,

As I am walking I saw the time its 5:30 pm. I have so much time in my hand before calling Mr. Watson, I looked up at the sky and said "it's a fine day to walk, now that I have time should I walk around?" just as I finished saying those words I heard someone saying after tapping my shoulder to which I jumped back "Oh is that why you didn't call me? So that you could walk?" there I saw Mr. Watson staring at me deeply, "Oh gosh you scared me, Mr. Watson." I said while trying to catch my breath, "I thought you have some work and I finished earlier so I thought I should walk" I said slowly and showed an apologetic gesture to the passerby who was looking at us.

Man, I hate this man he has looks that attracts attention I hate that the most. "I was going to call you Miss Luper but then I saw you walking out of the office so I thought to call you and trust me I did but you were busy on your phone and (he points to my earphones) those I am sorry to scare you lets go." Watson points to his car which was slowly approaching us I looked at him again and at his car" Mr. Watson I am fine you reach home first I have somewhere to stop by first and also…" also don't you hate women seating inside your car? So why are you asking me to go with you? "My mother send us a driver she wants us soon and don't worry I picked the cake before coming here" Watson walks towards the car and opened a door for me, HE OPENED A FUCKING CAR DOOR FOR ME, am I in heaven or hell I was deep in thoughts until he called for me again. "Miss Luper? Are you getting in?" I rushed over and thanked him as I was seating the driver looked at us and smiled at us. He sure is spying on us I am conformed.

We soon reached home and no one talked in the car I do get the feeling that all these times the driver saw us from his review mirror every time he saw I looked at him and smiled a little but man he is something he did not look at Watson he was staring at me. I picked the cake and at that time Watson opened the door again and as I stepped out my mother and his mother both rushed over and hugged us both tight man they didn't have to group hugs, I don't like to touch him and I think he also doesn't like being touched by me as they both release us and starts talking while walking I look over Watson and said "I am sorry I know you don't like getting touched by me" I saw shocked in his eyes not sure if what I said caused it or the hug, I nodded and went in.

"Mother, here I brought the cake and your son on time as I said I would," I said to Watson's mother who was trying her best to control her laugh Watson gave me a look and went into our room or where our parents call that. "Come here hon, I was right choosing you over that slut" Shit... Shit… Shit, I forgot that he would marry his lover next month even I was surprised when he said she contacted him saying she was pregnant with his child, and when she found out, she was scared of his mother and that she would do something to her so she left the country.

The topic changed when everyone saw Watson coming down and I was distracted as always whenever I see him in his casual clothes, he is in a white t-shirt and joggers and not in his all-black tuxedo, Man god is not fair, Watson knows that he is handsome even in his casual clothes. "Now can we cut the cake and get over this?" Watson said while instructing the waiter who was standing there holding the cake, everyone said at the same time "Yes, sure" the cake soon got cut and everyone is having a happy time except us, Him and me we looked at each other awkwardly all these time but who knew that our parents had plans for us ever worse than standing side by side

Watson and I were forced to dance together like a ball A.FUCKING.BALL. I look at him and then at everyone who was busily aweing us I look at him again and said "Mr.: Watson" to which he replied with "hmm" I continued "I know you hate this idea but why didn't you say anything to your mom that you don't want to dance or anything?" he looks at me and said in his irony voice "I couldn't say no today she's been asking me to dance with you today" he replied and spun to which I landed even closer to him now I could hear his heartbeat I shyly looked up and said, " Well it's a bad decision you made your first dance is with me, anyways we are splitting tomorrow morning so it doesn't matter."

Just when I finished saying those words his grip around me tighten a little and he looks serious "Well yes so let me ask you a question" he bend a little just near my ear and I replied hmm stunned by his reaction I know we agreed to act lovey-dovey in front of our parent but I am getting nervous now. "Why did you say no to the money? I thought you were doing this because of the money," he whispered in my ear, Man, this man does he know what he is doing or not? I looked in his way our lips barely parted I whispered "because I don't want your money and Mr. Watson I have my own money plus I hate when I owe someone so be happy to spend the money however you like, Ah also I am leaving early tomorrow I will be out of your life in just a few hours oh also don't worry I have got an idea what to say to our parents."

I smiled and luckily the music stopped and I slipped I thought he was about to say something but it is too late now that I already slipped and now I am with his mother who was so happy imagining that we were kissing. I saw Stella his lover coming downstairs and his mother gets angrier even more so I called her,

"Ah, Mother I have something to say to everyone" Everyone looked at each other before focusing on me. "Yes dear" Mother replied and I spoke again "Well I am thinking about saying this now or later but I think I should say this now we are having …" I got interrupted by Watson who was walking toward us while saying "A child… we were planning on having a child right Hon?" my eyes popped out and everyone started crying and hugging each other and Watson's mother grabbed my hand softly and said," thank you, dear, you have no idea how happy am I now." I nodded and my eyes fell on Watson who was talking to my mother.

After that my eyes fell on Miss Stella who was staring at me angrily, what's her problem it's not my idea that idiot said we are having a child even though we didn't have sex, I quickly looked away I know that was stupid but I can't stare at her also I have to clear this misunderstanding I know Miss Stella is pregnant and Mister Watson wants to break the news but I don't see involving me will be any benefit in this area.

I tried to think of a way but whenever I looked at the mother, I couldn't make myself say that I am not the one having a child. She is so nice to me and I know it will hurt her when I say I am not pregnant but I don't know why he said that I will be leaving the house soon after I finish our party is it necessary to say that I am pregnant when all I wanted is to go back to where we were all stranger I know Mister Watson helped a lot in the past year but still I can't let him sacrifice himself anymore I will be out tonight even though I have to hurt mother's feeling,

I have an idea I will write a letter and place it on the side lamp as I was thinking of a way I saw Mister Watson and Stella going out I couldn't do anything about them, Man if you want some privacy can't you do it after a while now I have to come up with an idea because I am sure mother will keep asking me to control him and the lecture will continue if I don't say yeah mother I am trying don't worry. After a while, they returned, and when I them Stella gave me a look and went straight up to her room, dude what is her problem? Moreover, when I saw Mister Watson … he was on his phone is he crazy? Cant, he sees we need to talk no matter what's important it can't be much more important than making his wife pregnant without having sex even I want to know how is he planning to do so. The party ended sooner so I went to our bedroom.

I am so angry at him how can he say that we are still awkward during our stay at his parent's home and now that he is going to get married to his lover I wonder why would he drop this bomb now, I signaled him that we have to talk but he ignored it and left me all alone with two crazily happy mothers. "When did you find it out about your pregnancy?" My mother jumped onto the bed and asks me while hugging me so tightly,

"Umm, I think I also found it today, and don't you have to return home?" I ask my mom while thinking about what to do next because I am sure they will not miss this chance to lecture me. "Hon doesn't be like this your mother is so happy to let her stay here tonight," Mister Watson's mother said while making her comfortable on the bed. "I know mother that you both are so happy but she has to go soon right she has work to do." Man luckily they did not lecture me thinking it will be boring so they left me alone saying they will send Mister Watson soon after integrating him.