Chereads / My High school Prince / Chapter 5 - My violinist

Chapter 5 - My violinist

We went to our music class this was one of my favorite class no hard. long boring division or teacher standing at the front yapping on and on about grammar and speech . English .

I love this class because all I had to do was just seat down and play the violin and not to brag but am sought of a legend in violin like in anything I would be skilled at one of them was violin the first was embroidery which I kinda of might have not been good at considering how I spoilt Clara's clothes in the process.

I am just so happy that the school music competition will be coming and I am going to be the one performing since I am a master this had been my dream since Mrs Anne told me this morning after our break .

Clara took her spot which was the flute that was so boring and old come on who still plays the flute .

Lyda also took her spot as the piano stand she really actually loved piano which was better that Clara's choice I actually picked the piano but that was like a total failure because they were like a million billion keys on it and it was sooo stressful considering I had to come to practice everyday leaving only two days for me to rest .

Mrs Anne entered the class ." good morning students "

"Good morning ma'am " .

We replied to our music teacher like any other music teacher she wore a black jeans which was ripped in so many places and also a cropped short sleeves top with a very long brown coat while tying a scarf around her neck she wore a very long high heel black boot making me to wonder whether she was really married because she really often dressed like a young woman even thought her facial appearance said other wise .

"So we are going to be having a little practice for the upcoming music competition and in our last class we talked about picking a singer so after some practice we decided our new singer will be ken " Mrs Anne said as a handsome figure stepped into the class .

I didn't know where I heard that name from until the person walked to the class "ken ?? " I asked no one in person in particular as I looked at the boy standing at the back of Mrs Anne.

I turned in time to see Clara wink at me as I glared at her .

I could see some girls were already blushing as the class clapped for the boy who just stepped inside while he offered them a small bow .

I could already here some of the girls giggling and saying stupid things at my back it was really annoying I turned to them as I said .

" do you mind " .

"No we don't mind " they replied as I rolled my eyes .

"Shut your traps " I said as I turned back facing the teachers .

"Let's go you never no when a person snaps because of jealousy " one of the girls which was Adela said as two of her friends followed her .

I heard her clearly but I tried keeping my anger in control I didn't really want to lose my spot in violin .

"You guys might be wandering why we picked ken but as you all know for those who attended the last class ken was voted at the top as one of the best singer in this class and you all know that we really haven't ever won against Wilfred highschool since the last two years because of their lead singer oliver but this year through the help of ken our pianist and our violinist which I am still contemplating on who to give considering maria has been missing class " Mrs Anne said as everyone turned to me some of them glaring before they turned back to the teacher .

"But either way she will try out today and if she fails the spot goes to Adela " she said as I opened my mouth to complain but shut them back since I knew I was at fault I really have been skipping school very much but I promise to do my best so I can keep the spot,

Mrs Anne is a nice teacher and also obsessed at winning Wilfred high since famous high has never really actually been victorious which is a shame having such a name and always coming out with a bad position we were good in sport and athletic event but music was not our best .

"Since some of you might not have heard him sing because of your absence in our last rehearsal he will now show you what he got " Mrs Anne said as she turned to ken giving him a nod to start singer .

"Oh my" I said not realising it as my mouth came to form a small o his voice was beautiful even without Lyda supporting him with her piano and the lyrics of the song where catchy a very beautiful love song saying how much he missed the person and how he would love to see the person a gain I kept staring at him as he sang the whole class so quiet I could hear some of the whispers from the girls .

He finished singing as everyone applauded I joined in as I kept on staring he offered a bow turning to the corner before his eyes fell on me he smiled as I suddenly froze on the seat as i slowly stopped clapping he smiled as he walked casually to me still smiling I turned to another direction as I started playing with the hem of my skirt twirling and dragging the rope .

Oh what should I say why was I staring I thought as I bit my index finger biting my slightly grown fingernails .

"Hello how ar..." Ken was about to say before I cut him short with a really high pitch voice I didn't know that I had .

"Hi " I yelled as I closed my mouth quickly taking two breath as I watched ken face scrunched why was I in a hast I took two breath clearing my throat I said .

"You may continue" I said he was just a boy at my school not my favorite celebrity or my favorite celebrity chef but he was just so handsome and to think that most of the girls are now staring some glaring while the other making up stories about things that never existed .

"Sorry I didn't ask for your name sooo like what your name ?" Ken said taking the seat beside me still smiling .

"It mayia no miya no mia " I said as I covered my mouth what is wrong with me today I took a long breath giving an awkward smile I said .

"It um ma..ria maria yes that my name " I said as I let the breath I was holding out .

"Sooo you are new here right ?" I said swinging my legs as I tried to pick a good conversation .

"Yes I just resumed last week by the way you shouldn't feel scared I don't bite "he said of course I knew he doesn't bite I wouldn't be this way if I had many boys talking to me every time especially the handsome ones I thought as I nodded to what he said while smiling .

" you have a nice voice" I said regaining my composure for some reason ken actually liked that she loved his voice he smiled as he said .

"Thanks and I presume that you actually like the violin " he said glancing at the violin at my side as I nodded .

"Yeah it really nice " I said things are not really awkward I will forever note down this was my most weirdest day also the number one best day I acted stupidly nothing can beat this I thought .

" I would actually love to see you perform that day " ken said as I smiled at him we kept on staring at each other which was awkward but I couldn't break the gaze quickly that would actually add to the awkward things I did in front of him .

"Maria come show us what you got I hope you practice your violin because you have been skipping a lot of Practice ".

Mrs Anne said breaking the awkward moment as I turned to her smiling .

" sure I did practice ma and I think I am perfect in it " I said giving her a thumbs up as she gave me the face that said ' I hope so '.

I took my violin as I went up to the class sitting on the front chair I started playing .


I felt like this was one of the most interesting violin play I had ever heard I chuckled as I remember her stammering I really like talking to her though she sometimes acted weird but in a way cute .

She looked really beautiful playing the violin as she shut her eyes close trying to focus more on her violin when she was true she opened her eyes as she glanced me expecting a comment I gave her a thumbs up as she smiled brightly I agreed that her smile was really mesmerizing I clapped as everyone joined into clapping for her as she offered them a deep bow with her hands on her chest .

"Magnificent !!" Mrs Anne said as she clapped for her .

"Ken what do you think about your violinist " Mrs Anne asked me as I turned to her making her words sink in my head .

My violinist mine I smirked at my own thought as I said " she is great I think I prefer her " I said as Mrs Anne nodded .

"Then it is settled maria will be the violinist make sure to attend tomorrow practice unless your position goes to Adela " Mrs Anne warned her as she nodded before saying .

"Sure ma I will make sure to attend tomorrow " she said as she bowed once again before walking back to me .

"Sooo was it perfect or was it bad ?" She asked as she waited patiently for my answer like it will save her from having a heart ache .

" sure it was perfect " I replied as I watched her smile widen .

"But you need to stop closing your eyes when doing it try to act confident when performing so you wouldn't loss a point " I said as she nodded .

"Sure I promise to keep that in mind " she said as a girl walked to us .

"Girl we need to start going now we are already done practicing " the girl said as she nodded before the girl left .

She turned to me as she said .

"That my friend Clara and I think she is waiting for me I think I would be leaving now sooo bye " she said as she took her backpack from her seat .

"So I guess we will be seeing each other next time " I said standing up .

"Ya sure next time " she replied as i bent to her height before giving her a hug I felt her body stiffed before she wrapped her hands around my waist .

I release as she smiled at me before walking towards the door before she left she turned to me and waved I waved back as she opened the door I sighed as I walked to the teacher I really wanted to see her again and I hoped the next time we will meet I will be able to fulfill aunty words which was .

"Mine "