Chereads / My Life Journey With Him :) / Chapter 274 - YOU'RE THE BEST PERSON I MET :(


I love you more than I can ever express, I'm sorry I am rude at times, I'm possesive, I overcare alot, it's just that I met you and I feel so special and lucky to have you in my life that I can't think of you walking away or leaving me.

You make me happy, you make me sad, you make me feel better on my bad days, I just fail to tell you how much you mean to me, I just want you to know that "I'm always with you.

Even on days when we don't talk, I won't ever ignore you or forget you, just remember You're always the best person and best part of my life and thank you so much for always being there in my lowest and my highest or even in my bad days or good days thank you so much my love Stevie.