Chereads / Damon King / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Damon

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Damon

Wow, she scared me, when did she came out from her room, I never heard any sound, not the door or her footsteps, she just spoke out from the shadows. I was now turned around facing her, her face looks like she just saw something scary or she's kinda surprised right now with her eyes looking right into mine, oh my God.

I think it's my eyes, it's definitely my eyes, the color has definitely changed from it's normal color to something else, it wasn't my intention to scare her off like this, I don't know what I am going to do right now. I have been waiting for her to come out from her room so I decided to wait for her at the bannister as I was looking out from up here, I have been thinking about her, the first time I saw her this afternoon when I opened the door to my room, she looks like a person who was really in need of help, while I was the one planning on how to commit suicide.

It's quite interesting on how I later come to be alive after all this, if she had came something like ten minutes late then, I would probably be dead but she saved me yet she never knew what she did, it was supposed to be by now students will be telling stories about their fellow student who committed suicide in the hostel, most students won't know me because I hardly go to lectures.

Even if I do go on daily basis, only few of them would also be learning the same course together with me. Those afternoon moments was just repeating inside my memory as I was wearing a wide smile on my face looking around the school compound, it's quite an interesting view before Cleo came behind me right now.

" Oh, silly me, it's just a contact I decided to put inside my eyes, it looks cool right ", I asked her trying my best to cover up everything without her noticing. It seems like something hard for her to get convinced with what I just sayed but I looking at me for a while, he gave me a nod with his head.

" I think so, looks pretty amazing though but I think your brown eyes makes you look hotter than right now ", I am trying to show her a smiling face but inside me, I feel like I should escape from her, she almost caught me right now, I have no lie to tell her now than the excuse I made with the eye contact, if I continue staying around her, she will definitely find out, I am having a foreign feeling that I really like around her but I might really get exposed if I get things too far.

I have to find a good excuse to give her so that I won't make her feel like I am trying to avoid her, " You really having an amazing look on you, you are looking very hot ", I gave her the perfect compliment that she should really receive right now.

I think a change of topic could do the magic, and it does. She gave me a wide smile before he directed his face to the floor, that's are really great smile she got there. The dimples at her cheeks gave har an angelic look on the face. I can see and understand her dressing code right now, she doesn't want to impress me, looks like there was a reason for that. I have never hanged out with a girl before but I saw other guys do, each girl that I have ever seen going out with a guy always put on a make up to impress the guy she was with, they always wants to improve their looks, not just for the guy she was with but so that even the passerbys can always take a look at her.

They always do some make up whether it was in the morning, afternoon or night but Cleo here just made a difference, I can't say she wasn't the makeup girl style because when she came to my room at noon, she also had a makeup on her face. It's either she wasn't attracted to me or she thinks it wasn't necessarily since it was very late in the evening already.

I think the best thing for me to do now is to find a perfect excuse and go back to my room, my eyes will definitely change back to normal along the way and I don't think there would be any more explanation to give. " Please can you give me a moment, I think I have to go check on something before we leave, I never wanted to go out of here Incase you came out and start looking for me, I think I will really be quick ", I requested from her as I left their floor.

I opened the door to my room and went inside closing it behind me as I rushed to the front of the mirror in our room. My eyes has returned to it's normal color already, brown. What am I going to do now, I think I have really made a terrible mistake going there tonight, she might have noticed everything going on yet I have continued to act like a fool, trying to tell her lies about my eyes, oh my God, wait a minute, lies. My eyes always turns green whenever I lie.

" No, no, no ", I punched on the wall three times before kicking on my bed. " I am a fucking mess ", she knew, she really do but decides to keep quiet, I lied down on my bed with both of my hands placed on my hair close to my forehead. She really knew, she definitely saw my eyes turn green when I told her that it was an eye contact.

Eye contacts doesn't change colors like rainbow, each of them has its own color but I was just standing in front of her as my eyes changed from blue to green and from green to brown, yet I never noticed. What should I do now, what if she ends up telling people what she saw, I know many guys around whom I doesn't speak with definitely calls me weird but if they ever happen to hear this testimony from Cleo, then things are definitely going to turn out worst.

News works very fast, my brother will definitely receive this news once Cleo shares it with someone, I think it's about time I start packing my belongings, here isn't safe anymore, I just wasted the perfect spot I got to hide in all because of a lady, no, I don't think I should be blaming her, I should be blaming myself for being so stupid, I have stayed here for quite a Long time now because but I wasted all of it in a single day.

What was I even thinking going to Cleo at the first place, as if I never knew that things might turn out this way, as if I never knew that things might result to this, I have to be really quick, I don't know what she is doing now, maybe she has already relayed the message to everyone on her floor already, this is a fucking mess, a fucking mess I threw myself in, if I would have listened to the instructions I gave myself, things wouldn't have turned out this way.

To tell the truth, I can't picture myself seeing Cleo gossiping, not to talk of revealing someone's secret but never judge a book by it's cover, I haven't got to know her already, so I wouldn't just jump into conclusion that my secret would be safe with her, even if she happens to hold back the secret to herself, I still don't think here would be a safe place for me, I have to get away from here right this moment.

I am done packing right now, everything has been kept in place, I still don't know where my next destination is going to be or where I am even going to sleep tonight but I believe that sleeping outside in the streets where no one knows you is far better than sleeping in here where my brother might end up getting his hands on me.

I took a deep breath and breath out before going for the door, before I could get my hand on the handle of the handle of the door, I heard a knock from outside the door, Oh my God, my heart started pounding inside my chest with a fast pace, am dead, I am definitely not making it out here alive, I don't know whether I should just keep quiet or ask for the person on the door. The more the person outside knocks, the faster my heart beats.

I can even hear the sound of my breath, I am really stranded right now I don't know what to do, I don't think that opening the door will be the best option right now so I decided to keep quiet, " Damon are you in there?, open the door it's me Cleo ", should I listen to her or should I listen to my heart I don't know.